单词 | 只是 |
释义 | 〔Arianism〕The doctrines of Arius, denying that Jesus was of the same substance as God and holding instead that he was only the highest of created beings.阿里乌斯教义:阿里乌斯创导的教义,否认耶稣和神一样,而认为他只是最高的被造物〔indirection〕wouldn't give us a straight answer, only hints and indirections.不给我们直接的回答,只是闪烁其词〔nonstandard〕The termnonstandard was introduced by linguists and lexicographers to describe usages and language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar and illiterate. Nonstandardis not simply a euphemism but reflects the empirical discoverythat the varieties used by low-prestige groups have rich and systematic grammatical structuresand that their stigmatization more often reflects a judgment about their speakersrather than any inherent deficiencies in logic or expressive power.Note, however, that the use of nonstandard forms is not necessarily restricted to the communities with which they are associated in the public mind.Many educated speakers freely use forms such ascan't hardly or ain't I to set a popular or informal tone. · Some dictionaries use the termsubstandard to describe forms, such asain't, associated with uneducated speech, while reservingnonstandard for forms such as irregardless, which are common in writingbut are still regarded by many as uneducated.Butsubstandard is itself susceptible of disparaging interpretation, and most linguists and lexicographers now use onlynonstandard, the practice followed in this Dictionary.词条nonstandard 被语言学家和词典编辑人引进用来描述以前已被词条,例如 vulgar 和 illiterate归类的用法和语言种类。 Nonstandand不只是委婉的说法, 而且反映了凭经验得到的发现:被具有权威的群体所用的语种有丰富而且系统的语法结构,而且这些误解被轻蔑描绘更经常地反映了对其说话者的判断,而不是对任何天生的逻辑和表达力的缺乏。然而,要注意,非标准语形式的运用并不必要限制于在公众心目中与其所联系的团体。许多受过教育的说话者自由地用这些形式如can't hardly 或者 ain't I 说流行或非正式的句子。 有些字典用substandard 来描述此类形式, 如ain't, 并与未受教育的言语相联系, 而同时保留nonstandard 用来形容 irregardless 这一类形式, 这些形式普遍用于写作中,但仍被许多人认为是未受教育的用法。但是substandard 本身很容易引起贬低含义的翻译, 大多数语言学家和词典编辑现在只用nonstandard, 在此词典后边有练习〔Loafer〕A trademark used for a low leather step-in shoe with an upper resembling a moccasin but with a broad, flat heel. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase:路夫鞋:一种矮帮休闲皮鞋的商标。这种鞋鞋面类似北美印第安人的鹿皮鞋,只是鞋跟宽而扁。这一商标在印刷中经常以小写字体出现:〔variant〕Something that differs in form only slightly from something else, as a different spelling or pronunciation of the same word.异体:在形式上只是轻微地不同于其它的东西,如同一单词的不同拼写或发音〔snob〕Snobs look down at their inferiors,but at one timesnobs looked up at their betters.The wordsnob, the ultimate origins of which are uncertain, is first found in 1781in the sense "shoemaker, cobbler,”a regional and informal usage.The word is recorded around 1796in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, "a townsman as opposed to a gownsman.”Both senses may have fed into the sense first found in 1831, "a member of the ordinary or lower classes.”Along with this sense went another (1838), "a person without proper breeding or taste.”From these two senses arose the sense first recorded in 1848, "a person who looks up to his or her social betters and tries to copy or associate with them.”We can see how this sense could blend into the other familiar sense,"one who looks down on those considered inferior" (1911).势利小人们都瞧不起不如他们的人,但有一段时间,势利小人只是羡慕地位比他们高的人。Snob 这个词最远的起源还不清楚, 它第一次出现于1781年,意为“鞋匠,补鞋人”,这只是一种方言和非正式用法。1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。这两个意思都进入了它第一次出现于1831年的“普通或低下阶层中的一员”这个意思。这个意思与另一个意思平行(1838年):“没有良好教养和品味的人”。从这两个意思发展来了“羡慕地位高于他(她)的人并尽量与之进行联系的人”这个意思,第一次记录于1848年。然后,我们就能发现怎样又从这个意思中派生出了其它我们熟悉的意思,即“瞧不起被认为地位比自己低者的人”(1911年)〔Docetism〕An opinion especially associated with the Gnostics that Jesus had no human body and only appeared to have died on the cross.基督教幻影说:一种与诺斯替派有关的学说。认为基督不具人身,其死于十字架上只是幻影〔accurate〕Deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard.精确的:与标准只是略有偏差或在允许的范围之内的〔imagination〕Is world peace only the fancy of idealists?难道世界和平只是理想主义者的幻想吗?〔sensuous〕"Of music Dr. Johnson used to say that it was the only sensual pleasure without vice" (William Seward).“音乐博士约翰逊曾说,那只是毫无罪恶的性快感” (威廉·西活德)。〔tamarin〕Any of various small, long-tailed, arboreal monkeys of the generaLeontideus and Saguinus of Central and South America, closely related to and resembling the marmosets but having a larger body, longer limbs, and lower canines that extend well beyond the incisors. 小绢猴:任一种产于中南美洲的狮狨 属和 獠牙狨 属的个体较小、长尾且在树上活动的猴子,它和狨有很近的亲缘关系,只是具有更大的个体、较长的四肢和延伸至切齿以外的位置更低的犬牙 〔slow〕Only moderately warm; low:温火的,慢热的:只是适度地温暖的;低的:〔care〕It is true that a close examination of the syntax of the phraseI could care less reveals that it ought by rights to mean something like "I care more than I might,” rather than "I don't care at all.” But while the illogicality of a phrase may be reason enough for excluding it from formal writing,this illogicality cannot be invoked as grounds for keeping it out of the colloquial language,particularly when the phrase is itself an expression of casual indifference.See Usage Note at cannot 对短语I could care less 的句法的仔细研究揭示,该短语按理应有类似“我极其在意,甚于我应该做的”的意思,而不表示“我一点儿也不介意”,这一点确凿无疑。 但是,尽管由于一个短语有不合逻辑性的含义,也许这一点足以使其不合逻辑的用法被排除在正式文体之外;这不合逻辑性却不能被援引作为把它排除在口语用法之外的根据,尤其是当该短语本身只是一个非正式的或随意的表达语时 参见 cannot〔ferninst〕Ferninst, meaning "opposite, next to, against,” has been attributed to Irish English, brought over during the peak years of Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-19th century. However, other, earlier citations with various spellings date further back: "I walked with them to a room nearly fornent the old state-house" (Davy Crockett). These variant forms are traceable to the American colonial period, when the source of ferninst was probably Scotland or other parts of the British Isles. The term is now dying out; Craig M. Carver, in his book American Regional Dialects, reports that "only nine [ DARE ] informants, all well over sixty-five years of age, used this term.” A derived noun ferninster, meaning "someone who is deliberately contrary,” is also used: "The trouble with the Republican leaders in Congress . . . is that they are just ferninsters" (William Allen White). Ferninst 的意思是“在…对面、附近或旁边,”该词曾被认为属于爱尔兰英语,是19世纪中期爱尔兰人迁移到美国的高峰期带来的。然而,其它或更早的不同拼写的引证可追溯到更远: “我和他们走到几乎正对着那个旧客舱的一个屋子里” (戴维克·罗克特)。这些不同的形式可追溯到美国殖民时期, ferninst 的起源可能是苏格兰或英国小岛的其他部分。这个词条现在消失了;克瑞格·M·卡文,在他的书 美国地区方言 中记述了“仅九个[ 美国方言 资料提供者,年纪都已过了六十五岁,用这个词条”。派生的名词 ferninster, 意思是“故意相反的人,”也用于: 共和党领导在议会中的麻烦…是因为他们只是些自相矛盾的人 (威廉·艾伦·怀特) 〔naught〕All their work was for naught.他们所有的工作都只是白做〔mayday〕"Mayday, mayday!” comes the international distress signal over the radio,and nobody stops to ask why the first of May is being mentioned at a time of crisis.Mayday, in fact, has nothing to do with the first of May. Instead, it is a spelling that represents the pronunciation of Frenchm'aidez, "help me,” or the latter part of the phrase venez m'aider, "come help me,” either of which are quite appropriate at such a critical juncture.“救命,救命!”无线电接收机中传来国际遇险呼救信号,总有人询问为何在危急时刻使用五月的第一天作为信号。实际上,Mayday 和五月份的第一天没有任何关系。 相反,它只是和法语中m'aidez “帮助我”或短语 venez m'aider “来帮助我”的后半部分的读音相同的一种拼写, 均适用于指紧要关头〔phase〕just a passing phase.只是一个过渡段〔irregardless〕The labelNon-Standard does only approximate justice to the status of irregardless. More precisely,it is a form that many people mistakenly believe to be a correct usage in formal stylebut that in fact has no legitimate antecedents in either standard or nonstandard varieties. (The word was likely coined from a blend ofirrespective and regardless. ) Perhaps this is why critics have sometimes insisted that there is "no such word" asirregardless, a charge they would not think of leveling at a bona fide nonstandard word such asain't, which has an ancient genealogy.给irregardless 贴上 Non-Standard 的标签只是对其地位做了近似恰当的评价。 更精确地说,许多人错误地相信它是正式语体中的规范用法,但实际上无论在标准或非标准变体中都没有这个词真正的前身。(该词可能是把irrespective 和 regardless 合在一起生造出来的。) 也许这就是为什么批评者们有时坚持认为“没有irregardless 这么个词”的原因, 他们不会把这项指责安在一个象ain't 这样一个正牌的非标准用词上, 因为这个词的家史渊源流长〔jive〕"You just jive in one big group, putting each other on, trying to top the last line"(Time)“你只是在一大群人中聊天,彼此装腔作势,试图要占上风”(时代)〔medley〕"That night he dreamed he was traveling in a foreign country, only it seemed to be a medley of all the countries he'd ever been to and even some he hadn't"(Anne Tyler)“那天晚上,他梦见自己正在一异国旅行,只是这个国家看起来象是所有他去过的国家和甚至他未去过的国家的混合物”(安妮·泰勒)〔play〕They're not quarreling in earnest, they're just playing.他们不是在激烈地争吵,只是在开玩笑〔plastic〕a TV host's plastic smile; a plastic world of fad, hype, and sensation.电视主持人不自然的笑容;只是一个短暂,夸张和感官的人工合成世界〔pretense〕Mere show without reality; outward appearance.空洞:只是卖弄而毫无实质内容;外在的表现〔put〕"We've given up saying we only kill to eat; Kraft dinner and freeze-dried food have put paid to that one"(Margaret Atwood)“我们已经放弃说我们只是尽力地吃;卡夫晚餐和冻干的食物已经使我们停止了”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)〔sort〕"Gambling and prostitution . . . have been prohibited, but only sort of"(George F. Will)“赌博与妓院…已经被查禁了,但只是有点儿不彻底”(乔治F.威尔)〔rich〕"Now that he was rich he was not thought ignorant any more, but simply eccentric"(Mavis Gallant)“现在他很富有,他将不再被视作是无知的,而只是古怪的”(玛维斯·加朗特)〔kind〕In fact, thekind of construction can be plausibly analyzed either way, which is doubtless why writers have mixed and matched the number of demonstratives and verbs in just about every possible combination.We find reputable precedent forthis kind of films are, these kind of films are, this kind of films is, these kind of films is, and so on. There are only two reliable regularities:when the pluralkinds is used, the demonstrative and the verb must also be plural: 实际上,kind of 结构可以用任一方式分析, 这毫无疑问是作家混用了指示代词和动词的每一种可能的结合,并且每一种结合的数量大致相等的原因。我们找到规范的先例,如this kind of films are, these kind of films are, this kind of films is, these kind of films is 等等。 只有两种可信赖的规律:当复数kinds 使用时, 指示代词和动词也只是复数: 〔no〕The proposal produced only noes.求婚的结果只是拒绝〔Zwinglian〕Of or relating to Ulrich Zwingli or to his theological system, especially his doctrine that the physical body of Jesus is not present in the Eucharist and that the ceremony is merely a symbolic commemoration of Jesus's death.茨温利的,茨温利教义的:乌尔里希·茨温利的、或其神学理论学说的;或与上述有关的,尤指他的教义:耶稣本人并没有在圣餐中出现,而且仪式只是对耶稣之死的象征性纪念〔tattoo〕The practice of tattooing the body is prehistoric,but the English wordtattoo was introduced fairly recently. Our word came from Polynesian languages such as Tahitian and Samoanand was introduced to English speakers by the explorer Capt. James Cook (who also gave us the wordtaboo ). The earliest use of the verbtattoo in English is found in 1769 in his account of a voyage around the world from 1768 to 1771. Cook also used a noun in his writings of 1769but treated it as a native wordso he is not given credit for the first use of the noun in English (recorded in 1777).In any event,sailors introduced the custom into Europe from the Pacific societies in which it was practiced,and it has remained associated with sailors,although many other people have tattoos as well.尽管在身体上刺出花纹这一做法在史前就已存在,但英语中tattoo 一词却是在距离现在较近的时候才被引入的。 我们这个词源于塔西提语或萨摩亚语等波利尼西亚语族,它是由探险家詹姆斯·库克船长介绍给英语使用者的(库克同时也给了我们taboo 一词)。 动词tattoo 在英语中的首次使用见于库克关于他在1768年-1771年所做的一次环球航行记录中。 库克在他1769年的日志中也把这个词用作一个名词,但因为他只是把它作为一个土著人的词汇对待,所以人们不认为他是第一个在英语中使用该词名词形式的人(记录于1777年)。但不管怎样,是水手们将这种原本是太平洋岛屿社会中的习俗带入欧洲的,所以直到今天这种做法仍然和水手们联系在一起,虽然各种职业的人们都在身上刺花纹〔show〕This antique tea service is just for show. His smile was for show.这组茶具只是外表象古董;他的笑容只是装装样子〔utilize〕A number of critics have remarked thatutilize is an unnecessary substitute for use. It is true that many occurrences ofutilize could be replaced by use with no loss to anything but pretentiousness, for example, in sentences such asBarbara utilized (prefer used ) questionable methods in her analysis or We hope that many commuters will continue to utilize (prefer use ) mass transit after the bridge has reopened. Bututilize can mean "to find a profitable or practical use for.” Thus the sentenceThe teachers were unable to use the new computers might mean only that the teachers were unable to turn the computers on, whereasThe teachers were unable to utilize the new computers suggests that the teachers could not find ways to employ the computers in instruction. 一些批评家认为utilize 只是 use 的一个不必要的替换词。 在许多情况下utilize 可以被 use 替代,除了矫饰的风格被去掉之外意思上没有任何减损, 例如:Barbara utilized ( used 更可取) questionable methods in her analysis(芭芭拉在她的分析中用了一些有争议的方法) 或者 We hope that many commuters will continue to utilize ( use 更可取) mass transit after the bridge has reopened(我们希望许多乘公共汽车上下班者在桥重新开通之后仍旧使用公共交通)。 但是utilize 可指“为…找到一种有益的或实用的用途”。 因而下面这句话The teachers were unable to use the new computers(老师们不会使用新电脑) ,有可能指只有这些老师不会打开计算机, 而The teachers were unable to utilize the new computers(老师不会运用新计算机) 暗示了那些老师在指导时不知道如何利用电脑 〔internecine〕In the first edition of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary 91 percent of the Usage Panel approved the use ofinternecine relating to internal struggle within a nation or organization that did not necessarily imply fatal or destructive conflict.The objection that had been overcome for most of the Panel was thatinternecine should imply such destruction because it came from the Latin wordinternecīnus, a variant ofinternecīvus, "fought to the death, murderous,” ultimately derived fromnecāre, "to kill.” Inter- in this compound is simply an intensive, supplying the notion of "all the way to" in the sense "fought to the death.”Internecine in English, first recorded in 1663, indeed meant "deadly, destructive,”but Samuel Johnson, inserting the word in his dictionary of 1755,thought thatinter- meant "mutual" and so defined it as "endeavoring mutual destruction.”This definition set the word incorrectly on its present course,and wheninternecine was further extended simply to mean "relating to internal struggle,” the original error was compounded.However, the point is that the meaning of words can be changed by mistakes and that mistaken meanings adhere to words.Only an occasional etymologist points out that the emperor's new clothes are patched.在美国经典辞书 第一版中, 百分之九十一的用法专题使用小组成员赞同internecine 与一个国家或组织内部的斗争有关, 但并不一定是致命的或有破坏性的冲突。为大多数小组成员说服的反对意见为internecine 应该暗指这种破坏, 因为它来源于拉丁词internecinus , 是internecivus 的变体,意为“战至死亡的,谋杀的”, 它最终来源于意为“杀害”的necare 。 在这个复合词中inter- 只是简单的一个强调成分, 在“战至死亡的”这个意义上加上“一直”这个概念。在英语中internecine 最早记载于1663年, 确实意味着“致死的,破坏性的”,但是塞缪尔·约翰逊在其1755年的字典中插入此词,认为inter- 意为“共同的”, 并且将它定义为“竭力造成共同破坏的”。这个定义造成此词今日用法的不准确,而且当internecine 更进一步被简单地引申为“关于内部斗争的”时, 其起源的错误就加重了。但是,重要的是词的意思被错误改变并且为错误意思所追随。只有偶尔的一个词源学家指出“皇帝的新衣服打满补丁”〔absolute〕Of, relating to, or being an adjective or a pronoun that stands alone when the noun it modifies is being implied but not stated. For example, inTheirs were the best, theirs is an absolute pronoun and best is an absolute adjective. 独立的:形容词或代词,它们所修饰的名词只是隐含的而非明确指出的,比如在他们的是最好的中,他们的 是一个独立代词, 最好的 是一个独立形容词 〔stomp〕Onlystamp is used in the sense "to eliminate": 只是stamp 带有“消除”之意: 〔hype〕"It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job"(Saturday Review)“它只是夸大的广告,一个庞大的与公共关系的工作”(星期六评论)〔specious〕Aspecious argument is not simply a false one but one that has the ring of truth.Those aware of the specialized use of the word may therefore sense a certain contradiction in hearing an argument described asobviously specious or specious on the face of things; if the fallaciousness is apparent,the argument was probably not plausible-sounding to begin with.一种似是而非的 论点并不只是一个错误的论点, 而是指貌似正确的论点。那些意识到这个词的特殊用法的人听到这种“显然是似是而非的” 或 “就表面看起来有理的” 论点时,会因此感到某些矛盾; 如果此论点错误很明显的话,这样的论点可能一开始就不会让人觉得有道理〔mutant〕"These . . . remakes are neither dreams nor recognizable reality. They're mutants.”(Vincent Canby)“这些重制物既不是梦幻也不是可识的现实。他们只是显示突变体特征的东西”(文森特·坎比)〔indifferent〕"The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly. It is simply indifferent" (John H. Holmes).“宇宙没有敌意,但也不是友好,它只是冷淡” (约翰·H·霍姆斯)。〔embrace〕"I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didn't embrace"(Henry James)“我只是遗憾,在我失意的时候没有利用某些情况和某些可能”(亨利·詹姆斯) |
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