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单词 创造
释义 〔biomagnetism〕The magnetic field created by a living organism.生物磁场:活生物体创造的磁场〔Low〕British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.洛,戴维·亚历山大·塞西尔:(1891-1963) 英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象〔central〕"Performance, including technological invention and artistic creation, will become central to education at all levels"(Frederick Turner)“创作,包括科技发明和艺术创造,将成为各层次教育的根本”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔agnostic〕An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven, for example,but rather holds that one cannot know for certain if they exist or not.The termagnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge.He made up the word from the prefixa-, meaning "without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnōsis, "knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean "higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things";hence,Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the termagnostic, Huxley was considering as "Gnostics" a group of his fellow intellectuals—"ists,” as he called them—who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a "man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,”Huxley coined the termagnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870. 举例来说,不可知论者并不否认上帝和天堂的存在,但却认为无法确切知道他们的存在与否。术语agnostic 这个词是由19世纪的英国科学家托马斯·H·赫胥黎巧妙地创造出来的, 他认为只有物质现象才是确切意识的对象。他用意为“没有,无”的前缀a-, 如在 amoral 中和名词 Gnostic造词。 Gnostic与希腊词 gnosis 有关,指“意识”, 曾被早期的基督教作家用来表达“关于精神玄奥的、神秘的意识”。因此agnostic 就指那些有这类意识的人。 在创造agnostic 这个词时,赫胥黎把他的同伴知识分子──“学家”,认为是“可知论者”,就象他这样称呼他们一样── 他们急切地吸收各种信条或理论来随意地解释世界。因为赫胥黎“是个没有任何标签来掩饰自己的人”,他为自己创造了agnostic 这个词,1870年这个词首次用于出版物中 〔father〕To attribute the paternity, creation, or origin of.认为是…的父亲、创造或起源〔Calder〕American sculptor who created the mobile in Paris in the early 1930's and also produced immobile abstract sculptures known as stabiles.考尔德,亚历山大:(1898-1976) 美国雕塑家,三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动雕塑,并且创立了固定的抽象雕塑,即众所周知的稳定风格〔statement〕To create a certain impression:创造某种效果:〔design〕To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner.创计:以某种艺术性的或高度熟练的技艺创造或执行〔gremlin〕Elves, goblins, and trolls seem to be the timeless creations of the distant past,but gremlins were born in the 20th century.In fact,gremlin is first recorded only in the 1920's, as a Royal Air Force term for a low-ranking officer or enlisted man saddled with oppressive assignments. Said to have been invented by members of the Royal Naval Air Service in World War I,gremlin is used in works written in the 1940's for "an imaginary gnomelike creature who causes difficulties in aircraft.”The word seems likely to have been influenced bygoblin, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain.One source calls in Fremlin beer bottles to explain the word;another, the Irish Gaelic wordgruaimín, "ill-humored little fellow.” Whatever the word's origin,it is certain that gremlins have taken on a life of their own.小精灵、小妖怪和侏儒似乎很久以前就被创造出来而且流传至今,而小妖精一词则是20世纪的产物。事实上,gremlin 在20世纪20年代首次被记录下来时为皇家空军对一个承受严酷任务的低级军官或征召者的称呼。 据说这是在第一次世界大战中由皇家空军的成员创造出来的。1904年,gremlin 被用在书面的作品中, 意为“一种想象中的在飞机上制造麻烦的小生物。”这个词看起来很有可能受了goblin 一词的影响, 但对其词源说法不一,莫衷一是。一种说法用弗来姆林啤酒瓶来解释这一词;而另一种认为爱尔兰凯尔特语词汇gruaimin 意为“坏脾气的小家伙”为其词源。 不管源自何处,有一点是肯定的,小妖精自身有其生命力〔miscreate〕To make or shape badly.拙劣地创造:非常糟糕地制作或塑造〔Laughton〕British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh inMutiny on the Bounty (1935). 劳顿,查尔斯:(1899-1962) 英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括《叛舰喋血记》 (1935年)中的布利上校 〔afflatus〕A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration.灵感,神感:强烈的创造欲;神明启示〔ingenuity〕Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness.设计的能力:创造性能力或想象力;聪明才智〔strawberry〕Izaak Walton's 1655 comment,"We may say of Angling as Dr. Boteler said of Strawberries; Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did,”is perhaps the nicest use of the wordstrawberry in its history. This history goes back much further in English to the Old English period when the word is first recorded.We know thatstrawberry was formed during that period from the Old English ancestors of our words straw and berry. What is not known is why the wordstraw is the first part of this compound. One possibility is that the small, one-seeded fruits on the surface of a strawberry resemble fragments of straw.尹扎卡·沃尔顿在1655年的评论道,“我们可以谈论钓鱼就如同包特勒医生谈论草莓;无疑地,上帝可以创造一种更好的浆果,但毫无疑问他从来没有做”,这一评论可能是strawberry 这个词在其历史上最好的用法。 在英语中,这个词的最早记录历史可更远地追溯到古英语时期。我们知道,strawberry 这个词在那时来自于我们的词语 straw 和 berry 的古英语祖先。 为什么这个复合词的前半部分为straw 无从得知。 一种可能是草莓表面小的单个种子状的果实象稻草的碎片〔tastemaker〕One that determines or strongly influences current trends or styles, as in fashion or the arts.创造流行的人:决定性的或强烈影响流行潮流或风格的人,如在时装或艺术中〔Purusha〕The primeval man, considered to be the soul of the universe, which was created out of his body.神灵:一位远古时代的人,被认为是宇宙的灵魂,宇宙从他的身体中创造出来〔recreate〕creāre [to create] * see create creāre [创造] * 参见 create〔abstract〕To create artistic abstractions of (something else, such as a concrete object or another style):抽象事物:创造(一些其它事物,如具体事物或其它风格)的艺术抽象:〔Blimp〕After Colonel Blimp, a cartoon character invented by David Low (1891-1963) 源自科罗奈尔 Blimp, ,大卫·罗(1891-1963年)创造的一个卡通人物 〔poetic〕from poiein [to make] * see k wei- 2源自 poiein [制作,创造] * 参见 k wei- 2〔think〕Requiring much thought to create or assimilate:深思的:需要很多的思考以创造或吸收:〔create〕To cause to exist; bring into being.See Synonyms at found 1创作;创造 参见 found1〔poem〕from poiein [to create] * see k wei- 2源自 poiein [创造;创作] * 参见 k wei- 2〔symbolism〕Revelation or suggestion of intangible conditions or truths by artistic invention.象征手法:通过艺术创造来揭示或暗示难以描述的情况或真理〔creative〕Having the ability or power to create:创造的,创造性的:有创造能力或力量的:〔rent〕When young people talk about theirrents, that is, their parents, they are using a slang term that is of interest to language historians, if not necessarily thrilling for parents themselves. The term is a prime example of one of the fundamental characteristics of slang, which continually creates novel ways of expressing what are often rather ordinary things (if parents may be considered ordinary things). Slang has recently produced two expressions for "parents" that have gained wide currency— rents and parental units. Both expressions demonstrate slang's use of unusual or creative linguistic means to achieve novelty of expression. While there are many slang terms, such as bod for body or rad for radical, that result from the clipping of unstressed syllables, rents is a clipping that drops a stressed syllable, much like the similar term za, "pizza.” The desire to coin new ways of referring to things also leads speakers of slang to use circumlocutions like knuckle sandwich for "punch.” Parental units falls into this category. It plays on the jargon of bureaucrats and social science, in which the world is viewed as so much data waiting to be quantified. The appearance of terms such as rents and parental units also shows that all available styles and levels of language can be grist for slang's mill—so long as the material is perceived as irreverent, funny, or just plain cool. 年轻人谈论他们的rents (即父母)时,即使肯定不会令他们的父母感到兴奋,他们却使用了一个令语言历史学家很感兴趣的俚语。Rents是俚语一个基本特色的典范,这一基本特色就是不断创造新颖词汇来表示通常极为普通的事物(如果父母会被认为是普通事物的话)。最近俚语中产生了两个"父(母)亲"的词语并被普遍使用── rents 和 parental units 。这两个词语表明俚语用不同寻常的或创造性的语言工具来获取表达上的新颖。虽然因省略非重读音节产生了许多俚语词汇,如用 bod 指body、用 rad 指radical,但 rents 却是省略重读音节后的部分,非常类似相近词汇 za "pizza(比萨饼)"。期望创造指代事物的新词也使得满口俚语的人运用赘语,如用 knuckle sandwich 指"punch(用拳击)"。 Parental units 也属于赘语的范围。它用作官僚主义者的行话以及科学术语,因为对于官僚主义者和科学工作者来讲世界就是等待量化的大量数据。诸如 rents 和 parental units 这些俚语的出现也表明语言现有的全部风格和水平都是俚语的有益补充──只要认为内容是不敬的、有趣的或者纯粹扮酷的 〔design〕To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect:发明:为了某个特定的目的或效果进行创造或构想:〔McGwire〕American baseball player. In 1987 he broke the single-season record for home runs hit by a rookie, and in 1998 he set a new record for home runs hit in one season, surpassing Roger Maris and Sammy Sosa, by hitting 70.麦奎尔,马克·戴维:美国棒球运动员。1987年打破单一赛季新手全垒打记录,1998年创造一个赛季内全垒打的新纪录,超过罗杰·马里斯与山米·索沙,达70支〔man〕Traditionally,man and words derived from it have been used generically to designate any or all of the human race irrespective of sex.In Old Englishthis was the principal sense ofman, which meant "a human being" regardless of sex;the wordswer and wyf (or w÷pman and wifman ) were used to refer to "a male human being" and "a female human being" respectively. But in Middle Englishman displaced wer as the term for "a male human being,”whilewyfman (which evolved into present-day woman ) was retained for "a female human being.” The result of these changes was an assymetrical arrangement that many criticize as sexist.Many writers have revised some of their practices accordingly.But the precise implications of the usage vary according to the context and the particular use ofman or its derivatives. · Man sometimes appears to have the sense of "person" or "people" when it is used as a count noun, as inA man is known by the company he keeps and Men have long yearned to unlock the secrets of the atom, and in phrases likethe common man and the man in the street. Here the generic interpretation arises indirectly:if a man is known by the company he keeps,then so, by implication, is a woman.For this reasonthe generic interpretation of these uses ofman is not possible where the applicability of the predicate varies according to the sex of the individual. Thus it would be inappropriate to say thatMen are the only animals that can conceive at any time, since the sentence literally asserts that the ability to conceive applies to male human beings.This usage presumes that males can be taken as representatives of the species.In almost all cases,however, the wordsperson and people can be substituted for man and men, often with a gain in clarity. · By contrast,man functions more as a generic when it is used without an article in the singular to refer to the human race, as in sentences likeThe capacity for language is unique to man or in phrases like man's inhumanity to man. But this use ofman is also ambiguous, since it can refer exclusively to male members of the human race.In most contexts wordssuch ashumanity or humankind will convey the generic sense of this use of man. · On the whole,the Usage Panel accepts the generic use ofman, the women members significantly less than the men. The sentenceIf early man suffered from a lack of information, modern man is tyrannized by an excess of it was acceptable to 81 percent of the Panel (including 58 percent of the women and 92 percent of the men).The Panel also accepted compound words derived from genericman. The sentenceThe Great Wall is the only man-made structure visible from space was acceptable to 86 percent (including 76 percent of the women and 91 percent of the men).The sentence"The history of language is the history of mankind" (James Bradstreet Greenough and George Lyman Kittredge) was acceptable to 76 percent (including 63 percent of the women and 82 percent of the men). Such compounds were acceptable even when the context required that they be applied chiefly to women.Thus, 66 percent of the Panel (including 57 percent of the women and 71 percent of the men) accepts the wordmanpower in the sentence Countries that do not permit women to participate in the work force are at a disadvantage in competing with those that do avail themselves of that extra source of manpower. · A related set of problems is raised by the use ofman in forming the names of occupational and social rolessuch asbusinessman, chairman, spokesman, layman, and freshman, as well as in analogous formationssuch asunsportsmanlike and showmanship. Some condemn this use categorically;however, these words remained acceptable to a majority of the Usage Panel when they were used to refer to a role or class in the abstractbut were rejected when they were used to refer to a woman.Thus the general use ofchairman was acceptable to 67 percent of the Panel (including 52 percent of the women and 76 percent of the men) in the sentence The chairman will be appointed by the Faculty Senate. But only 48 percent (including 43 percent of the women and 50 percent of the men) accepted the use of the word inEmily Owen, chairman of the Mayor's Task Force, issued a statement assuring residents that their views would be solicited, where it is applied to a woman. · Several strategies have been suggested for replacing the categorical use of compounds formed withman. Parallel terms likebusinesswoman, spokeswoman and chairwoman are increasingly used to refer to women. Also in use are common-gender terms coined withperson, such asbusinessperson, spokesperson, and chairperson. For occupational titles ending inman, new standards of official usage have been established by the U.S. Department of Labor and other government agencies.In official contexts termssuch asfirefighter and police officer are now generally used in place of fireman and policeman. · A majority of the Panelists rejected the verbman when it was used to refer to an activity performed by women. The sentenceMembers of the League of Women Voters will be manning the registration desk was unacceptable to 56 percent of the Panel (including 61 percent of the women and 54 percent of the men). See Usage Note at -ess ,people 传统上,man 以及它的衍生字一般是用来指任何人或整个人类, 不考虑性别。在古英语中,这就是man 这个字主要的意思, 即“人” 而不分性别;单词wer 和 wyf (或 woepman 和 wifman )则分别用以指“男人”和“女人”。 但在中古英语时man 取代了 wer 这个词, 也具有“男人”的意义了;而wyfman (这个字发展演变成了今天的 woman 这个字)作为“女人”这个意思被保留了下来。 这些变化的结果是,作为性别歧视者所批评的匀称排列。为此,许多作家相应地修订了他们部分的创作活动。但是这用法的准确含义取决于它的上下文以及man 的具体用途或它的衍生字。 当man 这个字被当作一个可数名词来用时,它有时似乎具有“一个人”或“人们”的意思, 如在被他所在的那个公司熟悉了解的人 和 很久以来,人们都期盼着解开原子的秘密 , 以及如下短语中普通的人 和 街上的人 。 这里,一般的理解源于间接地推理:如果一个男人是被他所在的公司了解的话,其言下之意是,一个女人也是被他所在的公司熟悉了解的。正是这个原因,使得man 当此一般理解之义用时,其谓语随着个人性别的改变而变化是不可能的。 所以,说人是唯一能在任何时候思考的动物 是不适当的, 因为这句话字面之义是指男人的思考能力。这种用法是假定男人可以作为人类的代表。几乎毫无例外的是,词person 和 people 可以用 man 和 men 来取代,且后两字意思更清楚。 相反,当man 以单数不带冠词出现用以指人类时,它更是指一类、一属, 如在象句子只有人才有语言能力 或象短语 人类对人类的不人道 中。 但man 若以这种形式出现,其意思也会模糊不清, 因为其可只指人类中的男性成员。在大多数的行文中,例如humanity 或 humankind 这样的字也传达了 man 这种用法的一般意义。 总的说来,在用法专题使用小组成员中接受man 这种一般用法的女性比男性明显少得多。 下面这句话如果说古代人受信息不足之苦的话,那么现代人则是受信息过量之虐待了 在小组中有81的成员可接受 (其中女性成员中的接受率为58,男性中则为92)。专题小组会还接受作为一般意义的man 构成的复合词。 长城是太空中的唯一可见的人造物 这句话有86的成员接受 (其中女性成员的接受率为76,而男性中为91)。“语言史就是一部人类史” (詹姆士·布拉斯瑞特·格里诺和乔治·莱曼·基特里奇)这句话的接受率为76(基中在女性成员中有63接受,而男性中为82)。 即使是上下行文所需的字主要指的是女人,这种复合词仍然被接受。因此小组中的66(其中女性委员的57,男性的71)接受了manpower 这个词在下句的用法: 那些不允许女人加入生产力大军的国家和那些允许女人加入生产力大军的国家相比,在处理剩余劳动力这一点上明显处于竞争的劣势 。 由于man 的使用所引起的一系列相关问题产生了, 在构成职业或社会角色类别的名称,如商人、主席、发言人、外行 和 渔夫 , 以及将这个字用于类似的构词法中,如违反运动精神的 和 善于表演的才能 。 有些人谴责这种类别的用法;然而,当它们抽象地指某种角色或阶层时,这些词仍能得到用法专题使用小组大多数人的接受;但当它们用由于指女性时,这些词就被拒绝了。因此在句子主席由职工委员会指定 中 主席 的这种一般用法就得到了67小组成员的接受(其中在女性成员中为52,而男性中为76)。 但是,在句子艾米莉·欧文,市长任务小组的主席,发表了一个声明,向市长保证将考虑他们的观点 中这个字的用法,由于是指女性,只有48的成员接受(其中在女性成员中的接受率为43,而男性中为50)。 对于如何替换用man 构成的类别复合词,几种构思被提了出来。 与之相对的复合词如女商人、女发言人 和 女主席 越来越多地被用来指女性。 另外,用person 构成的中性词也创造了出来, 如商人、发言人 和 主席 。 对于用man 结尾的职业名称, 美国政府劳工部和其它政府机构已建立起了新的官方运用标准。在官方行文,现在一般用如firefighter 和 police officer 代替 fireman 和 policeman 。 大多数的小组成员反对将动词man 用于指那些女性从事的活动。 句子登记处将配备女性选民联盟的成员 在用法专题使用小组中的反对率是56(其中在女性成员中的反对率是61,而男性中为54) 参见 -ess,people〔Frankenstein〕The wordFrankenstein has taken on a life of its own, somewhat like the monster created from parts of corpses by the Swiss student Frankenstein, whose name serves as the title of Mary Shelley's novel, published in 1818. People have persisted in calling the monster Frankenstein;in fact, the first recorded use of the name as a common noun in 1838refers to mules as "Frankensteins.”The word has gone on to refer to "a monster having the appearance of a man" and "an agency that slips from the control of and ultimately destroys its creator.”Since most people have given the name of the novel's protagonist to his creation,Frankenstein's monster has, in a sense, destroyed its creator.单词Franerstein 有些象瑞士学生弗兰肯斯泰因(此名成为1818年出版的玛丽·雪莱小说的书名)从部分死尸器官所造的怪物一样,已经具备了自己的生命力。 人们坚持将那个怪物称作弗兰肯斯泰因;实际上此词于1838年第一次用作普通名词,把顽固的人称作“弗兰肯斯泰因”。此词后来演变为指“人形怪物”和“脱离创造者的控制并最终毁灭其创造者的媒介”。因为多数人把小说中主角的名字转借给了他的创造物,所以,从某种意义上说,弗兰肯斯泰因创造的怪物已经毁灭了他本人〔googol〕[Coined at the age of nine by Milton Sirotta, nephew of Edward Kasner (1878-1955), American mathematician] [为米尔顿·西罗蒂九岁时创造,是美国数学家爱德华·卡斯纳(1878-1955年)的侄子] 〔demiurge〕Demiurge A Platonic deity who orders or fashions the material world out of chaos. Demiurge 造物主:柏拉图哲学中将物质世界从混沌中创造出来的神〔figment〕Something invented, made up, or fabricated:虚构的事:创造的、捏造的或无中生有的事物:〔Goodman〕American clarinetist whose band, formed in 1934, introduced swing, a style of jazz that was greatly popular in the 1930's and 1940's.古德曼,本杰明·戴维:(1909-1986) 美国竖笛演奏家,他的乐队成立于1934年,创造了摇摆舞音乐(爵士乐的一种)。该音乐在20世纪30年代和40年代非常流行〔work〕An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary or musical composition; a work of art.艺术品:一件艺术的创造,如绘画、雕刻或文学或音乐作品;艺术作品〔principle〕Despite generations of spelling lessons,the wordsprinciple and principal are still commonly confused. Perhaps an understanding of their history will help in keeping them straight.Both words go back to the same Latin word,prīnceps, meaning "first, as in time, position, or authority.”The split that has caused all the trouble occurred in the next stage of development.Fromprīnceps were derived the noun prīncipium, "start, origin, guiding principle,” the adjectiveprīncipālis, "first in importance or esteem,” and the noun prīncipālis, "a leading citizen.” Clearly the latter two words with theā between the p and the l have given us the adjectiveprincipal (first recorded around 1300) and the noun principal (also first recorded in a work composed around 1300).Perhaps it should not be mentioned that one Middle English spelling for the noun wasprinciple. On the other hand,the Latin wordprīncipium and its Old French descendant principe were involved in the creation of the word principle in Middle English, first recorded in a work written around 1380.Words likemanciple and participle influenced the spelling of this new word, but again perhaps we should keep silent about the fact that we also find the word spelledprincipal and prinsipal in Middle English. A key point to remember about these seemingly aberrant Middle English spellings isthat in Middle English spelling was not nearly as fixed as it usually is today,a development that was much furthered by the invention of printing.When we interchange spellings forprinciple and principal, we are doing something that would have been less of a fault in the days before the conformity imposed on us by this marvelous invention. 尽管在拼写课上反复强调,principle 和 principal 还是被人们搞混。 或许了解一下这两个词的历史有助于我们弄清楚它们的拼写。两个词都可追溯到同一个拉丁词princeps, 意为“在时间,地位或权威上第一的”。引起所有麻烦的分裂出现在发展过程的下一个阶段。从princeps 派生出了名词 principium, 意为“开端,根源,指导性原则,” 形容词principalis “最重要的或最受尊敬的”及名词 principalis 意为“处于领导地位的公民”。 显然,后两个词在p 和 l 之间带有 ā, 这就使我们有了形容词principal (最早记录于1300年左右)和名词 principal (最早记录也是在大约1300年左右创作的作品中)。或许我们不应提到这个名词在中古英语中的一种拼法是principle 。 另一方面,拉丁词principium 和其古法词的派生词 principe 共同作用创造了中古英语单词 principle, 最早记录于写于约1380年的一部作品。象manciple 和 participle 这样的单词都影响了这个新单词的拼写, 但是或许我们应该再一次对于这个单词也曾在中古英语中被拼写成principal 和 prinsipal 这一事实保持沉默。 记住这些在中古英语中貌似反常的拼写的关键在于,在中古英语中的拼写方式几乎不象今天这么固定,因为当时还没有发明印刷术。当这项神奇的发明把拼写一致的原则加到我们头上之前,我们把principle 和 principal 的拼写互相交换,也算不上什么大错 〔soundscape〕An atmosphere or environment created by or with sound:音景,音响范围:以声音创造出来的气氛或环境:〔Hughes〕American film producer, aviator, and multimillionaire. He founded Hughes Aircraft Corporation, broke the airplane speed record (1935), and flew around the world in record time (1938). After 1950 Hughes lived as a recluse.休斯,霍华德·罗伯德:(1905-1976) 美国电影制片人,飞行员和亿万富翁。他创建了休斯飞机公司,且于1935年打破了飞机飞行纪录,在1938年创造了环球飞行时间纪录。1950年后隐居〔highfalutin〕H.L. Mencken, in his famous bookThe American Language, mentions highfalutin as an example of the many native U.S. words coined during the 19th-century period of vigorous growth. Althoughhighfalutin is characteristic of American folk speech, it is not a true regionalismbecause it has always occurred in all regions of the country,with its use and popularity spurred by its appearance in print.The origin ofhighfalutin, like that of many folk expressions, is obscure. It has been suggested that the second element,-falutin, comes from the verbflute —hence high-fluting, a comical indictment of one who thinks too highly of oneself. H.L.曼肯,在其名著美国的语言 一书中指出, highfalutin 一词是众多的创造于19世纪迅速成长时期的美国本土的词汇的一个例子。 尽管highfalutin 一词是典型的美国民间用语, 但它不是方言土语,因为它总是出现在国家的各个地区。出现在印刷品上更促进了它的使用。highfalutin 一词的起源,象许多民间表达方式一样不为人所知, 曾有人说该词的第二词素-falutin, 来源于动词flute ——由此 high-fluting, 特指太自高自大的人 〔verity〕"The mind once suddenly aware of a verity for the first time immediately invents it again"(Agnes Sligh Turnbull)See Synonyms at truth “思想一旦突然首次意识到某一真理就能马上再次地创造它”(阿格尼斯·斯赖·特恩布尔) 参见 truth




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