单词 | 占优势 |
释义 | 〔prevailing〕Prevalent suggests widespread existence or occurrence but does not imply predominance: Prevalent 暗示了普遍的存在或发生但并不表占优势的: 〔preponderant〕Having superior weight, force, importance, or influence.See Synonyms at dominant 占优势的:重量、力量、重要性或影响力方面占优势的 参见 dominant〔general〕Highest or superior in rank:最高的:在职位上最高或占优势地位的:〔roorback〕A false or slanderous story used for political advantage.诽谤性谣言:为在政治上占优势而中伤政敌的谎言或毁谤话〔place〕A dominant or favorable position or situation.处于占优势或有利的地位或位置〔Abkhaz〕A member of the predominant, traditionally Muslim or Orthodox Christian ethnic group of Abkhazia.阿伯卡茨人:阿伯卡茨民族中占优势且传统上为穆斯林或东正基督教的一员〔windward〕Into or to an advantageous posture or position.占上风,占优势〔overtop〕To take precedence over; override:胜过:比…占优势;压倒:〔olla〕The unglazed earthenwareolla, a large crock or jar, was used for generations in parts of the United States where Spanish language and culture predominate,particularly in South Texas and California.The olla was usually used to store water on a patioand was wrapped in burlap to keep the water cool.这种不上釉的陶制品olla, 一种大的罐或缸, 曾在美国一些西班牙语和文化占优势的地域被好几代人长期使用,特别是南得克萨斯和加利福尼亚州,大缸原来通常是放在屋内庭守天井中用以贮水,并裹以粗麻布以保持水的清凉〔biome〕A major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate.生物群落区:大区域或全球性生物群居地,如草地或沙漠,主要以占优势植物和最常见的气候为特征〔gauntlet〕In the first and second editions ofThe American Heritage Dictionary Usage Notes explained why the spelling gauntlet is acceptable for bothgauntlet 1 and gauntlet 2. Such has not always been the case.The story ofgauntlet 1, as into throw down the gauntlet, is unexciting: it comes from the Old French wordgantelet, a diminutive of gant, "glove.” From the time of its appearance in Middle English (in a work composed in 1449),the word has been spelled with anau as well as an a, still a possible spelling. But the othergauntlet, as into run the gauntlet, is an alteration of the earlier English formgantlope, which came from the Swedish wordgatlopp, a compound ofgata, "lane,” and lopp, "course.” The earliest recorded form of the English word,found in 1646,isgantelope, showing that alteration of the Swedish word had already occurred. The English word was then influenced by the spelling of the wordgauntlet, "glove,” and in 1676 we find the first recorded instance of the spellinggauntlet for this word, althoughgantelope is found as late as 1836. From then on spellings withau and a are both found. Theau seems to have won out, although one could say that thea is preferable because it reflects the Swedish source.In regard to a word that has been so altered in form,this seems a rather fine point.在第一和第二版的美国经典辞书 的用法说明解释了为什么拼写 gauntlet 是可接受的, 既对于gauntlet 1,又对于 gauntlet 2。 情况并不总是这样。gauntlet 1的故事, 如在拒绝挑战 中并不令人激动: 它来自于一法语老词gantelet , gant 的小词缀“手套”。 自从它在中古英语出现之后(在1449年编的一著作中),这个词同au 的拼写已同 a 一样仍是可能的拼写形式。 但是另一个gauntlet , 如在接受挑战 中, 是早期英语形式gantlope 的一个变体, 其来自于一瑞典词gatlopp , gata “巷子”和 lopp “方向”的组合。 最早的这个英语单词的记录,出现于1646年,是gantelope ,表示这个瑞典单词的变体已出现。 这个英语单词然后被单词gauntlet “手套”的拼写所影响, 在1676年,我们发现了gauntlet 第一个有记录的例子, 尽管gantelope 直到1836年才发现。 此后,带有au 和 a 的拼写形式都被发现过。 au 似乎占优势, 尽管一个人可能说a 更好, 因它反映了瑞典语源。说到一个形式已发生了如此变化的单词,这似乎是个好建议〔ahead〕To be winning or in a superior position:领先,占优势:〔dominant〕"No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power" (Samuel Eliot Morison).“没有哪次重大现代战争不是由占优势的海军力量取胜的” (萨缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。〔above〕Superior to in rank, position, or number; greater than:高于,先于,优于:在级别、位置或数量上占优势;比…更大:〔preponderate〕To be greater than something else, as in power, force, quantity, or importance; predominate:主宰:在权力、力量、数量或重要性上比其他大的;占优势的:〔predominate〕To have or gain controlling power or influence; prevail:占优势,支配:拥有或获得支配性权力或影响;占优势:〔ascendant〕The position or state of being dominant or in control:占优势的:处于支配或统治的地位或状态:〔Meyer〕American writer and a founder of Barnard College at Columbia University (1889). Her dramatic works includeThe Dominant Sex (1911) and Black Souls (1932). 迈耶,安妮·弗罗朗斯·内森:(1867-1951) 美国作家,哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院(1889年)的创始人,她的戏剧作品包括《占优势的性别》 (1911年)和 《黑灵魂》 (1932年) 〔seesaw〕A back-and-forth or up-and-down movement, as of the lead between two contesting parties.拉锯式的动作,一起一伏的交替过程:上下或前后交替移动的动作,如比赛或竞争双方交替占优势〔saddle〕In control; dominant.在位的;占优势的〔clutch〕The coach relied on her clutch pitcher.教练寄希望于她的在紧要关头占优势的投手〔system〕The prevailing social order; the establishment. Used withthe : 现行秩序,现权力机构:占优势的社会秩序;权力机构与the 连用: 〔kingdom〕A realm or sphere in which one thing is dominant:领域:某物占优势的领域或范围:〔rule〕To prevail at a particular level or rate:保持某一水平:在某一特定水平或速度上占优势: |
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