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单词 匈牙利
释义 〔Bohemia〕A historical region and former kingdom of present-day western Czechoslovakia. The Czechs, a Slavic people, settled in the area between the 1st and 5th centuriesa.d. A later principality was independent until the 15th century, when it passed to Hungary and then to the Hapsburgs. Bohemia became the core of the new state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. 波希米亚:历史上的地区和王国,在今天的捷克斯洛伐克西部。在1世纪和5世纪之间,斯拉夫人的一支捷克人在此定居。在公元 15世纪,其中主要部分独立出来,成立匈牙利,后来又变成哈布斯堡王朝。1918年,波希亚地区成为新成立的捷克斯洛伐克共和国的核心 〔Pannonia〕An ancient Roman province of central Europe including present-day western Hungary and northern Yugoslavia. Its people were finally subjugated by Rome ina.d. 9, although the province was abandoned after 395. 潘诺尼亚:位于欧洲中部的一个古罗马省,包括现在匈牙利西部和南斯拉夫北部。其民族最后被罗马在公元 9年征服,虽然该省在395年后被废除 〔Transylvania〕A historical region of western Romania bounded by the Transylvanian Alps and the Carpathian Mountains. Part of the Roman province of Dacia aftera.d. 107, it was later overrun by Germanic peoples and came under Hungarian rule in 1003. Transylvania passed to various powers over the following centuries and finally became part of modern-day Romania after World War II. 特兰西瓦尼亚:历史上罗马尼亚西部的一个地区,以特兰西瓦尼亚阿尔卑斯山脉和喀巴阡山脉为边界。公元 107年以后,它是古罗马达西亚省的一部分,后来被日耳曼民族所占领,1003年被匈牙利控制。在后来的几百年里,特兰西瓦尼亚曾被各种政权所控制,二次世界大战以后,它最终成为现代罗马尼亚的一部分 〔Danube〕A river of south-central Europe rising in southwest Germany and flowing about 2,848 km (1,770 mi) southeast through Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Romania to the Black Sea. It has been a major trade route since the Middle Ages.多瑙河:欧洲中部的一条河流,发源于德国的西南部,全长约2,848公里(1,770英里)向东南流经奥地利、匈牙利、南斯拉夫和罗马尼亚,注入黑海。从中世纪起一直是主要的商业路线〔Horthy〕Hungarian admiral and politician. He became regent after leading a counterrevolution against Béla Kun (1920) but was abducted by Nazi forces in 1944 and taken prisoner by the Allies in 1945.霍尔蒂,米克罗斯·冯·纳吉班雅:(1868-1957) 匈牙利海军上将及政治家。他领导了针对贝拉·库恩的反革命运动(1920年),之后成为摄政者,于1944年被纳粹军队绑架,1945年又被盟军俘虏〔Hungarian〕The Finno-Ugric language of the Magyars that is the official language of Hungary. Also called In this sense, also called Magyar 匈牙利语:马扎尔人的芬兰-乌戈尔语,是匈牙利的官方语言 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Magyar〔Sopron〕A city of northwest Hungary near the Austrian border. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was a military outpost during Roman times and is one of the oldest cultural centers in Hungary. Population, 56,421.索普隆:匈牙利西北部的一个城市,位于与奥地利接壤的附近。起初是凯尔特人的居住地,古罗马时期是军事据点,是匈牙利最古老的文化中心之一。人口56,421〔Breuer〕Hungarian-born American architect and furniture designer who was associated with the Bauhaus in the 1920's. He is known for his chairs with tubular steel frames.布罗伊尔,马塞尔·拉约斯:(1902-1981) 匈牙利裔美籍建筑师和家具设计师,20世纪20年代时与包豪斯建筑学派有联系,以设计管状钢架的椅子而著称〔Auer〕Hungarian-born violinist and teacher of several notable musicians, including Jascha Heifetz and Efrem Zimbalist.奥尔,利奥波德:(1845-1930) 匈牙利裔小提琴家,是几位著名音乐家,包括雅舍·海菲兹和叶夫列姆·津巴里斯特的教师〔Wigner〕Hungarian-born American physicist. He shared a 1963 Nobel Prize for research on the structure of the atom and its nucleus.维格纳,尤金·保罗:(生于 1902) 匈牙利裔的美国物理学家。因研究原子及原子核结构而获1963年诺贝尔奖〔puli〕A longhaired sheepdog of a Hungarian breed.匈牙利粗毛狗:一种匈牙利种长毛牧羊犬〔Herzl〕Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism. As a correspondent during the Alfred Dreyfus affair, he determined that the solution to anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish national state. He founded the Zionist World Congress in 1897.赫茨尔,狄奥多尔:(1860-1904) 犹太复国主义的匈牙利裔奥地利创始人。在艾尔弗雷德·德雷福斯事件中作为记者时,他认定解决对抗反犹太主义的途径是建立犹太国家。他于1897年创立了世界犹太复国主义代表大会〔Teller〕Hungarian-born American physicist who helped develop the atomic bomb and provided the theoretical framework for the hydrogen bomb.特勒,爱德华:(生于 1908) 匈牙利裔美籍物理学家,他协助开发了原子弹并提供了氢弹的理论框架〔Ormandy〕Hungarian-born American conductor who directed the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1938 to 1980.奥曼蒂,尤金:(1899-1985) 匈牙利出生的美国指挥家,曾于1938年到1980年指挥费城交响乐团〔Szilard〕Hungarian-born American physicist and biologist. A member of the Manhattan Engineering Project, he helped develop the first atomic bomb. Szilard was later opposed to the construction and use of all nuclear weapons and devoted himself to studying molecular biology.西拉特,利奥:(1898-1964) 匈牙利裔美国物理学家和生物学家。作为曼哈顿工程计划的一员,他帮助研制出第一枚原子弹。西特拉后来反对研制与使用所有核武器并致力于研究分子生物学〔Eger〕A city of northeast Hungary on theEger River, about 311 km (193 mi) long. The city was occupied by the Turks from 1596 to 1687. Population, 64,702. 埃格尔:匈牙利东北部的一座城市,位于流程约311公里(193英里)的埃格尔河 沿岸。从1596年到1687年为土耳其人所占据。人口64,702 〔Szeged〕A city of southern Hungary on the Tisza River near the Yugoslavian border. It is a major river port and an agricultural center. Population, 178,591.赛格德:匈牙利南部一城市,位于南斯拉夫边境附近蒂萨河沿岸是主要的河港及农业中心。人口178,591〔Oradea〕A city of northwest Romania near the Hungarian border. It was destroyed by the Tartars in 1241 and held by the Turks from 1660 to 1692. Hungary ceded it to Romania in 1919 and again after World War II. Population, 206,206.奥拉达:罗马尼亚西北部与匈牙利边界接壤的一个城市。它在1241年被鞑靼人破坏,1660-1692年间由土耳其人统治。1919年和二战后匈牙利两次将其割给罗马尼亚。人口206,206〔Pupin〕Hungarian-born American physicist and inventor whose works improved the telegraph and telephone and increased the safety and effectiveness of x-ray photography.浦品,米哈伊洛·伊德夫斯基:(1858-1935) 匈牙利裔美国物理学家和发明家,他的贡献包括发展了电报和电话并提高了X射线照相术的安全性和有效性〔Pest〕A former town of north-central Hungary on the left bank of the Danube River. Since 1873 it has been part of Budapest.佩斯:匈牙利中北部旧时的一个城镇,位于多瑙河左岸。从1873年以来一直是布达佩斯的一部分〔Szigeti〕Hungarian-born American violinist known especially for his interpretations of complex modern works, including compositions by Bartók and Prokofiev.西盖蒂,约瑟夫:(1892-1973) 匈牙利裔美国小提琴家,尤以对现代复杂的作品,包括巴尔托克及普罗科菲耶夫的乐章的演绎而著名〔Joachim〕Hungarian violinist and composer acclaimed for interpretations of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. His compositions include violin concertos and an overture toHamlet. 约阿希姆,约瑟夫:(1831-1907) 匈牙利的小提琴手和作曲者,因阐释巴赫、贝多芬和莫扎特而受到颂扬。他的乐曲包括小提琴协奏曲和《哈姆雷特》 的序曲 〔hussar〕A horseman of the Hungarian light cavalry organized during the 15th century.轻骑兵:15世纪时匈牙利组建的轻骑兵〔Hungarian〕Of or relating to Hungary or its people, language, or culture.匈牙利的:匈牙利的、匈牙利人的、匈牙利语的、匈牙利文化的,或与之相关的〔Balaton〕A lake of west-central Hungary southwest of Budapest. It is the largest lake in central Europe, with many tourist and health resorts.巴拉顿湖:匈牙利中西部的一个湖泊,位于布达佩斯市西南部。是欧洲最大的湖泊,有许多旅游和疗养胜地〔Hunyadi〕Hungarian general and nationalist leader who fought to protect Hungary from Turkish conquest (1437-1456).匈雅提,亚诺斯:(1387?-1456) 匈牙利将军,民族领袖,曾率军抵抗土耳其人的入侵(1437-1456年)〔Szombathely〕A city of western Hungary near the Austrian border. Founded in Roman times, it is an industrial center and an important railroad junction. Population, 85,830.松博特梅伊:匈牙利西部一城市,位于奥地利边界附近建于罗马帝国时代,是一工业中心和重要的铁路交汇点人口85,830〔Miskolc〕A city of northeast Hungary northeast of Budapest. A major industrial center, it was invaded by Mongols in the 13th century, by Turks in the 16th and 17th centuries, and by German imperial forces in the 17th and 18th centuries. Population, 211,645.米什科尔茨:匈牙利东北部一城市,位于布达佩斯东北方。是主要的工业中心。13世纪遭蒙古人侵略,16世纪、17世纪为土耳其人所占,17世纪、18世纪又被德意志帝国军队侵占。人口211,645〔Kun〕Hungarian politician who founded the Hungarian Communist Party (1918) and organized the revolution in Budapest (1919). He briefly served as premier but fled the country during a counterrevolution (1919).库恩,贝洛:(1886-1939?) 匈牙利政治家,他创建了匈牙利共产党(1918年),并于1919年在布达佩斯组织了革命。他作了很短一段时间的总理,在1919年的反革命运动中逃离了该国〔Orczy〕Hungarian-born English writer known especially for her adventure novelThe Scarlet Pimpernel (1905). 奥特西,埃姆斯卡:(1865-1947) 生于匈牙利的英国女小说家,尤以其探险小说《深红色的紫蘩蒌》 (1905年)闻名 〔Sigismund〕Holy Roman emperor (1433-1437) and king of Hungary (1387-1437) and Bohemia (1419-1437). He helped end the Great Schism (1378-1417) by convening the Council of Constance (1414-1418).西吉斯蒙德:神圣罗马帝国皇帝(1433-1437年)、匈牙利国王(1387-1437年)和波希米亚国王(1419-1437年)。他召开康斯坦茨会议(1414-1418年)结束了教会的分裂(1378-1417年)〔Romberg〕Hungarian-born American composer of operettas, includingBlossom Time (1921) and The Student Prince (1924). 龙伯格,西格蒙德:(1887-1951) 匈牙利裔美籍音乐喜剧作曲家,其作品包括《开花时节》 (1921年)和 《学生王子》 (1924年) 〔Magyar〕A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary.马札尔人:匈牙利一个主要的少数民族〔Arad〕A city of western Romania on the Mureşul River near the Hungarian border. Ruled by Turkey and later by Hungary, it became part of Romania in 1920. Population, 183,774.阿拉德:罗马尼亚西部的一座城市,位于匈牙利边界附近的穆罗什河畔。先由土耳其统治,后由匈牙利统治,在1920年成为罗马尼亚的一部分。人口183,774〔czardas〕An intricate Hungarian dance characterized by variations in tempo.恰尔达什舞:以舞步变化多样为特征的一种错综复杂的匈牙利〔Budapest〕The capital and largest city of Hungary, in the north-central part of the country on the Danube River. It was formed in 1873 by the union of Buda on the right bank of the river with Pest on the left bank. The city was the center of the Hungarian uprising in 1956. Population, 2,071,484.布达佩斯:匈牙利首都及其最大城市,位于该国的中北部多瑙河岸边,1873年由位于河右岸的布达和位于河左岸的佩斯联合建立。该城是1956年匈牙利起义的中心,人口2,071,484〔vizsla〕Any of a Hungarian breed of shorthaired, medium-sized hunting dogs having a deep rust-gold coat and a docked tail.维兹拉猎狗:匈牙利培育的短毛、中等体形猎狗品种,有深红色皮毛和剪短的尾巴〔Hungarian〕A native or inhabitant of Hungary.匈牙利人:匈牙利本土人或居民〔Koestler〕Hungarian-born writer whose novelDarkness at Noon (1941) portrays his disillusionment with Communism. His other works include The Sleepwalkers (1959) and The Ghost in the Machine (1967). 凯斯特勒,阿瑟:(1905-1983) 匈牙利裔作家,他的小说《正午的黑暗》 (1941年)描写了他对共产主义的幻灭。他的其它作品包括 《梦游者》 (1959年)和 《机器中的幽灵》 (1967年) 〔Labanotation〕After Rudolph Laban (1879-1958), Hungarian choreographer 源自鲁道夫 拉班 (1879-1958年),匈牙利舞蹈指导




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