单词 | 南部 |
释义 | 〔Crete〕A section of the southern Aegean Sea between Crete and the Cyclades Islands.克里特区:爱琴海南部克里特岛和基克拉迪群岛之间的一个区域〔Melanesia〕A division of Oceania in the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising the islands northeast of Australia and south of the equator. It includes the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, the Bismarck Archipelago, various other island groups, and sometimes New Guinea.美拉尼西亚:西南太平洋之一海域,由澳大利亚东北部及赤道南部的岛屿组成。它包括所罗门群岛、新赫希里底岛、新喀里多尼亚岛、俾斯麦群岛及其他各种群岛,有时也包括新几内亚〔Dixie〕A region of the southern and eastern United States, usually comprising the states that joined the Confederacy during the Civil War. The term was popularized in the minstrel song "Dixie's Land,” written by Daniel D. Emmett (1815-1904) in 1859.迪克西:美国南部和东部的地区,通常包括那些内战中组成南部邦联的各州。该称呼由滑稽说唱的歌曲“迪克西的土地”而普及,该歌是由丹尼尔·D·艾默特(1815—1904年)于1859年写成的〔Waterville〕A city of southern Maine north of Augusta. Settled in 1754, it is a trade and manufacturing center and the seat of Colby College (founded 1813). Population, 17,173.沃特维尔:美国缅因州南部城市,在奥古斯塔以北。1754年有人定居,是贸易和制造业中心,并是科尔比大学(建于1813年)所在地。人口17,173〔Gosport〕A municipal borough of southern England west of Portsmouth. Formerly a victualing station for the Royal Navy, it was an embarkation point for the invasion of France in 1944. Population, 77,400.戈斯波特:英格兰南部一自治市,朴次茅斯的西面。以前曾是皇家海军的后勤补给港,是1944年法国入侵的出发地点之一。人口77,400〔Corvallis〕A city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south-southwest of Salem. It is the seat of Oregon State University (established 1858). Population, 44,757.康瓦利斯城:俄勒冈州南部城市,位于威莱麦特河上,塞勒姆西南偏南。俄勒冈州立大学(建于1858年)位于此。人口44,757〔Rimouski〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River northeast of Quebec. It is a port and processing center. Population, 29,120.里姆斯基:加拿大魁北克南部一城市,位于圣劳伦斯河沿岸、魁北克东北。是一个港口和加工中心。人口29,120〔Janesville〕A city of southern Wisconsin north of Beloit. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 52,133.简斯维尔:美国威斯康星州南部的一个城市,位于贝劳特北部。是一个工业和商业中心。人口52,133〔Sumatra〕An island of western Indonesia in the Indian Ocean south of the Malay Peninsula. Visited by Marco Polo c. 1292, the island came under Dutch control in the 17th century although the English continued to press territorial claims. Sumatra joined newly independent Indonesia in 1949.苏门答腊岛:印度尼西亚西部一岛屿,位于马来半岛南部、印度洋沿岸。 马可波罗于1292年游访过该岛,17世纪荷兰人控制了该岛,尽管英国人继续宣称是它的领土,但在1949年苏门答腊岛就加入了独立不久的印度尼西亚〔Chiricahua〕A formerly nomadic Apache tribe inhabiting southern New Mexico, southeast Arizona, and northern Mexico, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and New Mexico.奇里卡瓦部落:原居住在美国新墨西哥州南部、亚利桑那州东南部及墨西哥北部的一支阿帕切人游牧部落,现在分布在俄克拉荷马州和新墨西哥州〔Natashquan〕A river of eastern Canada rising in southern Labrador and flowing about 388 km (241 mi) southward across eastern Quebec to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.纳塔什昆河:加拿大东部的一条河流,源于拉布拉多的南部,全长约388公里(241英里),向南流经魁北克的东部后注入圣劳伦斯湾〔Mweru〕A lake of central Africa on the Zaire-Zambia border west of the southern end of Lake Tanganyika.姆韦鲁湖:非洲中部的一个湖,位于扎伊尔-赞比亚边境,坦噶尼喀湖南部末端的西部〔Marbella〕A city of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Málaga. It is a noted tourist resort. Population, 39,000.马贝拉:西班牙南部一城市,位于马拉加的西南方地中海沿岸。它是一个著名的旅游胜地。人口39,000〔Sioux〕A group of Native American peoples, also known as the Dakota, inhabiting the northern Great Plains from Minnesota to eastern Montana and from southern Saskatchewan to Nebraska. Present-day Sioux populations are located mainly in North and South Dakota.苏人:美洲土著印第安人的一支,也被称作达科他人,居住于从明尼苏达到蒙大纳州东部以及萨斯喀彻温南部到内布拉斯加的大平原北部地区。如今苏人主要集中在达科他北部和南部〔Tighina〕A city of southern Moldova on the Dniester River northwest of Odessa, Ukraine. A historically strategic gateway to Bessarabia, the city has been controlled at various times by Turkey, Russia, Romania, and the Soviet Union. Population, 144,900第吉纳:莫多瓦南部城市,位于乌克兰敖德萨西北的德涅斯特河畔。作为通往比萨拉比亚的历史战略要道,第吉纳曾在不同时期被土耳其、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚和苏联分别统治。人口144,900〔Klagenfurt〕A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. It was chartered in 1279 and is today a manufacturing center and noted ski resort. Population, 87,321.克拉根福:奥地利南部一城市,位于格拉茨西南。1279年在地图上标出。现在是制造业中心和著名的滑雪场。人口87,321〔Yellowstone〕A river, about 1,080 km (671 mi) long, of northwest Wyoming and southern and eastern Montana. It flows northward throughYellowstone Lake and Yellowstone National Park then east and northeast to the Missouri River. The park includes numerous geysers, including Old Faithful. 黄石河:美国怀俄明州西北部和蒙大纳州南部及东部的一条河流,长约1080公里(671英里),向北流经黄石湖 和 黄石国家公园 ,然后向东和东北流入密苏里河,该公园有大量间歇泉,其中包括旧费斯富尔泉 〔Upolu〕A volcanic island of Western Samoa in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the site of Apia, the country's capital.乌波卢岛:太平洋南部岛国西萨摩亚的火山岛。也是西萨摩亚的首都阿皮亚的所在地〔Fontana〕A city of southern California west of San Bernardino. It is an industrial center in a citrus-growing area. Population, 87,535.丰塔纳:美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个城市,位于圣贝纳迪诺西部。是柑桔产地的工业中心。人口87,535〔Sorel〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and Richelieu rivers. It was founded in 1672 on the site of Fort Richelieu, established in 1665. Population, 20,347.索列尔:加拿大魁北克省南部的一个城市,位于圣劳伦斯河与黎塞留河的汇流处。建于1672年,其址原是建于1665年的黎塞留要塞的所在地。人口20,347〔Tarsus〕A city of southern Turkey near the Mediterranean Sea west of Adana. Settled in the Neolithic Period, it was one of the most important cities of Asia Minor under Roman rule (after 67b.c. ). Saint Paul was born in Tarsus. Population, 121,074. 塔尔色斯:土耳其南部一城市,位于地中海沿岸,安达纳西部。在新石器时代该城即已建立,它是罗马统治下的小亚细亚最重要城市之一(在公元前 67年以后)。圣·保罗就生于塔尔色斯。人口121,074 〔Neotropical〕Of or designating the biogeographic region stretching southward from the Tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies:新热带区的:属于或标明由北回归线向南沿伸的生物地理区,包括墨西哥南部、美国中部和南部,西印度群岛:〔Cherkassy〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southeast of Kiev. It was an important Cossack outpost before passing to Russia in the 1790's. Population, 273,000.切尔卡瑟:苏联欧洲部分南部城市,位于基辅东南偏南的第聂泊河上。在18世纪70年代并入俄罗斯,以前曾是重要的哥萨克前哨基地。人口273,000〔Yaqui〕A Native American people of Sonora, a state of northwest Mexico, now also located in southern Arizona. Many Yaqui sought asylum in the United States in the early 19th century because of conflict with the Mexican government.雅基族:墨西哥西北部的索诺拉州的一支印第安人,现在也定居在亚利桑那南部。19世纪初因为和墨西哥政府发生冲突,很多雅基人到美国寻求避难〔Neotropics〕The biogeographic region of the New World that stretches southward from the Tropic of Cancer and includes southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies.新热带区:新世界生物地理区,从北回归线向南延伸包括墨西哥南部,中、南美洲与西印度群岛等地区〔stoneroller〕A minnow(Campostoma anomalum) of the central and southern United States, having a horny ridge near the edge of the lower lip used for scraping food from the bottom of a body of water. 弯嘴鱼:美国中部及南部的一种鲤科小鱼(弯嘴鱼) 在下唇的下边缘生有角质脊,用来从某一水体的底部猎取食物 〔caryatid〕from Karuai [Caryae, a village of Laconia in southern Greece] 源自 凯鲁埃 [凯来埃,希腊南部拉科尼亚的一个村庄] 〔feist〕Feist, also fice, is one of several regional terms for a small mixed-breed dog or mongrel. Used throughout the Midland and Southern states, feist connotes a snappy, nervous, belligerent little dog—hence the derived adjective feisty, meaning "touchy, quarrelsome, or spirited,” applicable to animals and to people. Feist, 也作 fice, 是对一种小的混血狗或谱系不名的狗的最初几种叫法之一。用于英国中部地带和南部地区, feist 意指一种暴躁的、不安的或好战的小狗——由此而得的形容词 feisty, 意思是“暴躁的、好争吵的或者勇猛的,”指人和动物 〔Carlsbad〕A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean north-northwest of San Diego. It is a health resort and manufacturing center. Population, 63,126.卡尔斯巴德:美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,位于圣地亚哥西北部以北,濒临太平洋。该市为疗养胜地和制造业中心。人口63,126〔Lallan〕Scots as spoken in southern and eastern Scotland.苏格兰低地的方言:在苏格兰南部和东部讲的苏格兰语〔Powell〕A reservoir of southern Utah and north-central Arizona formed by the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. It is the second-largest (after Lake Mead) artificial lake in the United States. The dam, built in 1964, is located in Arizona just south of the Utah border.包威尔湖:位于犹他州南部及亚利桑那州中北部、由科罗拉多河的格蓝峡谷水坝所形成的湖泊。是美国第二大人工湖(在米德湖之后)。水坝建于1964年,位在犹他州州界以南的亚利桑那州境内〔Papago〕A Native American people inhabiting desert regions of southern Arizona and northern Sonora, a state of northwest Mexico.帕帕戈族:居住在美国亚利桑那州南部和索诺拉州北部的沙漠地区,墨西哥西北部一州的美洲土著居民〔Vincennes〕[vĭn-sĕnzʹ] A city of southwest Indiana on the Wabash River south of Terre Haute. The oldest city in the state, it was founded as a mission and fur-trading post by the French in the early 18th century. Population, 19,859.[vĭn-sĕnzʹ] 温森斯:印第安纳西南部一城市,位于特雷霍特南部的沃巴什河畔。为该州最古老的城市,由法国人在18世纪早斯作为哨岗和皮毛交易站而设。人口19,859〔Ulm〕A city of southern Germany on the Danube River southeast of Stuttgart. First mentioned in 854, it was later a free imperial city and reached the height of its influence in the 15th century. Napoleon defeated Austrian troops here in October 1805. Population, 98,604.乌尔姆:德国南部一城市,位于多瑙河沿岸、斯图加特东南。于854年第一次被提到,随后成为一个自由的帝国城市,在15世纪其影响力达到颠峰。拿破仑于1805年在此击败奥地利军队。人口98,604〔Nguni〕A member of a group of peoples of southern and southeast Africa, including the Swazi, Ndebele, Xhosa, and Zulu.恩戈尼族人:非洲南部和东南部一民族中的一员,包括斯威士族、恩德贝勒族、科萨族和祖鲁族〔Stromboli〕An island of southern Italy in the Lipari Islands off northeast Sicily in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its active volcano, 926.6 m (3,038 ft) high, erupted violently in 1930 and 1966.斯特龙博利:西西里东北部,第勒尼安海利帕里群岛的一个意大利南部岛屿,岛上的活火高达926.6米(3,038英尺),曾在1930年和1966年猛烈喷发〔Poway〕A community of southern California north of San Diego. It is near a large naval air base. Population, 43,516.波威:美国加利福尼亚州南部社区,位于圣地亚哥以北,该社区靠近大型海军航空基地。人口43,516〔Komati〕A river flowing about 805 km (500 mi) through northeast South Africa, northern Swaziland, and southern Mozambique to an inlet of the Indian Ocean.科马蒂河:流经南非东北部、斯威士兰北部和莫桑比克南部的一条河流,最后注入印度洋的一个海湾,全长约805公里(500英里)〔Boucherville〕A town of southern Quebec, Canada, an industrial suburb of Montreal on the St. Lawrence River. Population, 29,704.博舍维尔:加拿大魁北克地区南部城镇,是圣劳伦斯河上蒙特利尔市的工业郊区。人口29,704〔Palomar〕A peak, 1,868.4 m (6,126 ft) high, of southern California northeast of San Diego. It is the site of an observatory with one of the world's largest reflecting telescopes.帕洛马山:美国加利福尼亚南部圣迭弋东北的山峰,高1,868.4米(6,126英尺)。它是世界上最大的反射望远镜的观测台所在地 |
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