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单词 割让
释义 〔Guam〕An unincorporated territory of the United States, the largest and most southerly of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Discovered by Magellan in 1521, the island was ceded by Spain to the United States in 1898. Agana is the capital. Population, 105,979.关岛:美国一块未合为一体的领土,太平洋西部马里亚纳群岛的最大岛屿,位于群岛最南端。由麦哲伦于1521年发现,西班牙于1898年将其割让给美国。首都阿加尼亚。人口105,979〔Daugavpils〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. southeast of Riga. Founded in the 13th century, it was held by Lithuania and Poland before being ceded to Russia in 1771. Population, 124,000.陶格夫匹尔斯:苏联西欧部分一城市,位于里加东南部。建成于13世纪,1771年割让给俄国之前归属立陶宛和波兰。人口124,000〔Mississippi〕A state of the southeast United States. It was admitted as the 20th state in 1817. The first settlers in the region (1699) were French, and the area became part of Louisiana. It passed to the British (1763-1779) and then to the Spanish before being ceded to the United States in 1783. The Mississippi Territory, organized in 1798 and enlarged in 1804 and 1813, also included the present state of Alabama. Jackson is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,586,443.密西西比:美国东南部的一个州。它于1817年被接受为第二十个州。此地区最早的定居者(1699年)是法国人,当时这一片地区是路易斯安那的一部分。后来又归英国(1763-1779年)和西班牙统治,最后于1783年割让与美国。1789年成立密西西比区,并于1804和1813年两次扩大,其中也包括今天的阿拉巴马州。杰克逊是州首府和最大的城市。人口2,586,443〔Hispaniola〕An island of the West Indies east of Cuba, divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It was discovered by Columbus in 1492 and was originally called Española. The western part (now Haiti) was ceded to France by Spain in 1697.伊斯帕尼奥拉岛,海地:古巴西部的西印度群众中的一个岛屿,为海地和多米尼加共和国所在地。哥伦布1492年发现了该岛,最初它被叫作埃斯帕尼奥拉岛。岛的西部(现在的海地)于1697年被西班牙割让给法国〔Gliwice〕A city of south-central Poland west-northwest of Katowice. Chartered in 1276, it was ceded by Austria to Prussia in 1742 and assigned to Poland by the Potsdam Conference in 1945. Population, 212,500.格利维采:波兰中南部一城市,位于卡托维兹西北偏西。建于1276年,1742年被奥地利割让给普鲁士,1945年波茨坦会议将其划归波兰。人口212,500〔Azerbaijan〕Also Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic or A.zer.bai.dzhan Soviet Socialist Republic A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R. It was formed from territory ceded to Russia by Persia in 1813 and 1828 and became a constituent republic in 1936. Baku is the capital. Population, 6,614,000. 也作 Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic 或 A.zer.bai.dzhan Soviet Socialist Republic 阿塞拜疆:苏联东南欧洲部分的加盟共和国。它是由在1813年和1828年被波斯从苏联割让的领土形成的,在1936年成为一个加盟共和国。巴库是首都。人口6,614,000〔Dagestan〕A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. bordering on the Caspian Sea. Settled in the first millenniumb.c. , it was ceded to Russia by Persia in 1813. 达吉斯坦:苏联东南欧部分一地区,濒临里海。于公元前 1000年建立,1813年由波斯割让给俄国 〔Ohio〕A state of the north-central United States in the Great Lakes region. It was admitted as the 17th state in 1863. In prehistoric times Mound Builders inhabited the region, which was first explored by La Salle in 1669. The French-British rivalry for control of the area led to the last of the French and Indian Wars (1754-1763), in which the French were defeated. Ohio was part of the vast area ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and became part of the Old Northwest by the Ordinance of 1787. It became a separate territory in 1799. Columbus is the capital and Cleveland the largest city. Population, 10,887,325.俄亥俄州:美国中北部,位于五大湖区的州。它于1863年被接收为第十七个州。在史前时代印第安筑墩人曾在此居住。拉·萨尔于1669年首次对该地区进行了探查。英、法两国争相控制这一地区,并最终导致了法国和印第安的战争(1754-1763年)。在这次战争中,法国战败。俄亥俄是在1783年巴黎条约中割让给美国的大片土地中的一部分,并由1787年法令成为旧西北地区的一部分。它在1799年成为独立地区。哥伦布城为其首府,克利夫兰为其最大城市。人口10,887,325〔Nice〕A city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea northeast of Cannes. Controlled by various royal houses after the 13th century, the city was finally ceded to France in 1860. It is the leading resort city of the French Riviera and is known for its beaches, casinos, and luxurious hotels. Population, 337,085.尼斯:法国东南部城市,在戛纳东北的地中海沿岸。13世纪以后被多个贵族家庭控制,1860年最终割让给法国。是法国沿海主要的旅游城市,并因它的沙滩、娱乐场和豪华宾馆闻名于世。人口337,085〔Mahilyow〕A city of east-central Belarus on the Dnieper River east of Minsk. Founded around a castle built in 1267, the city eventually passed to Russia in 1772. Population, 374,000马希优:白俄罗斯中东部城市,位于明斯克以东的第聂伯河畔。1267年围绕城堡建立该市,最后于1772年割让给俄罗斯。人口374,000〔Olsztyn〕A city of northern Poland southeast of Gda÷sk. Founded by the Teutonic Knights in 1348, it was ceded to Poland in 1466 and to Prussia in 1772. It reverted to Poland in 1945. Population, 147,100.奥尔什丁:波兰北部的一个城市,位于格但斯克的东南。是由鞑靼骑兵在1348年建立,并于1466年划归波兰,于1772年又割让给俄国。它于1945年被交还波兰。人口147,100〔Nantucket〕An island of southeast Massachusetts south of Cape Cod, from which it is separated byNantucket Sound, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. Settled in 1659, the island was part of New York from 1660 to 1692, when it was ceded to Massachusetts. It was a whaling center until the mid-1850's and is now a popular resort. 楠塔基特:美国马萨诸塞东南一岛屿,位于科德角以南。从科德角被大西洋的臂湾楠塔基特湾 分开,该岛于1659年开始有人居住,该岛从1660年至1692年属于纽约的一部分,当时它被割让给马萨诸塞。直到19世纪50年代中期都是一个捕鲸业中心,现今是受人欢迎的游览胜地 〔Zabrze〕A city of south-central Poland west of Katowice. Founded in the 13th century, it passed to Prussia in 1742 and was ceded to Poland in 1945. Population, 198,000.扎布热:波兰中南部一城市,位于卡托维兹的西部,建于13世纪,1742年转让给普鲁士,1945年又割让给波兰,人口 198,000〔Venetia〕A historical region of northern Italy and northwest Yugoslavia. An ancient Roman territory including Istria and the lands between the Po River and the Alps, it was named after the Veneti, a people who settled the area in c. 1000b.c. Part of the region was ceded to Yugoslavia in 1947. 威尼西亚:历史上位于意大利北部和南斯拉夫西北部的一个地区。它是一个包括伊世特利亚半岛以及波河和阿尔卑斯山脉之间土地的古罗马领地,以威尼西亚民族命名,该民族于公元前 1000年定居于此。该地区的部分地区于1947年割让给了南斯拉夫 〔Mantua〕A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in 1714 and was finally returned to Italy in 1866. Population, 60,932.曼图亚:意大利北部一城市,位于维罗那的西南偏南方向,原为伊特鲁里亚人居住地,后于1714年割让给奥地利,最终于1866年回归意大利。人口60,932〔Lvov〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. in the western Ukraine near the Polish border. Founded in 1256, it was captured by Poland in 1340, passed to Austria in 1772, and was retaken by Poland in 1918. The city was formally ceded to the U.S.S.R. in 1945. Population, 742,000.利沃夫:原苏联西部欧洲部分一城市,在乌克兰西部接近波兰边界。该城于1256年建立,1340年为波兰所占,1772年转手至奥地利,1918年再次回归波兰,1945年该城正式割让给苏联。人口742,000〔Angoumois〕A historical region and former province of western France in the Charente River valley. Occupied by Gallic peoples in pre-Roman times, it later was part of Aquitaine, was briefly ceded to England (1360-1373), and became a French duchy in 1515.安古木瓦:法国历史上的一个地区,先前是法国西部沙兰特河谷上的一个省。罗马时代之前被高卢人占据,后来成为亚奎丹的一部分,曾被短期割让给英国(1360-1373年),1515年成为法国的公爵领地〔Corsica〕An Island of France in the Mediterranean Sea north of Sardinia. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island, which was ceded to France by Genoa in 1768.科西嘉岛:撒丁尼亚北部地中海的一座法国岛屿。拿破仑·波拿巴生于此岛,1768年由热那亚割让给法国〔Trinidad〕An island of Trinidad and Tobago in the Atlantic Ocean off northeast Venezuela. First sighted by Columbus in 1498, it was not settled until the 1570's and was a frequent target for Dutch, French, and British buccaneers. Ceded to Great Britain in 1802, Trinidad was joined with Tobago in 1888 to form the colony of Trinidad and Tobago (1898).特立尼达岛:大西洋上的特立尼达和多巴哥的一个岛屿,位于委内瑞拉东北的水域里。最早在1498年,哥伦布就看到过该岛,而直到16世纪70年代才有人定居,它经常是荷兰、法国、和英国海盗的目标。1802年该岛割让给英国,1888年特立尼达与多巴哥联合组成了特里尼达与多巴哥殖民地(1898年)〔cession〕A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty.(领土的)割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土〔Varna〕A city of eastern Bulgaria on the Black Sea north-northeast of Burgas. Founded in the sixth centuryb.c. as a Greek colony, it came under Turkish control in 1391 and was ceded to newly independent Bulgaria in 1878. Population, 297,000. 瓦尔纳:保加利亚东部的一座城市,位于布加斯东北偏北的黑海上,作为希腊的殖民地而建于公元前 6世纪,于1391年处于土耳其控制之下,并于1878年割让给新独立的保加利亚。人口297,000 〔Michigan〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 26th state in 1837. French explorers first visited the area in 1618, and the French retained nominal control until the end of the French and Indian Wars (1763), when the region passed to Great Britain. It was ceded to the United States in 1783, although the British held some areas until 1796. The Michigan Territory was organized in 1805 with Detroit as its capital. Lansing is the state capital (since 1847) and Detroit the largest city. Population, 9,328,784.密歇根州:美国中北部一州。1837年作为第26个州加入美国。法国探险家于1618年最初到达这一地区,直到1763年的法国和印第安人战争,法国拥有名义上的控制权,战争结束后此地区归于英国统治。1783年割让给美国,但直到1796年前英国仍控制着部分地区。密歇根州建立于1805年,底特律为州政府所在地。1847年后州政府所在地转至兰辛,底特律为该州最大城市。人口9,328,784〔Wisconsin〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 30th state in 1848. First settled by the French, the region was ceded to Great Britain in 1763 and became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787. Madison is the capital and Milwaukee the largest city. Population, 4,906,745.威斯康星州:美国中北部一州。1848年作为第三十个州加入。首先由法国殖民者建立,1763年割让给大不列颠,1787年成为西北地区的一部分。麦迪逊市是该州首府,密尔沃基市是最大城市。人口4,906,745〔Colorado〕A state of the west-central United States. It was admitted as the 38th state in 1876. First explored by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, the region was added to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and a cession by Mexico (1848). The Colorado Territory was organized in 1861. Denver is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,307,912.科罗拉多州:美国中西部的一个州,1876年被确认为第38个州。于16和17世纪首先被西班牙人探险发现,通过路易斯安那购买(1803年)和墨西哥的割让(1848年)而加入美国版图。科罗拉多的区划正式确立于1861年,丹佛是其首府和最大城市。人口3,307,912〔cede〕To surrender possession of, especially by treaty.See Synonyms at relinquish 割让割让,尤指通过条约的割让 参见 relinquish〔Corfu〕An island of Greece in the Ionian Islands off the northwest coast of the mainland. Settled c. 700b.c. , the island was controlled by Rome, Byzantium, Sicily, Venice, and Great Britain before being ceded to Greece in 1864. 科孚岛,科塞拉:爱奥尼亚群岛中的一个希腊岛屿,与大陆的西北部相望,大约公元前 700年时开始有人定居,1864年割让给希腊前曾被罗马·拜占庭西西里、威尼斯和大不列颠统治过 〔Guntur〕A city of southeast India east-southeast of Hyderabad. Founded by the French in the 18th century, it was officially ceded to the British in 1823. Population, 367,699.冈都尔:印度东南部一城市,位于海得拉巴东南偏东,由法国在18世纪创建,1823年正式割让给英国。人口367,699〔Szczecin〕A city of northwest Poland near the mouth of the Oder River. It was ruled by Sweden from 1648 to 1720, when it was ceded to Prussia. After World War II the city became part of Poland. Population, 390,800.什切青:波兰西北部一城市,靠近奥德河河口。从1648年至1720年被瑞典统治,1720年割让给普鲁士二战后该城成为波兰的一部分。人口390,800〔Florida〕A state of the southeast United States bordering on the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It was admitted as the 27th state in 1845. The peninsula was first discovered by Juan Ponce de León in 1513 and became the center of a Spanish settlement that included the southeast part of the present-day United States. Spain finally ceded the area in 1819. Tallahassee is the capital and Jacksonville the largest city. Population, 13,003,362.佛罗里达:美国东南部一州,濒临大西洋和墨西哥湾。它于1845年被定为第27个州,该半岛于1513年首先由胡安·庞斯·德·来昂发现,并成为包括现在美国东南部的西班牙人拓居地中心,西班牙最终于1819年割让了这一地区。首府塔拉哈西,最大城市杰克逊维尔。人口13,003,362〔Lorraine〕A historical region and former province of northeast France. Originally part of a kingdom belonging to Charlemagne's grandson Lothair I, the region passed to France in 1766 but was ceded with Alsace to Germany after the Franco-Prussian War (1871). The area was returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles (1919).洛林:法国东北部一历史地区,曾为一省。最初为查理大帝的孙子夏尔马聂一世的王国的一部分,1766年并入法国版图,但在普法战争(1871年)后被同阿尔萨斯一起割让给德国。通过凡尔赛条约(1919年),该地区被归还给法国〔relinquish〕a province ceded by treaty.条约的割让的一个省。〔Illinois〕A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 21st state in 1818. The area was explored by the French in the late 1600's, ceded by France to the British in 1763, and ceded by them to the newly formed United States in 1783. Springfield is the capital and Chicago the largest city. Population, 11,466,682.伊利诺斯州:美国中北部的一个州。1818年作为第二十一个州加入美国。法国人在17世纪后期首先开发了此地,1763年法国又将其割让给英国,1783年英法两国共同将其割让给新建立的美利坚合众国。斯普林菲尔德是该州首府,芝加哥为最大城市。人口11,466,682〔Kars〕A city of northeast Turkey near the U.S.S.R. border. Capital of an Armenian principality in the 9th and 10th centuries, it was destroyed by Tamerlane c. 1386, rebuilt by Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, and ceded to Russia in 1878. It was returned to Turkey in 1921. Population, 58,799.卡尔斯:土耳其东北部一城市,与苏联接壤,该市在9世纪和10世纪时为美尼亚公国的首都。元1386年被泰摩兰摧毁,16世纪奥斯曼土耳其人重建此城,1878年割让给俄国。1921年该市归还土耳其。人口58,799〔Gelderland〕A region and former duchy of east-central Netherlands. The duchy was formed in 1339 and passed to the Hapsburgs in 1543. It became part of the Netherlands in 1579, although a portion of the territory was ceded to Prussia in the 18th century.海尔德兰:荷兰中部偏东一个从前的公国,此公国建于1339年,于1543年转给哈布斯堡家族。它于1579年成为荷兰的一部分,但在18世纪其领土的一部分被割让给普鲁士〔Acre〕A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems. Acre was ceded to the Arabs in the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1948 but was captured by Israel shortly thereafter. Population, 37,700.艾可:以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。艾可港在1948年被在联合国的巴勒斯坦人的代表割让给了阿拉伯人,但不久之后即被以色列人占领。人口37,700〔Zhambyl〕A city of south-central Kazakhstan near the border of Kyrgyzstan. Founded in the seventh century, it passed to Russia in 1864. Population, 305,700赞比尔:哈萨克斯坦中南部城市,靠近吉尔吉斯斯坦边界。该市建于7世纪,1864年割让给俄罗斯。人口305,700〔Kurnool〕A city of south-central India northwest of Madras. A market town, Kurnool was overrun by Moslems in 1565 and ceded to the British in 1800. Population, 206,362.卡努尔:印度中南部一城市,位于马德拉斯西北。一个集镇,1565年为穆斯林所侵占,1800年被割让给英国。人口206,362〔Iquique〕A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the 16th century, it was ceded to Chile by Peru in 1883. Population, 110,153.伊基克:智利西北部城市,濒临太平洋,位于秘鲁边界以南。建于16世纪,于1883年由秘鲁割让给智利。人口110,153〔Circassia〕A historical region of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the northeast coast of the Black Sea north of the Caucasus Mountains. It was ceded to Russia by the Ottoman Turks in 1829.切尔卡西亚:苏联欧洲部分东南的一个历史悠久的地区,位于黑海东北岸,高加索山脉北部,1829年由奥斯曼土耳其割让给俄国〔Savoy〕A historical region and former duchy of southeast France, western Switzerland, and northwest Italy. The region changed hands many times after its conquest by Julius Caesar and became a duchy in the early 15th century. In 1720 the duke of Savoy gained the title king of Sardinia, and in 1861 the Savoyard Victor Emmanuel II ascended the throne of the newly formed kingdom of Italy. Much of the original territory was ceded to France at the same time.萨伏伊:历史上的地区名,是法国东南、瑞士西部和意大利西北部以前的一个公国。此地在为裘力斯·凯撒征服以后几次易手,并在15世纪早期成为公国,1720年萨伏伊大公取得撒丁尼亚尼亚国王的头衔,1861年萨伏伊征服者伊曼纽尔二世登上新成立的意大利王国皇座,同时原萨伏伊的大部地区割让给了法国




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