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单词 只有一个
释义 〔foggy〕had only a foggy memory of what had taken place; hasn't the foggiest idea how to get home.对所发生的事情只有一个模糊的记忆;全然不知该怎样回家〔upsilon〕from psilon [neuter of] psilos [simple (written with one letter as opposed to two)] 源自 psilon psilos的中性 [单个(同两个字母相比只有一个字母)] 〔recital〕A public performance of music or dance, especially by a solo performer.独唱会;独舞表演:对音乐或舞蹈的当众表演,尤指只有一个表演者的这种表演集会〔Monophysite〕An adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Jesus there was but a single, divine nature. Coptic and Syrian Christians profess this doctrine.基督一性论者:坚信基督只有一个神性的教义的笃信者。科普特教派和叙利亚基督教派宣扬此教义〔support〕"There is only one proved method of assisting the advancement of pure science—that of picking men of genius,backing them heavily,and leaving them to direct themselves" (James B. Conant).“促进纯科学的进步并已得到证明的方法只有一个——那就是选出有天才之士,强有力地支持他们,并让他们自己管理自己” (詹姆斯B·科南)。〔monosyllabic〕Having only one syllable.单音节的:只有一个音节的〔monogyny〕The practice or condition of having only one wife at a time.一妻制:一次只有一个妻子的做法或状态〔monoacid〕An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom.一元酸:只有一个可置换氢原子的酸〔monobasic〕Having only one hydrogen ion to donate to a base in an acid-base reaction; monoprotic.一(碱)价的:在酸碱反应中只有一个氢离子转移到碱上的;一碱价的〔monosyllable〕A word or an utterance of one syllable.单音节词或单音节音:只有一个音节的词或发音〔lonesome〕Solitary; lone:孤单的;只有一个的:〔monohybrid〕The hybrid of parents that differ at only one gene locus, for which each parent is homozygous with a different allele.单因子杂种:杂交的双亲只有一个基因位置不同,对它来说,每个亲本是有一个不同的等位基因混合的〔monotheism〕The doctrine or belief that there is only one God.一神论:相信只有一个神的教义或信仰〔surly〕The fact that the wordsurly means "churlish" nicely indicates its fall in status. Churlish derives from the word churl, which in its Old English form ceorl meant "a man without rank, a member of the lowest rank of freemen,” as well as "peasant" in general. In Old Englishceorl may have been a term of contempt; it certainly became one in Middle English,wherecherl meant "base fellow, boor,” with churlish descending in meaning accordingly. Surly, on the other hand, started its life at the top of the scale but fell just as far. Looking at instances of this word in Middle English and Early Modern English,we see thatsurly was only one spelling for this word, another spelling beingsirly, which makes it clear that it came from the word sir, the term of honor for a knight or for a person of rank or importance in general. Thussirly, the form under which the early spellings of the word are entered in the Oxford English Dictionary, first meant "lordly.” Surly, entered as a separate word in the OED and first recorded in 1566, meant perhaps "lordly, majestic,” in its earliest use,subsequently being used in the sense "masterful, imperious, arrogant.” As the gloss "arrogant" makes clear, the wordsirly could have a negative sense, and it is this area of meaning that is responsible for the current "churlish" sense of the word.surly 意为“粗野的”事实生动地说明了这个词的地位下降。 Churlish 是 churl 的派生词,其古英文形式 ceorl 的意思是“没有爵位的男人,或者是自由民中最低等级的男人”,大概象“农民”一样。 古英语中ceorl 可能含有贬意; 中古英语中肯定是贬意,其cherl 的意思是“卑贱的人,粗野的人”,相应地 churlish 的意思也下降了。 另一方面,Surly 开始是个高尚的字,后来地位同样下降。 从中古英语和早期现代英语中的实例,我们可以看到,surly 的拼法只有一个, 另一个是sirly ,它清楚地表明这个字来自 sir (给于骑士或有等级或有身份的人的尊称)。 因此,sirly 这个字的最初形式记载在 牛津英语词典 中,开始的意思为(有威严的,高傲的)。 Surly 作为另一个字最初于1566年记录在 OED 中, 最初的意思是“老爷的、尊贵的”,以后的意思为“老爷般的、命令式的、傲慢的”。“傲慢”这个字条清楚地说明sirly 可能有过否定的意思, 也正是在这层意义上,它和目前“粗野的”意义有关〔sulky〕From sulky 1 [from its having only one seat] 源自 sulky1 [源于它只有一个座位] 〔monobasic〕Having only one metal ion or positive radical.只有一个金属离子或正基的〔sulky〕A light, open two-wheeled vehicle accommodating only the driver and drawn by one horse, used especially in harness racing.单座两轮马车:一种轻便的两轮敞篷马车,只有一个供驾车人坐的座位,由一匹马拉,特别用于快步马驾车比赛〔monoester〕An ester having only one ester group.单酯:只有一个酯原子团的酯〔meaning〕The term anthropomorphism has only one sense. anthropomorphism 这个词只有一个意思。 〔lancelet〕Any of various small, flattened marine organisms of the subphylum Cephalochordata, structurally similar to the vertebrates but having a notochord rather than a true vertebral column. Also called amphioxus 蛞蝓鱼类:任一种体形较小的头索动物纲的扁平海洋动物,它们在结构上与脊椎动物类似,但只有一个脊索而没有真正的脊椎 也作 amphioxus〔bottom〕To descend to the lowest point possible, after which only a rise may occur:跌到谷底:跌到可能的最底点,在其后只有一个回升会发生:〔unipersonal〕Manifested as or existent in the form of only one person:以个人形式存在的:表明为或存在于只有一个人的形式中的:〔lone〕Being the only one; sole:唯一的:只有一个的;单独的:〔anyone〕The one-word formanyone is used to mean "any person.” The two-word formany one is used to mean "whatever one (person or thing) of a group.” Anyone may join means that admission is open to everybody. Any one may join means that admission is open to one person only. When followed byof, only any one can be used: Any one (not anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself. · Anyone is often used in place of everyone in sentences like She is the most thrifty person of anyone I know. In an earlier survey 64 percent of the Usage Panel found this sentence unacceptable in writing. ·Anyone and anybody are singular terms and always take a singular verb. See Usage Note at he 1单个词的形式anyone 用来表示“任何一人”。 两个词的形式any one 是指“一组里的任何一个(人或物)”。 Anyone may join 是指每个人都可进入。 Any one may join 意思是只有一个人可以进入。 当后面接of 时,只能用 any one : Any one (不用 anyone ) of the boys could carry it by himself(任何一个孩子都可以提得动它) 。 Anyone 在有些句子里常取代 everyone ,如: 她是我认识的人中最节俭的 。 在早期的一次调查中,用法使用小组64%的成员认为该句子在书面语中不能接受。Anyone 和 anybody 是单数形式的名词,总搭配单数动词。 参见 he1〔monoacid〕Having only one hydroxyl group to react with acids.一元酸的:只有一个可与酸发生反应的氢原子团的〔epicene〕Middle English [having only one form of the noun for either gender] 中古英语 [只有一个名词同时适用于两性的] 〔single〕Consisting of one in number:唯一的:在数目上只有一个的:〔monogenetic〕Having a single host through the course of the life cycle.单性生殖的:在生命周期过程中只有一个寄主的〔cecum〕A saclike cavity with only one opening.盲端:只有一个开口的囊状洞




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