单词 | 受害者 |
释义 | 〔victim〕One who is harmed or killed by another:受害者:被另一个人伤害或者杀死的人:〔asocial〕"the other, and usually neglected, victims . . . the asocials . . . those who violated the Nazi work ethic and social norms"(Mary Nolan)“还有别的通常被忽视了的受害者,那些反社会的人…那些违反纳粹的行为伦理和社会规范的人”(玛丽·诺兰)〔answer〕Respond also denotes a reaction to something that stimulates one to a course of action, often voluntary (A bystander responded immediately to the victim's obvious need for help), or to an involuntary emotional response (She responded in spite of herself to the antics of the puppy). Respond 还指对刺激的反应,常是自发的(旁观者立即对显然需要帮助的受害者作出了表示), 或是对引发感情流露的行为的反应(她不由自主地注意起那些古代木偶)。 〔rack〕An instrument of torture on which the victim's body was stretched.拉肢刑架,拷问台:一种拉伸受害者肢体的工具或刑具〔see〕The medical examiner viewed the victim's body.法医检验了受害者的尸体。〔come〕The fainting victim came to.昏倒的受害者恢复了意识〔casualty〕One that is harmed or eliminated as a result of an action or circumstance:受害者:因某运动或环境而受伤害或被消灭的事物:〔misfortune〕 Misfortune, which applies most broadly,often suggests the operation of distressing circumstances beyond the victim's control: Misfortune 适用范围最广,它经常暗含着受害者所不能控制的令人烦恼的外部环境的运转: 〔collide〕"When truths collide, compromise becomes the first casualty"(Henry A. Kissinger)“当事实相互抵触时,首当其冲的受害者是妥协”(亨利A.基辛格)〔victim〕a victim of a mugging.走私活动的受害者〔schnook〕A stupid or easily victimized person; a dupe.愚蠢的:愚蠢或容易成为受害者的人;傻瓜〔anguished〕anguished victims of the earthquake; anguished screams for help.地震极度痛苦的受害者;痛苦的呼救声〔fall〕The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground.受害者从三层楼落在地面上〔ghastly〕the grim task of burying the victims of the earthquake.埋葬地震受害者的令人恐怖的工作。〔amends〕The new law offers no amends to victims of crime. I assured them that no amends are necessary. You must make amends to them for the insult.See Synonyms at reparation 新的法律不对犯罪受害者给予赔偿。我使他们确信没有必要赔偿。由于你的侮辱行为,你必须向他们赔礼道歉 参见 reparation〔enter〕The bullet entered the victim's skull.子弹穿透了受害者的头骨〔hinder〕A suit and an overcoat hampered the efforts of the accident victim to swim to safety.套装和大衣阻碍了事故受害者游到安全地带的努力。〔gangbang〕Sexual intercourse, often rape, involving one person or victim and several others who have relations with that person in rapid succession.集体轮奸:涉及一个人或受害者和其他几人接连快速与其发生性关系的性交,尤指强奸〔genre〕"Emaciated famine victims . . . on television focused a new genre of attention on the continent"(Helen Kitchen)“很憔悴的饥荒受害者…在电视上引起了对这个大陆的一种新型的注意”(海伦·基钦)〔finger〕To designate, especially as an intended victim.选定:指明,尤指作为预定的受害者〔shake〕"stepping in between the victim and the bully, even when the victim happens to be no great shakes"(Louis Auchincloss)“即使受害者是普通百姓,我们也应保护受害者不受恶霸欺侮”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)〔equivalent〕"Prejudicing vital foreign policy considerations in order to rescue individuals finds its domestic equivalent in the inflated awards paid to . . . accident and malpractice victims"(Moorhead Kennedy)“为了挽救个人而对重要外交政策的考虑产生偏见,正如国内相应的对于事故和医疗误诊的受害者加以巨额补偿一样”(穆尔黑德·肯尼迪)〔syphilis〕In 1530 Girolamo Fracastoro, a physician, astronomer, and poet of Verona,published a poem entitled "Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus,” translated as "Syphilis, or the French Disease.” In Fracastoro's poem the name of this dreaded venereal disease is an altered form of the hero's name,Syphilus. The hero, a shepherd, is supposed to have been the first victim of the disease. Where the nameSyphilus itself came from is not known for certain, but it has been suggested that Fracastoro borrowed the name from Ovid'sMetamorphoses. In Ovid's work Sipylus (spelledSiphylus in some manuscripts) is the oldest son of Niobe, who lived not far from Mount Sipylon in Asia Minor.Fracastoro's poem about Syphilus was modeled on the story of Niobe.Although the etymology involving Sipylus was known to the editors of theOxford English Dictionary, it was not accepted as their last word on the subject.C.T. Onions, one of the dictionary's editors, writing in theOxford Dictionary of English Etymology, says that “ Syphilus [the shepherd's name] is of unkn[own] origin.” Fracastoro went on to use the termsyphilis again in his medical treatise De Contagione, published in 1546. The word that Fracastoro used in Latin was eventually borrowed into English, being first recorded in 1718.1530年,吉罗拉莫·弗拉卡斯特罗,一位医生,天文学家,也是维罗纳的诗人,发表了名为"Syphius, sive Morbus Gallicus"的诗,译作“梅毒,或法国疾病”。在弗拉卡斯特罗的诗中,这种可怕的性病的名字是主人公名字 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 的变体。 主人公是一名牧羊人,据认为是该病的第一个受害者。 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 这一名字本身的来源并不明确, 但有人认为弗拉卡斯特罗是从奥维德的变形记 中借用的。 在奥维德的作品中,西皮卢斯(Sipylus)(有些版本写作Siphylus )是尼俄柏的大儿子, 他住在小亚细亚的锡皮劳恩山附近。弗拉卡斯特罗的有关西弗乐斯的诗是以尼俄柏的故事为原型的。尽管牛津英语词典 的编者们知道有关西弗乐斯的词源, 这种词源解释还没有被最终确认下来。该词典的编者之一,C·T·奥尼恩斯在牛津英语词源 中写道“ 西弗乐斯 的词源不详”。 在弗拉卡斯特罗发表于1546年的医学论文传染病 中,他继续用 梅毒 这一词语。 弗拉卡斯特罗用的这一拉丁语词是终被借用进英语,其最早的记录出现于1718年〔precise〕The victim was able to give a precise description of the suspect.受害者能够清晰地描绘嫌疑犯〔con〕To swindle (a victim) by first winning his or her confidence; dupe.欺诈,欺骗:通过先赢得他或她的信任后再欺骗(受害者);欺骗〔faithless〕the victim of a perfidious murder.一次卑鄙谋杀的受害者。〔unfortunate〕a hapless victim;倒霉的受害者;〔victim〕the victim of a cruel hoax.一场大骗局的受害者〔reparation〕The innocent victims of the riot demanded indemnity for the lawless violence to which they had been subjected. 暴乱中的无辜受害者要求对他们所遭受的非法侵犯作出赔偿 〔frag〕To wound or kill (a fellow soldier) by throwing a grenade or similar explosive at the victim:蓄意杀害:向受害者投掷手榴弹或相似爆炸物以伤害或杀死(同伴):〔casualty〕The corner grocery was a casualty of the expanding supermarkets.角落里的杂货店是日益扩大的超级市场的受害者〔lull〕"that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims"(S.J. Perelman)“他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任”(S.J.佩雷尔曼)〔recompense〕recompensed the victims of the accident.给事故的受害者以赔偿〔prone〕The victim was supine on the stretcher.受害者仰卧在担架上。〔express〕The painting expresses the rage of war victims.这幅油画述说了战争受害者的愤怒〔grieve〕sorrowed over the innocent victims of the dictatorship. rejoice 为独裁统治的无辜受害者感到难过 rejoice |
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