单词 | 取消 |
释义 | 〔pull〕To remove all support and assistance from, usually suddenly.突然取消:通常是突然地取消对…的全部支持和帮助〔foreclose〕To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made.取消(抵押品的)赎回权:如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利〔joker〕A minor clause in a document such as a legislative bill that voids or changes its original or intended purpose.伏笔,曲笔:在法案等文件中取消或改变其初衷或目的的次要条款〔countermand〕To cancel or reverse (a previously issued command or order).取消,撤回:取消或撤回(以前发出的命令或定货)〔recall〕To cancel, take back, or revoke.取消,收回,解除〔integrationist〕One who advocates or works for social integration.主张或为取消种族隔离而工作的人〔its〕The airline canceled its early flight to New York.该航空公司取消了飞往纽约的早班飞机〔annul〕To obliterate the effect or existence of:取消:消除…的影响或存在:〔abolition〕The act of doing away with or the state of being done away with; annulment.废除,消灭:消除的动作或状态;取消〔countermand〕Cancellation of an order or command.收回成命;撤消命令:对定货或命令的取消〔foreclose〕Middle English forclosen [to exclude from an inheritance] 中古英语 forclosen [取消财产继承权] 〔recision〕from Old French [annulment of a judgment] 源自 古法语 [取消某个判决] 〔overscore〕To cross out by drawing a line or lines over or through.用痕迹来涂抹:通过在…上划线或把…划掉而取消〔void〕To make void or of no validity; invalidate:使无效,取消:使无效或失去效力;使不起作用:〔reverse〕To change to the opposite:取消:使变为相反的:〔break〕To fail to fulfill; cancel:不能履行;取消:〔unfreeze〕To remove a control or restriction on (prices or wages, for example).解除冻结,取消控制:取消对诸如价格或工资等的控管或限制〔derecognize〕To rescind formal, especially diplomatic recognition of:使不承认,不认可:取消正式(尤其是指外交)认可:〔scrub〕We had to scrub our plans for vacation.我们不得不取消度假计划〔unswear〕To recant or retract something sworn.食言:取消或撤回所发的誓〔rain〕To force the cancellation or postponement of (an outdoor event) because of rain.延期,取消:由于雨而被迫取消或推迟(户外活动)〔disincorporate〕To remove or become removed from the status of a corporation.解散法人团体:取消或使取消法人团体的法律地位〔disinvent〕To rescind the invention or existence of:取消…的发明或存在:〔defeat〕from Medieval Latin disfacere [to destroy, mutilate, undo] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 disfacere [毁灭,毁坏,取消] 〔excommunicate〕To deprive of the right of church membership by ecclesiastical authority.开除教籍:被教会方面取消做教友的权力〔integration〕The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.种族或宗教融合:在社会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中;取消种族隔离〔need〕"No . . . more pernicious [doctrine] was ever invented . . . than that any of [the Constitution's] provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government" (David Davis)“没有…曾经创造的 能比在一次政府的危急关头对 条款的取消更为有害的” (大卫·戴维斯)。〔bump〕To deprive (a passenger) of a reserved seat because of overbooking.取消定位:由于超额预定而取消一个(旅客)已预定的座位〔cancellation〕The act or an instance of canceling.取消,撤消:撤消的行为或事例〔cassation〕Abrogation or annulment by a higher authority.取消:被一个更高的权威取消或废除〔resegregation〕Renewal of segregation, as in a school system, after a period of desegregation.对…重新实行种族隔离:在种族隔离制度一度取消后重新实行的种族隔离,如在学校系统中〔decertify〕To revoke the certification of:收回(或取消)…的证件(或执照):〔reprieve〕Postponement or cancellation of a punishment.缓刑;取消刑罚的令状〔recision〕The act of rescinding; annulment or cancellation.废除:撤消的行为;解除或取消〔voidance〕The act of voiding.放出,排出,取消:放空、撤出、排泄、抛弃或取消的行为〔defer〕dē- [de-] dē- [表示“取消”] 〔quash〕To set aside or annul, especially by judicial action.取消或废止,尤指通过司法行为〔unmuzzle〕unmuzzle the press.取消对新闻界的限制〔apodosis〕The main clause of a conditional sentence, asThe game will be canceled in The game will be canceled if it rains. 条件句的结论句:条件句的主句,如The game will be canceled(比赛将取消) 在句子 The game will be canceled if it rains(如果下雨比赛将取消) 中 〔inoperative〕No longer in force, countermanded:不再生效的,取消的: |
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