单词 | 克斯 |
释义 | 〔Hart〕American actor known for his roles inTwo-Gun Hicks (1914), Desert Dust (1927), and a number of other Westerns. 哈特,威廉·萨里:(1872?-1946) 美国演员,因在《双枪黑克斯之死》 (1914年)、 《沙漠灰尘》 (1927年)和许多其他西部片中的表演而著名 〔flex〕“‘Resolution’ has none of that modern flex we favor, with generous, built-in amounts of ‘maybe’”(Melvin Maddocks)“‘果断’没有我们所推崇的现代弹性的意味,即说一大堆暗含‘也许’的话”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔acedia〕"There is a name for the generic shoulder shrug—the buzzing indifference, as if it's always 90 degrees in the shade after a large lunch. The word is acedia. It is the weariness of effort that extends to the heart and becomes a weariness of caring"(Melvin Maddocks)“对一般的冷淡的耸肩——嗡嗡作响的冷漠,如在午饭大吃一顿之后坐在阴影里的行为有一名字,这个词是懒惰。是从倦于努力,发展到倦于用心,又发展为对一切倦于关心”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔Ford〕British writer and editor whose most important novels,The Good Soldier (1915) and the tetralogy Parade's End (1924-1928), examine the bonds of conjugal and adulterous relationships. 福特,福特·马多克斯:(1873-1939) 英国作家及编辑,最重要的小说有《好兵》 (1915年)以及探讨了婚姻的细节及通奸关系的四部曲 《天堂的尽头》 (1924-1928年) 〔Giraudoux〕French writer primarily known for his dramas, such asElectra (1937), that are based on Greek mythology or biblical stories. He also wrote several novels. 吉兰多恩克斯,(希波吕特)让:(1882-1944) 法国作家,主要以其戏剧闻名,如《厄勒克特拉》 (1937年),根据希腊神话或是圣经故事而作。他也写有几本小说 〔Roberts〕American writer whose works, including the novelThe Great Meadow (1930), concern the pioneers and impoverished people of Kentucky and Virginia. 罗伯兹,伊丽莎白·马多克斯:(1886-1941) 美国作家,其作品包括涉及美国肯塔基和弗吉尼亚拓荒者和贫民的小说《大草原》 (1930年) 〔Buxtehude〕Swedish-born organist and composer in Germany. His concerts attracted a wide audience, including Handel and Bach.布克斯泰胡德,迪特里希:(1637-1707) 瑞典裔德国器乐家和作曲家。其音乐会吸引了广大观众,包括韩德尔和巴赫〔Vladikavkaz〕A city of southwest Russia at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains north-northwest of Tbilisi, Georgia. Founded in 1784 as a fortress, it is a metallurgical and industrial center. From 1932-1943 and from 1955-1990 it was known as Ordzhonikidze. Population, 314,600华迪卡夫克斯:俄罗斯西南部城市,位于格鲁吉亚第比利斯西北偏北的高加索山脉山脚处。1784年作为要塞建立,现今是冶金和工业中心。1932至1943年间以及1966至1990年间名为奥约纳基撒。人口314,600〔Tewksbury〕A town of northeast Massachusetts south of Lowell. It is mainly residential. Population, 27,266.吐克斯伯利:美国马萨诸塞州东北一城镇,位于洛威尔以南。它主要是住宅区,人口27,266〔Appomattox〕A town of south-central Virginia east of Lynchburg. Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865, ending the Civil War. The site is now a national historical park. Population, 1,345.阿波马托克斯:美国弗吉尼亚州中南部一城镇,位于林奇伯格东部。1865年4月9日南部联邦将军罗伯特·E·李在阿波马托克斯县城向联邦军尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降,美国南北战争就此结束。该址现为国家历史公园。人口1,345〔Kleenex〕A trademark used for a soft facial tissue. This trademark sometimes occurs in print, capitalized or lowercased, with the general meaning "a facial tissue":"handed out police badges to a platoon of extras and later dispensed Kleenexes to the same extras dressed in funereal black" (Los Angeles Times). “‘Does somebody have a Kleenex?’ she asked" (New York Times). The trademark is also used in print in figurative extensions as an adjective: 克里内克斯:用于一种柔软的面部用的纸巾的商标。这一商标有时在印刷、大写的或小写中出现,一般意为“面部用的纸巾”“向一队临时演员分发警徽,后来又向这些穿着黑色丧服的临时演员分发克里克斯纸巾” (洛杉矶时报) “‘有人有克里内克斯纸巾吗?’她问道” (纽约时报)、这一商标还作为一个形容词比喻的外延用于出版物中: 〔Juliana〕Queen of the Netherlands (1948-1980) who abdicated in favor of her daughter Beatrix.朱莉安娜:荷兰女王(1948-1980年),出于偏爱其女比阿特丽克斯而退位〔Bloomer〕American social reformer who founded and edited the feminist newspaperLily (1849-1855), wrote about unjust marriage laws and women's suffrage, and advocated a new style of dress for women. 布卢姆,阿梅莉亚·詹克斯:(1818-1894) 美国社会变革者,创立和主编女权主义报纸《百合花》 (1849-1855年),写了一些反映不公正的婚姻法和妇女选举权的文章,还鼓励妇女穿一种新式服装 〔Brown〕British historical painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. He painted a series of frescoes depicting the major historical events in Manchester, England.布朗,福特·马多克斯:(1821-1893) 英国历史画画家,与前拉斐尔派联系在一起,画了一系列描绘英国曼彻斯特主要历史事件的壁画〔molly〕after Comte François Nicolas Mollien (1758-1850), French politician 源自佛朗克斯·尼古拉斯 莫里恩 (1758-1850年),法国政治家 〔Lupercalia〕A fertility festival in ancient Rome, celebrated on February 15 in honor of the pastoral god Lupercus.牧神节:古罗马每年2月15日祭祀畜牧神卢比克斯以求兴旺的节日〔instant〕"She had the gift of instant intimacy"(Sylvia Jukes Morris)“她善于立刻与别人打成一片”(西尔维亚·朱克斯·莫里斯)〔Wilcox〕American writer whose works include sentimental poetry, such asPoems of Passion (1883), fiction, and spiritual essays. 威尔科克斯,埃拉·惠勒:(1850-1919) 美国作家。她的作品有伤感主义诗歌,如《激情诗集》 (1883年),小说和宗教小品文 〔Coronado〕Spanish explorer who in his quest for the fabled Seven Cities of Cibola was the first to explore Arizona and New Mexico.科罗纳多,弗朗西斯科·万克斯·德:(1510-1554) 西班牙探险者,在征服传说中的锡伯拉七城时,他是第一个到达亚利桑那和新墨西哥的人〔Kleenex〕"It's an attitude that comes from looking at countries—and people—as ‘dispensable,’ the Kleenex school of foreign policy"(Mary McGrory)“它是一种来自于把国家——和人民——看成是‘非必需’的看法,即克里内克斯流派对外政策的态度”(玛丽·麦格罗里)〔Beatrix〕Queen of the Netherlands who ascended the throne in April 1980 after the abdication of her mother, Juliana.比阿特丽克斯:荷兰女王,在其母朱丽安娜让位后她于1980年4月继承王位〔invoke〕"Stretching out her hands she had the air of a Greek woman who invoked a deity"(Ford Madox Ford)“她伸出她的双手,就象一个希腊妇人祈求神灵一样”(福特·马多克斯·福特)〔Devon〕A region of southwest England bordering on the English Channel. Occupied in Paleolithic times, it became part of Wessex in the eighth century.德文部:英格兰西南部的一个地区,与英吉利海峡交界。旧石器时代时期形成,在8世纪成为威斯克斯的一部分〔bauxite〕After Les Baux , a commune of southeast France 源自雷斯 鲍克斯 ,法国东南部一自治社 〔coarse〕"It is futile to expect a hungry and squalid population to be anything but violent and gross" (Thomas H. Huxley). “期望饥锇和贫穷的居民不狂暴和粗野是无用的” (托马斯H.赫克斯利)。〔Grant〕The 18th President of the United States (1869-1877) and a Civil War general. After his victorious Vicksburg campaign (1862-1863), he was made commander in chief of the Union Army (1864) and accepted the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee at Appomattox (1865). Grant's two-term presidency was marred by widespread graft and corruption.格兰特,尤利西斯·辛普森:(1822-1885) 美国第十八任总统(1869-1877年)和内战时期的将领。 在威克斯堡战役( 1862-1863年)中获胜后,他被任命为联邦军队总司令(1864年)并接受了罗伯特·李将军在阿波马托克斯的投降(1865年)。其两届总统任期因普遍的贪污和腐化而遭到非议〔apprehension〕"A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers should one day suffer reverse" (Sophocles). “谨慎的心灵能用忧虑怀疑看待机会,以免一时成功的人某天会遭受不幸” (索弗克斯)〔Eteocles〕A son of Oedipus and Jocasta who agreed to reign in Thebes in alternating years with his brother, Polynices, but refused to resign after the first year.依泰尔克斯:奥狄帕斯与依俄卡斯特所生的儿子,他同意与其兄弟波里尼斯每年轮流统治底比斯,但却在统治第一年后拒绝将底比斯托交给其兄弟〔Tewkesbury〕A municipal borough of west-central England on the Severn River north-northeast of Gloucester. Edward IV's Yorkist forces defeated the Lancastrians here (1471) in the final battle of the Wars of the Roses. Population, 9,554.修克斯贝尔:英格兰中西部自治城市,位于塞文河上,在格罗西斯特东北偏北。爱德华四世的约克斯部队于玫瑰战争的最后战役中在此(1471年)击败兰开斯特王朝。人口9,554〔Euripides〕Greek dramatist who ranks with Sophocles and Aeschylus as the greatest classical tragedians. He wrote more than 90 tragedies, although only 18, including Medea, Hippolytus, and The Trojan Women, survive in complete form. 欧里庇得斯:古希腊戏剧家,他与索弗克斯和艾希鲁斯并称为最伟大的古典悲剧作家。他写了九十多部悲剧作品,但仅有包括《美狄亚,希波吕托斯》 和 《特洛伊妇女》 在内的十八部作品完整地流传下来 〔Lee〕American Confederate general in the Civil War. He won victories at Bull Run (1862), Fredericksburg (1862), and Chancellorsville (1863) before surrendering to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox (1865).李,罗伯特·爱德华:(1807-1870) 美国内战时期南军将领,曾在公牛溪战役(1862年)、腓特烈斯堡战役(1862年)及钱瑟勒斯维尔战役(1863年)中大获全胜,后在阿波马托克斯向尤利西斯·S·格兰特将军投降(1865年)〔Pyrex〕A trademark used for any of various types of heat-resistant and chemical-resistant glass. This trademark often occurs in attributive contexts in print:派热克斯玻璃:用于多种抗和抗化学作用的玻璃的商标这一商标常出现于如下的上下文中:〔anomic〕"anomic loners musing over their fate"(Francine du Plessix Gray)“精神颓废的孤独者们在思考他们的命运”(弗朗辛·杜·普莱西克斯·格雷)〔Surtees〕British novelist whose humorous fiction includesJorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities (1838) and Handley Cross (1843). 瑟蒂斯,罗伯特·史密斯:(1803-1864) 英国小说家,他的幽默小说包括《乔罗克斯的远足和欢乐》 (1838年)和 《汉德利十字架》 (1843年) 〔bloomer〕After Amelia Jenks Bloomer 源自 阿梅莉亚·詹克斯 Bloomer〔Petersburg〕An independent city of southeast Virginia on the Appomattox River south of Richmond. A prolonged siege (June 15, 1864-April 3, 1865) during the Civil War led to the fall of Richmond and the subsequent surrender of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Population, 38,386.彼得斯堡:美国弗吉尼亚东南一自治市,位于里士满以南、阿波马托克斯河畔。内战期间长期被围困(1864年6月15日至1865年4月3日),导致里士满的陷落,接着南联盟军罗伯特·李将军投降。人口38,386〔Rolodex〕A trademark used for a desktop rotary file of removable cards, usually used for names, addresses, and telephone numbers. This trademark often occurs in attributive contexts in print:"He recently sent 1,000 journalists a set of four Rolodex cards, each featuring his picture and a list of his four committee assignments" (National Journal). It also occurs in the plural: 罗拉代克斯:常出现在出版物所属的上下文中的一种用来盛装名片、地址卡和电话号码卡等可移动卡片的台式旋转夹的商标:“他近来给1000名新闻记者发出四张一套的罗拉代克斯卡,每张卡上有他的照片并列出他在四个委员会的职务” (国家日报)。该商标也可以复数的形式出现: 〔Hanukkah〕An eight-day festival beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory in 165b.c. of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes (c. 215-164 b.c. ) and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem. Also called Feast of Dedication ,Feast of Lights 犹太圣节:一种从(犹太历)三月的第二十五天开始并持续8天的节日,以纪念公元前 165年马卡比一家战胜安提俄克斯·埃皮费尼(C.215-164 公元前 )和为位于耶路撒冷的神殿的献身 也作 Feast of Dedication,Feast of Lights〔Catesby〕English conspirator who along with Guy Fawkes was involved in the Gunpowder Plot (1604-1605) to assassinate James I. He was killed resisting arrest.盖茨比,罗伯特:(1573-1605) 英国反叛者,与盖·弗克斯一起卷入谋杀詹姆斯一世的火药阴谋(1604-1605年)。他在拒捕时被杀〔Pyrex〕"The water is mixed with titanium dioxide, which serves as a catalyst, and is pumped through Pyrex tubes"(Scientific American)"The physicist sets the ice sample in an empty Pyrex beaker"(Smithsonian)“通过派热克斯玻璃管把作为催化剂的二氧化钛之水的混合物抽进去”(科学美国人)“物理学家把冰标本放入空派热克斯烧杯”(史密森) |
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