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单词 吉米
释义 〔strength〕"We are of course a nation of differences. Those differences don't make us weak. They're the source of our strength" (Jimmy Carter).“当然,我们是一个有着许多不同的国家。这些不同没有削弱我们。它们是我们力量的源泉” (吉米·卡特)。〔susceptible〕"She suddenly was too susceptible to her past"(Jimmy Breslin)“她突然被她的过去影响很大”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔freaking〕"It brought back the whole freaking Nam to me"(Jimmy Breslin)“它使我回忆起了该死的不结盟运动的全过程”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔carry〕"a voice that had far more carry to it than at any time in the term thus far"(Jimmy Breslin)“这是目前为止传得最远的声音”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔quaint〕"There is something almost quaint in the image of Irish organized crime, something that calls to mind old movies with Jimmy Cagney"(James Traub)“在爱尔兰有组织犯罪的影像中,有一些离奇古怪的东西,这让人想起吉米·卡格尼的老式电影”(詹姆斯·特劳布)〔fearsome〕"The Devil is a fearsome enemy"(Jimmy Breslin)“魔鬼是可怕的敌人”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔Reagan〕The 40th President of the United States (1981-1989). An actor turned politician, he was governor of California (1967-1975) and defeated the incumbent Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election. His administration was marked by economic recovery, military involvement in Grenada, Central America, Lebanon, and Libya, and improved relations with the Soviet Union.里根,罗纳德·威尔逊:(生于 1911) 1981年至1989年在位的美国第四十任总统。他原是一个演员,后成为政治活动家,1967年至1975年任加利福尼亚州州长,在1980年的总统大选中,他击败了当时的在职总统吉米·卡特。他的政绩是使经济复苏,对格林纳达、中美洲、黎巴嫩和利比亚进行军事干预,改善与苏联的关系〔kill〕"The trip to work, and the boredom and nervousness of jobs, kills men"(Jimmy Breslin)“上班的往返,工作的乏味和紧张状态使人精疲力尽”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔coinage〕"Count Gengler was of common coinage, but in coming to America he took on a royal name"(Jimmy Breslin)“吉勒伯爵出身平凡,但到美洲大陆后就冠上了皇家的名字”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔discrimination〕"It's necessary to eliminate all forms of sexual discrimination"(Jimmy Carter)See Usage Note at bias “有必要消除任何形式的性别歧视”(吉米·卡特) 参见 bias〔reedy〕"reedy businessmen in severe three-piece business suits"(Jimmy Breslin)“穿着朴素的三件套工作西装的瘦长商人”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔former〕"But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake, and the former was a lulu and the latter was a fake.” “但是,弗林领先于卡塞伊,就象吉米·布莱克也领先于卡塞伊一样,前件事是引人注目的而后件事则是骗人的”。 〔Dorsey〕American band leader. He and his brotherJimmy (1904-1957) were known for their swing bands that were particularly popular in the 1930's and 1940's. 杜尔西,汤米:(1905-1956) 美国乐队领导人。与其兄弟吉米 (1904-1957年)以他们特别流行于二十纪三、四十年代的摇摆乐队著名 〔off〕"What else do you want off me?”(Jimmy Breslin)“你还想从我这得到些什么?”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔ahold〕"I knew I could make it all right if I got . . . back to the hotel and got ahold of that bottle of brandy"(Jimmy Breslin)"Can you tell me how to get ahold of them?”(Margaret Truman)“我知道要是我能回到旅馆拿起那瓶白兰地酒,我就会没事的”(吉米·布雷斯林)“你能告诉我怎样抓住他们吗?”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔Durante〕American comedian remembered for his hoarse voice, ample nose, and time-worn hat. He appeared in a number of films and Broadway shows, includingRed, Hot, and Blue (1936). 杜兰蒂,吉米:(1893-1980) 美国喜剧演员,以其沙哑的声音,大鼻子与破帽子著称,他在许多电影与百老汇演出中扮演角色,如《红,热与蓝》 (1936年) 〔dark〕"Under the earth, in the flat, dark air, the wet, gloomy rock gave quarter grudgingly" (Jimmy Breslin).The word can also denote deepness of shade or color ( “在地下,在死气沉沉的、阴暗的空气里,潮湿阴郁的石头不情愿地分开 (吉米·布雷斯林)。这个单词也能表示阴影或颜色的深度( 〔Carter〕First Lady of the United States (1977-1981) as the wife of President Jimmy Carter. She worked on better care for the elderly and for the mentally and emotionally disadvantaged.卡特,罗萨林·史密斯:(生于 1928) 美国第一夫人(1977-1981年),吉米·卡特总统的妻子。她致力于老年人、精神及感情受挫折人的福利工作〔boozehound〕"All old . . . boozehounds are alike, aren't they?”(Jimmy Breslin)“所有老的…嗜酒的家伙都是一样的,不是吗?”(吉米·布雷斯林)〔account〕"He got picked up by the cops on account of he was walking with his shopping bag and they said there was numbers in it"(Jimmy Breslin)“他被警察逮住了,因他提着购物袋行走,而他们认为里面有秘密数据”(吉米·布雷斯林)




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