单词 | 后翅 |
释义 | 〔coleopteran〕Any of numerous insects of the order Coleoptera, characterized by forewings modified to form tough, protective covers for the membranous hind wings and including the beetles, weevils, and fireflies.鞘翅目昆虫:一种鞘翅目昆虫,前翅为鞘翅,质地坚硬覆盖在膜质的后翅上,包括甲虫、象鼻虫和萤火虫〔underwing〕Any of various noctuid moths of the genusCalocala, having brightly colored hind wings visible only during flight. 后勋绶夜蛾:一种Calocala 属夜蛾科蛾,有鲜丽的彩色后翅,在飞行时才能看到 〔heteropterous〕Of or belonging to the hemopterous insect suborder Heteroptera, which includes the true bugs, characterized by forewings and hind wings that differ from one another.异翅亚目的:属于半翅目昆虫的异翅亚目的,异翅亚目包括各种臭虫,其特征为前翅与后翅互不相同〔jugum〕A yokelike structure in certain insects that joins the forewings to the hind wings, keeping them together during flight.翅轭:某些昆虫身上将前翅与后翅连接起来并使它们在飞行过程中结合在一起的一种轭状结构〔halter〕Either of the small, clublike balancing organs that are the rudimentary hind wings of flies and other dipterous insects. Also called balancer 平衡棒:苍蝇或其它双翼昆虫退化了的后翅所形成的两个小的棒状平衡器官之一 也作 balancer〔orthopteran〕An insect of the order Orthoptera, characterized by folded membranous hind wings covered by narrow, leathery forewings and mouthparts that are adapted for chewing. Insects of this order include the locusts, cockroaches, crickets, and grasshoppers.直翅目:直翅目的昆虫,特点为长有折叠的膜状后翅、后翅上覆有狭窄的羽状前翼以及适于咀嚼的口器。这一目的昆虫包括蝗虫、蝉螂、螳螂和蟋蟀〔swallowtail〕Any of various colorful, widely distributed butterflies of the family Papilionidae, usually having an extension at the end of each hind wing that resembles the tails of certain swallows.凤蝶:蝴蝶科的五颜六色、分布广泛的蝴蝶,通常在每一个后翅的顶端有类似某些燕尾的延展部分〔dipterous〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the Diptera, a large order of insects that includes the true flies and mosquitoes, characterized by a single pair of membranous wings and a pair of club-shaped balancing organs.双翅目的:双翅目的或与双翅目(是一个昆虫大目,包括真正的蝇、蚊,具有少数前翅有功能,后翅退化成一对小棒状构造的特性)相关的 |
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