单词 | 写成 |
释义 | 〔curlicue〕A fancy twist or curl, such as a flourish made with a pen.花饰,旋曲:一种精致的弯曲或卷曲,如用钢笔写成的花饰〔novelize〕novelize one's personal experiences.将一个人的经历写成小说〔epic〕An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.史诗:用严肃或庄重的语言写成的叙事长诗,歌颂传奇中或历史上英雄的丰功伟绩〔MacArthur〕American playwright noted forThe Front Page (1928), which he cowrote with Ben Hecht. 麦克阿瑟,查尔斯:(1895-1956) 美国戏剧作家,以与本·海希特共同写成的《封面》 (1928年)而闻名 〔Whitman〕American poet whose great workLeaves of Grass (first published 1855), written in unconventional meter and rhyme, celebrates the self, death as a process of life, universal brotherhood, and the greatness of democracy and the United States. 惠特曼,华尔特:(1819-1892) 美国诗人。他的伟大作品《草叶集》 (1855年第一次出版),用非传统的韵律和韵文写成,宣扬自我、死亡是生命的一部分、普遍的兄弟情谊、民主的伟大和美国 〔epic〕A series of events considered appropriate to an epic:一系列可写成史诗的事迹:〔Sachs〕German writer and Meistersinger noted for his many dramas, poems, and songs. His life inspired Wagner's operaDie Meistersinger von Nürnberg (1868). 萨克斯,汉斯:(1494-1576) 德国作家和诗乐协会会员,因其众多剧本、诗歌和歌曲著名。他的生平激励瓦格纳写成歌剧《纽伦堡的歌手》 (1868年) 〔Jeffers〕American poet many of whose works are set in California. His collections includeTamar and Other Poems (1924). 杰弗斯,(约翰)鲁宾逊:(1887-1962) 美国诗人,他的许多作品写成于加利福尼亚州。他的选集中有《泰马及其它诗篇》 (1924年) 〔pal〕Pal, like buddy and chum, has an informal,thoroughly "American" ring to it.One might think thatpal had been a fixture in the English language forever. In fact,pal is a fairly recent acquisition from a rather exotic source—the language of the Gypsies. First recorded in English in the 17th century,pal was borrowed from Romany, the Indic language of the Gypsies,specifically from a word meaning "brother, comrade,”which occurs asphal in the Romany spoken in England andphral in the Romany spoken in Europe. Gypsies speak an Indic languagebecause they originally migrated to Europe from the border region between Iran and India.In other Indic languages we find related words meaning "brother,”such as Hindustanibhāi, Prakritbhāda or bhāyā, and Sanskrit bhrātā. All these terms trace their ancestry to the same Indo-European word that our wordbrother does. Pal 与 buddy 和 chum 一样, 都有不正式的,完全“美国式”的圈。一个人可能会认为pal 永远是英国语言中的固定词。 但实际上,pal 是最近从外来语源——吉普赛语言中获得的。 最早在17世纪被记录于英语中,pal 借自吉普赛语, 即吉普赛人说的印度语言,特别是从意为“兄弟,同志”的一个词而来,它在英格兰的吉普赛语中写成phal, 在欧洲所讲的吉普赛语中写成phral 。 因为吉普赛人最初是从伊朗和印度的边界地区移居到欧洲的,因此他们讲一种印度语言,在另一种印度语言里我们可以找到意为“兄弟”的相关词,如兴都斯坦的bhai, 帕拉克里语的bhada 或 bhaya 以及梵语的 bhrata 。 所有这些词和我们的词语brother 一样都可追溯到相同的印欧词源 〔Hudibrastic〕Of or relating to a style of satirical or mock-heroic verse composed in rhymed iambic pentameter couplets.休迪布拉斯风格的:用五音步抑扬格压韵对句写成的讽刺诗或嘲弄英雄诗体风格的、或与这种风格有关的〔Boethius〕Roman philosopher. Falsely accused of treason, he wroteThe Consolation of Philosophy, an account of classical thought, while awaiting his execution. 波伊提乌,阿尼修斯·马尼利乌斯·塞维里努斯:() 罗马哲学家,被误判判国罪处死。在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的名著《哲学的慰藉》 〔poison〕The phrasepoison potion besides being alliterative also consists of doublets, that is, two words that go back ultimately to the same source in another language.The source for both words is Latinpōtiō, which meant "the act of drinking, a drink, or a liquid dose, as of a medicine or poison.”Our wordpotion retains the form of the Latin word (actually the form of the stem pōtiōn- ) and the "dose" sense, although it passed through Old French (pocion ) on its way to Middle English ( pocion ), first recorded in a work composed around 1300.In Old Frenchpocion is a learned borrowing, one that was deliberately taken from Latin in a form corresponding to the Latin form.But the Latin word had also passed through Vulgar Latin into Old French in the different formpoison. This word meant "beverage,” "liquid dose,” and also "poison beverage, poison.”The wordpoison is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200. Poison potion 这一词组除了押头韵外还是由同源异形词构成的, 也就是两词最终可归结到另一种语言中的同一本源。这两个词的来源都是拉丁词potio , 意为“喝的行为、一种饮品或一定的液体剂量,如药或毒药。”我们今天所使用的potion 保留了这一拉丁词的形式(实际上是词干 potion- 的形式)和“药剂”的意思, 虽然它是经由古法语(pocion )传入中古英语的( pocion ), 该中古英语记录最早见于1300年左右著成的一部著作中。在古法语中pocion 是一个学术性的借词, 该词是以一种和其拉丁文形式对应的形式主动从拉丁文中借用的。但这一拉丁词也已经以另一种形式通过俗拉丁语,即poison ,传入古法语。 这个词意为“饮料、”“液体剂量”以及“毒性的饮料、毒药。”Poison 这个词最早是在一部大约在1200年写成的著作中记进中古英语的。 〔fuck〕The obscenityfuck is a very old word, first recorded in English in the 15th century.Age has not dimmed its shock value,even though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past.Its first known occurrence, in a poem entitled "Flen flyys" written sometime before 1500, is in code,illustrating the unacceptability of the word even then.The poem, composed in a mixture of Latin and English,satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England,with the title taken from the first words of the poem, "Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, "fleas, flies, and friars.”The line that containsfuck reads "Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” The Latin words "Non sunt in coeli, quia" mean "they [the friars] are not in heaven, since.”The code"gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk" is easily broken by simply writing the preceding letter in the alphabet. As we decode,we must watch for differences in the alphabet and in spelling between then and now.Forg write f ; for x, v (used for u and v ); d, c ; b, a ; o, n ; v, t ; xx, vv (which equals w ); k, i ; x, v ; z, y ; t, s ; p, o ; g, f ; i, h ; f, e ; m, l ; and for k, i. This yields "fvccant [a fake Latin form] vvivys of heli.”The whole thus reads in translation: "They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].”猥亵语fuck 是个很古老的词, 最早见于15世纪的英语。年代并未削弱其令人震惊的价值,甚至在书面语中比以前出现的更频繁。最早出现于写于1500年前的诗“跳蚤和苍蝇”,并且是以代号出现的,可见当时此词即有不被接受性。此诗由拉丁语和英语混合写成,讽刺了英国剑桥的卡尔梅修道士,其诗题取自第一句"Flen,flyys,and freris"即,“跳蚤,苍蝇和修道士。”有fuck 一词的一行是"Non sunt in coeli,quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk。” 拉丁文"Non sunt in coeli,quia"意为“自那以来他们(修道士们)不在天堂。”代号"gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk" 只要写下前述词即可被很容易破译。 破译代码时,必须注意以前和现在单词拼法的不同。因为g 写做 f ; x,v (用作 u 和 v ); d,c ; b,a ; o,n ; v,t : xx,vv (等同于 w ); k,i ; x,v ; z,y ; t,s ; p,o ; g,f ; i,h ; f,e ; m,l ; k,i 。 这形成句子"fvccant(假拉丁语)vvivys of heli。”全句译为“他们不再能上天堂因为他们与伊利的妇人性交”〔drama〕A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.戏剧:以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品〔Melville〕American writer whose experiences at sea provided the factual basis of his allegorical masterpieceMoby Dick (1851), considered among the greatest American novels. His other works include short stories, such as "Bartleby the Scrivener" (1856), and the novella Billy Budd (published 1924). 梅尔维尔,赫尔曼:(1819-1891) 美国作家,以其海上经历为事实依据写成其寓言杰作《白鲸》 (1851年),这部小说被认为是美国最伟大的小说之一。他其他的作品包括短篇小说,如《书记员巴特子比》(1856年)以及中篇小说 《比利·巴德》 (1924年出版) 〔malaprop〕"She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile" and "He is the very pineapple of politeness" are two of the statements from the mouth of Mrs. Malapropthat helped her name become synonymous with ludicrous misuse of language.Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's playThe Rivals, produced in 1775, consistently uses language malapropos,that is, inappropriately.The wordmalapropos comes from the French phrase mal à propos, made up ofmal, "badly,” à, "to,” and propos, "purpose, subject,” and literally means "badly to the purpose,” or "inappropriate.” The Rivals was a popular play, and Mrs. Malaprop became enshrined in a common noun,first in the formmalaprop and later inmalapropism, which is first recorded in 1849.Perhaps that is what Mrs. Malaprop fearedwhen she said "An aspersion upon my parts of speech" and "If I reprehend any thing in this world,it is the use of my oracular tongue,and a nice derangement of epitaphs!”“她与尼罗河堤岸上的寓言一样顽固”和“他正是礼貌的菠萝”是从马勒普罗太太嘴里说出的两句话。她的这张嘴使她的名字成为荒唐地错用语言的代名词。1775 年,理查德·布林斯利·夏里丹写成了剧本情敌 ,马勒普罗太太就是这剧中的一个人物。 她不断地误用词语,即遣词造句不当。单词malapropos 来源于法语短语 mal _ propos, 构成是mal, “坏地”, _ “对于”和 propos, “目的,目标”结合起来,意指“对于目标不适当地”或“不恰当的”。 情敌 是一部很受欢迎的戏剧, 马勒普罗太太逐渐演变成一个大家都接受的名词。这个名词一开始的形式是malaprop , 后来变成malapropism, 最早的记载是在1849年。可能使马勒普罗太太最为担心的,是当她说“对我部分言语所进行的诽谤”和“如果我还对这个世界上的任何事物能理解的话,那就是我玄妙的言语运用,以及墓志铭上那美妙的错乱!”〔alexandrine〕from Alexandre [title of a romance about Alexander the Great that was written in this meter] 源自 Alexandre [由这种韵格写成的有关亚历山大大帝的传奇性标题] 〔Crapsey〕American poet many of whose works are written in cinquains, a form she developed.克拉普西,阿德雷德:(1878-1914) 美国诗人,她的许多作品是以五行诗这一形式写成的〔study〕A work, such as a thesis, that results from studious endeavor.论文,专著:经努力研究后写成的作品,如论文〔rhapsody〕A literary work written in an impassioned or exalted style.狂诗,狂歌:以充满热情的或得意的风格写成的文学作品〔potboiler〕A literary or artistic work of poor quality, produced quickly for profit.粗制文艺作品:为金钱而匆促写成的劣质文学作品或艺术作品〔MacDiarmid〕Scottish poet whose works, many written in Scots, reflect his support for political independence from Great Britain and sparked a revival of modern Scottish literature.麦克德米德,休:(1892-1978) 苏格兰诗人,他的许多诗均用苏格兰语写成,反映了他对苏格兰从英国统治下取得政治独立的支持并推动了现代苏格兰文学的复兴〔Aleichem〕Russian-born Jewish humorist whose stories and plays, originally written in Yiddish, were the basis for the musicalFiddler on the Roof. 阿萨赫姆,萨罗姆:(1859-1916) 俄裔犹太幽默作家,其原用意第绪语写成的故事和剧本是音乐剧《屋顶上的提琴手》 的剧本 〔tantra〕Any of a comparatively recent class of Hindu or Buddhist religious literature written in Sanskrit and concerned with mysticism and magic.密教经典:任一部用梵文写成的成书时间距现在相对来说较近的印度教或佛教宗教文学作品,讲述了神秘主义和秘法〔printing〕Written characters not connected to one another and resembling those appearing in print.印刷字体:手工写成的与普通铅字相似的互不相连的字体〔prelude〕A relatively short composition of the 15th and early 16th centuries written in a free style, usually for piano.随意形式写成的曲子:盛行于15世纪及16世纪早期通常为钢琴所写的相对较短的随意体乐曲〔obscurity〕"writings meant to be understood . . . by all, composed without deliberate obscurity or hidden motives"(National Review)“作品是要被所有人理解的,而不是带着故意不让人知晓或隐藏的动机写成的”(国内评论)〔vamp〕Something rehashed, as a book based on old material.拼凑物:修补过的东西,例如一本用古老资料写成的书〔Canetti〕Bulgarian-born writer whose works, all written in German, include a novel,The Tower of Babel (1935), and Crowds and Power (1960), a study of mass psychology. He won the 1981 Nobel Prize for literature. 卡内提,伊莱亚斯:(生于 1905) 保加利亚裔作家,其作品全部用德文写成,包括小说《巴别塔》 (1935年)和一本关于大众心理学研究的专著 《群众和权力》 (1960年)。他于1981年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔Jerome〕Latin scholar who produced theVulgate, the first authentic Latin translation of the Bible from Hebrew. 圣杰隆:拉丁文学者,他写成《拉丁语圣经》 ,是第一本将圣经由希伯来文译成拉丁文的权威性著作 〔Midrash〕Any of a group of Jewish commentaries on the Hebrew Scriptures compiled betweena.d. 400 and 1200 and based on exegesis, parable, and haggadic legend. 米德拉西:犹太人对希伯来《圣经》的讲解布道书,编纂于公元 400年到1200年之间,根据对《圣经》词句的评注、寓言以及犹太教法典中的传说而写成 〔Dobson〕British writer known for his light verse in traditionally French forms such as the triolet and rondeau.都布森,(亨利)奥斯丁:(1840-1921) 以轻松诗著名的英国作家。其轻松诗用传统的法国诗体,如八行两韵等回旋体写成〔manuscript〕A book, document, or other composition written by hand.手抄本:由手写成的书、文件或其它作品〔else〕When a pronoun is followed byelse, the possessive form is generally written thus:someone else's (not someone's else ). Bothwho else's and whose else are in use, but notwhose else's: 当一个代名词跟有else, 所有格的形式一般写成这样:someone else's (而不是 someone's else )。 who else's 和 whose else 都在使用, 但却没有使用whose else's: 〔rubric〕A part of a manuscript or book, such as a title, a heading, or an initial letter, that appears in decorative red lettering or is otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text.特殊字体的标题:稿子或书的一部分,如:题目、标题或开头字母,用红色装饰性字体写成或用其他方式使之与文章的其他部分分开〔Karlfeldt〕Swedish poet whose works, written in an archaic style, are based on Swedish custom and folklore. He refused the Nobel Prize for literature in 1918 but won it posthumously in 1931.卡尔费尔特,埃里克·阿克塞尔:(1864-1931) 瑞典诗人,其诗作用古体写成,以瑞典的习俗和民间传说为基础。他拒绝接受1918年的诺贝尔文学奖,死后却荣获1931年度诺贝尔文学奖〔mazurka〕A piece of music for such a dance, written in 3/4 or 3/8 time with the second beat heavily accented.玛祖卡舞曲:玛祖卡舞的配乐,以3/4拍或3/8拍写成,第二拍为重拍〔Mozart〕Austrian composer considered among the greatest and most prolific composers in history. Of his more than 600 compositions, the finest works, including his last three symphonies (1788) and the operasDon Giovanni (1787)and The Magic Flute (1791), were written in the last five years of his short life. 莫扎特,乌夫冈·阿马戴乌斯:(1756-1791) 奥地利作曲家,被认为是历史上最伟大、最有成就的作曲家之一。在他的600余篇作品中,最出色的作品,包括他最后三首交响乐(1788年)和歌剧《唐·乔万尼》 (1787年)和 《魔笛》 (1791年),是在他短暂生命的最后五年里写成的 〔awhile〕Awhile, an adverb, is never preceded by a preposition such as for, but the two-word forma while may be preceded by a preposition. In writing, each of the following is acceptable:stay awhile; stay for a while; stay a while (but not stay for awhile ). Awhile 作为副词从不置于介词,如 for 之后, 但介词可放在两个词组成的a while 之前。 在书面语中,以下几种写法都是可以接受的:stay awhile;stay for a while;stay a while (但是不能写成 stay for awhile ) 〔haiku〕A poem written in this form.俳句诗:以这种形式写成的诗 |
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