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单词 同意
释义 〔subscription〕Acceptance, as of articles of faith, demonstrated by the signing of one's name.同意:签名表示同意,如在宣誓书上签名〔takeaway〕A concession, as in a lower level of health benefits, made by a labor union to a company in negotiating a new contract.工会组织在和一个公司谈判新项协议时对公司所做的让步,如同意降低医疗补贴〔assent〕 Acquiesce suggests passive assent, often despite reservations, because of inability or unwillingness to oppose: Acquiesce 指被动地同意,通常有保留意见,因为不能够或不愿意反对: 〔amiable〕"My idea of an agreeable person . . . is a person who agrees with me" (Benjamin Disraeli). “我所认为的惹人喜爱的人…是同意我观点的人” (本杰明·狄瑞里)。〔consensus〕Many grammarians have maintained that the expressionconsensus of opinion is redundant, inasmuch asconsensus itself denotes a judgment about which there is general agreement. Consensus of opinion has often been used by reputable writers, however, and has sometimes been defended on the grounds that a consensus may involve attitudes other than opinions;thus, one may speak of aconsensus of beliefs, or a consensus of usage. Nonetheless, the qualifying phrase can usually be omitted with no loss of clarity.The sentenceIt was the consensus of opinion among the sportswriters that the game should not have been played says nothing that is not said by 许多语法学家都认为短语consensus of opinion 这个说法是罗唆的, 因为consensus 本身就表示一种得到大多数同意的意见。 然而consensus of opinion 仍常常被知名作家所使用, 并且有时人们会辩解说它除了意见上的一致外可能还包括态度上的一致;因此,我们可以说consensus of beliefs(信仰一致) 或 consensus of usage(用法一致)。 尽管这样,限定性短语通常可以被省略而不会使表达不清楚。如体育新闻记者们的一致意见是这场比赛本不应该进行的 这个句子并不比 〔arriba〕Used as an exclamation of pleasure, approval, or elation.用于表高兴,同意或得意的或感叹句〔agreement〕The act of agreeing.同意,赞同:赞同的行为〔string〕To go along with something; agree.赞成某事;同意〔permit〕To allow the doing of (something); consent to:容许,允许:允许做(某事);同意〔hesitate〕After much wavering he finally gave his permission. Tofalter is to be unsteady in resolution or action, as from fear or loss of courage: 大费踌躇后,他最终同意了。 Falter 意为因害怕或缺乏勇气而在做决定或行动时摇摆不定: 〔adopt〕To take and follow (a course of action, for example) by choice or assent:采用:经选择或同意而接受并采用(例如,行为过程):〔aye〕ye [yes] * see yea ye [是,表同意] * 参见 yea〔subscribe〕To sign one's name to in attestation, testimony, or consent:署名:在证明、证词或同意书上签名:〔close〕To reach an agreement; come to terms.同意:达成一致;达成协议〔atone〕from at one [in agreement] 源自 at one [同意] 〔approve〕To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction.批准,认可:官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准〔preconcert〕To agree on, settle, or arrange in advance.预定:预先同意、解决或安排〔covenant〕from Old French [from present participle of] convenir [to agree] * see convene 源自 古法语 源自convenir的现在分词 [同意] * 参见 convene〔judge〕The members of the jury are the sole judges of what the truth is in this case. Anarbitrator works to settle controversies and is either appointedor derives authority from the consent of the disputants, who choose him or her or approve the selection: 陪审团的成员们是这个案件真相的唯一审判员。 Arbitrator 致力于解决争端, 他可以是指定任命的,也可以是由推举他(或她)或赞成此推举的争议人同意而产生的: 〔square〕To agree or conform:同意或者符合:〔swaption〕An option giving the buyer the right to enter into a swap agreement by a specified date.交易选择权:提供给买主的选择权,其可选择在指定日期同意进行交易〔consideration〕agreed to do it for a small consideration.同意收取很少的报酬来做这件事〔positive〕Characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation:肯定的:以确定性、同意或证实为特征的或展现这些特性的:〔affirmative〕Giving assent or approval; confirming:同意的:表示同意或赞成的;确定的:〔sufferance〕Sanction or permission implied or given by failure to prohibit; tacit consent; tolerance.容忍,默许:未予阻止而暗示或给予的准许或许可;缄默的同意;默许〔consentaneous〕from cōnsentīre [to agree] * see consent 源自 cōnsentīre [同意] * 参见 consent〔engage〕To assume an obligation; agree.See Synonyms at promise 允诺;同意 参见 promise〔approve〕"The colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court-martial" (Charles James). “上校或指挥军官同意团队军事法庭” (查理斯·詹姆斯)。〔accept〕To consent to pay, as by a signed agreement.承兑:在合同上签字以同意偿还〔invade〕"The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trustee approval"(Barbara Goldsmith)“未经受托人同意,受托的原则不被侵犯”(芭芭拉·哥尔德史密斯)〔understood〕Agreed on; assumed:同意的;假定的:〔give〕To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with a man.委身于:同意(自己)与一男子发生性关系〔disallow〕alouer [to approve] * see allow alouer [同意,认可] * 参见 allow〔Wolsey〕English prelate and politician. The influential chief adviser to Henry VIII, he fell from favor after failing to secure papal approval of Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon (1529).沃尔西,托马斯:(1475?-1530) 英国大主教和政治家。是亨利八世很有影响的主要参谋者,他因(1529年)未能促成罗马教皇同意亨利与亚拉冈的凯瑟琳离婚而失宠〔grant〕To consent to the fulfillment of:同意同意对…的满足:〔agreeable〕Ready to consent or submit.同意的:乐意同意或服从的〔concordat〕from neuter past participle of Latin concordāre [to agree] * see concordant 源自 拉丁语 concordāre的中性过去分词 [同意] * 参见 concordant〔holocaust〕When referring to the massive destruction of human beings by other human beings,holocaust has a secure place in the language. Fully 99 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use ofholocaust in the phrase nuclear holocaust. Sixty percent accepts the sentenceAs many as two million people may have died in the holocaust that followed the Khmer Rouge takeover in Cambodia. But because of its associations with genocide,extended applications ofholocaust may not always be received with equanimity. When the word is used to refer to death brought about by natural causes,the percentage of the Panel's acceptance drops sharply.Only 31 percent of the Panel accepts the sentence holocaust 在指人类之间大规模的杀害时用法稳定。 百分之九十九的用法专题使用小组成员接受holocaust 在 nuclear holocaust 中的用法。 百分之六十的成员接受在红色高棉组织接管柬埔寨之后,高达两百万的民众死于那场大屠杀 。 但由于它和种族灭绝有一定联系,人们并不总能很平静地接受holocaust 的引申用法。 当用这个词表示由于自然灾害引起的死亡时,用法小组接受的百分比明显下降。只有百分之三十一的成员同意这样的用法: 〔take〕May I take your smile as an indication of approval?你的微笑表明你已经同意了吗?〔acquiescence〕Passive assent or agreement without protest.默认,默许:未持异议的被动赞成或同意




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