单词 | 原住民 |
释义 | 〔Dyirbal〕A member of an Aboriginal people of northeast Queensland, Australia.台儿伯族:澳大利亚昆士兰东北部之原住民部落〔Metacom〕Wampanoag leader who waged King Philip's War (1675-1676) with New England colonists who had encroached on Native American territory.梅塔康:万帕诺亚格人领袖,与侵占美洲原住民领地的新英格兰殖民者进行了菲利浦国王战争(1675-1676)〔Wahpekute〕A Native American people of the Santee branch of the Sioux.瓦佩库特族:美洲原住民中苏族中的桑提族一支〔Makah〕A Native American people inhabiting the Cape Flattery area of northwest Washington.马考族:居住在华盛顿西北部弗拉特里角的美国原住民〔Bactrian〕A native or inhabitant of Bactria.大夏人:大夏国原住民或居民〔Momaday〕Native American poet, nature writer, and novelist whose work is a synthesis of European and Native American literary and cultural traditions. His best-known novel,House Made of Dawn (1968), won a Pulitzer Prize. 摩马代·斯科特:美洲原住民诗人、自然作家与小说家,其作品是欧洲与美洲原住民文学和文化传统的综合。其最为著名的小说《日升之屋》 (1968年)获得普利兹奖 〔Congolese〕A native or inhabitant of the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or the area surrounding the Congo River.刚果原住民,刚果居民:刚果共和国、刚果民主共和国或刚果河附近的原住民或居民〔Afghani〕A native or inhabitant of Afghanistan; an Afghan.阿富汗人:阿富汗原住民或居民;阿富汗人〔Lumbee〕A Native American people of southeast North Carolina.蓝毕族:北卡罗来纳州东南的美国原住民〔Tuscan〕A native or inhabitant of Tuscany.托斯卡人:托斯卡纳的原住民或居民〔Warlpiri〕A member of a traditionally nomadic Aboriginal people of north-central and central Australia.沃匹利人:澳大利亚中北部和中部的传统游牧原住民〔Yakama〕A Native American people inhabiting south-central Washington.雅卡玛族:居住在华盛顿中南部的美国原住民〔Abkhaz〕A native or inhabitant of Abkhazia.阿伯卡茨人族:阿伯卡茨原住民或居民〔Pitjantjatjara〕An Australian aboriginal people inhabiting the desert regions of southern and western Australia.皮詹加加拉人:居住在澳大利亚南部和西部沙漠地区的澳洲原住民〔autochthon〕One of the earliest known inhabitants of a place; an aborigine.土著,原住民:指最早居住于一地的人;原始居民〔Dharuk〕A member of an Aboriginal people of southeast Australia, the first to be encountered by English settlers in 1788 and since the mid-19th century culturally assimilated into the Australian population.达鲁克人:澳大利亚东南部的原住民民族的成员,是1788年英国移居者所遇到的首个民族。从19世纪中期开始,文化上就被同化成澳洲的居民〔didjeridoo〕A musical instrument of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, consisting of a long hollow branch or stick that makes a deep drone when blown into.狄杰里多木号:澳大利亚原住民的一种乐器,由一条长的空心树枝或棒子构成,当吹入空气时会产生低音〔Trojan〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Troy.特洛伊人:古代特洛伊城的原住民或居民〔Arabian〕A native or inhabitant of Arabia.阿拉伯人:阿拉伯半岛原住民或居民〔Yooper〕A native or inhabitant of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.犹普尔族:密执安州上半岛的原住民或居民〔native〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the original inhabitants of a particular place.土著的,原住民的:属于,关于,或成为典型的某一地区的当地的居民的〔Duwamish〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the eastern shore of Puget Sound near present-day Seattle, Washington. The Duwamish became extinct as a people in the 20th century.杜瓦米希族:美洲原住民之一,原居于今日华盛顿西雅图附近的皮尤吉特湾东岸一带。杜瓦米希族此族于20世纪灭绝〔Indianism〕Devotion to traditional Native American culture or cultures.印第安文化主义:致力于传统美国原住民文化〔Turk〕A native or inhabitant of Turkey.土耳其人:土耳其的原住民或居民〔Tunisian〕A native or inhabitant of Tunisia or Tunis.突尼斯人:突尼斯或突尼斯市的原住民或居民〔Georgian〕A native or inhabitant of the U.S. state of Georgia.乔治亚州人:美国乔治亚州原住民或居民〔Ingush〕A native or inhabitant of Ingushetia.印古什人:印古什族原住民或居民〔Thule〕A Native American culture that spread eastward across coastal Arctic regions to eastern Canada and Greenland from its beginnings in the Bering Strait region, flourishing from about 1000 to 1600.世界最北区:美洲原住民文化,从其在白令海峡地区的起源地,向东延伸,覆盖从北极沿海地区到加拿大东部以及格陵兰的区域,其昌盛时期约为1000年至1600年间〔Arcadian〕A native or inhabitant of the ancient Greek region of Arcadia.阿卡迪亚人:古希腊阿卡迪亚地区的原住民或居民〔Deganawidah〕Native American spiritual leader. According to tradition, he founded the Iroquois confederacy with Hiawatha.德甘那威戴:美国原住民精神领袖。据传说,他与海华沙创立了易洛魁联盟〔Belarusian〕A native or inhabitant of Belarus.白俄罗斯人:白俄罗斯原住民或居民〔Shanghainese〕A native or inhabitant of Shanghai.上海人:上海市原住民或居民〔Wahpeton〕A Native American people of the Santee branch of the Sioux.瓦佩顿族:美洲原住民桑提族的一支 |
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