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单词 司法
释义 〔rule〕To decide or declare authoritatively or judicially; decree.See Synonyms at decide 裁决,裁定:作出权威地或司法地决定或裁定;判决 参见 decide〔law〕An impromptu or extralegal system of justice substituted for established judicial procedure:临时条款:一种取代现行的司法程序的临时或未经法律批准的司法体系:〔Paine〕American Revolutionary leader and jurist. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, he later served as a justice of the Massachusetts supreme court (1790-1804).佩因,罗伯特·特雷特:(1731-1814) 美国革命领导人和法学家,独立宣言的签署者,后来他担任马萨诸塞州最高法院的司法(1790-1804年)〔Hays〕American lawyer. As counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union (1912-1954) he was involved in several famous legal battles, including the Scopes trial (1925) and the Sacco-Vanzetti case (1927).海斯,阿瑟·嘉费尔德:(1881-1954) 美国律师,曾担任美国公民自由联合会顾问(1912-1954年),参与过多场著名的司法论战,包括斯科普斯审判案(1925年)和萨柯一万泽蒂案(1927年)〔judicatory〕Of or relating to the administration of justice.司法的:司法的或与司法有关的〔determine〕To end or decide, as by judicial action.判决:通过司法行动终结或决定〔justiciary〕from Latin iūstitia [justice] * see justice 源自 拉丁语 iūstitia [司法;审判;法律制裁] * 参见 justice〔county〕A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland.郡:大不列颠和爱尔兰的行使行政、司法和政治功能的疆土分支〔marshal〕A U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff.联邦司法区执政官:美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官〔surrender〕The delivery of a prisoner, fugitive from justice, or other principal in a suit into legal custody.引渡:罪犯、逃犯或一案件中的首犯从司法审判到合法监护的转移〔return〕The bringing or sending back of a writ, subpoena, or other document, generally with a short written report on it, by a sheriff or other officer to the court from which it was issued.报告书:令状汇报书、传票或其它文件的带回或送回,一般其上附有一个简短的报告,由行政司法长官或其它官员带到颁发它们的法庭〔court〕The regular session of a judicial assembly.开庭:司法集会的一次固定开庭〔lawman〕A law officer, such as a sheriff or marshal.执法吏:法律官员,如美国的县行政司法长官或警长〔law〕To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts.随意处罚:以某人自己觉得适合的方式给予司法处罚,而不通过正当程序诉诸法律执行机关或法庭〔sequestrate〕"The sheriffs . . . will be able to seize stock and other assets, and to sequestrate bank accounts belonging to defaulters"(Daily Telegraph)“行政司法长官…将没收资本和其它资产,没收属于拖欠者的银行帐户”(每日电传)〔ombudsman〕The wordombudsman looks as if its constituents would be familiar, judging from the element man, but it is difficult to think of whatombuds could mean. Ombudsman is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, andman in Swedish corresponds to our word man. Ombud means "commissioner, agent,” coming from Old Norseumbodh, "charge, commission, administration by a delegacy,” umbodh being made up of um, "regarding,” and bodh, "command.” In Old Norse anumbodhsmadhr was a "trusty manager, commissary.” In Swedishanombudsman was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 1809 the office ofriksdagens justitieombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice, that is, to see after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and its citizens.This office of ombudsman and the wordombudsman have been adopted elsewhere, as in individual states in the United States.The term has also been expanded in senseto include people who perform the same function for business corporations or newspapers.从ombudsman 这个词的 man 这一组成部分看,它的构成似乎很眼熟, 但接下去就很难令人想起ombuds 到底是什么意思了。 Ombudsman 这个词源于和英语同属于日耳曼语族的瑞典语, 而man 这个词在瑞典语中的意思恰好和英语中的 man相对应。 Ombud 的意思是“调查团成员,代表”, 源于古斯堪的纳维亚语umbodh, 意为“由代表团负责,调查,管理”, umbodh 是由 um, 即“注视”和 bodh “命令、管理”两部分所构成。 在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,umbodhsmadhr 指一个“值得信任的管理者或代表”。 在瑞典语中,ombudsman 曾指一个管理一个群体如工会、商行的利益和法律事务的人。 1809年成立了司法巡查局 ,它是一司法机构, 即专门管理调查政府和公民之间事务的司法权益。巡检局和ombudsman 这个词也被其它地区采用, 如美国一些个别的州。现在这个名词术语的使用范围比以前更广,还包括在商务或报纸新闻业负有此项职能的人〔predecessor〕Latin dēcessor [a retiring magistrate] from dēcessus [past participle of] dēcēdere [to depart] dē- [away] * see de- cēdere [to go] * see ked- 拉丁语 dēcessor [退休的行政司法长官] 源自 dēcessus dēcēdere的过去分词 [离开] dē- [离开] * 参见 de- cēdere [走] * 参见 ked- 〔yeoman〕An assistant or other subordinate, as of a sheriff.助理:助手或其它下属,如行政司法长官的助手〔judicial〕Of, relating to, or proper to courts of law or to the administration of justice:法庭的,司法的:法庭的,司法的,有关或专属法庭或司法的:〔judicatory〕Late Latin iūdicātōrium [from neuter of] iūdicātōrius [judicial] 后期拉丁语 iūdicātōrium 源自iūdicātōrius的中性词 [司法的,审判的] 〔council〕A body of people elected or appointed to serve in an administrative, legislative, or advisory capacity.委员会,理事会:选出或委派的行使行政、司法和协商功能的群体〔quash〕To set aside or annul, especially by judicial action.取消或废止,尤指通过司法行为〔comity〕The principle by which the courts of one jurisdiction may accede or give effect to the laws or decisions of another.法院间的礼让承认:司法法庭可以同意或使另一项法律或决议生效的原则〔judiciary〕A system of courts of law for the administration of justice.司法系统:司法的法庭系统〔Bloemfontein〕A city of central South Africa east-southeast of Kimberley. It is unofficially called the judicial capital of the country because the appellate division of the national supreme court sits here. Population, 102,600.布隆方丹:南非中部一城市,位于金伯利东南偏东。因南非最高法院的上诉分院设在这里而被非正式地称作该国的司法首都。人口102,600〔judicatory〕A law court or system of law courts; a judiciary.司法司法系统:法庭或法庭制度;司法系统,司法〔erosion〕erosion of the beach; progressive erosion of confidence in our legal system; erosion of the value of the dollar abroad.海岸的腐蚀;对我们司法体制信心的逐步削弱;海外美元价值的贬低〔adjudicate〕Latin adiūdicāre adiūdicāt- [to award to (judicially)] 拉丁语 adiūdicāre adiūdicāt- [(以司法角度)判给] 〔tension〕"the continuing, and essential, tension between two of the three branches of government, judicial and legislative"(Haynes Johnson)“在政府、司法和立法这三支力量的两支之间的持续而基本的平衡”(海恩斯·约翰逊)〔attorney〕A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings.See Synonyms at lawyer 代理人:由另一人合法指派来充当他或她商业事务的代理人,尤指司法诉讼中合格的有执照来为起诉人和被告辩护的人 参见 lawyer〔soke〕In early English law, the right of local jurisdiction, generally one of the feudal rights of lordship.地方司法权:在早期的英国法律中,地方司法审判的权力,总体上是贵族的封建权利之一〔justiciable〕from Latin iūstitia [justice] * see justice 源自 拉丁语 iūstitia [审判,司法] * 参见 justice〔dependency〕Abbr. dep.A territory under the jurisdiction of a state of which it does not form an integral part.缩写 dep.附属地,附属国:一块在某个国家的司法控制下但又不是该国本土的一部分领土〔Karlsruhe〕A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River west-northwest of Stuttgart. Founded in 1715, it was badly damaged in World War II. The rebuilt city is an industrial, judicial, and cultural center. Population, 269,638.卡尔斯鲁厄:德国西南部一城市,在莱茵河上,位于斯图加特西北偏西。该市创建于1715年,第二次世界大战期间被严重摧毁。重建的城市是工业,司法和文化中心。人口269,638〔Watergate〕A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.水门事件:包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图妨碍司法的丑闻




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