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单词 倾向
释义 〔cholesteric〕Of or relating to the mesomorphic phase of a liquid crystal in which the molecules are closely aligned within a distinct series of layers, with the axes of the molecules lying parallel to the plane of the layers and with the orientation of molecules in adjacent layers rotated slightly.胆固醇晶态的:属于或关于液晶的液态和晶态中间阶段,其中分子在不同层面里紧密地排成一行,分子的轴与层面平行且相邻层面的分子会有一点倾向旋转〔claustrophobic〕Clinically speaking,claustrophobic denotes a pathological disposition to feel terror in closed spaces. But like other terms from clinical psychology (narcissism and schizophrenic, for example), the word has been applied more loosely in general usage:at first to refer to a temporary feeling of being closed in (as in 客观地说,claustrophobic 表示了一种在封闭空间里感到恐惧的病理倾向。 但象其它来自临床病理学的词汇(例如narcissism 和 schizophrenic )一样, 该词已经被应用于更广泛的普遍意义了:首先是指被关禁时的短暂感受(如 〔resistive〕Of, tending toward, or marked by resistance:耐…的:属于、倾向或显示抵抗特征的:〔talkative〕These adjectives mean having or marked by an inclination to talk.这些形容词指具有一种爱说话的倾向的或以这种倾向为特征的。〔strain〕An inborn or inherited tendency or character.天性:与生俱来的或遗传的倾向或性格〔mischief〕An inclination or a tendency to play pranks or cause embarrassment.顽皮:喜欢恶作剧或导致他人难堪的倾向或趋向〔sentiment〕A cast of mind; general mental disposition:情绪:情绪的性质;普遍的精神倾向〔initiatory〕Tending or used to initiate.启蒙的,开始的:倾向开始的或用来开始的〔tough〕Inclined to violent or disruptive behavior; rowdy or rough:粗暴的:倾向暴力的或破坏性的行为的;野蛮的:〔vocation〕An inclination, as if in response to a summons, to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career; a calling.神召,天命:担负起某种工作,尤指宗教事业的一种倾向,如同响应神召一样;呼唤〔revisionism〕A recurrent tendency within the Communist movement to revise Marxist theory in such a way as to provide justification for a retreat from the revolutionary to the reformist position.修正主义:在共产主义运动中重复出现的倾向,目的在以这样一种方式修正马克思主义,即为从革命状况向改良状况回退提供理由〔trend〕A general tendency or inclination.See Synonyms at tendency 趋向:总的趋向或倾向 参见 tendency〔drift〕A general trend or tendency, as of opinion.See Synonyms at tendency 潮流:总的倾向,如指观点 参见 tendency〔undercurrent〕An underlying tendency, force, or influence often contrary to what is superficially evident; an intimation:潜在倾向:通常与表面倾向相反的潜在趋势力量或影响;暗示:〔claustrophobic〕This latter usage was unacceptable to 74 percent of the members of the Usage Panel,many of whom said thatclaustrophobic should be used only to describe a psychological state. In defense of this usage,however, it can be pointed out that it is well establishedand that it follows a general tendencyto combine adjectives with nouns according to a progressively looser construal of the semantic connection between the two.Thus the phrasetopless swimsuit came to be followed by topless dancers, which led in turn totopless bars, topless districts, and topless ordinances. By the same token,a room that induces a particular emotion may be described assad or cheerful without objection, and there seems to be no principled basis for drawing the line at calling itclaustrophobic. 后种用法为用法使用小组中74%的成员所不接受,其中许多人说claustrophobic 应只能用来描述一种心理状态。 为维护这种用法,毕竟要指出这种用法已经很好地确定了下来,并且它跟随一种普遍倾向,即通过对形容词与名词之间语义联系积极的、更密切的解释将两者合并。这样,词组topless swimsuit 导引出 topless dancers, 随之又引出topless bars,topless district 和 topless ordinance 。 用同样的表示法,导致一种特殊情绪的状况可描述为无任何异议的sad 或 cheerful , 称其为claustrophobic 似乎不存在什么描述性的原则 〔oncogenic〕Tending to cause or give rise to tumors:致癌的:有导致肿瘤或肿瘤增多倾向的:〔woo〕To seek the affection of with intent to romance.向…求爱:带着爱情的倾向寻找感情〔tend〕To have a tendency:倾向:有一种倾向〔like〕Inclined or disposed to:想要:倾向,有意于:〔tenacious〕Tending to retain; retentive:持久的:有持续的倾向的;持久的:〔caprice〕An inclination to change one's mind impulsively.无定性:因一时冲动而改变主意的倾向〔collateral〕Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying.附属的:在倾向或效果上相协调一致的;附属的或随从的〔snappish〕Likely to snap or bite:有猛咬倾向的:喜欢咬或嘶咬的:〔acidic〕Tending to form an acid.成酸的:倾向形成酸的〔derogative〕Tending to derogate; detractive.毁坏的:有损害倾向的;有危害的〔dictatorial〕Overbearing implies a tendency to be oppressively or rudely domineering: Overbearing 暗示一种专横跋扈盛气凌人的倾向〔changeful〕Having the tendency or ability to change; variable.多变的:有变化的倾向或能力的;变化的〔corrosive〕A substance having the capability or tendency to cause corrosion.腐蚀剂:具有导致腐蚀能力或倾向的物质〔moment〕The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis.旋转轴:使绕点或轴旋转的倾向〔Valadon〕French painter known for her characteristically strong depictions of the female nude and her many self-portraits, which reflect trends of postimpressionism and fauvism.瓦拉东,苏珊:(1865?-1938) 法国画家,尤其以对女性裸体的着力描绘以及她的大量自画像而著名,其画风反映了后期印象派和野兽派的倾向〔orientation〕a Marxist orientation.马克思主义倾向〔up〕An upward movement or trend.向上的运动或倾向〔restrictive〕Tending or serving to restrict; limiting.限制的:倾向或用于限制的;限制的〔silent〕 Taciturn implies unsociableness and a tendency to speak only when it is absolutely necessary: Taciturn 含有不善交际的意思和只有在绝对不得已的情况下才说话的倾向〔tilt〕To favor one side over another in a dispute; lean:倾向:在争端中偏向一方;偏向:〔vein〕A pervading character or quality; a streak:气质;倾向;特色;风格:一种遍布的特征或素质;个人特色:〔habit〕An established disposition of the mind or character.气质:一种固有的心灵或性格上的倾向〔inclined〕Having a preference, disposition, or tendency.有…爱好、性情或倾向〔apt〕Having a natural tendency; inclined:倾向的:有一种自然倾向的;倾向的:〔egotism〕The tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively and boastfully.自我膨胀:过分吹嘘地谈及或写及自己的倾向




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