单词 | 入口处 |
释义 | 〔Djibouti〕The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in 1888. Population, 120,000.吉布提市:吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入口处,1888年由法国人建城。人口120,000〔Darwin〕A city of northern Australia onPort Darwin, an inlet of the Timor Sea. It was founded as Palmerston in 1869 and renamed in 1911. Population, 65,200. 达尔文:澳大利亚北部一城市,位于达尔文港 沿岸,帝汶海的一入口处,1869年建成时为帕默斯顿,于1911年重新命名。人口65,200 〔Calpe〕Ancient Gibraltar. Calpe was one of the Pillars of Hercules at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.卡培:古直布罗陀。卡培是地中海入口处赫拉克勒斯桥的桥墩之一〔over〕put rocks over a cave entrance; threw a shawl over her shoulders.把岩石盖在洞的入口处;把围巾披在她的肩膀上〔Flattery〕A headland of northwest Washington at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was discovered by Capt. James Cook in 1778.弗拉特里角:美国华盛顿西北部的陆岬,位于胡安·德富卡海峡入口处。由詹姆斯·库克船长于1778年发现〔Amsterdam〕The constitutional capital and largest city of the Netherlands, in the western part of the country on the Ij, an inlet of the Ijsselmeer. Linked to the North Sea by a ship canal, the city has an important stock exchange and is a major center of the diamond-cutting industry. Population, 676,439.阿姆斯特丹:荷兰法定首都和最大城市,位于该国西部艾瑟尔湖的一个入口处,经过内河航道与北海相连。阿姆斯特丹有重要的股票交易所而且是主要的钻石切割业中心,人口676,439〔flank〕Two stone lions flanked the entrance.两头石狮位于入口处两侧〔porch〕A covered platform, usually having a separate roof, at an entrance to a building.门廊:建筑物入口处有顶的平台,通常有单独的屋顶〔Ahvenanmaa〕An archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. Colonized in the 12th century by Swedes, the islands were ceded to Russia in 1809 and became part of Finland after World War I.阿维南玛群岛:波罗的海中的群岛,位于瑞典和芬兰之间的波的尼亚湾的入口处。该群岛12世纪时为瑞典的殖民地,1809年割让给俄国。第一次世界大战后成为芬兰的一部分〔Henry〕A promontory of southeast Virginia at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay east of Norfolk.亨利角:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的岬角,位于诺福克以东的切萨皮克湾入口处〔personate〕Having two lips, with the throat closed by a prominent palate. Used of a corolla, such as that of the snapdragon.假面状的:有两片唇状物,其入口处被一突出的萼包裹着的。用于形容花冠,如金鱼草的花冠〔portal〕Of or relating to a point of entrance to an organ, especially the transverse fissure of the liver, through which the blood vessels enter.肝门的:一器官入口处的,尤指肝脏的横肌裂沟,血管从此裂沟进入肝脏〔Middlesbrough〕A borough of northeast England at the mouth of the Tees River. It has iron, steel, and chemical works. Population, 150,600.米德尔斯伯勒:位于英国东北部梯斯河入口处的一个郡,有钢铁和化学工厂。人口150,600〔Corregidor〕An island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May 1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March 1945.柯雷吉多尔岛:马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫将这个设防小岛放弃给日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛〔parvis〕An enclosed courtyard or space at the entrance to a building, especially a cathedral, that is sometimes surrounded by porticoes or colonnades.前庭:在建筑物的入口处围起来的庭院或空间,尤指有时被门廊或柱廊所环绕的教堂〔portico〕A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.柱廊:有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处〔Galveston〕A city of southeast Texas south-southeast of Houston onGalveston Island at the entrance to Galveston Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico. The Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca may have been shipwrecked on the island in 1528. Population, 59,070. 加尔维斯顿:美国得克萨斯州东南部的一座城市,位于休斯敦东南偏南,在加尔维斯顿岛 上的 加尔维斯顿湾 的入口处,在墨西哥湾的臂湾中。西班牙探险家卡韦萨·德巴卡可能于1528年在此岛上船舶失事。人口59,070 〔Istanbul〕The largest city of Turkey, in the northwest part of the country on both sides of the Bosporus at its entrance into the Sea of Marmara. Founded c. 660b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire. The city was sacked by Crusaders in 1204 and taken by the Turks in 1453. Istanbul was chosen as the official name in 1930. Population, 2,772,708. 伊斯坦布尔,君士坦丁堡:土耳其最大的城市,位于该国的西北部、博斯普鲁斯海峡的两岸、马尔马拉海的入口处。于公元前 660年建时称作拜占庭, 公元 330年由君士坦丁大帝改名为君士坦丁堡,他把它定为东罗马帝国的首都,或君士坦丁帝国。1204年,该城被十字军掠夺,1453年被土耳其人占领。1930年,“伊斯坦布尔”被指定为官方名称。人口2,772,708 〔Antalya〕A city of southwest Turkey on theGulf of Antalya, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. The city is situated on a steep cliff and surrounded by an old wall. Population, 173,501. 安塔利亚:土耳其西南部一城市,位于地中海入口处的安塔利亚湾 岸边。该城市位于悬崖之上被旧城墙围绕。人口173,501 〔lobby〕A hall, foyer, or waiting room at or near the entrance to a building, such as a hotel or theater.门厅:靠接旅馆或剧院等建筑入口处的大厅、门厅或休息室〔Murmansk〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the northern Kola Peninsula on an inlet of the Barents Sea. A major ice-free port, it was the terminus of an important supply line to the U.S.S.R. in World Wars I and II. Population, 419,000.摩尔曼斯克:苏联欧洲部分西北部城市,临科拉湾北部,位于巴伦支海的入口处。它是个主要的无冰期港口,在两次世界大战中是苏联重要供给线的集散港。人口419,000〔Benicia〕A city of western California on an inlet of San Francisco Bay north-northeast of Oakland. It was the state capitol from 1853 to 1854. Population, 24,437.贝尼西亚:美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于奥克兰东北偏北的旧金山湾入口处。1853年至1854年为该州首府。人口24,437〔rotunda〕A large area with a high ceiling, as in a hotel lobby.圆形大厅:如旅店入口处的大厅等具有很高天花板的一大片场地〔back〕Deliveries should be made at the back entrance.交货应在后面的入口处〔Annapolis〕The capital of Maryland, in the central part of the state on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay south-southeast of Baltimore. Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U.S. Naval Academy, founded in 1845, is in Annapolis. Population, 33,187.安纳波利斯:美国马里兰州首府,位于该州的中部,巴尔的摩东南偏南的切萨皮克海湾入口处。1649年开始有人定居,这里是1786年安纳波利斯大会的旧址,该大会导致了1787年联邦宪法会议的召开。1845年建立的美国海军军官学校就设在此地。人口33,187〔fimbria〕A fringelike part or structure, as at the opening of the fallopian tubes.穗缘,伞毛:一种穗状部分或结构,如在输卵管入口处〔Pori〕A city of southwest Finland on an inlet of the Gulf of Bothnia northwest of Helsinki. Chartered in 1564, it was initially dominated by the Hanseatic League. Population, 78,933.波里:芬兰西南部城市,位于波的尼亚湾的一入口处,在赫尔辛基的西北,该市于1564年取得自治权,最初为汉萨同盟的统治。人口78,933〔tragus〕Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear.长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发〔Socotra〕An island of Yemen in the Indian Ocean at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. Known to the ancient Greeks, it came under British protection in 1886 and joined Southern Yemen (now Yemen) in 1967.索科特拉岛:也门的一个岛,在印度洋中,位于亚丁湾的入口处。该岛最早被古希腊发现,于1886年成为英国的保护地,于1967年加入南也门(现在的也门)〔portcullis〕A grating of iron or wooden bars or slats, suspended in the gateway of a fortified place and lowered to block passage.格子吊闸:由铁条、木条或其板条组成的闸门,悬于一城堡的入口处,可降下而堵住入口通道〔antechoir〕A place in front of the choir reserved for the clergy and choir members.唱诗班座席入口处:唱诗班前面的一个位置,留给牧师和唱诗班成员用〔Zhanjiang〕A city of southeast China southwest of Guangzhou on an inlet of the South China Sea. It is a seaport and trade center with varied industries. Population, 300,000.湛江:中国东南部一城市,位于广州的西南,南中国海的入口处。它是拥有各种工业的一个海港城市和商业中心。人口300,000〔Stavanger〕A city of southwest Norway south of Bergen on an inlet of the North Sea. Probably founded in the eighth century, it is a processing center with a shipbuilding industry. Population, 92,012.斯塔凡格:挪威西南部一城市,位于卑尔根以南,北海一入口处。它可能建于8世纪,是有造船厂的加工业中心。人口92,012〔Newport〕A borough of southeast Wales on an inlet of the Severn estuary northeast of Cardiff. It is an industrial and manufacturing center. Population, 134,200.纽波特:威尔士东南部自治区,位于加的夫东北的塞文三角湾入口处。是工业和制造业中心。人口134,200 |
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