单词 | 加冕 |
释义 | 〔crown〕To put a crown or garland on the head of.加冕:在…的头上戴上王冠或花冠〔coronation〕The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort.加冕:为君主或其配偶加冕的行为或仪式〔circumstance〕the pomp and circumstance of a coronation.加冕仪式的盛况和排场〔diadem〕To adorn with or as if with a diadem.为…加冕:以或似以象征王权的头带装饰〔Aksum〕A town of northern Ethiopia. From the first to the eighth centurya.d. it was the capital of an empire that controlled much of northern Ethiopia. According to tradition, the Ark of the Covenant was brought here from Jerusalem and placed in the Church of Saint Mary of Zion, where the rulers of Ethiopia were crowned. 阿克苏姆:埃塞俄比亚北部一城镇。公元 1世纪到8世纪,该城是控制埃塞俄比亚北部大部地区的帝国首都。据传说,约柜被从耶路撒冷带到此地后放到锡安山的圣玛丽教堂,在那里埃塞俄比亚的统治者被加冕 〔Saxony〕A historical region of northern Germany. The original home of the Saxons, it was conquered by Charlemagne in the 8th century and became a duchy after his death. Its borders were eventually extended southeastward as the region was subdivided and redivided. The dukes of Saxony became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356, and in 1806 the elector was elevated to kingship but lost half his territory to Prussia in 1815. A later kingdom of Saxony was part of the German Empire (1871-1918).撒克逊:德国北部的一个历史地区,原来是撒克逊人的家园,8世纪被查理曼征服,并在他死后成为一公国。由于分裂和重新划分,这一地区的边界最终向东南方向拓展,1356年撒克森大公成为神圣罗马帝国的诸侯,1860年撒克森大公加冕称帝,但是将他的一半领地给予普鲁士(1815年),后来的撒克逊王国成为德意志帝国(1871-1918年)的一部分〔wreathe〕To crown, decorate, or encircle with or as if with a wreath.加冕、装饰:用或仿佛用花环来加冕、装饰或围绕〔Scone〕A village of central Scotland northeast of Perth. The old part of the village was the coronation site of Scottish kings until 1651. The Stone of Scone, or Stone of Destiny, which served as a throne during the coronation rites, was taken to England by Edward I in the late 13th century and today rests in Westminster Abbey beneath the chair used during the crowning of British monarchs. 斯昆:一个位于苏格兰中部、佩思东北部的村庄。直到1651年这个村庄的旧部都是苏格兰国王的加冕地。这个村庄在作为加冕地期间,一块当作御座的命运之石在13世纪晚期被爱德华一世带入英格兰,今天它被放置在威斯敏斯特教堂内一张英国封建君主曾用于加冕的椅子下面〔Rheims〕A city of northeast France east-northeast of Paris. One of the most important cities of Roman Gaul, it was long the site of the coronation of French kings. In World War II the unconditional German surrender was signed at Allied headquarters here on May 7, 1945. Population, 194,656.兰斯:法国东南部一城市,位于巴黎东北偏东。作为罗马高卢的最重要城市之一,它长期是法国国王的加冕场所。在第二次世界大战中,1945年5月7日在这儿的盟军司令部签署了德国无条件投降书。人口194,656〔restoration〕The period between the crowning of Charles II and the Revolution of 1688.王朝复辟时期:指查理二世的加冕与1688年大革命之间的时期〔Gniezno〕A city of central Poland east-northeast of Pozna÷. Polish kings were crowned here from 1025 to 1320. The city passed to Prussia in 1793 and was restored to Poland in 1919. Population, 67,400.格涅兹诺:波兰中部一城市,位于波兹南东北偏东。从1025年到1320年波兰国王在此加冕。它在1793年割让给普鲁士,1919年重新归入荷兰。人口67,400〔Lippi〕Italian Renaissance painter whose works, includingMadonna Enthroned (1437), display a bold three-dimensional style. 利皮,菲利波:(1406?-1469?) 意大利文艺复兴时期的画家,他的作品包括《圣母加冕》 (1437年),显示了鲜明的立体风格 〔Beaufort〕English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites (1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England (1431).博福特,亨利:(1377?-1447) 英国高级教士和外交家。他是罗马教皇的使节,委以肃清胡斯运动派成员(1427-1431年)的任务,并为法国和英国国王亨利六世加冕(1431年) |
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