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单词 周围
释义 〔rim〕A circular metal structure around which a wheel tire is fitted.轮圈,轮胎环:一种圆形金属结构,在其周围固定有车轮的轮胎〔per〕Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of "forward,” "through,” and a wide range of extended senses such as "in front of,” "before,” "early,” "first,” "chief,” "toward,” "against,” "near,” "at,” "around.”基于“向前,前方,” “穿越,经过”的介词和动词前的前缀的基本意思和各种衍生含意,如 “在…的前面,” “在…之前,” “早的,” “第一的,” “主要的,” “向,对于,” “反对,靠,” “接近,靠近,”“ 在…地方,向,” “在…周围,四处.”〔cordon〕A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.封锁线:驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只〔barnyard〕The area surrounding a barn, often enclosed by a fence.谷仓旁的场地:谷仓周围的地方,常围有篱笆〔around〕trees around the field.那块地周围的树〔architrave〕The molding around a door or window.门窗头线条板:门或窗周围的构造〔entourage〕One's environment or surroundings.周围的事物,环境〔cultivator〕An implement or a machine for loosening the soil and destroying weeds around growing plants.耕耘机:一种用来在生长作物周围松土锄草的农具或机器〔vignette〕An unbordered picture, often a portrait, that shades off into the surrounding color at the edges.虚光照:没有边的画像,色彩消失在它周围颜色之中〔dogwood〕A tree(Cornus florida) of eastern North America, having small greenish flowers surrounded by four large, showy white or pink bracts that resemble petals. 多花棶木:一种长于北美东部的乔木(多花棶木 棶木属) ,开小而呈淡绿色的花,周围有四片大而艳丽的白色或粉红色类似于花瓣的苞片 〔jar〕"We ourselves . . . often jar with the landscape"(Isak Dinesen)“我们…经常与周围的景致冲突”(伊萨克·迪内森)〔neckline〕The line formed by the edge of a garment at or near the neck.领口:外衣开口或颈周围形成的外廓〔Greenville〕A city of western Mississippi on the Mississippi River north of Vicksburg. It is a trade, processing, and industrial center in a fertile agricultural region. Population, 45,226.格林维尔:美国密西西比州西部的城市,在密西西比河上,位于维克斯堡的北面。它周围为富饶的农业区,其本身为贸易、制造业和工业中心。人口45,226〔mantle〕A zone of hot gases around a flame.环壳:火焰周围的高温区域〔incubator〕An apparatus in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, often used for growing bacterial cultures, hatching eggs artificially, or providing suitable conditions for a chemical or biological reaction.孵育器:一种周围的条件如温度和湿度能得到控制的器具,经常用于细菌培养、人工孵卵或为化学或生物反应提供适宜条件〔turban〕A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head.头巾:传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一条长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上〔afferent〕Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord.传入的:传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊髓〔NIMBY〕One who objects to the establishment in one's neighborhood of projects, such as incinerators, prisons, or shelters for the homeless, that are believed to be dangerous, unsightly, or otherwise undesirable.反对在临区建筑的人:反对在居民区周围建大规模工程的人,如发电厂、监狱或者贫民窟这些被视作危险的、不雅观的或者令人不快的工程〔Wahiawa〕A city of central Oahu, Hawaii, northwest of Honolulu. The surrounding area is noted for its pineapple plantations. Population, 17,386.瓦西阿瓦:美国夏威夷瓦胡岛中部一城市,位于火奴鲁鲁西北。其周围地区菠萝种植园而闻名。人口17,386〔set〕set the child to cleaning the closets; set guards around the perimeter.分派孩子们擦柜子;派守卫于防御带周围〔epilepsy〕epi- [epi-] epi- [前缀,表“在…周围”] 〔pyramid〕A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.金字塔:古埃及的一种巨大的纪念塔,有一个矩形的底座和四个三角形的侧面并形成唯一的一个顶点,建于地窟或坟墓之上或周围〔deadline〕A boundary line in a prison that prisoners can cross only at the risk of being shot.监狱周围的死线:监狱里的界限,犯人们要越过就要冒被枪击的危险〔Dushanbe〕A city of southwest Central Asian U.S.S.R. south of Tashkent. It is a major industrial and commercial center in a rich agricultural area. Population, 552,000.杜尚别:中亚地区西南部的前苏联城市,位于塔什干城以南,周围是富裕农业区,是当地主要工业与贸易中心,人口552,000〔circumjacent〕Lying around; surrounding.周围的:附近的;围绕的〔ambhi〕(alley 1 ); ambulate , funambulist , ( preamble ), from Latin amb- , around, about, in ambulāre , to go about, walk ( *alāre , to go). (alley 1 ); ambulate , funambulist , ( preamble ), 源自 拉丁语 amb- , 到处,周围, 在…内 ambulāre , 四处走走, 漫步 ( *alāre , 前往). 〔Gaya〕A city of northeast India south of Patna. The surrounding area is sacred to Buddhist and Hindu pilgrims. Population, 247,075.格雅:印度东北部一城市,位于巴特那南部,其周围地区对佛教徒和印度教徒的圣地。人口247,075〔ambhi〕amphi- , from Greek amphi , around, about. amphi- , 源自 希腊语 amphi , 到处,周围〔scrummage〕A Rugby formation in which the two sets of forwards mass together around the ball and, with their heads down, try to shoulder their opponents off the ball and kick it to their own team.扭夺:橄榄球运动中的一种阵式,有两列人围在球的周围,低着头,尽量把他们的对手撞开不让他们得到球并把球踢给自己的球队〔Ica〕A city of southwest Peru south-southeast of Lima. Settled by the Spanish in 1563, it is now a commercial center. The surrounding area was inhabited by Inca peoples in pre-Columbian times. Population, 114,786.伊卡:秘鲁西南一城市,位于利马东南偏南。1563年由西班牙人建立,现在是一个商业中心。在前哥伦比亚时代,印加人就居住在周围地区。人口114,786〔cotton〕Any of various shrubby plants of the genusGossypium, having showy flowers and grown for the soft, white, downy fibers surrounding oil-rich seeds. 棉花,草棉,木棉:多种棉属 的灌木植物,花绚丽,种植为了收获其富油的种子周围的柔软、白色绒羽状纤维 〔exosmosis〕The passage of a fluid through a semipermeable membrane toward a solution of lower concentration, especially the passage of water through a cell membrane into the surrounding medium.外渗,浸出:液体通过半透膜向低浓度区的迁移,尤指水通过细胞膜进入周围生活环境〔lawn〕A plot of grass, usually tended or mowed, as one around a residence or in a park or an estate.草坪:一块通常有人照看或割刈的草地,如在住宅区周围的或公园、庄园中的〔scenic〕climbed a hill for a scenic panorama of the valley; a scenic drive along the crater rim.爬上小山看山谷优美的全景;沿火山口周围驾车赏景〔screen〕A body of troops or ships sent in advance of or surrounding a larger body to protect or warn of attack.护航队:置于主体前面或周围的一支部队或舰队,起保护或预警作用〔infield〕A field located near a farmhouse.耕地:农舍周围的耕地〔periosteum〕from periosteos [around the bone] 源自 periosteos [在骨周围的] 〔around〕round [circle] * see round 1round [周围] * 参见 round1〔counter〕A stiff piece of leather around the heel of a shoe.后帮:皮鞋跟周围的破皮〔wind〕To wrap (something) around a center or another object once or repeatedly:绕,卷绕:一次或不断地把(某物)包在一个中心或另一物体周围




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