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单词 内部
释义 〔upwell〕To rise from a lower or inner source; well up:由低部或内部向上;涌上,升起:〔mascon〕A mare on the moon having rock of greater density than that of the surrounding area, thus exerting a slightly higher gravitational force.质量密集:月球上的阴暗部,其内部岩石比周围地区的岩石的密度大,因此产生略大些的引力〔nectary〕A glandlike organ, located outside or within a flower, that secretes nectar.蜜腺:像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或内部能分泌甘美的液体〔gauge〕The interior diameter of a shotgun barrel as determined by the number of lead balls of a size exactly fitting the barrel that are required to make one pound. Often used in combination:口径:猎枪枪管的内部尺寸,以每磅圆铝弹数目表示,该铅弹恰好能装入枪管。常用于复合词中:〔white〕voting patterns within the white population.白种人内部的选举方式〔housing〕The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull.船首斜桅部分:位于船壳内部的船首斜桅部分〔endosperm〕The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.胚乳:开发植物种子内部的营养组织,围在胚胎周围并被胚胎吸收〔seating〕The member or part on or within which another part is seated.底座:在其上或其内部放置另一部分的元件或部件〔greenhouse〕A structure, primarily of glass, in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for the cultivation or protection of plants.温室,暖房:一种主要由玻璃构成的建筑,其内部的温度和湿度可控制以利于植物的保护和培养〔Hill〕American Confederate officer active in the Seven Days' Battle, the Second Battle of Bull Run, and the Battle of Antietam (all 1862). His charge began the Battle of Gettysburg (1863).希尔,安布罗斯·鲍威尔:(1825-1865) 美国内部时期南方联盟将领,曾参加“七天战役”、第二次布尔兰战役以及安提塔姆战役(都发生在1862年)。1863年他率部猛攻拉开了葛底斯堡战役的帷幕〔cohere〕To have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results:紧密地结合:内部要素或结构逻辑地连接在一起以形成完美地一致:〔intragalactic〕Occurring or situated within the space of a galaxy.星系内的:发生于或位于银河系空间内部〔aerogel〕A highly porous solid formed from a gel, such as silica gel, in which the liquid is replaced with a gas.气凝胶:由凝胶(如硅胶)形成的高渗透性固体,其内部的液体被气体取代〔tip〕A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information:内部情报:一个秘密的、事先知道的内部的消息:〔thyroglobulin〕A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.甲状腺球蛋白:一种内部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋白质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里〔tip〕To provide with a piece of confidential, advance, or inside information:向…提供内部消息:向…提供秘密的、事先获得的或内部的消息:〔bowel〕bowels The interior of something: bowels 事物内部〔intussusception〕Latin intus [within] * see en 拉丁语 intus [在…内部] * 参见 en 〔within〕An inner position, place, or area:内部:里面的位置、地点或地区:〔woodwork〕Objects made of or work done in wood, especially wooden interior fittings in a house, as moldings, doors, staircases, or windowsills.木制器:用木头制成的物品或用木器做的工作,尤指房屋内木制的内部装置,像线脚、门、楼梯或窗台〔autogenous〕Produced from within; self-generating.自生的:自身内部产生的;自生的〔endosmosis〕The inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration.内渗透:一种液体透过可渗透膜流向另一种浓度比它高的液体的内部流动〔gut〕Fire gutted the house.大火烧毁了房子的内部〔swollen〕Expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended:肿胀的:通过或似通过内部压力扩展的;肿胀的:〔within〕innan [from within] from in [in] * see in 1innan [从内部] 源自 in [在…里] * 参见 in1〔intranasal〕Within the nose.鼻内的:在鼻子内部〔grid〕An interconnected system for the distribution of electricity or electromagnetic signals over a wide area, especially a network of high-tension cables and power stations.输电线路:一个用来在广大地区内传递电力或电磁信号的内部相联的网络,尤指由高压电线和发电站组成的网络〔laryngoscope〕A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx.喉镜:从嘴部置入咽喉用于观察喉内部的管状内窥镜〔pseudohermaphrodite〕One that possesses the internal reproductive organs of one sex while exhibiting some of the external physical characteristics of the opposite sex.假两性体:内部有一个性别的生殖器官,而显出另一性别的外部身体特征的东西〔hole〕marble steps with hollows worn by footsteps. Acavity is a hollow or hollow area within a solid body or object: 大理石阶梯有人走出的脚印。 Cavity 指固体或事物内部的凹洞: 〔trust〕A combination of firms or corporations for the purpose of reducing competition and controlling prices throughout a business or an industry.企业联合:为在一商业或工业内部减少竞争及价格垄断而形成的商行或公司联合〔intrinsic〕from Latin [inwardly] * see en 源自 拉丁语 [在内部的] * 参见 en 〔burst〕To come open or fly apart suddenly or violently, especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破:突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的〔intracerebral〕Occurring or situated within the cerebrum:大脑内的:发生于或位于大脑内部的:〔autolysis〕The destruction of tissues or cells of an organism by the action of substances, such as enzymes, that are produced within the organism. Also called self-digestion 自溶(作用):一种由物质的作用,例如酶,所产生的对机体组织或细胞的破坏作用,这种物质产生于机体内部 也作 self-digestion〔inner〕Located or occurring farther inside:内部的:发生在或位于内部的:〔swell〕To increase in size or volume as a result of internal pressure; expand.膨胀,扩张:由于内部压力使尺寸增大或体积;扩展〔overhead〕The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.管理费用,经常费用:企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用〔interneuron〕A nerve cell found entirely within the central nervous system that acts as a link between sensory neurons and motor neurons.中间神经原:被发现完全在中枢神经系统内部的一个神经细胞,是感觉神经原和运动神经原之间的联系纽带〔McCarthy〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1947-1957), he presided over the permanent subcommittee on investigations and held public hearings in which he accused army officials, members of the media, and public figures of being Communists. His charges were never proved, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954.麦卡锡,约瑟夫·雷芒德:(1908-1957) 美国政治家,来自威斯康星州的美国参议员(1947-1957年)。他指责许多军队官员、新闻媒介内部工作人员和公众人物为共产党,并指挥一个永久委员会分会对他们进行调查和公开审判。他的指控从未成立,1954年他受到议会的谴责




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