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单词 叫喊
释义 〔noise〕The debate was interrupted by a clamor of opposition.辩论被反对方的一声叫喊打断。〔undistinguished〕an undistinguished cry amid all the uproar.在众多的喧闹声中不能区别的叫喊〔vociferous〕 Vociferous suggests a noisy outcry,as of vehement protest: Vociferous 指吵闹的叫喊,如猛烈的抗议: 〔call〕To say in a loud voice; announce:呼唤,叫喊:用大嗓音说;宣布:〔vociferate〕To utter (something) or cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest.大声说,叫喊:大声地、猛烈地说出(某事),尤指抗议〔vocal〕a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children.充满了孩子们叫喊和欢笑的操场〔yip〕To emit a sharp, high-pitched bark; yelp.吠,叫喊:发出尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊〔clamor〕from Latin clāmor [shout] 源自 拉丁语 clāmor [叫喊] 〔caterwaul〕To cry or screech like a cat in heat.尖叫:象叫春的猫一样叫喊或尖叫〔vociferous〕Making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry.叫喊的,吵闹的:制造、发出或带有大声叫嚷的〔cry〕An advertising of wares by calling out:叫卖声:通过叫喊为货物所作的广告:〔ejaculatory〕Relating to or constituting a sudden, brief utterance; exclamatory.突然说出的,叫喊的:关于或组成突然说出的简短言语的;叫喊〔jaw〕To talk vociferously; jabber.叫喊:喧嚷;吱吱喳喳地叫〔hoot〕To shout down or drive off with jeering cries:用叫喊或辱骂轰下台赶走:〔hail〕To call out to in order to catch the attention of:招呼:为引起(某人)的注意而大声地叫喊〔pierce〕His shout pierced the din.他的叫喊冲破了噪音〔growl〕To emit a low, guttural sound or utterance.嘟哝:喉间发出低沉的声音或叫喊〔whoop〕A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior.呐喊:猎人或战士的叫喊〔yelp〕To utter a short, sharp bark or cry:吠,叫喊:发出短促、尖利的狗吠或叫喊声:〔disclaim〕claimer [to claim] from Latin clāmāre [to cry out] * see claim claimer [宣布,承认] 源自 拉丁语 clāmāre [叫喊;迫切需要] * 参见 claim〔yclept〕cleopian [to call] cleopian [叫喊] 〔bellow〕To shout in a deep voice.以低沉的声音叫喊〔yclept〕from Old English geclepod [past participle of] gecleopian [to call] 源自 古英语 geclepod gecleopian的过去分词 [叫喊] 〔call〕To speak loudly; shout:叫喊:大声地说;呼喊:〔chant〕To say in the manner of a chant:叫喊:单调地说(或喊):〔echo〕One might think that our wordecho is from the name of the nymph Echo, whom Greek mythology associates with echoes.According to one version of her story,she was torn to pieces by shepherds driven to this act by the god Pan, who was hopelessly in love with her.Pieces of Echo hidden in the ground still respond to Pan's frenzied cries,producing the phenomena known as echoes.A second version of her tale has it that Echo, as a penalty for distracting Hera from observing Zeus's infidelities, lost all power of speech,except the ability to reply.This defect lost her the love of Narcissus,which caused Echo to pine away until only her voice was left.The hapless nymph, however, cannot even claim credit for echoesbecause the Greek wordēkhō, the source of Englishecho, existed with our common noun sense before any mention of Echo is found.Our wordecho is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed in 1340. 您可能想到echo 这个词来自仙女埃科的名字, 她在希腊神话中与回声有关。关于她的故事,有一种说法认为,神潘爱她无望,便指使牧羊狗将她撕成碎片。她的碎片藏在地下时仍在回答潘的疯狂叫喊,于是产生了回声。另一种说法是,埃科使得赫拉察觉不到宙斯的不忠,作为惩罚被剥夺了说话的能力,只能重复别人的话。这个缺陷使她失去了纳西色斯的爱情,于是埃科不断憔悴消损,最后只留下她的声音。可惜的是这位不幸的女神并不能因为制造了回声这个词而居功,因为希腊语ekho , 即英语中echo 的来源, 早在任何关于埃科的故事之前就存在了。我们现在的词echo 最早是在1340年出现于中世纪英文作品中 〔cry〕To utter loudly; call out.大声地说;叫喊〔whoop〕To utter a hooting cry.高声呼叫:发出大声的叫喊〔decry〕crier [to cry] * see cry crier [叫喊] * 参见 cry〔yell〕A loud cry; a shout.大声吼叫;叫喊〔claim〕from Latin clāmāre [to call] * see kelə- 2源自 拉丁语 clāmāre [叫喊] * 参见 kelə- 2〔jinx〕perhaps from iuzein [to call, cry] 可能源自 iuzein [叫喊,哭泣] 〔growl〕A gruff, surly utterance:咆哮,粗声大气:粗鲁,阴郁的叫喊〔shout〕children whooping at play;玩耍时叫喊的孩子;〔cry〕A loud exclamation; a shout or call.大声呼喊;呼叫,叫喊〔yell〕To utter or express with a loud cry; shout.See Synonyms at shout 叫喊着说:大叫着说或表达;叫喊 参见 shout〔call〕A loud cry; a shout.叫喊:大声的叫喊;喊叫




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