单词 | 出自 |
释义 | 〔expect〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔neighbor〕Loving one's neighbor as oneself would be much easier,or perhaps much more difficult,if the wordneighbor had kept to its etymological meaning. The source of our word,the assumed West Germanic form.nāhgabūr, was a compound of the words.nēhwiz, "near,” and .būram, "dweller, especially a farmer.” A neighbor, then, was a near dweller.Nēahgebūr, the Old English descendant of this West Germanic word, and its descendant in Middle English, neighebor, and our Modern English neighbor have all retained the literal notion,even though one can now have many neighbors whom one does not know,a situation that would have been highly unlikely in earlier times.The extension of this word to mean "fellow" is probably attributable to the Christian concern with the treatment of one's fellow human beings,as in the passage in Matthew 19:19 that urges love of one's neighbor.象爱自己一样爱邻居会更容易,也可能更难,如果neighbor 这个词保持其词源意义的话。 这个词的来源,假定在西日耳曼语中形式为nahgabur, 是nehwiz “附近的”和 buram “居住者,尤指农夫”的合成词。 那么邻居就是附近的居住者。Neahgebur 这个西日耳曼词发展的古英语形式, 中世纪英语形式nerghebor 及现代英语 neighbor 形式, 都保持了字面意义,即使现在一个可能有许多人都不认识的邻居,这是一种以前很不可能有的情况。这个词的引申意义“人”大概出自基督徒关心如何对待世人,比如在《马太19:19》中就有要求热爱自己邻居的篇章〔exhume〕Latin ex- [ex-] 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔expand〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔expectorate〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔excise〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔butternut〕[From the nut's oiliness] [出自坚果的油质] 〔expend〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔exit〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔expatiate〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔exclude〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔flow〕Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis.几个结论都出自他的假设〔what〕What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.你在念什么大学?你应该知道哪首歌出自哪部音乐片〔rifle〕[probably of Germanic origin] [可能出自日耳曼语] 〔enthuse〕The verbenthuse is not well accepted; its use in the sentenceThe majority leader enthused over his party's gains was rejected by 76 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.This lack of acceptance ofenthuse is often attributed to its status as a back-formation: such words often meet with disapproval on their first appearanceand only gradually become accepted over time.But other back-formationssuch asdiagnose (a back-formation from diagnosis that was first recorded in 1861) and donate (first cited in 1785 as a back-formation from donation ) are considered unimpeachable English words. This situation suggests thatin truth the continued lack of acceptance ofenthuse, first recorded in 1827, may have less to do with doubts about its lineagethan with shortcomings in its character.Unlikeenthusiasm, which denotes an internal emotional state, enthuse denotes either the external expression of emotion,as inShe enthused over attending the Oscar ceremonies, or the inducement of enthusiasm by an external source,as inHe was so enthused about the miracle diet pills that he agreed to do a testimonial for their television ad. It is possible that a distaste for this emphasis on external emotional display and manipulation is for some people the source of an uneasethat manifests itself in a distaste for the word itself.See Usage Note at intuit 动词enthuse 并未被广泛接受; 其在优势党领导人对本党的利益极为热衷 一句中的用法, 在早期调查中遭到用法使用小组百分之七十六成员的反对。Enthuse 所以不被接受常归因于它是由逆序造词法产生的词: 这种词通常在他们刚刚出现时遭到反对,只有随着时间的流逝才逐渐被人们接受。但是其它逆序生成的词,如diagnose (由 diagnosis 而逆序生成,最早见于1861年)和 donate (最先于1875年作为由 donation 一词的逆序生成词被引用)被看作无可挑剔的英语词汇。 这一情况说明,不接受enthuse 这个1827年便出现的词汇, 实际上并非出自对其来历的怀疑,而是由于其本身的缺陷。与enthusiasm 这一可表现出内在情感状况的词不同, enthuse 要么显示出情感的外在表达,如在她为参加奥斯卡颁奖仪式感到兴奋 一句中, 要么显示出外界对热情的诱惑,如他对神奇的减肥药十分热心,意欲为其电视广告写一份鉴定书 一句。 有可能由于对其强调外在情感的表现与处理的不满,导致了一些人不愿意使用这个词 参见 intuit〔arise〕To result, issue, or proceed:引起,发生,出自:〔eliminate〕ē-, ex- [ex-] ē-, ex- [前缀,表“出自”] 〔exceed〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表”出自…”] 〔neigh〕[probably of imitative origin] [大概出自模仿] 〔except〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…,向外”] 〔ax〕Ax, a common nonstandard variant of ask, is often identified as an especially salient feature of African American Vernacular English. While it is true that the form is frequent in the speech of African Americans, it used to be common in the speech of white Americans as well, especially in New England. This should not be surprising since ax is a very old word in English, having been used in England for over 1,000 years. In Old English we find both āscian and ācsian, and in Middle English both asken and axen. Moreover, the forms with cs or x had no stigma associated with them. Chaucer used asken and axen interchangeably, as in the lines "I wol aske, if it hir will be/To be my wyf" and "Men axed hym, what sholde bifalle,” both from The Canterbury Tales. The forms in x arose from the forms in sk by a linguistic process called metathesis, in which two sounds are reversed. The x thus represents (ks), the flipped version of (sk). Metathesis is a common linguistic process around the world and does not arise from a defect in speaking. Nevertheless, ax has become stigmatized as substandard—a fate that has befallen other words, like ain't, that were once perfectly acceptable in literate circles. ask 的一般非标准变体 ax 常被认为是美国黑人英语极为显著的特色。尽管美国黑人在交谈中的确使用ax这种形式,但美国白人也在口语中普遍使用它,尤其是新英格兰的白人。不必对此表示惊奇,因为 ax 是个很古老的英语词汇,在英语中至少使用了1000年以上。古英语中有 āscian 和 ācsian, ,中古英语中有 asken 和 axen 。而且,带 cs 或 x 的形式同不好的含义无关。乔叟在下文中交替使用 asken 和 axen :"I wol aske, if it hir will be/To be my wyf(我问道,这是真是幻/将成为我的妻子)”和"Men axed hym, what sholde bifalle(人们问他,会降临什么)”,这两句话都出自 《坎特伯利故事集》 。带 sk 的形式经由 换位 的语言过程产生带 x 的形式,换位就是将两个音位置颠倒。因此 x 表示(ks)的发音,即(sk)的翻转发音。换位是世界通用的语言过程并且不会造成交谈中的欠缺。但 ax 已被记作非标准用法──同样降临在曾一度被知识界完全接受的其它单词(如 ain't )的命运 〔egest〕ē-, ex- [ex-] ē-, ex- [前缀,表“向外,出自”] 〔ax〕To understand the origin of the idiomax to grind, we need to know thatgrind means "to sharpen.” This phrase is said to have come from a story by the 19th-century journalist Charles Miner (alias Poor Robert) about a seemingly friendly manwho was able by flattery to persuade a young boy to turn a grindstone for him.The tale first appeared in the Luzerne, Pennsylvania,Federalist on September 7, 1810, under the title "Who'll Turn Grindstones?” and later in an 1815 book entitledEssays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe. Because "Poor Robert" was confused with "Poor Richard,”the story has often been erroneously attributed to Benjamin Franklin.The idiom itself is an Americanism—a word or expression originating in the United States.It was at first restricted to political contexts,but quotations from James Joyce ("Skin-the-Goat . . . evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances")and George Bernard Shaw ("distinguished statesmen of different nations . . . each with a national axe to grind") attest that the phrase has traveled abroad and,as we know only too well, is no longer found only in political contexts.为了理解成语ax to grind 的出处, 我们需要知道grind 意思是“磨尖”。 这个短语据说出自19世纪旅行家查尔斯·麦纳(别名穷罗伯特)所写的关于一个似乎很友善的人的故事,他能够奉承地劝说一名男孩为他翻过一块磨光石。这个传说第一次出现在1810年9月7日宾夕法尼亚州的卢泽恩,在1810年9月7日题为“谁将推翻磨石”的联邦制拥护者 中提到, 之后1815年又在名为作家穷·罗伯特文集 一书中提到。 因为"poor Robert和"poor Richard"易被弄混淆,这个故事经常被错误地认为是本杰明·弗兰克林创作的。这个成语本身是美国式的词或表达源于美国。一开始被限于在政治性言词的情况中使用,但是从以下的引文表明这个短语已广泛地传播,一个是引于詹姆斯·琼斯(“这个显然别有企图的披着人皮的狼,正在诉苦”),另一个引自乔治·萧伯纳(“辨认出不同国家的人…每个国家都有自己国家的打算”),正如我们所熟知的,它不会只在政治性言论的上下文间才可以找到的〔exclaim〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔aggravate〕It is sometimes claimed thataggravate should be used only to mean "to make worse" and not "to irritate.” Based on this view it would be appropriate to sayThe endless wait for luggage aggravates the misery of modern air travel, but not It's the endless wait for luggage that aggravates me the most. But the latter use dates back as far as the 17th century and is accepted by 68 percent of the Usage Panel. As H.W. Fowler wrote, "the extension from aggravating a person's temper to aggravating the person himself is slight and natural,and when we are told that Wackford Squeers [in Dickens'sNicholas Nickleby ] pinched the boys in aggravating places we may reasonably infer that his choice of places aggravated both the pinches and the boys.”有时认为aggravate 应当只被用来表示“加重;使恶化”的意思而不表示“使恼火;激怒”。 根据这种观点,The endless wait for luggage aggravates the misery of modern air travel(无休止地等待行李加重了现代飞机旅行的困难) 这个句子是正确的,而 It's the endless wait for luggage that aggravates me the most(无休止地等待行李最为令我恼火) 这一句则不正确。 但是后一种用法可以追溯到17世纪,并且被百分之六十八的用法使用小组成员所接受。正如H·W·福勒写道,“从使一个人的脾气变得更坏到使一个人恼火的延伸是微小和自然的,当我们看到威克福特·斯贵尔斯[出自狄更斯的小说尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝 ]往令人恼火的地方拧孩子们时, 我们可以合理地推断出他所选择的地方既加剧了拧的疼痛又令孩子们大为恼火。”〔forth〕Out of; forth from.出自;从…离开〔modest〕Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident.See Synonyms at shy 1羞怯的:有或出自不愿引起别人对自己注意的;避世的或缺乏自信的 参见 shy1〔soar〕Latin ex- [ex-] 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表“出自, 超出”] 〔eruct〕ē-, ex- [ex-] ē-, ex- [表示“出自,出外”] 〔excogitate〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔modillion〕[perhaps of Etruscan origin] [也许出自伊鲁斯坦] 〔excavate〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表”出自…”] 〔pursuant〕Proceeding from and conformable to; in accordance with.出自并依据…的;与…一致的〔lonely〕Henry Bradley, one of the four editors of theOxford English Dictionary, said "It is a truth often overlooked, but not unimportant, that every addition to the resources of a language must in the first instance have been due to an act (though not necessarily to a voluntary or conscious act) of some one person.”In many casesthis one person may have been an author,since the first recorded instance of a word is often found in an author's work.Of course, as Bradley warns,this is the firstrecorded instance; it is possible that a given author picked up the word or sense somewhere elseor that these reside undiscovered in an earlier work.In any caseit might be a minor relief of our condition the next time we feel lonely to know that the first recorded instance of the wordlonely occurs in the works of Shakespeare. The passage appears inCoriolanus (1607-1608) in a speech by Coriolanus to his mother Volumnia:"My mother, you wot [know] well/My hazards still have been your solace, and/Believe't not lightly—though I go alone,/Like to alonely dragon, that his fen/Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen—your son/Will or exceed the common or be caught/With cautelous [crafty] baits and practice.” Lonely here, of course, has the sense "solitary.” The dragon does not feel dejected,or if he does,he does not seem to know how to reach out to others effectively.牛津英语词典 的四位编纂者之一亨利·布莱德雷说: “人们经常忽视这样一个现实,但它并非不重要,那就是对某种语言词汇的每一次添加都首先是由于某一个人的行为(尽管不一定是自愿的或有意识的行为)”。许多时候,这一个人可能是个作者,因为一个词有记载的首次使用往往出自一位作者的作品。当然,正如布莱德雷所提醒人们的,这是首次有记载的 的例子; 某个作者可能是从别处学到这个词或这个意思,或是这个词或意思在更早的作品中已经出现,只是未被人们发现。不管怎样,当我们知道lonely 这个词的有记载的首次使用出现在莎士比亚的作品中时,这些都不大能减轻我们的沮丧心情。 在卡里奥拉纳斯 (1607-1608年)中, 卡里奥拉纳斯对他母亲弗罗姆尼娅讲的一段话中有这样的文字:“我的母亲,你清楚地知道/我的冒险一直是你的安慰,而且/不要轻信——尽管我要只身前往,/就象去面对一条孤单的 龙,他的沼泽/令人谈而色变,尽管并未亲见——你的儿子/决意或是胜过凡人或是被狡猾的圈套和手段擒捉”。 Lonely 在这里的意思当然是“孤单的”。 龙不会感到沮丧,即便它感到沮丧,他也不太可能知道如何让别人体会到它的感情〔ex〕a Columbia alumnus, ex '70.一个出自70届的哥伦比亚男肄业生〔exonerate〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔astonish〕Latin ex- [ex-] 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表示“出自”] 〔excerpt〕ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 〔instinctual〕Of, relating to, or derived from instinct.See Synonyms at instinctive 本能的,与本能有关的,出自本能的 参见 instinctive〔ex〕From, but not having graduated with, the class of:肄业于…级:出自某一届,但并未同此届毕业生一起毕业: |
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