单词 | 厌倦 |
释义 | 〔alas〕from Latin lassus [weary] * see lē- 源自 拉丁语 lassus [厌倦的] * 参见 lē- 〔satiate〕Cloy stresses the distaste or ennui produced by overindulgence: Cloy 强调因过分沉迷而产生的厌恶或厌倦: 〔tire〕To exhaust the interest or patience of; bore.使…厌烦:使…的兴趣或耐心耗尽;使…厌倦〔dullsville〕"You're on the down escalator to doubt, dullsville, and despair"(James Wolcott)“你乘坐的是通向怀疑,厌倦与绝望的下行电梯”(詹姆斯·沃尔科特)〔tire〕 Jade refers principally to dullness that most often results from overindulgence: Jade 主要指由于过度放纵所致的厌倦: 〔constraint〕soon tired of the constraint of military life.很快厌倦了军事生活的约束〔tire〕"When a man is tired of London,he is tired of life" (Samuel Johnson). “当一个人厌倦了伦敦的时候,他也厌倦了生活” (萨缪尔·约翰逊)。〔antidote〕an antidote to boredom;解除厌倦的方法;〔speciesism〕Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species, especially as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals.特种歧视:人类对某些动物种的歧视或厌倦,尤指人类对各种动物种的苛刻和剥削压榨〔ennui〕Were they alive today, users of Classical Latin might be surprised to find that centuries later a phrase of theirs would still survive,although in the form of a single word.The phrasemihi in odiō est (literally translated as "to me in a condition of dislike or hatred is"), meaning "I hate or dislike,” gave rise to the Vulgar Latin verb.inodiāre, "to make odious,” the source of Modern Frenchennuyer, "to annoy, bore.” In the Old French period a noun meaning "worry, boredom,” came from the verbennuier. This noun in its Modern French formennui was borrowed into English in the sense "boredom,” the English word being first recorded in 1732.People may have needed a word for boredom in the polite, cultivated world of the 18th century,but at an earlier period, around 1275,we had already borrowed the French verbennuier, the source of our word annoy. One of the earliest instances ofannoy in English is, in fact, used in the sense "to bore an audience.” 要是古拉丁文的使用者们今天还活着的话,他们很可能会吃惊地发现数世纪之后他们所用的一个短语依然在使用中,尽管采用了单个词的形式。短语mihi in odioest (按字面可翻译成“在不喜欢或憎恨情形下对我而言的是”), 意思是“我恨或讨厌”生成了俗拉丁语动词inodiare, “使可憎”, 其又为现代法语ennuyer “使苦恼,使烦恼”的词源。 在古法语时期,一个意思是“焦虑、厌倦”的名词来源于动词ennuier 。 该名词的现代法语形式ennui 被引入英语中,意指“厌倦”, 该英语词于1732年被首次记载,在18世纪的讲究礼节、有修养的社会里人们很可能需要一个词来表达厌倦之意,但在更早的时期,大约在1275年,我们已经借入法语动词ennuier, 作为我们的单词 annoy 的来源。 annoy 在英语中最早的例子之一是它实际上是在“使观众厌倦”的意义上使用的 〔acedia〕Spiritual torpor and apathy; ennui:倦怠,漠然:精神上的迟钝或冷淡;厌倦:〔childish〕tired of your childish pranks.厌倦了你幼稚的胡闹〔correct〕"Whenever [the people] shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it" (Abraham Lincoln).See also Synonyms at punish “无论什么时候 对现存政府厌倦了, 他们都能行使他们改善政府的宪法权,或者废除、颠覆它的革命权利” (亚伯拉罕·林肯) 参见同义词 punish〔ennui〕Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom:厌倦,无聊:由于缺乏兴趣而产生的无聊及不满足;厌倦:〔meaningless〕The host bored his guests with a long and pointless anecdote.主人讲述的冗长而毫无意义的轶闻使客人们都厌倦了。〔method〕"Of generalship, of strategic system . . . there was little or none" (John Morley).Aroutine is a habitual, often tiresome method: “提到领导能力,策略方法…少得可怜甚至压根儿没有” (约翰·毛利) 。Routine 是一个习惯性的,经常是让人厌倦的方法: 〔tired〕Impatient; bored:厌烦的:耐烦的;厌倦的: |
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