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单词 内在
释义 〔brave〕 Brave, the least specific,is frequently associated with an innate quality: Brave 含义范围最广,常与内在气质关联: 〔call〕A strong inner urge or prompting; a vocation:感召:一种强烈的内在渴求或促进力;天职:〔internalize〕To make internal, personal, or subjective:使藏在心底:使成为内在的、个人的、或主观的:〔educate〕To develop the innate capacities of, especially by schooling or instruction.See Synonyms at teach 教育:开发内在的能力,尤指通过学校教育或指导 参见 teach〔calling〕An inner urge; a strong impulse.呼,叫:内在需求;强烈的驱动力〔inbuilt〕Built-in; inherent.内在的;与生俱来的〔shape〕"The bomb gave the shape of life, outer and inner, an irreversible charge; a sense of fatefulness would now lie on all things"(Alfred Kazin)“炸弹给人们内在及外在的生活带来无法弥补的代价;不详的感觉凌驾于一切”(卡津)〔constitutional〕Of or proceeding from the basic structure or nature of a person or thing; inherent:本质的:(人或物的)基本结构或本性的或出自基本结构或本性的;内在固有的:〔potent〕Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful.强有力的:具有内在的或身体力量的;强壮有力的〔indwell〕To exist as an animating or divine inner spirit, force, or principle.永存:作为一个有生命的或神圣的内在精神、力量或信念而存在着〔anima〕The inner self of an individual; the soul.人内在自我;灵魂〔indwelling〕An inner presence, as of a spirit or power.内在:一种内部的存在,例如精神或是力量〔spin〕The distinctive complex of connotations or implications inherent in a point of view:暗示:一种观点所内在的涵义或意义的有特色的组合:〔secret〕Not expressed; inward:内在的:未表达出的;内在的:〔talent〕A marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment.See Synonyms at ability 天分:有显著的内在能力,如在艺术上 参见 ability〔ingrown〕Insular; self-contained:内在的;自我包含的:〔anima〕The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.灵气:人的无意识自我或真实的内在自我,与人的外在表现和外在性格相反〔enthuse〕The verbenthuse is not well accepted; its use in the sentenceThe majority leader enthused over his party's gains was rejected by 76 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.This lack of acceptance ofenthuse is often attributed to its status as a back-formation: such words often meet with disapproval on their first appearanceand only gradually become accepted over time.But other back-formationssuch asdiagnose (a back-formation from diagnosis that was first recorded in 1861) and donate (first cited in 1785 as a back-formation from donation ) are considered unimpeachable English words. This situation suggests thatin truth the continued lack of acceptance ofenthuse, first recorded in 1827, may have less to do with doubts about its lineagethan with shortcomings in its character.Unlikeenthusiasm, which denotes an internal emotional state, enthuse denotes either the external expression of emotion,as inShe enthused over attending the Oscar ceremonies, or the inducement of enthusiasm by an external source,as inHe was so enthused about the miracle diet pills that he agreed to do a testimonial for their television ad. It is possible that a distaste for this emphasis on external emotional display and manipulation is for some people the source of an uneasethat manifests itself in a distaste for the word itself.See Usage Note at intuit 动词enthuse 并未被广泛接受; 其在优势党领导人对本党的利益极为热衷 一句中的用法, 在早期调查中遭到用法使用小组百分之七十六成员的反对。Enthuse 所以不被接受常归因于它是由逆序造词法产生的词: 这种词通常在他们刚刚出现时遭到反对,只有随着时间的流逝才逐渐被人们接受。但是其它逆序生成的词,如diagnose (由 diagnosis 而逆序生成,最早见于1861年)和 donate (最先于1875年作为由 donation 一词的逆序生成词被引用)被看作无可挑剔的英语词汇。 这一情况说明,不接受enthuse 这个1827年便出现的词汇, 实际上并非出自对其来历的怀疑,而是由于其本身的缺陷。与enthusiasm 这一可表现出内在情感状况的词不同, enthuse 要么显示出情感的外在表达,如在她为参加奥斯卡颁奖仪式感到兴奋 一句中, 要么显示出外界对热情的诱惑,如他对神奇的减肥药十分热心,意欲为其电视广告写一份鉴定书 一句。 有可能由于对其强调外在情感的表现与处理的不满,导致了一些人不愿意使用这个词 参见 intuit〔altar〕A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.圣餐台:一种结构,尤指桌子,基督教教堂内在其前面念祈祷文和在其上面举行基督教圣餐〔antiparticle〕A subatomic particle, such as a positron, an antiproton, or an antineutron, having the same mass, average lifetime, spin, magnitude of magnetic moment, and magnitude of electric charge as the particle to which it corresponds but having the opposite sign of electric charge, opposite intrinsic parity, and opposite direction of magnetic moment. See table at subatomic particle 反粒子:一种亚原子粒子,如正电子、反质子或反中子,与它相对应的粒子有相同的质量、平均寿命、核量子数、磁矩量和电荷量,但具有相反的电荷标志、内在均势和磁矩方向 参见 subatomic particle〔innate〕Of or produced by the mind rather than learned through experience:内在的,直觉的:属于或产生自大脑而并非来自经验的:〔yonder〕The adverbyonder, from Old English geond, is not exclusively Southern but is more frequently used there than in any other region of the United States,and not only by older or uneducated speakers.Yonder is not merely a Southern synonym for there, which in the South tends to mean "only a few feet from the speaker.”Yonder carries with it an inherent sense of distance farther than "there" and is used if the person or thing indicated can be seen at all: the shed over yonder. Or it might be nearby but completely out of sight, as in the next room.副词yonder ,来自古英语的 geond, 并不是南方专用的,但是比美国任何其它地区都更常用,而且也不仅仅是老人或未受教育者才用它。在南方yonder 并不仅仅是 there 的同义词, 它还表示“距说话者仅几英尺开外”。Yonder 带有比"there"距离更远这一内在的含义, 并用于表示所示的人或事在视线以内: 那边的窝棚 ,或者极为相近但完全在视线以外,如在另一个房间内〔despond〕"The outward show of fight masked a spreading inner despond at the White House"(Newsweek)“白宫外在的战斗精神掩盖了内在日益扩散的绝望情绪”(新闻周刊)〔placebo〕Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.安慰的话,宽心的话:某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人〔animus〕In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women.男性倾向:在荣格心理学中妇女所具有的男性内在个性〔potential〕The inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being.潜力,潜能:成长、发展或形成的内在能力或才能〔inherent〕Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic.固有的:作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的;内在〔externalize〕To project or attribute (inner conflicts or feelings) to external circumstances or causes.认为…由于外因:把(内在冲突或情感)归因于外部环境或外因〔nature〕confidences of a personal nature.See Synonyms at type 人内在的自信 参见 type〔indigenous〕Intrinsic; innate.内在的:必然的;固有的〔attribute〕A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征:内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征〔inly〕In an inward manner; inwardly.在内心深处:用一种内在的方式;内在〔cull〕Something picked out from others, especially something rejected because of inferior quality.杂质:从其它东西中拣出的物品,尤指因为内在质量低劣而被抛弃的东西〔internal〕Residing in or dependent on essential nature; intrinsic:内在的:存在于或依靠本质的;固有的:〔endobiotic〕Living as a parasite or symbiont within the tissues of a host.内在的:作为寄生虫或共生物寄生在寄生组织内部的〔inner〕Of or relating to the mind or spirit:内在的:思想的或精神的,或与其有关的:〔outward〕a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections.更注重外表美而忽视内在思想品德〔immanent〕believed in a God immanent in human beings.相信人类有一个内在的上帝〔biorhythm〕An innate, cyclical biological process or function.生物节律:内在的、循环性生物学过程或作用〔conurbation〕A predominantly urban region including adjacent towns and suburbs; a metropolitan area.大都市圈:包括邻近城镇和郊区在内在的以城市为主导地位的地区;大都市地区




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