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单词 同时代
释义 〔rise〕Bach's gifts towered over those of his contemporaries.巴赫的天赋超过他所有同时代的人。〔apostolic〕Of, relating to, or contemporary with the 12 Apostles.十二使徒的:十二使徒的,与十二使徒有关的,或与十二使徒同时代〔homotaxis〕Similarity of stratigraphic arrangement and fossils in noncontemporaneous or widely separated geologic deposits.排列类似:不同时代或相距很远的地质矿床在化石和地层分布上的相似〔comment〕a novel that is a comment on contemporary lawlessness.一本对同时代的人作评论的小说〔Aretino〕Italian writer and satirist best known for his literary attacks on his wealthy and powerful contemporaries and for six volumes of letters.阿雷蒂诺,彼得罗:(1492-1556) 意大利作家和讽刺家,以对其同时代有财有势的人的文学攻击及六卷信件最为著称〔conterminous〕Having the same scope, range of meaning, or extent in time.同范围的:在含义上具有相同范围、界限的,或在时间上是同时代〔Koussevitzky〕Russian-born American conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1924-1949) noted for his support of contemporary composers.库塞维茨基,谢尔盖·亚历山德罗维奇:(1874-1951) 俄裔美国指挥,曾出任波士顿交响乐团指挥(1924-1949年),以他对同时代作曲家的支持而闻名〔Burbage〕English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day, he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare'sHamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Richard III. 伯比奇,理查德:(1567?-1619) 英国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛名的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》 和 《理查三世》 的主角 〔suffer〕"He suffers by comparison with his greater contemporary"(Albert C. Baugh)“比较之下,他不及其他同时代的人伟大”(艾伯特C.鲍)〔valentine〕Geoffrey Chaucer should perhaps receive honor as the real Saint Valentine.Although reference books abound with mention of Roman festivals from which Valentine's Day—the day for lovers—may be derived,Jack B. Oruch has shown that no evidence exists to support these connections and that Chaucer is most likely the first to link the saint's day with the custom of choosing sweethearts.No link between the day and lovers exists before the time of Chaucer and several literary contemporaries who also mention it,but after them the link becomes widespread,a circumstance that makes it seem likely that Chaucer, the most imaginative of the group, invented the tradition.The fullest and perhaps earliest description of the tradition occurs in Chaucer'sParlement of Foules, composed around 1380, which takes place "on Seynt Valentynes day,/Whan every foul cometh there to chese [choose] his make [mate].”杰弗里·乔叟可能应该接受作为真正的圣马伦丁的荣誉。尽管参考书中充满圣瓦伦丁节日──情人的节日──可能来源于罗马节日的提法,杰克·B.奥鲁奇已经表示没有证据存在去支持这些联系,并且认为乔叟是最有可能第一个把圣瓦伦丁节和选择情人的习俗联系在一起的。乔叟和他同时代的一些创作者曾有过这个提法,但在这之前,并没有人把某日和情人的联系存在,但是在他们之后这种联系开始广泛流传起来,这种情况使得这群人中最有想象力的乔叟创造了这个节日。关于这种传统的最完整可能也是最早的描述出现在乔叟的 Parlement of Foules(火鸡议会) 中, 作于1380年左右,发生在“圣瓦伦丁节/当每个火鸡都来到这里选择它的配偶”〔Johnson〕American painter known for his genre scenes, such asOld Kentucky Home, and portraits of notable contemporaries. 约翰逊,伊斯曼:(1824-1906) 美国画家,以其风俗画著称,如《肯塔基州老家》 及同时代名人的肖像等 〔contemporary〕The composer Salieri had the misfortune of being contemporary with Mozart.作曲家萨利埃不幸与莫扎特处于同时代〔contemporize〕To regard or place in the same time period; synchronize.同时发生:认为或使…处于同时代;使…在时间上一致〔coeval〕Originating or existing during the same period; lasting through the same era.同时代的:在相同的时期发生或存在的;经历相同时代〔contemporary〕Whencontemporary is used in reference to something in the past, its meaning is not always clear.Contemporary critics of Shakespeare may mean critics in his time or critics in our time. When the context does not make the meaning clear,misunderstanding can be avoided by using phrases such ascritics in Shakespeare's time or modern critics. 当comtemporary 被用来指过去的事情时, 它的含义有时是很模糊的。Contemporary critics of Shakespeare 可以表示与莎士比亚同时代的评论家们或者我们当代的评论家们。 如果上下文不能说清楚意思,可以用诸如critics in Shakespeare's time(莎士比亚那个时代的评价家们) 或 modern critics(当代评论家们) 之类的短语以避免产生误解 〔coeval〕One of the same era or period; a contemporary.同时代的人,同年代的东西:相同时代或时期某物;同时代的人〔ballyhoo〕The origin ofballyhoo has been the subject of much speculation. This spelling has actually graced four different words:ballyhoo, "sensational advertising"; ballyhoo, a spelling of balao, a kind of fish; ballyhoo, a part of the name ballyhoo bird, about which more later; andballyhoo, a sailor's epithet for a disliked ship. This lastballyhoo (first recorded in 1836) was thought to be related to, or the same as, the word ballahou, from Spanishbalahú, "a type of schooner common in the Antilles.” First recorded in 1867,ballahou, besides being a term for a specific kind of ship, was also used contemptuously of inferior ships.But the connection between these sailing terms or the name of the fish and our wordballyhoo, first recorded in 1901, has not been established. There may, however, be a tie betweenballyhoo and the creature called a ballyhoo bird. According to a July 1880 article inHarper's, the bird had four wings and two heads and could whistle through one bill while singing through the other.Anyone who has ever hunted a snipe will know what hunting ballyhoo birds was like.单词ballyhoo 的来源一直存在种种推测。 这个词的拼写实际上包含有四个不同的词:ballyhoo, 意为“耸人听闻的广告”; ballyhoo, 是 balao 的一种拼写,是一种鱼; ballyhoo, 是 ballyhoo bird 的一部分,其出现更晚; 还有一个是ballyhoo, 是水手对不喜欢的船的称呼。 这最后一个ballyhoo (最早记载于1836年)被认为与 ballahou 有关或相同, 该词来自西班牙语balahu, 意为“流行于安的列斯群岛的一种纵帆船。” 首次记载于1867年,ballahou 一词除表示一种特殊的船外, 还表示同时代的劣等船。但这些与航海有关的词或鱼类名称的词与我们所使用的、首次记载于1901年的一词ballyhoo 之间尚未建立联系。 然而也许ballyhoo 一词与被称为 ballyhoo bird 的生物之间有某种联系。 根据1880年7月哈帕斯 杂志中一篇文章的描写, 这种鸟有四翅双头,可以用其中一张嘴吹哨,同时用另一张嘴唱歌。任何曾经猎过鹬鸟的人将会知道捕猎“巴里嗬”鸟是怎样的一种情景〔Leyster〕Dutch painter known for her portraits and genre paintings. Much of Leyster's work has been mistaken until recently as that of her contemporary, Frans Hals.莱斯特,朱迪思:(1609-1660) 荷兰画家,以其肖像画和风俗画而著称于世。许多莱斯特的作品都被误认为是与她同时代的画家弗兰斯·哈尔斯所作,直到最近才查明事实真相〔Chippendale〕British cabinetmaker noted for his graceful neoclassical furniture, particularly chairs, which had wide influence on his contemporary artisans.奇彭代尔,托马斯:(1718-1779) 英国木工,以其制作的新古典主义风格的精美家具,尤其是椅子而著称。这些家具对他同时代的工匠有广泛影响




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