单词 | 包含 |
释义 | 〔lean〕Containing little excess or waste; spare:无多余的:包含很少富余或损耗的;少量的:〔plus〕Philosophers of mathematics have long debated the proper analysis of the relation denoted by the + sign in equations such as 2 + 2 = 4,so it is not surprising that the syntactic status of its natural language equivalent, the wordplus, should be similarly problematic— though to be sure, the questions are primarily of theoretical interest.When mathematical equations are pronounced as English sentences,the verb is usually in the singular:Two plus two is (or equals ) four. By the same token,subjects containing two noun phrases joined byplus are usually construed as singular: 数学哲学家们已就诸如2+2=4这类等式中的“+”号所表示的关系的正确分析进行了长期的辩论,所以这一符号的自然语言对应物——即单词plus 的语法地位应同样不确定也就不足为奇了—— 纵然可以确定,这些问题也主要是理论上的兴趣。当数学等式被转化为英语句子,动词通常用单数形式:Two plus two is(或 equals ) four。 通过同样的记号,包含两个由plus 联结的名词短语的主语通常被视为单数: 〔full〕Containing all that is normal or possible:满的,充满的:包含正常或尽可能多数量的:〔unilateral〕Of, on, relating to, involving, or affecting only one side:一方的:属于、在、有、包含或影响仅一边的:〔asbestos〕Of, made of, or containing one or the other of these two mineral forms.石棉的;石棉制的:这两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种的,由两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种制成的,或包含两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种的〔connote〕"The term ‘liberal arts’ connotes a certain elevation above utilitarian concerns"(George F. Will)See Usage Note at denote “‘人文学科’一词包含了一种超越功利主义的崇高意义”(乔治F.威尔) 参见 denote〔discuss〕 Debate involves formal, often public argument: Debate 包含正式的、常是公开的争论: 〔program〕To include or schedule in a program:列入计划:包含在或被列入一计划中:〔revelatory〕Of, relating to, or containing a revelation:揭露性的:属于、有关或包含显示揭露的:〔antimetabolite〕A substance that closely resembles an essential metabolite and therefore interferes with physiological reactions involving it.抗代谢物,抗代谢药:一种与基础代谢物非常相似的物质,因此能够干预包含代谢物的生理反应〔musculoskeletal〕Relating to or involving the muscles and the skeleton.肌与骨骼的:与肌肉和骨骼有关的或包含肌肉和骨骼的〔fluorochemical〕A chemical compound containing fluorine, especially a fluorocarbon.含氟化合物:尤指碳氟化合物等包含氟的化合物〔if〕In such contexts, however,the use ofif can sometimes create ambiguities. Depending on the intended meaning, the sentenceLet her know if she is invited might be better paraphrased asLet her know whether she is invited or If she is invited, let her know. · In conditional sentences the clause introduced byif may contain either a past subjunctive verb (if I were going ) or an indicative verb ( if I am going; if I was going ), depending on the intended meaning.According to the traditional rule,the subjunctive should be used to describe an occurrence that is presupposed to be contrary to fact,as inif I were ten years younger or if Napoleon had won at Waterloo. The main verb of such a sentence must then contain the modal verbwould or (less frequently) should: 不过在这种情况下,用if 就可能会造成歧义。 Let her know if she is invited 这句话最好根据所要表达的意思, 分开说成告诉她她是否被邀请了 或 如果她被邀请了,就让她知道 两句话。 用if 引起的条件状语从句中, 可以含有一个过去式的虚拟动词(倘若我去 )或一个一般陈述动词( 如果我就去;如果我去了 ), 这得依据所要表达的意思而定。根据正统的原则,虚拟语气用来表达一个与事实相反的假设,例如如果我再年轻十岁 或者 如果拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中获胜。 于是在这样的句子里,主要动词必须包含情态动词会 或(在较少情况下) 应该: 〔polymer〕Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.聚合物:许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子〔breccia〕Rock composed of sharp-angled fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix.角砾岩:包含在细粒的母岩中,由尖角的碎石构成的岩石〔liposome〕An artificial microscopic vesicle consisting of an aqueous core enclosed in one or more phospholipid layers, used to convey vaccines, drugs, enzymes, or other substances to target cells or organs.脂质体:一种人造的微小囊,由包含在一层或数层磷脂中的水质核构成,用来向细胞或人体器官传送牛痘疫苗、麻醉药、酶或其它物质〔Shearing〕British jazz pianist and composer whose signature sound is marked by a unique quintet arrangement that includes bass, guitar, drums, and vibraphone.席林,乔治·艾伯特:英国爵士乐钢琴家与作曲家,其特色乐声以包含低音乐器、吉他、鼓和电颤琴的独特五重奏改编乐曲为特点〔polyglot〕Speaking, writing, written in, or composed of several languages.多种语言的:讲或写多种语言的、用几种语言写的或包含几种语言的〔stringy〕Consisting of, resembling, or containing strings or a string.象线的:由细绳组成的,象细绳的或包含细绳的〔biographical〕Containing, consisting of, or relating to the facts or events in a person's life.传记的:容纳、包含或有关于一个人一生中的事实或事件的〔endash〕A symbol (-) used in writing or printing to connect continuing or inclusive numbers or to connect elements of a compound adjective when either of the elements is an open compound, as1880-1945 or Princeton-New York trains. 连结号:写作及书写时所用的一种符号,表达连续或包含时间的符号,或是作为结合形容词中开放结合字符与其它相结合的连结符号,例如1880-1945 或 Princeton-New York trains(普林斯顿到纽约的列车) 〔party〕A person or group involved in an enterprise; a participant or an accessory:参与者,同谋者:包含在一个企业内的人或团体;参与者或同谋:〔senarius〕Latin sēnārius [consisting of six each, senarius] * see senary 拉丁语 sēnārius [包含六音一节的,希腊诗] * 参见 senary〔sloka〕A distich of Sanskrit verse consisting of two sixteen-syllable lines of two eight-syllable padas each.梵文诗对句:梵文诗的对句,通常包含两个六音节行,每行并包含两个八个音节〔awe〕A mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might:敬畏的:由权力、才华、美貌、卓越或能力而引起的包含尊敬、敬重、恐惧和惊异的复杂情绪:〔kimberlite〕A rock formation in South Africa containing peridotite, in which diamonds are formed.金伯利岩:南非的一种包含橄榄岩的岩层,岩层中形成了钻石〔parasexual〕Of, relating to, or involving a form of reproduction in which recombination of genes from different individuals occurs without meiosis and fertilization.准性的,拟有性的:属于、有关或包含一种来自各个体的基因重组时没有减数分裂和受精作用的生殖形式的〔chronicle〕Abbr. chron.An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment.缩写 chron.编年史:用散文或诗描述历史事件,有时包含传说中的素材,按年代顺序记录, 没有作者的解释和评论〔perigynous〕Having sepals, petals, and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary, as in flowers of the rose or cherry.周位的:有萼片、花瓣或雄蕊围在包含子房的杯状花托周围的,如玫瑰或樱桃花〔allusive〕Containing or characterized by indirect references:暗指的;引用典故的:包含或以间接引用为特征的:〔monounsaturated〕Of or relating to an organic compound, especially an oil or fatty acid, containing only one double or triple bond per molecule. Foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids may decrease the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood and include olive, peanut, canola, and avocado oils.单不饱和脂肪酸:每一分子包含唯一的一个双键或三键的有机化合物的,尤其是油脂酸或脂肪酸的,或是与之相关的。含有单不饱和脂肪酸的食物可以降低血液中低浓度脂蛋白胆固醇的含量,包含橄榄油、花生油、菜籽油和鳄梨油〔erroneous〕Containing or derived from error; mistaken:错误的:包含着错误或由错误得出;出错:〔contradiction〕Something that contains contradictory elements.矛盾体:包含相互对立因素的事物〔macaronic〕Of or containing a mixture of vernacular words with Latin words or with vernacular words given Latinate endings:本国词和拉丁词混合的:包含本国词与拉丁词混合的或本国词以为拉丁词尾的:〔connotation〕Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success.好莱坞一词包含了浪漫与耀眼的成就的含意〔lude〕A pill or tablet containing methaqualone.安眠酮:包含安眠酮的药片或药粒〔quadratic〕Of, relating to, or containing quantities of the second degree.二次的:属于二次的,与二次有关的,或包含二次数的〔toroid〕A surface generated by a closed curve rotating about, but not intersecting or containing, an axis in its own plane.超环面:由封闭曲线绕其所在平面某一轴旋转而生成的平面,这些旋转线都互不交叉或包含〔tenor〕The course of thought or argument running through something written or spoken.思路:文章或讲话中包含的思想或讨论的过程〔peroxisome〕A cell organelle containing enzymes, such as catalase and oxidase, that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.过氧物酶体:一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,能够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解 |
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