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单词 做作
释义 〔hoke〕To give an impressive but artificial, false, or deceptive quality to:故作多情:赋予一种表面上很感人,但实际上做作、错误或骗人的品质:〔affectation〕an air of authority. In the plural, however, it suggests affectation and especially a wish to seem more important than is actually the case: 一副有权威的样子。 然而,用于复数时则表示做作,特别是比实际情况更为重要的愿望: 〔unnatural〕Contrived or constrained; artificial:勉强的:做作的或抑制的;不自然的:〔advise〕The use ofadvise in the sense of "inform, notify,” was found acceptable by a majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey, but many members would prefer that this usage be restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts.Thus one may sayThe suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to sayYou'd better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed. 在过去的调查中,用法小组的大多数成员认为advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法是可行的, 但是许多成员坚持这种用法应局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。因此可以说嫌疑犯被告知他们所具有的权利, 但是你最好通知你的朋友,野餐的日期有所改变 这种说法被认为是做作〔smile〕The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper. Asmirk is an affected smile that often expresses an offensive smugness: 模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌。 Smirk 则是指一种做作的,通常表现得自鸣得意的、令人生厌的微笑: 〔kudos〕Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like pluralsbut are etymologically singular:correctness requiresKudos is (not are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score. Some writers have tried to defend the use ofkudos with a plural verb, or even the introduction of a new singular form ofkudo, on the grounds that these innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were re-formed from nouns ending in-s that were thought to be plural. Perhaps the singularkudo would have to be acknowledged as a legitimate formation if it came to be widely adopted in the popular language in the way that cherry and pea have. But at presentkudos is still regarded as a slightly pretentious variant for praise and can scarcely claim to be part of the linguistic folkways of the community.When writers reach for an unfamiliar Greek word for the sake of elegance,it is fair to ask that they get it right.Still, it is worth notingthat even people who are carefulto treat the word syntactically as a singularoften pronounce it as if it were a plural:etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s),rather than as a voiced (z).Kudos 和 congeries 那些词一样, 看上去好象是复数,但从词源上看是单数:因此正确的用法应该是Kudos is (不是 are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score 。 许多作者为kudos 后跟动词复数形式的做法辩护, 他们甚至发明了一个新的词kudo 作为该词的单数形式,他们这样做是以英语单词 pea 和 cherry 的形成模式为依据的, 这些词都是从原先结尾带-s 的复数形式名词演化而来。 kudo 这种单数形式只有在象 cherry 和 pea 这样为大众语言所普遍接受之后才能被认可为一种正确的形式。 但是现在kudos 这个词仍被看作是 praise 这个词稍稍有些做作的变体, 还很难成为社群的习惯用语的一部份。当一个作家为了行文的优雅用一个生僻的希腊词的时候,他应该正确地使用它。但是值得注意的是,即使是那些非常仔细的人,他们在句子中把它用作单数,但在读的时候却读成复数的形式:根据词源来看,这个词最后一个辅音应该发成清辅音(s),而不是浊辅音(z)〔smirk〕An affected, often offensively self-satisfied smile.See Synonyms at smile 假笑,自得的笑:做作的,通常是自鸣得意、令人生厌的微笑 参见 smile〔calculated〕insincere, calculated modesty.不诚心的,做作的谦虚〔moderne〕Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.做作地追求现代的:力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的〔attitudinize〕To assume an affected attitude; posture.装模作样,摆架子,摆样子:假装出某种做作的姿态;态度〔stodgy〕Prim or pompous; stuffy:古板的或做作的;保守的:〔camp〕Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor:做作所显出的趣味:指故意做作或在欣赏其幽默时的平庸、粗俗或做作〔hokey〕Noticeably contrived; artificial.明显人为的;做作〔critique〕Critique has been used as a verb meaning "to review or discuss critically" since the 18th century, but lately this usage has gained much wider currency,in part because the verbcriticize, once neutral between praise and censure, is now mainly used in a negative sense. (One is not likely to say, for example,She criticized the bill approvingly. ) But this use ofcritique is still regarded by many as pretentious jargon; 69 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence Critique 这一词自从18世纪以来作为动词的意思是“批判性地评论或讨论”, 然而近来这一用法变得更为通用,部分由于动词criticize 这一原先介于赞扬和苛评之间的词现主要用于否定意义中。 (人们不太可能说,比如她赞成地批判这个法案。 ) 但是critique 的这一用法仍被许多人认为是做作难懂的话; 用法专题使用小组69%的成员否认这种句子 〔highflying〕Unusually extravagant, affected, or ambitious.作风夸张、做作或野心勃勃的〔unction〕Affected or exaggerated earnestness, especially in choice and use of language.虚情假意:做作的或夸张的热忱,尤指语言选用〔camp〕Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style:不自然的,做作的:带有蓄意做作的、粗俗的、平庸的或故作诙谐的品性或风格的:〔pretentious〕Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.See Synonyms at showy 做作的,夸耀的:表示出显而易见的夸张的,炫耀的;炫耀的 参见 showy〔histrionic〕Excessively dramatic or emotional; affected.See Synonyms at dramatic 演戏似的,做作的:特别戏剧化或情感激动的;假装的, 参见 dramatic〔mince〕To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.假作高雅地说:装腔作势地说出,如用一种做作的高贵或文雅〔stilted〕Stiffly or artificially formal; stiff.不自然的:僵硬的或做作地正式;僵硬的〔conventional〕Devoted to or bound by conventions to the point of artificiality; ceremonious.因袭的:过分注意或拘泥于习俗以致有点做作的;拘泥于俗套的〔emote〕To express emotion, especially in an excessive or theatrical manner:夸张地表达感情:尤指用过火地或做作的方式来表达感情:〔grace〕Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.See Synonyms at elegance 魅力:吸引人的,无需做作的美或运动 参见 elegance〔euphuism〕Affected elegance of language.绮丽体:做作的、浮华的、绮丽的语言〔smirk〕To smile in an affected, often offensively self-satisfied manner.假笑:做作地,通常是自鸣得意、令人生厌地微笑〔air〕airs An affected, often haughty pose; affectation.See Synonyms at affectation airs 装腔作势:做作的且常是傲慢的姿态;虚假 参见 affectation〔stagy〕Having a theatrical character or quality; artificial and affected.See Synonyms at dramatic 舞台的,演戏的:有舞台特点或特性的;做作的和装腔作势的 参见 dramatic〔bathetic〕Characterized by bathos.See Synonyms at sentimental 假感伤的,做作哀痛的 参见 sentimental〔pretension〕Ostentatious display; pretentiousness.炫耀地显示;做作,夸耀〔toff〕An elegantly dressed young man, often having exaggerated or affected manners:纨绔子弟:一个衣着优雅的年轻人,通常行为夸张的而做作〔theatrical〕Marked by exaggerated self-display and unnatural behavior; affectedly dramatic.See Synonyms at dramatic 矫揉造作的:通过加强自我表现或不自然的行为引入注意为特征的;做作地引入注目的 参见 dramatic〔factitious〕Lacking authenticity or genuineness; sham:做作的,虚伪的:缺乏真实性和诚恳的;虚假的:〔camp〕To give a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal quality to:使庸俗化:赋予蓄意做作、粗俗或平庸性质:〔camp〕An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.下流,庸俗,做作:行为或情趣上的矫揉造作,通常被认为是不自然的、粗俗的或平庸的〔conceit〕A fanciful poetic image, especially an elaborate or exaggerated comparison.巧妙构思:巧妙的诗一般的想象,尤指煞费心机的或过分做作的文章〔cute〕Obviously contrived to charm; precious:矫揉造作的:明显地设法吸引的;做作的:〔affected〕Speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.装模作样的:做作地说话或举止以给人深刻印象的〔preposition〕The doctrine that a preposition may not be used to end a sentence was first promulgated by Dryden, probably on the basis of a specious analogy to Latin,and was subsequently refined by 18th-century grammarians.The rule has since become one of the most venerated maxims of schoolroom grammatical lore.But sentences ending with prepositions can be found in the works of most of the great writers since the Renaissance.In fact, English syntax allows and sometimes requires final placement of the preposition.Such placement is the only possible one in sentencessuch asWe have much to be thankful for or That depends on what you believe in. Efforts to rewrite such sentencesto place the preposition elsewhere will have comically stilted results;for example:We have much for which to be thankful or That depends on that in which you believe. · Even sticklers for the traditional rule can have no grounds for criticizing sentencessuch asI don't know where she will end up or It's the most curious book I've ever run across. In these examples,up and across are used as adverbs, not prepositions, as demonstrated by the ungrammaticality of sentencessuch asI don't know up where she will end and It's the most curious book across which I have ever run. 介词不能用来结束句子这一理论最先是由德莱顿可能基于与拉丁语的一个似是而非的类比而提出的,接着又由18世纪语法学家加以改善琢磨,从此这一规则便作为学校语法教育中神化般的至理名言,但是用介词结尾的句子可以在文艺复兴以来大多数名家的作品中找到,事实上,英语句法中有时允许,甚至要求把介词放在最后这种放置。只有在下列句子中才是唯一可能的:We have much to be thankful for 或 That depends on what you believe in 。 要改写这种句子,如把介词放在别处则会产生做作的滑稽效果;例如:We have much for which to be thankful 或 That depends on that in which you believe · 即使是那些拘泥于传统规则的人也找不出理由去批评这样的句子,如I don't know where she will end up 或 It's the most curious book I've ever run across 。 在这些例子中up 和 across 被用作副词, 而不是象以下句子中的违反语法现象所显示的那样是介词:如I don't know up where she will end 和 It's the most curious book across which I have ever run 〔lucubration〕Often lucubrations Writing produced by laborious effort or study, especially pedantic or pretentious writing. 常作 lucubrations 著书立说,刻苦研究:勤奋的努力或学习产生的著作,尤其是迂腐的或做作的著作




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