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单词 古罗马人
释义 〔Romanic〕Of or derived from the ancient Romans.属于或源于古罗马人〔ampulla〕A nearly round bottle with two handles used by the ancient Romans for wine, oil, or perfume.双耳细颈瓶:一种近圆形的双柄瓶,古罗马人用它盛酒、油或香水〔Palencia〕A city of northern Spain north-northeast of Valladolid. Site of an ancient Roman settlement, it was recovered from the Moors in the tenth century. Spain's first university was founded here in 1208 but moved to Salamanca in 1238. Population, 74,311.帕伦西亚:西班牙北部城市,位于法来多利省东北偏北。它是古罗马人的聚居区,在10世纪时从摩尔斯地区被发现。公元1208年西班牙的第一所大学在此建立,但于1238年迁至萨拉曼卡。人口74,311〔petasos〕A wide-brimmed hat worn by ancient Greeks and Romans.阔边帽:古希腊人和古罗马人戴的一种宽边帽〔caricature〕The history of the wordcaricature takes us back through the centuries to a time when the Romans occupied Gaul, offering the blessings of civilization to the Gaulsbut also borrowing from them as well.One such borrowing, the Gaulish word.karros, meaning "a wagon or cart,” became Latincarrus, "a Gallic type of wagon.” This Latin word has continued to roll through the English language,giving uscar, career, cargo, carry, and charge, among others. Caricature, another offspring of carrus, came to us via French from Italian,in whichcaricatura, the source of the French word, was derived from Italian caricare, "to load, burden, or exaggerate.” Caricare in turn came from Late Latin carricāre, "to load,” derived from the Romans' Gaulish borrowingcarrus. Caricature 一词的历史可上溯到很多世纪以前当古罗马人占领高卢的时候。 古罗马人给高卢人带去文明开化的好处,同时也从高卢人那里有所借鉴。其中一个借用语,即意为“运货马车或畜拉车”的高卢语词karros , 演变成拉丁语carrus ,意为“一种高卢式运货马车”。 这一拉丁词语在英语中继续发展,使我们得到了car,career,cargo,carry 和 charge 等诸多词汇。 Caricature 是 carrus 的另一产物, 从意大利语经法语而演变过来的。演变过程中,做为法语词源的caricatura 是从意大利语,即意为“装货,使负重荷或夸张”的 caricare 衍生而来。 反过来,Caricare 源自后期拉丁语 carricare ,意为“装货”, 而它又衍生自古罗马人从高卢语中借来的carrus 〔Bath〕A city of southwest England southeast of Bristol. Famous for its Georgian architecture and its hot mineral springs, tapped by the Romans in the first centurya.d. , it is a popular resort. Population, 84,100. 巴思:英格兰西南部的一座市镇,在布里斯托尔港的东南面。以其乔治王朝的建筑和温泉而著名。这些温泉是公元 1世纪古罗马人开凿的。是一颇受青睐的疗养胜地。人口84,100 〔praenomen〕The first name of a citizen of ancient Rome, asGaius in Gaius Julius Caesar. 古罗马人的首名:古罗马公民姓名中的第一个名字,如盖阿斯 就是 盖阿斯·朱利斯·凯撒 这个姓名中的第一个名字 〔triptych〕A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome.三联书写板:古罗马人日常写字用的以铰链联结、由三张书面组成的书写板〔Pliny〕Roman consul and writer, the nephew of Pliny the Elder. His letters provide valuable information about Roman life.普林尼:古罗马执政官和作家,是老普林尼的外甥。他的书信提供了有关古罗马人生活的珍贵信息〔Rouen〕A city of northern France on the Seine River west-northwest of Paris. Of pre-Roman origin, it was repeatedly raided by the Norse in the ninth century, became the capital of medieval Normandy in the tenth century, and was held by the English from 1418 to 1449. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake here in 1431. Population, 101,945.卢昂:法国北部塞纳河上一城市,位于巴黎西北以西。该市的历史可追溯到古罗马人统治以前的时期,它在9世纪时不断受到古斯堪的纳维亚人的袭击,10世纪时成为中世纪诺曼底的首都,并从1418年至1449年受英国人统治。圣女贞德于1431年在该市的火刑柱上被烤死。人口101,945〔Decapolis〕A confederacy in northeast Palestine of ten Roman-controlled cities settled by Greeks. It was formed after 63b.c. and dominated by Damascus. 戴克波利斯:由希腊人定居的十个古罗马人统治的城市联邦之一,位于巴勒斯坦东北部公元前 63年后建成,由大马士革统治 〔Briton〕One of a Celtic people inhabiting ancient Britain at the time of the Roman invasion.布立吞人:古罗马人入侵时居住在古不列颠岛的凯尔特人之一〔Craiova〕A city of southwest Romania west of Bucharest. Built on the site of a Roman settlement, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1790 and burned by the Turks in 1802. Population, 260,422.克拉约瓦:罗马尼亚西南部的一个城市,位于布加勒斯特以西。建于古罗马人的一个聚居点上,它在1790年遭到地震的破坏,1802年被土耳其人烧毁。人口260,422〔Averno〕A small crater lake of southern Italy near the Tyrrhenian Sea west of Naples. Because of its gloomy aspect and intense sulfuric vapors, now extinguished, the ancient Romans regarded it as the entrance to the underworld.阿弗尔诺,阿韦尔努斯:意大利南部那不勒斯以西第勒尼安海附近的一座小火山口湖。因其灰暗的外观和强烈的硫磺蒸气,现在已不存在,古罗马人认为它是地狱的入口〔Romaic〕from Greek [Roman] 源自 希腊语 [古罗马人] 〔Latin〕Of or relating to ancient Rome, its people, or its culture.古罗马的:古罗马的,古罗马人的,古罗马文化的或与其有关的〔Carniola〕A mountainous region of northwest Yugoslavia. The earliest inhabitants, a Celtic people, were displaced by the Romans, who in turn were overrun by Slovenes in the sixth centurya.d. 卡尼奥拉:南斯拉夫西北部一山区。该地区最早的居民,即凯尔特民族,因古罗马人而被迫离开家园,反过来,在公元 6世纪,古罗马人又被斯洛文尼亚人打垮 〔pileus〕A brimless, round skullcap worn by ancient Romans.无边毡便帽:古罗马人戴的一种圆形无檐便帽〔latifundium〕A great landed estate, especially of the ancient Romans.大庄园:大庄园,尤指古罗马人〔romance〕from Latin Rōmānicus [Roman] 源自 拉丁语 Rōmānicus [古罗马人] 〔cognomen〕The third and usually last name of a citizen of ancient Rome, asCaesar in Gaius Julius Caesar. 古罗马人的姓:古罗马公民的第三个名字,通常是最后一个名字,如凯撒 在 格尤斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒 中 〔Roman〕Abbr. Rom.Of or being an architectural style developed by the ancient Romans and characterized by the round arch as chief structural element, the vault, concrete masonry construction, and classical ornamentation.缩写 Rom.罗马式建筑的:由古罗马人创建的建筑术,风格为以拱架结构为主要的建筑要素、拱顶、混泥土结构和古典装饰品




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