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单词 卡斯
释义 〔Mohegan〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Connecticut, with present-day descendants in southeast Connecticut and Wisconsin. The Mohegan broke away from the Pequot in the early 17th century under the leadership of Uncas.莫希干族:一个美国土著民族,从前居住在康涅狄格州东部,今天的后代在康涅狄格州和威斯康星州的东南部。莫希干族于17世纪早期在昂卡斯领导下摆脱了佩科特人的控制〔Burgos〕A city of northern Spain on a high plateau south-southwest of Bilbao. Founded c. 884, it was the capital of the kingdom of Castile in the 11th century. Population, 155,849.布尔戈斯:西班牙北部一个城市,位于毕尔巴鄂西南偏南的高原上。建于约公元884年,它是11世纪卡斯提王国的首都。人口155,849〔Kuskokwim〕A river of southwest Alaska flowing about 965 km (600 mi) southwest toKuskokwim Bay, an inlet of the Bering Sea. 卡斯科奎姆河:美国阿拉斯加西南一河流,流程约965公里(600英里),向西南流入白令海的一个海湾卡斯科奎姆湾 〔pop〕"popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth"(Kathleen Winsor)“将一只脆虾突然放进她嘴里”(卡斯林·温泽)〔Seleucia〕An ancient city of Mesopotamia on the Tigris River south-southeast of modern Baghdad. Founded c. 300b.c. , it was an important commercial center and the chief city of the empire founded by Seleucus I. 塞琉西亚:美索不达米亚的一座古城,位于今巴格达东南偏南的底格里斯河畔。建于公元前 300年左右,是塞琉卡斯一世缔造的王国的一个重要的商业中心和主要城市 〔Canfield〕American publisher and editor who encouraged and published several notable writers, including James Thurber and E.B. White.坎菲尔德,卡斯:(1897-1986) 美国出版商及编辑,曾鼓励包括詹姆斯·瑟伯和E·B·怀特等几位著名作家,并出版了他们的作品〔Cass〕American soldier, politician, and diplomat who held several governmental positions, including U.S. secretary of war (1831-1836) during the Black Hawk and Seminole wars.卡斯,刘易斯:(1782-1866) 美国军人、政客和外交官,曾担任过几任政府职务,包括在黑鹰和森密诺尔战争中任美国作战长官(1831-1836年)〔Castiglione〕Italian diplomat and writer best known forIl Cortegiano (1528), which describes the perfect courtier. 卡斯第里欧尼,巴尔达萨雷:(1478-1529) 意大利外交家和作家,最有名的是描绘完美朝臣的作品《科尔泰贾诺》 (1528年) 〔googol〕[Coined at the age of nine by Milton Sirotta, nephew of Edward Kasner (1878-1955), American mathematician] [为米尔顿·西罗蒂九岁时创造,是美国数学家爱德华·卡斯纳(1878-1955年)的侄子] 〔Malinowski〕Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛·卡斯佩:(1884-1942) 波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能〔Valladolid〕A city of northwest-central Spain north-northwest of Madrid. It became the chief residence of the Castilian court in the mid-15th century and was the site of the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1469. Population, 331,404.巴利阿多利德:西班牙中部偏西北的一座城市,位于马德里西北偏北,它于15世纪中期成为卡斯帝尔宫廷的主要居住地,并成为1469年弗迪南德和伊莎贝拉结婚的地点。人口331,404〔Gilbert〕American architect whose design of the 60-story Woolworth Building in New York City (1913) greatly influenced the development of the skyscraper.吉尔伯特,卡斯:(1859-1934) 美国建筑家,矗立在纽约城的60层的伍尔沃斯大厦(1913年)就是由他设计的,他极大地促进了摩天大楼建筑的发展〔Mirandize〕“[The police] Mirandized the . . . kid again, and pinned the Miranda card to his sheet" (Carsten Stroud)“[警察] 再次向这年轻人告知其合法权利,并把米兰达卡用大头针别在他的单子上” (卡斯登·斯特劳德)〔Seleucid〕A Hellenistic dynasty founded by Seleucus I after the death of Alexander the Great. It ruled much of Asia Minor from 312 to 64b.c. 塞琉卡斯王朝:塞琉古一世在亚历山大大帝死后建立的希腊王朝。从公元前 312到64年统治小亚细亚的大部分地区




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