单词 | 反驳 |
释义 | 〔contradiction〕The act of contradicting.反驳:反驳或驳斥的行为〔disproof〕The act of refuting or disproving.反证,反驳:拒绝或不同意的行为〔counter〕To move, act, or respond so as to be in opposition.逆向移动,对着干;反驳〔retort〕A quick, incisive reply, especially one that turns the first speaker's words to his or her own disadvantage.反驳,回复:一个迅速、尖锐的答复,尤指用第一位发言者的话来攻击他或她使其处于不利的地位〔peremptory〕Not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative:不容许反驳或拒绝的;不可侵犯的:〔pick〕To refute or find flaws in by close examination:挑剔,找毛病:反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误:〔disproof〕Evidence that refutes or disproves.反证物,反驳的证据〔plead〕To offer reasons for or against something; argue earnestly:辩论,反驳:提出理由以支持或反对某事;认真地争辩:〔squelch〕To put down or silence, as with a crushing retort:击溃:压下去或使无言以对,如通过有力的反驳:〔contravene〕To oppose in argument; gainsay:反驳:在辩论中反对;否认:〔repartee〕French repartie [from feminine past participle of] repartir [to retort] 法语 repartie 源自repartir的阴性过去分词 [反驳] 〔retort〕To present a counterargument to.反驳:对…提出驳论〔negative〕To deny; contradict.See Synonyms at deny 否认;反驳 参见 deny〔wit〕"framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee" (H.G. Wells). “一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论” (H.G.威尔斯)。〔stand〕A position or an opinion one is prepared to uphold:立场,观点,态度:一个人准备反驳的看法或者意见:〔riposte〕A retaliatory action, maneuver, or retort.机敏应答,尖锐反驳:报复性行动、策略或反驳〔comeback〕A reply, especially a quick, witty one; a retort.回答,尤指快速的、机智的;反驳〔watertight〕Having no flaws or loopholes; impossible to fault, refute, or evade:无懈可击的:没有瑕疵或漏洞的;不可能错误、反驳或回避的:〔wisecrack〕A flippant, typically sardonic remark or retort.See Synonyms at joke 妙语:俏皮话,妙语,尤指讽刺的话或反驳 参见 joke〔repartee〕from Old French [to retort, to depart again] 源自 古法语 [反驳,再次离开] 〔come〕came back with a sharp riposte.以尖锐的反驳回答〔rejoinder〕from Old French rejoindre [to answer, rejoin] * see rejoin 1源自 古法语 rejoindre [回答,反驳] * 参见 rejoin1〔rebuttal〕A statement made in rebutting.反驳的论点:反驳时说的言论〔answer〕“ You don't need to worry about appearing too intelligent,” retorted his opponent. See also Synonyms at satisfy “ 你不必担心表现的过分机智”他的对手反驳道 参见同义词 satisfy〔rebut〕To refute, especially by offering opposing evidence or arguments, as in a legal case.驳回:反驳,尤指诸如在法律案件中用证据或论据来反驳〔contradict〕Latin contrādīcere contrādict- [to speak against] 拉丁语 contrādīcere contrādict- [反驳] 〔soft〕Using or based on data that is not readily quantifiable or amenable to experimental verification or refutation:模糊的:使用或基于对实验证明或反驳而无法轻易量化或者检验的数据的:〔negative〕The side in a debate that contradicts or opposes the question being debated.反对方:在辩论中反驳或反对被辩论问题的一方〔joke〕Crack andwisecrack refer less formally to flippant or sarcastic retorts: Crack 和wisecrack 要非正式一些,它们表示轻率无礼的或讽刺挖苦的反驳: 〔uphold〕To maintain or affirm against opposition.See Synonyms at support 反驳:针对反对意见来坚持或肯定 参见 support〔disprove〕To prove to be false, invalid, or in error; refute.反驳,驳斥:证明…不真实,证明…虚假或不正确;反驳〔rebuttal〕The act of rebutting.反驳:反驳的行为〔rejoinder〕An answer, especially to a reply.回答;反驳:回答,尤其是对回答的反驳〔controvert〕To raise arguments against; voice opposition to.反驳:就…展开争论;声称反对…〔answer〕An act in retaliation or response:反击,反驳:报复或回应的行为:〔negative〕A statement or an act indicating or expressing a contradiction, denial, or refusal.See Usage Note at affirmative 否定,反驳,拒绝:意指或表示反驳、否认或拒绝的说法或行为 参见 affirmative〔strafe〕from Middle High German strāfen [to contest, admonish] 源自 中古高地德语 strāfen [反驳,告诫] 〔rejoin〕To say in reply, especially in sharp response to a reply.回答;反驳:回答;特别是对回答的尖锐反驳〔flareback〕A burst of something aimed back at its origin; a backfire:反驳,反击:用以回击其由来的某物;回击:〔counterexample〕An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem.反例证:对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子 |
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