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单词 十月革命
释义 〔Lenin〕Russian founder of the Bolsheviks, leader of the Russian Revolution (1917), and first head of the U.S.S.R. (1917-1924). As a communist theoretician Lenin held that workers could not develop a revolutionary consciousness without the guidance of a vanguard party and that imperialism was a particular stage of capitalist development.列宁,弗拉基米尔·伊里奇:(1870-1924) 苏联布尔什维克的缔造者,俄国十月革命(1917年)的领导者,是前苏联的第一任领导人(1917-1924年)。作为一名共产主义的理论家,列宁认为:没有先驱政党的指导,工人就不能发展革命意识;帝国主义是资本主义发展过程中的一个特殊阶段〔Kollontai〕Russian revolutionary and writer who joined the Social-Democratic Worker's Party (1898) despite her privileged social position. After the October Revolution (1917) she advocated sweeping reforms in traditional customs and institutions.柯伦泰,亚历山大·米哈伊洛维纳:(1872-1952) 俄国革命者和作家,她不顾享有有特权的社会地位,而加入了社会民主工人党(1898年)。十月革命以后(1917年),她主张对传统的习惯和制度进行彻底的变革〔Krupskaya〕Russian revolutionary and wife of Vladimir Lenin. She held numerous political posts before and after the October Revolution (1917) and wroteMemories of Lenin (1930). 克鲁普斯卡娅,纳德扎达·康斯坦丁诺维纳:(1869-1939) 俄国革命者和瓦尔德米尔·列宁的妻子。十月革命(1917年)前后担任过许多政治工作,撰写了《忆列宁》 一书(1930年) 〔Sholokhov〕Russian writer whose four-part novelAnd Quiet Flows the Don (1928-1940) concerns the effect of World War I and the Russian Revolution on Cossack life. He won the 1965 Nobel Prize for literature. 萧洛霍夫,米克海尔·亚力山德罗维奇:(1905-1984) 苏联作家,他的小说《静静的顿河》 (1928-1940年)共分成四部,描写了一次世界大战和俄国十月革命对哥萨克人生活的影响。他获得了1965年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔kulak〕A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter.富农:沙皇俄国时期拥有土地的富裕农民,在十月革命中被共产党划为剥削者〔Reed〕American journalist. A World War I correspondent, he was in Petrograd during the October Revolution (1917), an experience he recounted inTen Days That Shook the World (1919). In 1919 he founded the American Communist Labor Party. Reed is buried in the Kremlin in Moscow. 里德,约翰:(1887-1920) 美国记者。一战时期记者,十月革命(1917年)时身居彼得格勒,他在《震撼世界的十日》 (1919年)中记叙了这段经历。在1919年他建立了美国共产主义工人党,死后葬于莫斯科克里姆林宫 〔Kolchak〕Russian admiral of the Black Sea fleet during World War I. He led the White Russians against the Bolsheviks after the October Revolution (1917). Recognized by the Allies as the head of the provisional Russian government (1918-1920), he was captured and shot by the Bolsheviks.高尔察克,亚历山大·瓦西里耶维奇:(1874?-1920) 一战期间俄罗斯黑海舰队的司令,在十月革命以后(1917年),他率领俄罗斯白军与布尔什维克作战。他得到同盟国承认的俄国临时政府的首领地位(1918-1920年),后来被布尔什维克俘虏并处决




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