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单词 助手
释义 〔second〕The official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match.See Synonyms at assistant 助手,副手:在一次决斗比赛或拳击比赛中比赛者的正式随从人员 参见 assistant〔reliable〕a reliable assistant; a reliable car.可靠的助手;经久耐用的汽车〔deputy〕An assistant exercising full authority in the absence of his or her superior and equal authority in emergencies:副手:在其主管不在时行使主管全部职权或在紧急时刻行使与主管同等职权的助手〔toadeater〕[Originally referring to a charlatan's helper who ate (or pretended to eat) poisonous toads so that his employer could display his prowess in expelling the poison] [原来这个词是指江湖医生的助手,他吃下(或假装吃下)有毒的蟾蜍,这样他的主人就可以展示他的驱毒能力] 〔second〕To attend (a duelist or a boxer) as an aide or assistant.当…的助手:作为(决斗士或拳击手)的助手或副手参加〔have〕had my assistant run the errand.让我的助手跑腿〔assistant〕a prizefighter's second. 职业拳击手的助手〔famulus〕A private secretary or other close attendant.助手,侍从:私人秘书或其他亲密的随员〔helpmate〕A helper and companion, especially a spouse.助手,合作者:帮手及伙伴,尤指配偶(妻子)〔paraprofessional〕A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.专业人员的助手:受过训练辅助专门人员的非专职人员〔subprincipal〕An assistant school principal.副校长,副院长:校长的助手〔suffragan〕A bishop elected or appointed as an assistant to the bishop or ordinary of a diocese, having administrative and episcopal responsibilities but no jurisdictional functions.副主教:选举或任命的主教的助手或教区主教的助手,有管理和协助主教的任务,但没有司法权〔coadjutant〕A helper; an assistant.See Synonyms at assistant 帮手;助手 参见 assistant〔mate〕A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.下士:美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官〔acolyte〕One who assists the celebrant in the performance of liturgical rites.侍僧:行宗教仪式时的教士的助手〔paraprofessional〕Of, relating to, or performing the work of a paraprofessional.专业人员助手的:属于、有关或完成专业人员助手任务的人的〔subdeacon〕A cleric who acts as assistant to the deacon at High Mass.副执事:天主教大教大弥撒中作为在祭助手的神职人员〔helpmate〕The existence of the two wordshelpmeet and helpmate meaning exactly the same thing is a comedy of errors. God's promise to Adam, in Genesis 2:18 as rendered in the King James version of the Bible (1611), was to give him "an help [helper] meet [fit or suitable] for him.”In 1673 the poet John Dryden used the phrase "help-meet for man,”with a hyphen betweenhelp and meet. This was one step on the way toward the establishment of the phrase "help meet" as an independent word.Another was the use of "help meet"without "for man"to mean a suitable helper,usually a spouse, as Eve had been to Adam.Despite such usages,however, for the most parthelpmeet was not thought of as a word in its own right until the 19th century. Nonetheless the phrase "help meet" probably played a role in the creation of the synonymous compoundhelpmate, from ( help and mate ), first recorded in 1715. Helpmeet 和 helpmate 这两个意义完全相同的词的存在缘于一起错误的喜剧。 据英王詹姆士一世钦定《圣经》英译本(1611年)《创业记》2:18的记载,上帝允诺亚当给他“一个适合他的助手”。1673年,诗人约翰·德莱顿使用了“男人的助手”这个短语,并且在help 和 meet 中间加了一个连字符成为help-meet。 这是短语"help meet"成为一个独立的单词道路上所迈出的第一步。另一步就是单独使用"help meet",去掉了"for man"这个成分,意思是适合的伙伴,通常指象夏娃之于亚当那样的伴侣。尽管有以上这些用法,但是,总的说来,helpmeet 这个说法直到19世纪才凭借自身的资格成为一个单词。 但不管怎么说,同义合成词helpmate 来源于( help 加 mate )的创造过程中(这个词首次记录于1715年),短语"help meet"很可能扮演了一定的角色 〔mystery〕from minister [assistant, servant] * see mei- 2源自 minister [助手,仆人] * 参见 mei- 2〔banderilla〕A decorated barbed dart that is thrust into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles by a banderillero in a bullfight.带有倒钩的短标枪:斗牛中斗牛士的助手用于刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的短扎枪,带有倒钩和装饰〔steal〕The magician's assistant stole the show with her comic antics.魔术师的助手以她滑稽的动作引人注 目〔swamper〕A truck driver's assistant.卡车司机的助手〔unctuous〕an ambitious and unctuous assistant;一个野心勃勃,假意逢迎的助手〔coadjutor〕An assistant to a bishop, especially one designated to succeed the bishop.副主教:主教的助手,尤指指派去接替主教的助手〔research〕a research grant; research assistants.研究的授予;研究的助手〔legman〕An assistant, as in an office, who performs tasks such as gathering information or running errands especially outside the workplace.收集情况的助手,替人传递信息(或通知)的外勤:从事收集信息或替人传递信息(尤指在工作地点外)的助手,如在办公室里〔aide〕a nurse's aide.See Synonyms at assistant 护士的助手 参见 assistant〔ally〕One in helpful association with another:助手,支持者:〔banderillero〕One who implants decorated barbed darts into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles during a bullfight.斗牛士助手:斗牛中用带有倒钩和装饰的短枪刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的斗牛士〔yeoman〕An assistant or other subordinate, as of a sheriff.助理:助手或其它下属,如行政司法长官的助手〔acolyte〕A devoted follower or attendant.侍从,助手,随从〔subprofessional〕A paraprofessional.专业人员(如医生、律师)的助手〔incite〕The treasurer, aided and abetted by an assistant, misappropriated company funds. See also Synonyms at provoke 掌管财务的人在助手的帮助和唆使下,挪用了公司的基金 参见同义词 provoke〔adjunct〕A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity.助手,副手:以从属或辅助身份与他人发生联系的人〔handler〕One who acts as the trainer or second of a boxer.拳击手的训练者或其比赛时的助手〔bistro〕According to a popular story,bistro came into existence as a French word when Russian soldiers entered Parisian restaurants and cafés after the fall of Napoleon in 1815 shouting "bystro, bystro,” Russian for "quickly, quickly.” Bistros seem to have been named not for this desire for quick servicebut possibly for a commodity to be found in at least some of them,since the French wordbistro may be related to the word bistouille, "raw spirits, rotgut.” Another possibility is that the wordbistro comes from the dialectal word bistraud, "young cowherd.” In Standard French the term may have come to mean "wine merchant's helper" and then "an establishment selling wine.”Although the French wordbistro is first recorded in 1884, evidence for the English wordbistro is not found until the early 1920's. 根据传说,bistro 原是一个法国词而产生的,当1815年拿破仑失败后俄国士兵进入巴黎饭馆和咖啡店,就叫嚷着 "bistro,bistro,” 俄语的意思为“快点,快点”。 “酒馆”似乎是因这种要求快速服务的愿望而得名,但可能是源于在酒馆中至少可以找到的一种商品,因为法国词bistro 可能与另一个意为“生酒,劣等烧酒”的词 bistouille 有关。 另一种可能是bistro 一词来自方言 bistrand, 意为“年轻的放牛娃”。 在标准法语中该词可能指“酒商的助手”,后来指“卖酒的企业。”虽然法语bistro 一词在1884年最先有记载, 但英语bistro 一词直到19世纪20年代初期才有出现的迹象 〔helper〕One that helps; an assistant.See Synonyms at assistant 起帮助作用的人;助手 参见 assistant〔Buffon〕French naturalist whose monumentalHistoire Naturelle (36 volumes, 1749-1788; 8 additional volumes completed by assistants and published in 1804) laid the foundation for later studies in biology, zoology, and comparative anatomy. 布丰,乔治斯·路易斯·勒克莱尔·德:(1707-1788) 法国博物学家,他的经典著作《自然史》 (36卷,1749-1788年);另外8卷由助手完成,1804年出版为以后的植物学,动物学和比较解剖学的研究奠定了基础 〔busboy〕A restaurant employee who clears away dirty dishes, sets tables, and serves as an assistant to a waiter or waitress.小工,杂工:餐馆中洗盘子、摆桌子、给男招待或女招待做助手的雇工〔Malenkov〕Soviet politician. An aide of Joseph Stalin, he served as deputy premier (1946-1953) and premier (1953-1955).马林科夫,格鲁吉·马克斯米连诺维奇:(1902-1988) 原苏联政治活动家。作为约瑟夫·斯大林的助手,他曾担任部长会议副主席(1946-1953年)和部长会议主席(1953-1955年)等职




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