单词 | 偏好 |
释义 | 〔choice〕Preference indicates choice based on one's values, bias, or predilections: Preference 指基于个人价值观、偏见或偏好上的选择: 〔raid〕The members of an army traveling on a particularroad to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words.However,raid and road descend from the same Old English word rād. Theai in raid represents the standard development in the northern dialects of Old English long a, while theoa in road represents the standard development of Old English long a in the rest of the English dialects. Old Englishrād meant "the act of riding" and "the act of riding with a hostile intent; that is, a raid,”senses that no longer exist for our wordroad. It was left to Sir Walter Scott to revive the Scots formraid with the sense "a military expedition on horseback.”The Scots weren't making all the raids, however.Others seem to have returned the favor,for we find these words in the Middle EnglishCoventry Leet Book : "aftur a Rode . . . made uppon the Scottes at thende of this last somer.”The "Rode" was led by the non-Scottish Duke of Gloucester, who was later crowned as Richard III, and Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.一支部队的士兵在某条road (路)上行进以发动一场 raid (袭击), 这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。然而raid 和 road 这两个词源于古英语中的同一个词 rad 。 Raid 中的 ai 代表了古英语中北部发言中长 a 的标准发展, 而road 中的 oa 代表了其它地区古英语方言中长 a 的发展。 古英语中rad 的意思是“骑马的行动和出于敌意而骑马的行动; 也就是说,一次奇袭,”词意中不再有路 这个意思。 沃尔特·斯科特爵士又恢复了raid 这个词的苏格兰语形式, 其意思是“马上的远征”。然而,奇袭并不只是由苏格兰人发动。别人似乎也保留了对这个词的偏好,因为我们在中世纪英语的考文垂史料 中发现了这段话: “在去年夏末对苏格兰发动的奇袭之后…”。该“奇袭”是由后来被冠以查理三世的格洛斯特的非苏格兰公爵和诺森柏兰的亨利·珀西公爵领导的〔bias〕A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.偏见,偏心:偏好或倾向,尤指妨碍公平判断的偏见〔taste〕A personal preference or liking:嗜好:个人的偏好或喜好:〔eat〕To include habitually or by preference in one's diet:爱吃,习惯吃:由于习惯或偏好而经常吃:〔precedence〕A ceremonial order of rank or preference, especially as observed on formal occasions:地位先后,级别高低:尤指在正式场合中所遵循的地位或偏好上的礼节顺序:〔especial〕She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.她对蘑菇有特殊的偏好〔proclivity〕A natural propensity or inclination; predisposition.See Synonyms at predilection 癖性,倾向:天生的爱好或脾性;偏好 参见 predilection〔junkie〕One who has an insatiable interest or devotion:上瘾的人,…迷:兴趣或偏好无法满足的人:〔indifferent〕 Indifferent applies most broadly;it can suggest lack of partiality, bias, or preference or a lack of feeling one way or another: Indifferent 运用得最广;它可以表示不偏向性,没有成见,没有偏好,对事物这样或那样不关心: 〔so〕But this rule is best regarded as a stylistic preference;in such clausesthat is frequently omitted even by reputable writers in formal contexts, as inThey will have to double up so (or so that ) room can be found for the new arrivals. · Bothso and so that are acceptably used to introduce clauses that state a result or consequence: 但是这条规则最好被认为是格式上的偏好。在这样的句子中,即使是很著名的作家也在正式的文章中经常省略that , 如在句子他们将不得不两个人睡一张床,以便 (或者 so that ) 新到的人能找到住房 。 So 和 so that 都可以被接受用来引入陈述一个结果或后果的从句: 〔Alexandrian〕Alexandrian scholars; an Alexandrian preference for the explication of earlier works.亚历山大学派的学者,用亚历山大学派阐释早期作品的偏好〔money〕According to one's opinion, choice, or preference:依照某人的意见、选择或偏好:〔Indianism〕Devotion to or preference for the people and culture of India.推崇印第安文化:致力于或是偏好于美国原住人民及文化 |
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