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单词 六月
释义 〔June〕The sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. See table at calendar 六月:格列高利历中一年的第六个月份 参见 calendar〔summer〕The usually warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn and constituting June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere, or, as calculated astronomically, extending from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox.夏天,夏季:通常是一年中气温最高的季节,出现在春季和秋季之间,在北半球包括六月、七月和八月或按天文学的方法计算,自夏至日起到秋分日止〔Juneteenth〕June 19, an African-American holiday commemorating the date in 1865 when many slaves in Texas learned they had been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863).六月解放日:六月十九日,为非洲裔美国人的假日,为了纪念于1865年时许多德州的奴隶得知他们已经因解放奴隶宣言(1863年1月1日)而自由了〔mild〕a mild spring day; mild weather in June.温暖宜人的春天;六月宜人的天气〔fortuitous〕In its best-established sense,fortuitous means "happening by accident or chance,” with no implication as to the desirability of the outcome:a fortuitous meeting may have either fortunate or unfortunate consequences. In this century, however, the word is often used with particular reference to happy accidents,as inThe company's third-quarter profits were enhanced as the result of a fortuitous drop in the cost of RAM chips. This use may have arisenbecausefortuitous resembles both fortunate and felicitous; it is well established in the writing of reputable authors.More controversial is the use offortuitous to mean simply "lucky or fortunate,” as inHe came to the Giants in June as the result of a fortuitous trade that sent two minor-league players to the Reds' organization. This use dates back at least to the 1920's,when H.W. Fowler labeled it a malaproprism.It is still widely regarded as incorrect,and writers who are unwilling to risk censure are advised to avoid it.从最公认的意义上说,fortuitous 的意思是“偶然发生的”, 不暗示结果是否称心:临时会议 可以有好或坏的结果。 然而在本世纪这个词常用于专指好的事件,如内存条价格的意外下降导致了公司第三季度利润的增加。 这种用法可能出现,因为fortuitous 类似于 fortunate 和 felicitous; 它用于有名望的作家的写作中。更有争论的用法是fortuitous 的含义为“幸运的或好运的”时, 如一次幸运的送两名小社团的运动员去红色组织的交易使他在六月去了巨人国。 这种用法至少可追溯到20世纪20年代,当时H.W.弗劳尔把它标作一个可笑的用法错误。现在这种用法仍被广泛地认为是错误的,建议不愿冒险受指责的作者避免使用〔schedule〕scheduled a trip in June; was scheduled to arrive Monday.计划在六月进行一次旅行;计划星期一到达〔come〕Dawn comes at 5a.m. in June. 六月时,恰好在凌晨 五点破晓 〔set〕set June 6 as the day of the invasion.规定六月六日为入侵时间〔Tyler〕English revolutionary who led the Peasants' Revolt against Richard II's poll tax in June 1381. The uprising ended when he was killed.泰勒,沃特:(卒于 1381) 英国革命者,1381年六月领导了反抗理查德二世的人头税的农民起义。起义在他被杀后结束〔Tereshkova〕Soviet cosmonaut who orbited the earth 48 times aboardVostok 6 in June 1963, thereby becoming the first woman in space. 捷列什科娃,瓦伦蒂娜·弗拉基米洛瓦纳:(生于 1937) 苏联女宇航员,于1963年六月乘坐东方6号 宇宙飞船绕地球48圈,从而成为进入太空的第一位女性




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