单词 | 口头 |
释义 | 〔silent〕Having no spoken dialogue and usually no soundtrack. Used of a film.无声的:没有口头对话的,通常没有配乐。用于形容电影〔catechist〕from katēkhizein [to teach by word of mouth] * see catechize 源自 katēkhizein [口头教育] * 参见 catechize〔command〕 Bid suggests an oral command: Bid 暗示口头的命令 〔should〕Herewould was acceptable on all levels to a large majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey and is more common in American usage thanshould. · Should have is sometimes incorrectly written should of by writers who have mistaken the source of the spoken contractionshould've. See Usage Note at if ,rather ,shall 在此处,在一次早期的调查中对大多数各阶层的使用者来说,would 是可以接受的, 且在美国用法中比should 更为常见。 有时书写者把should have 误拼成 should of , 因为他们把口头缩略形式should've的来源给弄错了 参见 if,rather,shall〔syllable〕One or more letters or phonetic symbols written or printed to approximate a spoken syllable.音节书写符号:手写或印刷的用来模拟口头音节的一个或多个字母或语音符号〔biography〕a film biography of Adlai Stevenson; an oral biography.爱德莱·史蒂文生传记影片;口头传记〔catechesis〕from Greek katēkhēsis [oral instruction] 源自 希腊语 katēkhēsis [口头教育] 〔folklore〕The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.民俗:口头传述的传统信仰、神话、故事和人们的实践〔silent〕Not voiced or expressed; unspoken:未说出的:没有口头说出的或没有表达出来的;没有说出来的:〔language〕Verbal communication as a subject of study.口头语言,口语:作为学习的主题的口头交流〔oral〕Spoken rather than written.See Usage Note at verbal 口头的:口说的而不是书写的 参见 verbal〔catechesis〕Oral instruction given to catechumens.用口授教宗教法规:给新入教者的口头说教〔address〕To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of:提出:提交(口头或书面的报告)以引起…的注意:〔salvo〕A forceful verbal or written assault.口头或书面的猛烈攻击〔incantation〕Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.念咒:口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果〔yes〕The wordyes is a good example of how an ordinary and frequently used word can have a complex etymology. We can traceyes back to two Indo-European roots, .i-, a pronominal stem, and .es-, "to be.” From two extended forms of.i-, .yām and .yāi, came the prehistoric Common Germanic forms.jā and jai, which gave us Old Englishgeā, an affirmative particle, the source of Modern Englishyea. The Indo-European root.es- is the source of our forms am and is. From the stem.sī- used to make verb forms in the optative mood, a mood used to express a wish, came the Germanic form.sijai-, which gave us Old Englishsīe, "may it be so.” This form, unlike the sources ofam and is, died out, but before disappearing it had combined with Old Englishgēa to form the compound gēse, the ancestor of our wordyes. Thissīe was destined to have even more of a triumph. Until around 1600yea was used to respond to positive expressions, whereasyes was used to respond to negative expressions. After that timeyes became a response to both positive and negative expressions, yea surviving primarily in voice votes. yes 一词是说明一个普通常用词如何拥有一复杂词源的极好例证。 我们可以追溯yes 到两个印欧语词根, 代名词词干i- 和 es- “是”。 从i-的两种扩展形式,yam 和 yai, 形成了史前普通日耳曼语形式ja 和 jai, 它们又带来了古英语中的肯定虚词gea , 这便是现代英语yea 的来源。 而印欧语词根es- 是我们 am 和 is 两形式的源头。 以is- ,一个用于制造祈愿语气动词的词干, 产生出日尔曼形式sijai-, 并由此形成了古英语sie, “希望如此”。 这种形式不象am 和 is 的词源,已经灭绝了, 但在消失之前,它已经和古英语gea 混合形成复合词 gese, 即我们的单词yes 的前身。 这个sie 注定要获取更大的胜利。 直至1600年左右,yea 还被用于回答肯定的陈述; 而yes 则用于回答否定陈述。 此后,yes 既可作肯定也可否定表达的回答, yea 则主要在口头投票时使用 〔recitation〕Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.背书:小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来〔apologetic〕from apologeisthai [to defend oneself verbally] 源自 apologeisthai [口头为自己辩护] 〔answer〕 Answer, respond, and reply, the most general, all mean to speak, write, or act in response: Answer, respond 和 reply 这三个常用的词都指用口头,书面或行为方式回答:〔Mishnah〕The first section of the Talmud, being a collection of early oral interpretations of the scriptures as compiled abouta.d. 200. 密西拿:塔木德经的第一部分,为教律的早期口头阐释的收录,成书于约公元 200年 〔pitch〕To attack verbally or physically; assault.猛烈攻击:口头或武力攻击;攻击〔parol〕Expressed or evidenced by word of mouth; not written.口头的:用口讲出或证实的;非书面的〔describe〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to tell the facts, details, or particulars of something verbally or in writing": 这些动词共有的中心意思是“口头或书面述说事实、细节或特殊之处”: 〔opponent〕One that opposes another or others in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate.对手:在争论、辩论、战争、对抗或其它口头论战中反对对方或其他人的人〔agitate〕To arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate.热烈讨论,辩论:用书面或口头的话激起兴趣(如对于一项事业);争论〔speak〕To convey thoughts, opinions, or emotions orally.交谈:口头表达思想、意见或情感〔pad〕To lengthen (something written or spoken) with extraneous material:加长,添油加醋:用无关紧要的材料加长(书面或口头东西):〔Adonai〕Lord. Used in Judaism as a spoken substitute for the ineffable name of God.上帝:主。作为神圣的上帝名字的口头替代词使用于犹太教中〔address〕A formal spoken or written communication:称呼:正式的口头或书面的交流:〔quiz〕A short oral or written test.简单的测试:简短的口头或书面测试〔apologetic〕Justifying or defending in speech or writing.书面辩解,口头辩护:书面或口头辩解或辩护的〔discourse〕A formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken.正式的讨论:对某一题目的正式、长时间的书面或口头讨论〔invitation〕A spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.邀请:请某人出席或参加的口头或书面请帖〔interpret〕To translate orally.口译:口头翻译〔elliptic〕Of or relating to extreme economy of oral or written expression.精简的:口头或文字表达极其精练的,或与之有关的〔verbal〕Expressed in spoken rather than written words; oral:口头的,非书面的:用口语而不是用书面语表达的:〔catechesis〕from katēkhein [to teach by word of mouth] * see catechize 源自 katēkhein [口头教育] * 参见 catechize〔nuncupative〕Delivered orally to witnesses rather than written:口头的,非书面的:向见证者口头发出的而不是书面发出的:〔interpreter〕One who translates orally from one language into another.口译者:口头将一种语言译为另一种语言的人〔syllable〕The slightest bit of spoken or written expression:片言只语:口头或书面词句的最小部分: |
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