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单词 克拉克
释义 〔maxwell〕After James Clerk Maxwell 源自 詹姆斯·克拉克 Maxwell〔Clark〕American explorer who joined Meriwether Lewis in an expedition to the Pacific Ocean (1804-1806). Clark was responsible for the careful mapmaking en route.克拉克,威廉:(1770-1838) 美国探险家,曾参加麦瑞韦德·路易斯对太平洋的一次探险(1804-1806年)。他负责仔细标明每条道路〔Wissler〕American anthropologist noted for his studies of Native American cultural and geographic patterns, includingThe American Indians (1917) and Indians of the United States (1940). 威斯勒,克拉克:(1870-1947) 美国人类学家,因研究美洲土著人文化和地理模式而著名,作品包括《美洲印第安人》 (1917年)和 《美国的印第安人》 (1940年) 〔he〕Each of the stars of It Happened One Night [i.e., Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert] won an Academy Award for his performance. “一夜风流”中的每一位明星,即克拉克·盖博和克劳狄特·柯尔贝尔, 因各自的表演获奥斯卡金像奖 。 〔Montana〕A state of the northwest United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 41st state in 1889. Most of the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and was explored by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and 1806. Split for many years among other western territories, the region was organized as the Montana Territory in 1864. Helena is the capital and Billings the largest city. Population, 803,655.蒙大纳州:美国西北部与加拿大接壤的一个州。1889年被接纳为美国第41个州。大部分地区通过1803年路易斯安那的购买归属美国,路易斯和克拉克在1805年和1806年勘查了此地。经过多年在其他西部地区分裂之后在1864年组成蒙大纳地区。赫勒拿是该州首府,比林斯是最大城市。人口803,655〔Ross〕British polar explorer who located the north magnetic pole (1831). On an Antarctic expedition (1839-1843) he discovered Victoria Land and the Ross Sea.罗斯,詹姆斯·克拉克:(1800-1862) 英国极地探险家,曾测定了北磁极的位置(1831年)并在一次南极探险中(1839-1843年)发现了维多利亚地和罗斯海〔Lewis〕American soldier and explorer who led the Lewis and Clark expedition (1803-1806) from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River and served as governor of the Louisiana Territory (1806-1809).刘易斯,梅里韦瑟:(1774-1809) 美国军人和探险家,曾率领刘易斯和克拉克探险队(1803年至1806年)从圣路易斯出发横贯大陆抵达哥伦比亚河口,曾于1806年至1809年期间任路易斯安那准州州长〔Clark〕American legislator who was speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1911-1919).克拉克,詹姆斯·博尚:(1850-1921) 美国国会议员,曾任美国众议院发言人(1911-1919年)〔Oregon〕Abbr. OR,Ore.A state of the northwest United States in the Pacific Northwest. It was admitted as the 33rd state in 1859. Claimed by the United States after Capt. Robert Gray explored the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792, the area was further explored by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and was soon the site of fur-trading posts. TheOregon Country, a region encompassing all the land from the California border to Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, was held jointly by Great Britain and the United States from 1818 until 1846, when the international boundary was fixed at the 49th parallel. In 1848 the Oregon Territory was created, including all of present-day Washington and Idaho. The state's current boundaries were established in 1853. Salem is the capital and Portland the largest city. Population, 2,853,733. 缩写 OR,Ore.俄勒冈州:美国西北部、太平洋西北沿岸州。1859年作为第33州加入联邦。1792年在船长罗伯特·格雷探险哥伦比亚河口之后,美国宣布拥有其主权,1805年,刘易斯和克拉克对该地区进行了进一步的探险,不久后它成为皮货交易站。俄勒冈地区, 覆盖从加利福尼亚州边界到阿拉斯加州和太平洋直至落基山脉的大片地区,从1818年起英国和美国共同拥有该片地区,直至1846年在北纬49度制定了国界。1848年, 俄勒冈专区 成立,包括今天的华盛顿州和爱达荷州。此州现有边界是1853年制定的。首府为沙连,最大城市为波特拉。人口2,853,733 〔Durant〕American railroad financier who built the Union Pacific Railroad (1863-1869).杜兰,托马斯·克拉克:(1820-1885) 美国铁路金融家,1863-1869年间修建了联合太平洋铁路〔Clarksville〕A town of southern Indiana on the Ohio River opposite Louisville, Kentucky. It was founded in 1784 by the explorer George Rogers Clark. Population, 19,833.克拉克斯维尔:美国印第安纳州南部一座城镇,位于俄亥俄河旁与肯塔基州的路易斯维尔相对。为探险家乔治·罗杰斯·克拉克于1784年创建,人口19,833〔Moore〕American scholar and poet who wrote the Christmas poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (1823).穆尔,克雷芒·克拉克:(1779-1863) 美国学者和诗人,著有圣诞诗歌“圣尼古拉斯来访”(1823年)〔Clark〕Panamanian-born American psychologist and author who demonstrated the psychological effects of racial segregation and ghetto life, influencing the Supreme Court ruling inBrown v. Board of Education (1954). 克拉克,肯尼思·班克罗夫特:(生于 1914) 巴拿马裔美国心理学家和作家,揭示了种族隔离和少数民族聚集区生活的心理效应,影响了最高法院对布朗 , 教育局 案的裁定(1954年) 〔Clarksville〕A city of northwest Tennessee on the Cumberland and Red rivers northwest of Nashville. An important tobacco market, it is also a manufacturing center. Population, 75,494.克拉克斯维尔:美国田纳西州西北部城市,位于纳什维尔西北的坎伯兰和雷德河上。为重要的烟草市场,也是制造业中心。人口75,494〔Gable〕American actor who received an Academy Award for his performance inIt Happened One Night (1934). 盖博,(威廉)克拉克:(1901-1960) 美国演员,因其在《一夜风流》 (1934年)中的表演而获得奥斯卡奖 〔Hooverville〕After Herbert Clark Hoover 源自 赫伯特·克拉克 Hoover〔Clarksburg〕A city of northern West Virginia south-southeast of Wheeling. It was an important Union supply base during the Civil War. Population, 18,059.克拉克斯堡:美国西弗吉尼亚州的一座城市,位于惠灵的东南偏南。是美国内战时重要的联军供应基地。人口18,059〔complected〕Complected has a long history in American folk speech, showing up, for example, in 1806 in the journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: “[The Indians] are . . . reather lighter complected . . . than the Indians of the Missouri" (Meriwether Lewis).Complected has long been treated as a dialectal term in dictionaries, but it actually should be regarded as informal Standard English,since its wide distribution (including New England, the Midwest, the South, and elsewhere)disqualifies it as a true regionalism.Its use by one western Texas informant quoted inDARE extends its semantic domain beyond skin color to general appearance: "a fat-complected man.” Complected 在美国民间传说中有一段很长的历史, 例如,1806年,在路易斯和克拉克的探险旅行中: “ …相对密苏里印第安人的脸色白皙一些” (玛丽维瑟尔·路易斯)。Complected 这个词长期以来在字典中一直被当作方言看待, 但是它实际上应该算作非正式标准英语,它的使用是如此广泛(包括新英格兰、中西部、南方和其它地区),所以它不是地区性的。据一位得克萨斯州西部的提供消息者在DARE 中所引用的用法已延伸了其语义上的范围,即从专指肤色到指整体形象: “一个肥胖男人” 〔anapest〕“'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house"(Clement Clarke Moore)“这是圣诞前夜,此时此地,那弥漫在整个房间的气氛”(克雷芒·克拉克·穆尔)〔Clark〕American general who was Allied commander in North Africa and Italy in World War II.克拉克,马克·韦恩:(1896-1984) 美国将领,在第二次世界大战时任北非和意大利的盟军司令〔Clark〕An unincorporated community of northeast New Jersey southwest of Elizabeth. It is mainly residential. Population, 16,699.克拉克:新泽西州东北部的未合并社区,位于伊丽莎白的西南。主要供居住用。人口16,699〔Avery〕American painter. Influenced by the works of Henri Matisse, his style of subtle colors and flat patterns influenced abstract expressionism.艾夫瑞,米尔顿·克拉克:(1893-1965) 美国画家,受亨利·马蒂斯作品影响,其微妙的色彩及朴素的图案风格影响了抽象表现主义派〔Hoover〕The 31st President of the United States (1929-1933). After the stock market crash of 1929 he was unwilling to finance employment through federal intervention and lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.胡佛,赫伯特·克拉克:(1874-1964) 美国第31届总统(1929-1933年)1929年股票市场崩盘后,他不愿通过联邦政府干预来资助从业,于1932年竞选失败,富兰克林D·罗斯福取而代之〔Fairmont〕A city of northern West Virginia near the Pennsylvania border northeast of Clarksburg. It was settled in 1793 around Prickett's Fort (built 1774). Population, 20,210.费尔蒙特:美国西弗吉尼亚州北部的一座城市,邻近宾夕法尼亚边界,位于克拉克斯堡东北部。于1793年建于普里克特城堡(建于1774年)周围。人口20,210〔McReynolds〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1914-1941).麦克雷诺,詹姆斯·克拉克:(1862-1946) 美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1914-1941年)〔Clark〕American economist known for his theory of marginal productivity. He wroteThe Philosophy of Wealth (1885) and The Distribution of Wealth (1899). 克拉克,约翰·贝茨:(1847-1938) 美国经济学家,以边际生产理论而闻名。著有《财富哲学》 (1885年)和 《财富分配》 (1899年) 〔Clark〕American military leader and frontiersman who led numerous raids on British troops and Native Americans in the Northwest Territory during the Revolutionary War.克拉克,乔治·罗杰斯:(1752-1818) 美国军事领袖和拓荒者,独立战争期间在西北地区领导了多次对英国军队和美国土著人的袭击〔Clark〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1949-1967).克拉克,汤姆·坎贝尔:(1899-1977) 美国法官,曾担任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(1949-1967年)〔Alton〕A city of southwest Illinois on bluffs of the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri. Lewis and Clark spent the winter of 1803-1804 just south of the site. Population, 32,905.奥尔顿:美国伊利诺斯州西南部一城市,在密苏里州圣路易斯以北密西西比河的陡岸上。路易斯和克拉克曾在此地南部度过1803年至1804年的冬天。人口32,905〔Maxwell〕British physicist who made fundamental contributions to electromagnetic theory and the kinetic theory of gases.麦克斯韦,詹姆斯·克拉克:(1831-1879) 英国物理学家,对电磁场理论和空体分子运动论的创立做出重要贡献〔Clark〕American astronomer and lens manufacturer who with his sonAlvan Graham Clark (1832-1897) made the objective lenses of the world's two largest refracting telescopes, one at Lick Observatory in California (1888) and one at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (1897). 克拉克,阿尔凡:(1804-1887) 美国天文学家及透镜制造者,和其子埃尔文·格拉汉姆·克拉克 (1832-1897年)制造了世界上两个最大的折射望远镜的物镜,一个置于加利福尼亚的里克观测台(1888年),另一个置于威斯康星的耶基斯观测台(1897年) 〔Clarke〕American religious reformer, abolitionist, and advocate of woman suffrage.克拉克,詹姆斯·弗里曼:(1810-1888) 美国宗教改革者、废奴主义者和妇女参加选举的支持者〔Clarke〕British Shakespearean scholar who collaborated with his wifeMary Victoria Clarke (1809-1898) on Recollections of Writers (1878) and The Shakespeare Key (1879). 克拉克,查尔斯·考登:(1787-1877) 英国研究莎士比亚的学者,与其夫人玛丽·维多利亚·克拉克 (1809-1898年)合著 《作家回忆录》 (1878年)和 《莎士比亚的秘诀》 (1879年) 〔Prague〕The capital and largest city of Czechoslovakia, in the western part of the country on the Vltava River. Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526. In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradčany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague. The city became the capital of newly formed Czechoslovakia in 1918. Population, 1,189,828.布拉格:捷克斯洛伐克首都及最大城市,位于这个国家的西半部,临瓦尔塔瓦河。该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到14世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心,于1526年开始为哈布斯堡王朝所统治。1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。1918年该城成为新形成的捷克斯洛伐克的首都。人口1,189,828〔Clark〕British art historian whose works includeThe Nude (1955), Civilisation (1970), and Feminine Beauty (1980). 克拉克,肯尼思·麦肯热:(1903-1983) 英国艺术史学家,著作有《裸体》 (1955年), 《文明》 (1970年)和 《女性美》 (1980年) 〔Quantrill〕American desperado who led a guerrilla band that sporadically supported the Confederacy during the Civil War. He is infamous for his wanton killing of war prisoners and civilians.昆特里尔,威廉·克拉克:(1837-1865) 美国暴徒,在美国内战期间,他曾领导一支游击队断断续续地支持南部联军,因其对战犯和居民的无辜滥杀而臭名昭著〔abelia〕after Clarke Abel (1780-1826), British botanist 源自克拉克 亚伯 (1780-1826年),英国植物学家 〔Clarksdale〕A city of northwest Mississippi near the Arkansas border. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 19,717.克拉克斯代尔:美国密西西比州西北部一座城市,位于阿肯色州边界附近。为制造业中心。人口19,717〔either〕Either the Clarks or the Kays have been invited. 克拉克全家和凯全家都被 邀请了。 〔Terry〕American jazz trumpeter and vocalist who was noted for his muted trumpet style and his mumbled scat singing.泰瑞,克拉克:美国爵士乐号手与歌手,因其弱音小号风格和咕哝式的由拟声唱而闻名




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