单词 | 古老 |
释义 | 〔deep〕a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.奥秘;古老而神秘的部落仪式〔tumbleset〕The Lower Southern wordtumbleset for somersault combines tumble with -set, which at first glanceseems not to have any relationship to-sault in somersault. However,-set is an old l -less variant of -sault (from Latin saltus, "a leap") that has been an alternative pronunciation throughout the word's history;hence, the variantsomerset. Somer- is an alteration of Old French sobre-, from Latin supra, "over.” In the wordtumbleset, as in a folk etymology, somer-, part of a compound word that no longer bears any meaning for the speakers, has been replaced bytumble, a word that makes more sense in the context. 替代somersault 一词的下南部词 tumbleset 是 tumble 和 -set 的组合。 乍一看,后缀-set好象与somersaut 中的 -sault 毫无联系。 然而,-set 却是不带 l 的 -sault (来自拉丁语 saltus ,“跳跃”,)的古老变体, 并一直是该词的替代读音;于是便有了somerset 这一变体。 somer- 是来自拉丁语 supra (“越过”)的古法语 sobre- 的变体。 就象在通俗语源学中一样,在tumbleset 一词中, somer- 作为不再为讲话者表达任何意义的复合词的一部分, 已经被一个在上下之中有更多意义的词tumble 所替代 〔bewilder〕The wordbewilder is probably used much more commonly in its figurative sense "to confuse" than in its literal sense "to cause to lose one's bearings; disorient.” Yet the latter sense is most likely the clue to the original source of this word.Bewilder, first recorded in 1684, is made up of the prefix be-, here meaning "completely,” and the verb wilder, meaning "to cause to lose one's way,” first found in 1613. Wilder may in turn be a back-formation from wilderness, a much older word than wilder. Users of English might have erroneously thought thatwilderness was derived from an older verb wilder, which they then used with reference to the loss of one's way that can occur in a wilderness.单词bewilder 大概多用其比喻意义“使迷惑”,而少用其字面意义“使失去方向;使迷失方向”。 虽然后者更接近这个词的本意。Bewilder 一词于1684年首次有文字记载,由前缀 be- 这里意为“完全地”和1613年首次发现的意为“使迷路”的动词 wilder 组成。 Wilder 可能从 wilderness 反演而来,一个比 wilder 古老得多的词。 英语使用者可能误以为wilderness 是从更古老的动词 wilder 产生的, 于是他们把wilderness与可能发生在荒野中的迷路联系起来〔vintage〕Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.古老而享有声誉的:具有优秀、成熟或持久魅力特点的;古典的〔archaize〕To give an archaic quality or character to; make archaic.使(文体等)有古风:给出一种古体特质或特征;使古老〔old〕"the hills,/Rock-ribbed, and ancient as the sun" (William Cullen Bryant).“山岩隐现的丘陵/如太阳一样古老” (威廉·卡伦·布赖恩特)。〔Moesia〕An ancient region of southeast Europe south of the Danube River in what is now eastern Yugoslavia and northern Bulgaria. Originally inhabited by Thracians, it was conquered by the Romans c. 29b.c. and occupied by Goths in the fourth century a.d. 默西亚:欧洲东南部的一个古老地区,在多瑙河南部今南斯拉夫东部和保加利亚北部,最初被色雷斯人居住,公元前 29年被罗马人征服,并于 公元 4世纪被戈特人占领 〔transient〕"the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed" (William Faulkner).“没有了古老而普遍的真理,任何故事都短暂并且注定要失败的” (威廉·福克纳)。〔Aulis〕An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.奥立斯:希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点〔hectic〕In the Usage Panel survey done for the first edition of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary (1969), 92 percent of the Panel approved of the use ofhectic in its most familiar sense, "characterized by feverish activity, confusion, or haste.”The question was put to the Panelbecause in earlier usage that sense was sometimes deprecated as a loose extension of the term's meaning in medicine.Unless one has some medical knowledgeone probably does not know the older medical uses of the term,for example, "relating to an undulating fever, such as those accompanying tuberculosis,”and unless one has some acquaintance with Middle Englishone would not recognize the first recorded instance of the word,etik, in a text written before 1398. The Middle English term comes from the Old French development of the Late Latin wordhecticus, whose form helped reshape our word in the 16th century.Late Latinhecticus in turn comes from Greek hektikos, "formed by habit or forming habit" and "consumptive,” developing the last sense because of the chronic nature of tuberculous fevers.Thus a word that once simply meant "habitual"eventually had an English descendant used to refer to circumstances that would be undesirable if they were habitual.在针对美国经典辞书 (1969年)第一版对用法专题使用小组的调查中, 92%的成员赞成hectic 一词最常用的意思, “以紧张的活动、忙乱或慌忙为特征的”。之所以要向这些成员提这个问题,是因为作为该词医学含义的模糊延伸,这个意义有时不为人们所接受。除非某人有医学方面的知识,否则他就很可能不知道这个词在医学方面的古老用法,比如“和起伏不定的热病有关的,如肺结核的伴随症”。另外,除非某人对中古英语有一度程度的了解,否则他也认不出1398年以前的一个文本中该词的首例etik 。 这个中古英语单词是由古法语经后期拉丁语hecticus 一词的发展而来的, 其形式在16世纪帮助重新形成了这个单词。而后期拉丁语中的这个词hecticus 又是由希腊语中的 hektikos 一词而来,这个词在希腊语中意指“由习惯形成的或形成习惯的”及“患肺痨的,肺痨的”, 之所以得到最后的意思,是出于肺痨病的特性。这样一来,原来只是表示“习惯性的”这个词,传到英语中最后竟变成了指一旦成为习惯则不被人所喜爱的情形〔wing〕A group affiliated with or subordinate to an older or larger organization.支派,附属机构:从属于或与一个更古老或更大的组织紧密联系的集团〔pug〕A small sturdy dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, a wrinkled face, a squarish body, short smooth hair, and a curled tail.哈巴狗,狮子狗:中国的一种血统古老、体小而强壮的狗,有短鼻、面部多皱纹、方形身体、毛发短而光滑、尾巴卷曲〔Boeotia〕An ancient region of Greece north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth. The cities of the region formed theBoeotian League in the seventh century b.c. but were usually under the dominance of Thebes. 皮奥夏:希腊一古老地区,在阿提卡和科林斯海湾以北。该地区的城市形成了皮奥夏联邦城 ,时间在 公元前 7世纪,但通常为底比斯人所统治 〔Beowulf〕The legendary hero of an anonymous Old English epic poem believed to have been composed in the early eighth century. Beowulf slays the monster Grendel and its mother, becomes king of the Geats, and dies fighting a dragon.裴欧沃夫:被认为创作于公元8世纪早期的,英国无名氏所作的一部古老史诗中的传奇英雄。贝奥伍尔弗杀死妖怪格伦德尔及妖怪的母亲,成为耶牙特的国王,死于与一条龙的争斗中〔common〕sang all the old familiar songs.唱所有古老而熟悉的歌谣。〔Sarmatia〕An ancient region of eastern Europe northeast of the Black Sea. The Sarmatian people occupied the area after the fourth centuryb.c. and fled across the Carpathian Mountains and along the Danube River after the onslaught of the Huns. The term is also applied to the territory between the Vistula and Volga rivers in present-day eastern Poland and western European U.S.S.R. 萨尔马提亚:东欧一古老地区,位于黑海东北部。萨尔马提亚人于公元前 4世纪占领了该地,并在受到匈奴人的攻击之后穿过喀尔巴迁山脉沿着多瑙河逃遁。该名称也适用于今天的波兰东部和原苏联欧洲部分西部的维斯图拉河与伏尔加河中间的地带 〔Elam〕An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day southwest Iran. It was established east of the Tigris River before 3000b.c. and was known for its warlike people, traditionally thought to be descended from Noah's son Shem. 埃兰:亚洲西南部的古老国家,在今天的伊朗西南部。公元前 3000年以前在底格里斯河东岸建国。以善战的人民著称,传统上被认为是诺亚儿子舍姆的后代 〔AOH〕Ancient Order of Hibernians.爱尔兰古老秩序〔Cilicia〕An ancient region of southeast Asia Minor along the Mediterranean Sea south of the Taurus Mountains. The area was conquered by Alexander the Great and later became part of the Roman Empire. It was the site of an independent Armenian state from 1080 to 1375.西里西亚:托鲁斯山脉的南部、地中海沿岸、小亚细亚东南的古老地区。 该地区曾被亚历山大大帝征服,后来成为罗马帝国的一部分。它是1080年到1375年独立的亚美尼亚领土的遗址〔Aetolia〕An ancient region of central Greece north of the Gulfs of Corinth and Calydon (Patras). Aetolia was briefly significant in Greek history after the formation in 290b.c. of the Aetolian League, a military confederation that was defeated by the Achaeans later in the third century. 埃托利亚:希腊中部一古老地区,位于科林斯湾及卡莱敦(佩特雷)的北部。公元前 290年埃托利亚联盟成立以后,埃托利亚在希腊历史上具有重大意义。此军事联盟在3世纪被亚加亚人打败 〔Iberian〕A member of one of the ancient peoples that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula.伊比利亚人:居住在伊比利亚半岛的古老民族的一员〔Caria〕An ancient region of southwest Asia Minor with a coastline on the Aegean Sea. It was settled by Dorian and Ionian colonists and conquered by Alexander the Great in 334b.c. 卡里亚:小亚细亚西南部一古老地区,其海岸线濒临爱琴海。曾是多利安和爱奥尼亚的殖民地,公元前 334年被亚历山大大帝征服 〔Aeolis〕An ancient region of the western coast of Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. It was made up of a group of cities founded by the Aeolians c. 1100b.c. 伊奥利亚:位于现今土耳其小亚细亚西海岸的一古老地区,由约于公元前 1100年修建的一组城市组成 〔Ostia〕An ancient city of west-central Italy at the mouth of the Tiber River. According to legend, it was founded in the seventh centuryb.c. Ostia developed as a port after the first century b.c. and declined after the third century a.d. 奥斯蒂亚:意大利中西部一古老城市,位于台伯河河口。传说建于公元前 7世纪, 公元前 1世纪发展为港口, 公元 3世纪后衰落 〔Gaul〕An ancient region of western Europe south and west of the Rhine River, west of the Alps, and north of the Pyrenees, corresponding roughly to modern-day France and Belgium. The Romans extended the designation to include northern Italy, particularly after Julius Caesar's conquest of the area in the Gallic Wars (58-51b.c. ). 高卢,加利亚:西欧的一古老地区,在莱茵河南部和西部,阿尔卑斯山西部,比利牛斯山北部,基本相当于现代的法国和比利时。罗马人把其疆域扩展到包括北意大利,尤其是当朱利斯·凯撒在高卢一战中征服此地区后(公元前 58-51年) 〔leprechaun〕Nothing seems more Irish than the leprechaun;yet, hiding within the wordleprechaun is a word from another language entirely. If we look back beyond Modern Irish Gaelicluprachán and Middle Irish luchrupán to Old Irish luchorpān, we can see the connection.Luchorpān is a compound of Old Irish lū, meaning "small,” and the Old Irish word corp, "body.” Corp is borrowed from Latin corpus (which we know from habeas corpus ). Here is a piece of evidence attesting to the deep influence of Church Latin on the Irish language.Although the word is old in Irishit is fairly new in English,being first recorded in 1604.没有什么东西看上去比矮妖精更具有爱尔兰特色;但是,leprechaum (矮妖精)这个单词里却隐藏着一个完全来源于另一种语言的单词。 如果我们通过现代爱尔兰语中的luprachan 和中世纪爱尔兰语 luchrupan 一词,追溯到古代爱尔兰语中的 luchorpan 这个单词, 我们就可以看出其中的联系了。luchorpan 是由古代爱尔兰语中表示“小、矮小”,意思的 lu 和古代爱尔兰语中表示“身体”的 corp 一词所构成的复合词。 corp 一词是从拉丁语中 corpus 借用过来的(这一点我们可以从 habeas corpus 【人身保护令】得知)。 这是一个证明教堂拉丁语对爱尔兰语有着重大影响的证据。虽然该词在爱尔兰语中已经很古老了,但在英语中却很新,首次记录于1604年〔Paestum〕An ancient city of southern Italy on the Gulf of Salerno. Founded as a Greek colony before 600b.c. , it flourished as part of Magna Graecia and was taken by Rome in 273 b.c. 柏埃斯图姆:意大利南部的一个古老城市,位于萨勒诺港之上在公元前 600年前建立为希腊的殖民地,成为希腊的一个部分而繁荣兴旺,并于 公元前 273年被罗马占领 〔Cappadocia〕An ancient region of Asia Minor in present-day east-central Turkey. Heart of a Hittite state and later a Persian satrapy, it was annexed by the Romans ina.d. 17. 卡帕多西亚:小亚细亚的一个古老地区,位于今土耳其中东部。起先是赫梯族的心脏地带,后来又成为波斯帝国的一个总督管辖区,于公元 十七年被罗马人吞并 〔dateless〕So ancient that no date can be determined.年代不可考的:古老得无法确定日期的〔Mitanni〕An ancient kingdom of northwest Mesopotamia extending from the bend in the Euphrates River nearly to the Tigris River. Founded probably by Aryans, the kingdom was established c. 1475b.c. and lasted until c. 1275, when it fell to the Hittites. 米坦尼:美索不达米亚西北的古老王国,从幼发拉底河湾延伸接近底格里斯河。该王国可能是由亚利安人于大约公元前 1475年所建,持续到公元1275年,直至其落入赫梯人之手 〔adage〕It is sometimes claimed that the expressionold adage is redundant, inasmuch as a saying must have a certain tradition behind it to count as anadage in the first place. But the word adage is first recorded by the OED in the phrase old adage, showing that this redundancy itself is very old.Such idiomatic redundancy is paralleled by similar phrases such asyoung whelp. 有时人们认为old adage 这种表达方式很累赘, 因为谚语首先必须具有一定的传统才能成为adage 。 但是adage 这个词首次是以 old adage 这个词组形式收录于 《牛津英语词典》, 由此可表明这种累赘本身就很古老。这种谚语上的累赘与类似的词组对等,如年轻的幼犬 〔Attica〕An ancient region of east-central Greece around Athens. According to Greek legend, the four Attic tribes were unified into a single state by the Athenian king Theseus.阿提卡:希腊中东部雅典周围的一古老地区。根据古希腊传说,四个阿提卡部落由雅典国王西修斯统一为一个部〔Metapontum〕An ancient city of southeast Italy on the Gulf of Taranto. It was settled by Greeks c. 700b.c. Pythagoras taught here in the sixth century. 麦特蓬托姆:意大利东南的一座古老城市,临塔兰托湾公元前 700年由希腊人建立,6世纪时毕达哥拉斯曾在此讲学 〔shellac〕An old phonograph record containing this substance, typically played at 78 rpm.含虫胶原料的唱片:一种包含这种物质并能以78转/分播放的古老留声机唱片〔Canopus〕An ancient city of northern Egypt east of Alexandria. It was the site of a great temple honoring Serapis.坎努帕斯:埃及北部一座古老城市,位于亚历山大东部。是一座纪念地狱之神塞拉皮斯的宏伟神殿的所在地〔Gibeon〕An ancient village of Palestine near Jerusalem. In the Old Testament, its inhabitants were condemned by Joshua to serve as manual laborers for the Israelites.直贝恩:靠近耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦的一个古老村庄。旧约中它的居民被乔舒亚定罪作为劳力去侍候以色列人〔Himyarite〕A member of an ancient tribe of southwest Arabia.希米亚人:阿拉伯西南部一个古老部落的成员〔Helvetia〕An ancient region of central Europe occupying a plateau between the Alps and the Jura Mountains. It was named by the Romans for its predominantly Celtic inhabitants. Helvetia corresponded roughly to the western part of modern Switzerland, and the name is still used in poetic references and on the country's postage stamps.赫尔维西亚:中欧的一个古老地区,覆盖了位于阿尔卑斯山与侏罗山脉之间的一个高原。是罗马人根据势力强大的凯尔特人起的名字。赫尔维西亚大体上相当于今瑞士的西部,这个名字至今仍被使用于诗歌引文中及印刷于国家的邮票之上〔Memphis〕An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo. Reputedly founded by Menes, the first king of united Egypt, it retained its primacy until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. Its remains include an extensive necropolis.孟菲斯:埃及一古老城市,位于开罗以南。据说该城是由统一埃及的第一位国王美尼斯建立的,在亚历山大大帝占领埃及之前它一直保持原状。该地遗物包括大面积的史前坟墓〔Doris〕An ancient region of central Greece. It was the traditional homeland of the Dorians.多立斯:希腊中部一古老地区。它是多利安人的传统居住地 |
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