单词 | 值得注意 |
释义 | 〔profile〕A biographical essay presenting the subject's most noteworthy characteristics and achievements.人物概评:表现主要人物最值得注意的特点和成就的传记性的文章〔kudos〕Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like pluralsbut are etymologically singular:correctness requiresKudos is (not are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score. Some writers have tried to defend the use ofkudos with a plural verb, or even the introduction of a new singular form ofkudo, on the grounds that these innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were re-formed from nouns ending in-s that were thought to be plural. Perhaps the singularkudo would have to be acknowledged as a legitimate formation if it came to be widely adopted in the popular language in the way that cherry and pea have. But at presentkudos is still regarded as a slightly pretentious variant for praise and can scarcely claim to be part of the linguistic folkways of the community.When writers reach for an unfamiliar Greek word for the sake of elegance,it is fair to ask that they get it right.Still, it is worth notingthat even people who are carefulto treat the word syntactically as a singularoften pronounce it as if it were a plural:etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s),rather than as a voiced (z).Kudos 和 congeries 那些词一样, 看上去好象是复数,但从词源上看是单数:因此正确的用法应该是Kudos is (不是 are ) due her for her brilliant work on the score 。 许多作者为kudos 后跟动词复数形式的做法辩护, 他们甚至发明了一个新的词kudo 作为该词的单数形式,他们这样做是以英语单词 pea 和 cherry 的形成模式为依据的, 这些词都是从原先结尾带-s 的复数形式名词演化而来。 kudo 这种单数形式只有在象 cherry 和 pea 这样为大众语言所普遍接受之后才能被认可为一种正确的形式。 但是现在kudos 这个词仍被看作是 praise 这个词稍稍有些做作的变体, 还很难成为社群的习惯用语的一部份。当一个作家为了行文的优雅用一个生僻的希腊词的时候,他应该正确地使用它。但是值得注意的是,即使是那些非常仔细的人,他们在句子中把它用作单数,但在读的时候却读成复数的形式:根据词源来看,这个词最后一个辅音应该发成清辅音(s),而不是浊辅音(z)〔remark〕a place worthy of remark.值得注意的地方〔notable〕Worthy of note or notice; remarkable:著名的:值得注意的;显著的:〔occurrence〕"What schoolboy of fourteen is ignorant of this remarkable circumstance?” (Macaulay).“十四岁的学生在这件值得注意的事件中会忽略掉什么呢?” (麦考莉)〔humdinger〕One that is extraordinary or remarkable:非凡的人或事物:非凡的或值得注意的人或物:〔page〕A noteworthy or memorable event:重要的事,有意义的事:值得注意或值得纪念的事件:〔importance〕Consequence is especially applicable to persons or things of notable rank or position ( Consequence 特别用来修饰身份和地位值得注意和尊敬的人或事( 〔noticeable〕Conspicuous applies to what is immediately apparent and noteworthy: Conspicuous 形容立即明显或值得注意的事物: 〔difference〕A noticeable change or effect:效果,改变:值得注意的变化或效果:〔epoch〕A particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable or noteworthy.新纪元:历史的一段,尤指被认为值得注意的那部分值得纪念的事件〔great〕Remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent:显著的:在程度、范围或广度上值得注意或引人注目的:〔period〕"We enter on an epoch of constitutional retrogression" (John R. Green).Anera is a period of time notable because of new or different aspects or events: 我们进入了立宪的衰退阶段 (约翰·R·格林)。Era 常指因新或不同的方面或事件而值得注意的一段时间: 〔memorable〕Worth being remembered or noted; remarkable:值得纪念的,难忘的;值得注意的:〔common〕Not distinguished by superior or noteworthy characteristics; average:不突出的:没有优良的或值得注意的特性来区别的;平均的:〔trivial〕 Trivial refers principally to what is so insignificant as to be utterly commonplace or unremarkable: Trivial 主要指那些极其无关紧要的因此完全不值得注意或是十分平凡的东西: 〔noticeable〕Worthy of notice; significant.重要的:值得注意的;有意义的〔trivial〕"I think all Christians . . . agree in the essential articles,and that their differences are trivial,and rather political than religious" (Samuel Johnson).Somethingtrifling is so unimportant or so small as to be scarcely worth notice: “我认为所有的基督徒…在主要问题上的意见是一致的,而他们的分歧都是不重要的,而且往往是政治方面的而非宗教方面的” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。trifling 指的是某物太小或太不重要以致于几乎不值得注意: 〔burgeon〕Burgeon has gained greater acceptance in recent years in its use to mean not just "to put forth buds" but more generally "to grow and flourish.” In 1969 only 49 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the phrasethe burgeoning population of Queens ; in our most recent survey 74 percent accepted the same phrase.However, it should be noted that in this useburgeon is more acceptable when it takes the form of the present participle. Only 29 percent of the current Panel accepts the sentence News programs are less expensive to produce than entertainment series, and the public's appetite for them has burgeoned. Burgeon 一词近年来有了更广泛地使用,它不仅用来表示“生长发芽”更普遍地用作“生长并繁茂”。 1969年只有百分之四十九的用法专题使用小组成员承认短语the burgeoning population of Queens(女王时代的人口膨胀) ; 在最近的调查中对同一短语有百分之七十四的人接受。然而,值得注意的是,当burgean 一词在以现在分词形式被使用时,其更能被接受。 仅有百分之二十九的现有小组成员接受如下句子 新闻节目的制造要比一系列的娱乐活动经济实惠,并且公众对此的口味也已急速发展起来 〔observable〕Deserving or worthy of note; noteworthy:值得注意的:应该引起或值得注意的;杰出的:〔father〕The verbfather has come to be used widely to mean specifically to "perform the child-rearing functions of a father,”particularly in the gerundfathering, as inFathering a step-child takes considerable tact and understanding. This usage reflects the same social changes that have led to the analogous use of the verbparent and has met with the same kinds of critical resistance.In the most recent surveythe example cited was rejected by 64 percent of the Usage Panel.A problem particular to this use offather is that it may occasion opportunities for humorous misconstruction,since it is in direct competition with the older sense of "beget.” ·It is notablethat the analogous use ofmother as a verb meaning specifically "to perform the child-rearing functions of a mother" is encountered only rarely.It is likely that the discrepancy in the frequency of these new uses ofmother and father reflects the fact that recent writers on family life have tended to place more emphasis on a reconceptualization of the traditional paternal role in child-rearing.See Usage Note at parent 动词father 被广泛应用, 尤指“履行一个父亲养育孩子的职责”,特别是动名词fathering, 如在抚育养子得花费巨大的心智和理解 。 这种用法反应了引起动词parent 相似用法的同样社会变化, 并遭到了同样的批评反对。在最近的调查中,引用的例子被用法专题使用小组64%的成员反对。特别对于father 这种用法的一个问题是, 它可能会引起幽默的误解,因为它直接与旧观念的“生育”冲突。值得注意的是,mother 作为动词的相似用法意思特指“履行一个母亲生养孩子的职责”, 这种用法很少见。看起来mother 和 father 这些新用法出现频率的不一致反映了一个事实, 那就是近期家庭生活题材的作者们倾向于将更多的重点放在重新定义父母在抚养孩子上所充任的传统角色 参见 parent〔notability〕The state or quality of being eminent or worthy of notice.著名:值得注意或显赫的状态或性质〔particular〕Worthy of note; exceptional:特别的,特殊的:值得注意的;与众不同的:〔measurable〕a measurable figure in literature.文学界的一个值得注意的人物〔importance〕These nouns refer to the state or quality of being significant, influential, or worthy of note or esteem.这些名词是指重要的、有影响的或者值得注意或尊敬的状况或性质。〔noteworthy〕Deserving notice or attention; notable:值得注意的;引人注意的:〔conspicuous〕Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable.See Synonyms at noticeable 惹人注意的:(通过显得不平常或出色而)惹人注意的;值得注意的 参见 noticeable〔measurable〕Of distinguished importance; significant:重要的,重大的;值得注意的:〔watchable〕Good enough to watch:值得一看的,值得注意的:好到值得一见的: |
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