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单词 冲动
释义 〔urge〕"There is a human urge to clarify, rationalize, justify"(Leonard Bernstein)“有要澄清、阐释和辨明的人的本能冲动”(伦纳德·伯恩斯坦)〔pathway〕A chain of nerve fibers along which impulses normally travel.神经传导:神经纤维链,冲动正常情况上通过它传导〔urge〕suppressed an urge to laugh.压制住笑的冲动〔psychoanalysis〕The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts.心理分析:由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德创立的一套精神治疗的方法,用自由联系、对梦的阐释和对抵抗和移情的分析来研究被压抑或无意识的冲动、焦虑和内心冲突〔whim〕governed by whim.See Synonyms at caprice 由冲动支配 参见 caprice〔impetuous〕 Impetuous suggests forceful impulsiveness or impatience: Impetuous 意味着强烈的冲动和不耐心; 〔Bergson〕French philosopher and writer whose widely influential works, includingCreative Evolution (1907) and The Creative Mind (1934), largely concern the importance of intuition as a means of attaining knowledge and the élan vital present in all living things. He won the 1927 Nobel Prize for literature. 伯格森,亨利·路易斯:(1859-1941) 法国哲学家、作家、其具有广泛影响的著作,如《创造进化论》 (1907年)和 《创造思维》 (1934年),主要论述直觉作为一种获得知识的方法的重要性及在所有生物中存在的生命冲动。他获1927年诺贝尔文学奖 〔pathological〕Of, relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual and compulsive:习以为常的:习惯的和冲动行为的,与习惯的和冲动行为有关的,显示这一行为的:〔impetuous〕Precipitate suggests impulsiveness and lack of due reflection: Precipitate 意思是冲动和缺乏应有的考虑: 〔act〕To express (unconscious impulses, for example) in an overt manner without awareness or understanding.冲动行事:不知不觉中公开地表示(例如,无意识的冲动〔compulsion〕An irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation:冲动:无法抑制的冲动,不顾动机是否合理:〔fling〕To move quickly, violently, or impulsively.猛冲,猛扑:迅速、猛烈或冲动地运动〔impetuous〕“[a race driver who was] flamboyant, impetuous, disdainful of death" (Jim Murray).“[一个赛车手] 辉耀的,冲动的,对死亡充满蔑视的人 (吉姆·默莱)。〔combustible〕Easily aroused or excited.冲动的:容易冲动或激动〔brash〕Hasty and unthinking; impetuous.急躁的:仓促而不加思索的;冲动〔conation〕The aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving.意动:引起包括冲动、欲望、暴力和奋斗等外在行动或变化的心理方面的活动或行为〔impetuous〕Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive and passionate.冲动的:具有突然的和强有力的能量或感情特征的;冲动的和热情的〔klepto〕A person who has a compulsion to steal; a kleptomaniac.有窃盗癖者:因不可抗拒的冲动而偷窃的人;有窃盗癖的人〔madcap〕Behaving or acting impulsively or rashly; wild.鲁莽的:举止行为冲动的或鲁莽的;狂乱的〔arbitrary〕Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle:任意的,武断的:由偶然、一时兴致或冲动而非由必然、推理或原则决定的:〔obscure〕"an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"(Anatole Broyard)See Synonyms at ambiguous “一股冲动爆发出来,与他的灵魂正处于难解的交战状态中”(阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔) 参见 ambiguous〔brainish〕Headstrong; impetuous.任性的;冲动〔resurgent〕Sweeping or surging back again.冲动席卷的或再次奔腾的〔suppress〕"There is the world of ideas and the world of practice;the French are often for suppressing the one and the English the other;but neither is to be suppressed" (Matthew Arnold).Tostifle is to keep back something, such as an impulse or an emotion, as if by smothering it: “存在着一个思想的世界和一个行动的世界;法国人通常赞成压制前一个世界,而英国人则赞成压制后一个;但是两者都不会被压制住的” (马修·阿诺德)。Stifle 就是好像闷熄般抑制住某物,如冲动或情感: 〔vindictive〕 Vengeful andrevengeful imply the impulse to inflict or the infliction of suffering or punishment as retribution for evil or an injury: Vengeful 和revengeful 表示作为对邪恶或伤害的报复或具有的折磨或施加苦难或惩罚的冲动〔Bergsonism〕The philosophy of Henri Bergson, which asserts that the flow of time personally experienced is free and unrestricted rather than measured on a clock and contends that all living forms arise from a persisting natural force, the élan vital.柏格森主义:亨利·柏格森的哲学,宣称个人经历的时间流逝是自由的、不受限制的,而不象在钟表中测量的那样,并主张所有的生物形式都来源于一种永恒的自然力量──生命冲动〔impulse〕had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.有一种跑开的冲动;突发的后悔之情令我犹豫不决;心血来潮买了一顶帽子〔motion〕A prompting from within; an impulse or inclination:动机,意向:来自内部的刺激;冲动或趋向:〔emotion〕the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.快乐、痛苦、尊敬、痛恨和爱的冲动〔couple〕"Every couple years the urge strikes, to . . . haul off to a new site"(Garrison Keillor)“每几年,想撤离去一个新地点的冲动就来了”(加里森·谢勒)〔spontaneous〕 Impulsive refers to the operation of a sudden urge or feeling not governed by reason: Impulsive 指不被某种原因决定的冲动或情感的作用: 〔axon〕The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.轴突:一般传导远离神经细胞体的冲动的神经纤维突,通常为长突〔reckless〕 Rash implies haste, impetuousness, and insufficient consideration: Rash 暗指匆忙、冲动且没有足够考虑的: 〔precipitant〕Acting with or marked by impulsiveness in thought or action; rash.See Usage Note at precipitate 轻率的:在思想或行动上操之过急的或特点为冲动的;轻率的 参见 precipitate〔hormone〕from hormē [impulse] * see er- 1源自 hormē [冲动,兴奋] * 参见 er- 1〔tumult〕"I spend much time in a tumult of anger and disbelief"(Scott Turow)“大部分时间我都处于一种愤怒和怀疑的冲动中”(斯科特·图罗)〔pyromania〕An uncontrollable impulse to start fires.放火狂:一种想要放火的不能控制的冲动〔whirlwind〕A tumultuous, confused rush.混乱:喧哗、混乱的一阵忙乱或冲动〔serotonin〕An organic compound, C10H 12N 2O, formed from tryptophan and found in animal and human tissue, especially the brain, blood serum, and gastric mucous membranes, and active in vasoconstriction, stimulation of the smooth muscles, transmission of impulses between nerve cells, and regulation of cyclic body processes. 5-羟色胺:一种来源于色胺酸,尤见于脑、血清和胃粘膜等动物和人体组织的有机物,C10H 12N 2O,在血管收缩、刺激平滑肌、神经细胞间冲动传导以及周期性体内过程调节中起作用 〔spontaneous〕Letting her friend borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted.让朋友借走她的车是她立刻就感到后悔的冲动行为。




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