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单词 口吻
释义 〔snipefish〕Any of various small marine fishes of the family Macrorhamphosidae, found in tropical and temperate regions and characterized by a long snout and a very long spine extending from the dorsal fin backward toward the tail.鹬鱼:长吻鱼科中的任意一种小型海洋鱼类,发现于热带和温带地区,特征是口吻长,脊刺极长,从背鳍一直向后延伸至尾部〔peremptory〕The teacher spoke in a peremptory tone.老师以命令的口吻说话〔incisive〕"He can say the driest, most cutting things in the quietest of tones" (Charlotte Brontë).“他能以最平静的口吻说出最冰冷、最剌人的话” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。〔starstruck〕"The star-struck tone of the text suggests that the author is giving us an exclusive peek into the secret lives of the justices"(Richard A. Epstein)“这篇文章的星迷口吻说明作者对这些法官的秘密生活有独到的见解”(理查德A.爱泼斯坦)〔root〕To dig in the earth with or as if with the snout or nose.仿佛用口吻或用鼻子在泥土里翻〔severe〕spoke in a severe voice.以严峻的口吻说话〔shovelnose〕A sturgeon(Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus) of the Mississippi River, having a broad flat snout. Also called hackleback ,shovel-nosed sturgeon 铲鲟:密西西比河中的一种鲟鱼(铲鲟或锯齿背) 长有宽扁的口吻 也作 hackleback,shovel-nosed sturgeon〔speak〕To speak condescendingly to:以居高临下的口吻对某人说话:〔per〕In its more general use to mean "according to" (as inper the terms of the contract ), it is best reserved for business and legal communications,unless the writer seeks a tone of jocular formality.更普遍的意思是“根据”(如见 per the terms of the contract ), 最适于商业和法律交流,除非作者想寻求一种滑稽的正式口吻〔mink〕Any of various semiaquatic carnivores of the genusMustela, especially M. vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly webbed toes. 鼬(尤指水貂):一种鼬 属的半水生食肉动物,尤指北美的 鼬属水貂 同其它鼬属动物相似,耳短、口吻突出、腿短且部分趾间有蹼 〔snout〕A spout or nozzle shaped like such a projection.口吻状物:类似口吻这样突出物的喷嘴或嘴状物〔react〕reacted strongly to the sarcastic tone of the memorandum.对于备忘录所使用的讽刺性口吻而作出强烈反应〔strain〕a strain of zealous idealism.一副狂热的理想主义的口吻〔root〕To dig with or as if with the snout or nose.仿佛用口吻或用鼻子拱〔snout〕The projecting nose, jaws, or anterior facial part of an animal's head.口鼻部,口吻:动物头部突出的鼻、颚或脸前部〔apocalyptic〕"Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote"(Stefan Kanfer)“除去其夸张的预示灾难的口吻后,这几乎等同于鼓吹按死记硬背的方式来教姓名、日期和地点”(斯特凡·坎费尔)




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