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单词 吃掉
释义 〔put〕puts down three big meals a day.一天吃掉三顿大餐〔sapsucker〕Any of various small American woodpeckers of the genusSphyrapicus that drill holes in certain trees to drink the sap and eat insects in them, especially S. varius, the common species in the eastern United States, and S. thyrsoides, found in the mountain regions of the western United States. 吸汁啄木鸟:任一种产于美国的吸汁啄木鸟属 小型啄木鸟,在特定种类树木上啄洞并吸食其汁液,吃掉其中的昆虫,尤指美国东部常见的 变色亚属 和生活于美国西部山区地带的 聚伞目亚属 鸟 〔voracious〕Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food; ravenous.贪吃的:吃掉或想吃大量的食物;狼吞虎咽的〔Minotaur〕A monster who was half man and half bull, to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him.弥诺陶洛斯:半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死〔pangolin〕Any of several long-tailed, scale-covered mammals of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia, having a long snout and a sticky tongue for catching and eating ants and termites. Also called scaly anteater 穿山甲:一种长尾,身覆角质鳞的哺乳动物,属有鳞目,产于热带非洲和亚洲,长有长鼻子和有粘性的嘴,以便捕捉和吃掉蚂蚁和白蚁 也作 scaly anteater〔scarf〕"Americans scarf down 50 million hot dogs on an average summer day"(George F. Will)“美国人平均每个夏天吃掉5000万个热狗”(乔治F.威尔)〔jump〕To move a piece over (an opponent's piece) in a board game, often thereby capturing the opponent's piece.跳取对方棋子:在棋盘游戏中跳过对方的棋子而移动棋子,通常籍此吃掉对方的棋子〔pass〕To be eaten or drunk.吃,喝:被吃掉或喝掉〔mantis〕The female mantis has the habit of eating the male after mating.In spite of such behaviorthe mantis is graced with a religious name.Mantis is from the Greek word mantis, meaning "prophet, seer.”The Greeks, who made the connection between the upraised front legs of a mantis waiting for its prey and the hands of a prophet in prayer,used the namemantis to mean "the praying mantis.” This word and sense were picked up in Modern Latin and from there came into English,being first recorded in 1658.Once we know the origin of the termmantis, we realize that the species namespraying mantis and Mantis religiosa are a bit redundant. Two other names of this sort that have been used for mantises arepraying locust and orator mantis. To understand the latter,we must keep in mind the obsolete sense oforator, "one who makes a prayer or petition.” 雌性螳螂习惯于在交配后吃掉雄性螳螂。尽管存在着这种行为,螳螂还是被赋予了一个具有宗教色彩的名字。Mantis 来源于希腊语 mantis 一词, 意为“先知,预言家”。希腊人把螳螂捕食前高举的前肢与预言家祷告时的双手联系起来,用mantis 一词来表示“祈祷的预言家”。 新拉丁语吸收了这个词及其意义,英语又从拉丁语中吸取了该词,最早记载见于1658年。我们既然知道了mantis 的来源, 就会发现其属种名praying mantis 和 Mantis religiosa 略有重复。 用来表示螳螂的其它类似名称还有praying locust 和 orator mantis。 要想弄清楚后者,我们必须想到orator 一词的过时的意思“做祷告或祈求的人” 〔capture〕capture the queen in chess; captured the liberal vote.下国际象棋时吃掉王后;赢得自由党的选票




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