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单词 借入
释义 〔mosquito〕Flies will never be popular creatures,in spite or because of their omnipresence.Two examples of the fly's influence on our lives can be found in the etymologies of the wordsmosquito and musket, both of which can be traced back tomusca, the Latin word for fly.This Latin word becamemosca in Spanish and Portuguese, Romance languages that developed from Vulgar Latin. Mosquito, the diminutive of mosca, was borrowed into English (first recorded around 1583) with the same sense "mosquito" that it had in Spanish and Portuguese. The Romance language French was the source of our wordmusket (first recorded around 1587), which came from Frenchmousquet, but this word entered French from yet another Romance language, Italian.From the descendant of Latinmusca, Italian mosca, was formed the diminutive moschetta with the senses "bolt for a catapult" and "small artillery piece.” Frommoschetta came moschetto, "musket,” the source of Frenchmousquet. The use ofmoschetta, literally "little fly,” to mean "bolt from a crossbow"can be ascribed to the factthat both bolt and insect fly, buzz, and sting.苍蝇将永远不会成为受人欢迎的动物,尽管或也许正因为它们无处不在。苍蝇影响我们生活的两个例子可在两个单词mosquito 和 musket 词源中找到, 两者都可追溯到musca, 拉丁文中是“苍蝇”的意思。这个拉丁文单词在西班牙语、葡萄牙语和其他由拉丁文演变而来的语言中变为mosca 。 Mosca 的小词 mosquito 被借入英语中(大约于1583年首次出现)跟它在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中一样,都表示“蚊子”。 从拉丁文演变来的法语是单词musket (大约在1587年首次出现)的词源, 这个词来自一个法语词mousquet , 但这一词仍然是从另一个由拉丁语演变而来的意大利语中借入法语的。起源于拉丁语musca 的意大利单词 mosca 形成了一个小词 moschetta , 意思是“弹弓上使用的螺钉”和“小炮弹”。 从moschetta 中产生了 moschetto 意为“火枪”, 是法语词mousquet 的词源。 moschetta 的字面意思是指“小苍蝇”, 用来比喻“弩上的弓箭”,这可以归因于一个事实,那就是弓箭和苍蝇都会飞,并且都能发出嗡嗡声而且会刺伤人〔rankle〕A persistent resentment, a festering sore, and a little snake are all coiled together in the history of the wordrankle. "A little snake" is the sense of the Latin worddracunculus to whichrankle can be traced, dracunculus being a diminutive of dracō, "snake.” The Latin word passed into Old French, asdraoncle, having probably already developed the sense "festering sore,”because some of these sores resembled little snakes in their shape or bite.The verbdraoncler, "to fester,” was then formed in Old French. The noun and verb developed alternate forms without thed-, and both were borrowed into Middle English, the nounrancle being recorded in a work written around 1190, the verbranclen, in a work probably composed about 1300. Both words had literal senses having to do with festering sores.The noun is not recorded after the 16th century,but the verb went on to develop the figurative senseshaving to do with resentment and bitterness with which we are all too familiar.Rankle 这个词有不停的埋怨、折磨人的疼痛以及小蛇这三个意思。 “小蛇”是拉丁语dracunculus 的词义, 该词同时也是rankle 的词源, dracunculus 是意为“蛇”的 daaco 的小词尾。 该拉丁词进入古法语成为draoncle 时, 可能已有“折磨人的痛苦”这一词义,因为这种痛苦类似于小蛇的形状和撕咬。意为“骚扰,折磨”的动词draoncle 形成于法语中。 名词和动词去掉d- 后发展了各自的形式并都被借入中古英语, 名词rancle 第一次记载于1190年的一部作品中, 动词ranclen 记载于大约作于1300年的一部作品中。 两个词的本义都与“折磨人的疼痛”有关。名词在16世纪后就不见使用了,但动词却不断发展,后来便有了我们熟知的与抱怨和恼怒相关的比喻义了〔typhoon〕Perhaps few words better illustrate the polyglot background of English thantyphoon, with its Chinese, Arabic, East Indian, and Greek background. The Greek wordtyphon, both the name of the father of the winds and a common noun meaning "whirlwind, typhoon,” was borrowed into Arabic (as was many a Greek word during the Middle Ages, when Arabic learning both preserved the classical heritage and expanded upon it, passing it on to Europe).Ùūfān, the Arabic version of the Greek word, passed into languages spoken in India,where Arabic-speaking Moslem invaders had settled in the 11th century.Thus the descendant of the Arabic word,passing into English (first recorded in 1588) through an Indian languageand appearing in English in forms such astouffon and tufan, originally referred specifically to a severe storm in India.China, another great empire, gave us yet another word for a storm,in this case the hurricane that occurred in the waters around China.This Chinese word in its Cantonese form,toi fung, was similar to our Arabic borrowing and is first recorded in English guise astuffoon in 1699. The various forms coalesced and finally becametyphoon. 也许很少有单词能像typhoon 一样表明汉语、阿拉伯语、东印度语和希腊语的多国语言背景。 希腊单词typhon 既是风神的姓名又是意为“旋风,台风”的普通名词, 被借入到阿拉伯语(就象在中世纪时许多希腊语单词进入阿拉伯语一样,那时,阿拉伯人的学问保存了古典的风格,同时在把它传向欧洲时又有所扩充)。Tufan ,希腊语的阿拉伯语形式, 传入到了印度人使用的语言,11世纪时讲阿拉伯语的穆斯林入侵者在印度定居下来。这样,阿拉伯语单词的衍生,从印度语言进入英语(最早记载于1588年),并以如touffon 和 tufan 的形式出现于英语中, 最先特指印度的猛烈风暴。中国,另一个大帝国,给了我们风暴的另一个单词,这里指的是在中国附近洋面发生的飓风。汉语单词的广东语形式toi fung 同我们的阿拉伯语借用词相近, 最早以tuffoon 的形式于1699年载入英语。 各种形式合并在一起最后变成了typhoon 〔scribble〕It is not easy to think simultaneously of the carefully crafted writings of a trained scribe and the hastily scrawled jottings referred to by the wordscribble, but the two words are related.Scribe goes back to the Latin scrība, meaning "one who has charge of things such as public records or accounts,” scrība, in turn, coming from scrībere, "to write.” The Latin word was borrowed into English directly as well as by way of Old French (scribe ), giving us Middle English scribe, first recorded in a work written probably around 1200.People do not always write with great care,especially when pressed for time,as is shown by an early use of the verbscribble in a Middle English text: "Scribled in hast with mine owne hand in default of other helpe.”Hence it is easy to see why the verbscribble came into existence. From Latinscrībere English had formed its own verb scriben, "to write,” and probably from this verb with the addition of the suffix-el, denoting diminutive, repetitive, or intensive actions, came the Middle English word scriblen (first recorded around 1456), the ancestor of our wordscribble. 不容易同时想到由经过训练的抄写员细心写出来的字体和单词scribble 所指的匆忙中胡乱的涂写, 但是这两个字是有关联的。Scribe 可追溯到拉丁文 scriba 意思是“管理公众记录或记事的人”。 scriba 反过来,来自于 scribere, 即“写”。 这个拉丁文字通过古法语(scribe )被直接借入英语,这样我们就有了中世纪英语 scribe, 大概在1200年左右第一次被写入作品中。人们不是总能非常细心地写字,尤指当时间紧凑时,就如同在一个中世纪英语文章中scribble 的早期用法似的: “缺少其它帮助时用我自己的手匆匆地乱写”。因此很容易理解为什么动词scribble 出现了。 源于拉丁文scribere ,英语也形成了它自己的动词 scriben, “写”。 并用加上后缀-el, 表示小的、反复的或者强调的行为的单词,可能衍生了那个中世纪英语单词 scriblen (最早被记录于1456年左右), 即我们现在的单词scribble 的前身 〔modification〕A change undergone by a word that is borrowed from another language.外来语演变:由另一种语言借入的一个词所经历的变化〔gallery〕In Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and southern Alabama,an open roofed porch that runs along at least one side of a house is called agallery: "Out on the small front gallery she had hung Bobinôt's Sunday clothes to air" (Kate Chopin).Craig M. Carver, the author ofAmerican Regional Dialects, points out that the word gallery, from Old French galerie, was borrowed into British English in the 15th century and was brought over to the American colonies by English-speaking settlers.Although the word in the sense "porch" did not survive in the American English of the East Coast,it was borrowed separately, probably from Acadian French,into the English of 18th-century Louisianaand there survived as part of the Gulf Southern dialect.在得克萨斯州、阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、密西西比和南部阿拉巴马,至少在房屋的一侧延伸出来的一种敞开屋顶的门廊被称作gallery: “出了前面的小门廊,她把博比内的最好的衣服晾在那里” (凯特·肖邦)。美国区域方言 的作者克雷格·M·卡弗尔指出 gallery 来源于古代法语 galerie , 在15世纪借入英语并由讲英语的殖民者带入美国殖民地。虽然该词当作“门廊”的意义没有在东海岸的美式英语中保存下来,但是它很有可能被分开借自阿卡迪亚的法语,并在18世纪进入路易斯安那英语,并在那里保存下来而成为南部港口方言的一部分〔scold〕A scold is no poet and a scolding is not poetry, at least to the one being scolded,but it seems that the wordscold has a poetic background. It is probable thatscold, which is first recorded in Middle English in a work probably composed around 1150, has a Scandinavian source that is related to the Old Icelandic wordskāld, "poet.” Middle Englishscolde may in fact mean "a minstrel,” but of that we are not sure.However, its Middle English meanings, "a ribald, abusive person" and "a shrewish, chiding woman,”may be related toskāld, as shown by the senses of some of the Old Icelandic words derived fromskāld. Old Icelandicskāldskapr, for example, meant "poetry" in a good sense but also "a libel in verse,” whileskāld-stöng meant "a pole with imprecations or charms scratched on it.” It would seem that libelous, cursing verse was a noted part of at least some poets' productions and that this association with poets passed firmly along with the Scandinavian borrowing into English.骂人者不是诗人,谩骂不是诗,至少对被骂的人来说是这样的,但是scold 这个词似乎有着诗的背景。 Scold 这个词在中世纪英语中第一次被记录在一部大约于1150年创作的作品中,它有可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语, 与skald 这个在冰岛古语中表示“诗人”的词有关。 中世纪英语中的scolde 实际上可能意为“吟游诗人”, 但对此没有肯定说法。然而,它在中世纪英语中的意思是“说脏话、辱骂人的人”和“悍泼的、好骂人的女人”,可能与skald 有关, 如一些起源于skald 的冰岛古词语的意思显示的那样。 例如,古冰岛语中的skaldskapr 其褒义为“诗”,但也有“诽谤性的诗”的意思, 而skald-stong 意思是“刻有诅咒或符咒的杆子”。 看来,诽谤、辱骂性的诗歌至少是一些诗人作品突出的部分并与诗人这种联系稳步地随斯堪的纳维亚语被借入英语中〔tin〕The history of the wordtin may take us back to a time before Europe had been settled by speakers of Indo-European languages, such as the Germanic and Celtic languages. Related words for this metal are found in almost all Germanic languages,such as GermanZinn, Swedish tenn, and Old English tin (as in Modern English), but no other Indo-European language family has such a word.The word may have been borrowed into the Germanic languages from a pre-Indo-European language of Western Europe.Such borrowing is supported by the factthat during the Bronze Age the Near East imported most of its tin and copper from Europe, where the metals were produced and metal objects were manufactured.Lest we be too amazed by this accomplishment,we might remember another remarkable achievement of pre-Indo-European society, the construction of huge megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge.单词tin 的历史可以把我们带回讲印欧语系语言(如日耳曼和凯尔特语)的民族在欧洲定居以前的那个时代。 在几乎所有的日耳曼语言中都可以找到指称这种金属的相关词,如德语中的zinn ,瑞典语中的 tenn 以及古代英语中的 tin (与现代英语一样), 但是其它印欧语系语言中都没有这样的一个词。这个词可能是从西欧的前印欧语系语言借入日耳曼语的。这种转借是有据可依的,因为在青铜时代近东地区的大多数锡和铜都是从生产金属和金属器具的欧洲输入的。我们可能对当时欧洲的这种成就感到惊异,但是如果我们想到前印欧语系社会的另一个杰出成就——大型巨石纪念碑,如巨石阵的建造,我们就不会感到那么奇怪了〔scoot〕Scoot comes from a Scandinavian verb related to the verb shoot and, borrowed into Scots dialect, originally meant "to squirt with water.” Two derived senses, both intransitive verbs, have become even more common:"to slide suddenly across a surface" and "to move quickly": The mouse scooted across the floor. In the American Midlands, there is a phrasal verbscoot over, meaning, in its transitive sense, "to push (someone or something) to the side to make room.”Scoot 源于斯堪的纳维亚语的一个与动词 Shoot 有关的动词,被借入到苏格兰方言中,最初意为“用水喷”。 它的二个都为不及物动词的引申意甚至变得更为常见: “突然滑过表面”和“快速移动”: 老鼠突然窜过地板。 在美国中部地区,有一动词词组scoot over , 它作及物动词时意为“把(人或物)挪开以让路”〔ennui〕Were they alive today, users of Classical Latin might be surprised to find that centuries later a phrase of theirs would still survive,although in the form of a single word.The phrasemihi in odiō est (literally translated as "to me in a condition of dislike or hatred is"), meaning "I hate or dislike,” gave rise to the Vulgar Latin verb.inodiāre, "to make odious,” the source of Modern Frenchennuyer, "to annoy, bore.” In the Old French period a noun meaning "worry, boredom,” came from the verbennuier. This noun in its Modern French formennui was borrowed into English in the sense "boredom,” the English word being first recorded in 1732.People may have needed a word for boredom in the polite, cultivated world of the 18th century,but at an earlier period, around 1275,we had already borrowed the French verbennuier, the source of our word annoy. One of the earliest instances ofannoy in English is, in fact, used in the sense "to bore an audience.” 要是古拉丁文的使用者们今天还活着的话,他们很可能会吃惊地发现数世纪之后他们所用的一个短语依然在使用中,尽管采用了单个词的形式。短语mihi in odioest (按字面可翻译成“在不喜欢或憎恨情形下对我而言的是”), 意思是“我恨或讨厌”生成了俗拉丁语动词inodiare, “使可憎”, 其又为现代法语ennuyer “使苦恼,使烦恼”的词源。 在古法语时期,一个意思是“焦虑、厌倦”的名词来源于动词ennuier 。 该名词的现代法语形式ennui 被引入英语中,意指“厌倦”, 该英语词于1732年被首次记载,在18世纪的讲究礼节、有修养的社会里人们很可能需要一个词来表达厌倦之意,但在更早的时期,大约在1275年,我们已经借入法语动词ennuier, 作为我们的单词 annoy 的来源。 annoy 在英语中最早的例子之一是它实际上是在“使观众厌倦”的意义上使用的 〔fellow〕A jolly good fellow might or might not be the ideal business associate,but the ancestor of our wordfellow definitely referred to a business partner. Fellow, borrowed into English from Old Norse,is related to the Old Icelandic wordfēlagi, meaning "a partner or shareholder of any kind.”Old Icelandicfēlagi is derived from fēlag, "partnership,” a compound made up offē, "livestock, property, money,” and lag, "a laying in order" and "fellowship.” The notion of putting one's property together lies behind the senses offēlagi meaning "partner" and "consort.”In Old Icelandicfēlagi also had the general sense "fellow, mate, comrade,” whichfellow has as well, indicating perhaps that most partnerships turned out all right for speakers of Old Icelandic.极好的伙伴可能是但也可能不是理想的商业伙伴,但fellow 这个词的前身确实是指商业伙伴。 Fellow 从古挪威语中借入英语,与古冰岛词felagi 有关, 意思是“任何一种形式的伙伴或股东”。古冰岛的felagi 源于 felag, “伙伴关系,” 一个由fe “家畜,财产,钱,”和 lag, “整齐的布置”和“伙伴关系” 组成的合成词。 将某人的财产放在一起的概念隐藏在felagi 的意义中, 意思是“伙伴”和“同事”。在古冰岛语中felagi 也有概括的含义“伙伴,同事,同志”, 这些意思fellow 也有, 暗示着也许大多数同伴关系对讲古冰岛语的人来说结果都不错〔wanigan〕Wanigan is apparently borrowed from Ojibwa waanikaan, "storage pit,” from the verbwaanikkee-, "to dig a hole in the ground.” Nineteenth-century citations in theOxford English Dictionary indicate that the word was then associated chiefly with the speech of Maine. It denoted a storage chest containing small supplies for a lumber camp,a boat outfitted to carry such supplies,or, as in Algonquian, the camp equipment and provisions.In Alaska, on the western edge of the vast territory inhabited by Algonquian-speaking tribes,the same word was borrowed into English to indicate a little temporary hut, usually built on a log raft to be towed to wherever men were working. According to Russell Tabbert of the University of Alaska,wanigan is still used in the northernmost regions of Alaska to mean "a small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids" to be dragged along behind a tractor train as a place for a work crew to eat and sleep. However, Tabbert notes that in southeast Alaska, where mobile homes are a common option for housing,wanigan now means an addition built onto a trailer house for extra living or storage space. Classified advertisements for trailer homes frequently mentionwanigans. Wanigan 很显然是从奥吉布瓦语 waanikdan 而来, “储物处”从动词waanikkee (意为“在地上挖洞”)而来。 牛津英语词典 里的19世纪的引文表明,该词当时主要与缅因语相连。 它指示供应木料营地用的贮物箱,载有供应品的小船,或如在阿尔贡金语中所指的宿营装备或供应品。在阿拉斯加讲阿尔贡金语部族居住的广大土地西端,该词被借入到英语中,表示一个通常是建在木筏上的临时性小屋,每当人们搬迁的时候就将其拽走。根据阿拉斯加大学的拉塞尔·泰伯特所言,wanigan 仍然用于阿拉斯加最北部地区,意为用牵引车牵引着的供一工作组食宿的“建于轮子上的小房子、工房或工棚”。 但是泰伯特指出,在阿拉斯加东南部常选择活动房作为住所,wanigan 现在的意思是供额外居住或贮存用的一个活动房屋的附加物。 关于活动房屋的分类广告经常提到wanigans 〔borrow〕To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent.借入:在承诺式默认归还本身或其等价物的基础上以借贷方式取得或接受(某物)〔capitalize〕To include (expenditures) in business accounts as assets instead of expenses.把开支借入资产帐户:将营业中的(花销)在帐上记作资产而非花费〔shyster〕The origin ofshyster was not known for certain until recently. According to one etymology,shyster comes from the surname of one Scheuster, a disreputable and almost certainly nonexistent mid-19th-century attorney.In his bookHuman Words, a collection of words formed from the names of people, Robert Hendrickson says that Dr. Henry Bosley Woolf and others "list the New York advocate as a possible source.”But the actual etymology, according to Gerald L. Cohen, a student of the word,is less flattering.According to this etymology,the word is derived from the German termscheisser, meaning literally "one who defecates,”from the verbscheissen, "to defecate,” with the English suffix-ster, "one who does,” substituted for the German suffix -er, meaning the same thing. Sheisser, which is chiefly a pejorative term, is the German equivalent of our English termsbastard and son of a bitch. Sheisser is generally thought to have been borrowed directly into English as the word shicer, which, among other things, is an Australian English term for an unproductive mine or claim,a sense that is also recorded for the wordshyster. shyster 一词的来源直到最近才能较确切地弄清楚。 根据词源,shyster 来自一个叫 Scheuster 的人的姓, 他是一位声名狼籍而且很可能并不存在的19世纪中期的律师。罗伯特·亨德里克森在他的人类词汇 (一本由人名组成的词汇集)一书中说, 亨利·博斯利·任尔夫博士和其他的人“将纽约的鼓吹者列为一种可能的出处”。但是据加兰德·L·科恩——一位研究词汇的学生看来,这个词的真正词源更令人不快。根据这种词源,这个词来自德语Scheisser, 字面意义为“大便的人”,是从动词scheissen “排泄”而来, 用一英语词缀-ster (做…的人)代替了表相同意义的德语词缀 -er 。 Sheisser 主要用作贬蔑语, 在德语中相当于我们英语中bastard 及 son of a bitch。 Sheisser一般被认为是直接借入英语作为 Schicer 一词, 在澳式英语中指不再产出的矿山或没有结果的要求,这一意义也被记录在Shyster 这个词中 〔trek〕Fans ofStar Trek and others may be interested to know that the wordtrek originally had to do with a slow journey by a very different mode of transportation, a wagon drawn by oxen. Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa, where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon.The British, who at the turn of the century were to seize control of South Africa from the descendants of the original Dutch settlers,borrowed the wordtrek during the 19th century. Trek is recorded earliest in 1822 in the compound trektow, "a rope joining the wagon pole and the yoke to which oxen were fastened.”Trek in this compound is either the noun or the stem of the corresponding verb in Afrikaans, trekken. The earliest recorded use of the noun by itself is found in 1849,where it means "a stage in a journey by ox wagon.”The word has long since migrated from South African into general English—and into space travel.电影星际旅行 的影迷们和其他人可能很有趣知道: trek 这个词原来与一种非常与众不同的运输方式,即用牛拉马车所进行的一种很慢的旅行有关。 Trek 这个词在南非被借入英语, 在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。英国人在19世纪和20世纪之交从荷兰拓居者的后裔那里夺取了对南非的控制权,他们在19世纪借用了trek 这个词。 Trek 的最早记录在1822年出现于复合词 trektow 中, 其意指“连接车辕和系牛车轭的绳子”。Trek 在这个复合词中既作名词又作为其在南非荷兰语的对应动词 trekken 的词干。 这个词最早作为名词使用的记载是在1849年,那时这个词的意思是“一段用牛车进行的旅程”。这个词很早就从南非迁移到了一般的英语中,并且进入了星际旅行之中〔pretzel〕It is probably well known or widely assumed thatpretzel is a German word, since the food seems traditionally German, but the word ultimately has a Latin origin.The German wordBrezel or Pretzel, which was borrowed into English (first being recorded in American English in a newspaper of March 1856) goes back to the assumed Medieval Latin word brāchitellum. This would accord with the storythat a monk living in France or northern Italy first created the knotted shape of a pretzel,even though this type of biscuit had been enjoyed by the Romans.The monk wanted to symbolize arms folded in a prayer,hence the name derived from Latinbracchiātus, "having branches,” itself frombracchium, "branch, arm.” 可能象大家所熟知的或认定的那样,因为这种食品好象是德国的传统食品,所以大家认为pretzel 是个德语词, 但实际上这个词源于拉丁语。德语词Brezel 或 Pretzel 被借入英语(首次以美式英语记录于1856年3月的新闻报刊)可追溯到中世纪的拉丁词 brachitellum 。 这可能是与这个故事是一致的:一位住在法国或意大利北部的修士首创了这种节状的椒盐饼,尽管这种饼干很受罗马人的欢迎。那位修士想要象征祈祷者交叠的手臂,因此这个名字来源于拉丁语bracchiatus, 意为“有枝干的,” 该词本身又是由bracchium “枝干,手臂”演变而来的 〔dope〕Before it came to mean "a narcotic or narcotics considered as a group,”dope was borrowed into English from the Dutch word doop, "sauce.” Throughout the 19th century it meant "gravy.”In the lower northern United States,from Pennsylvania westward to Missouri, dope still means "a sauce of sorts";it is now the term for a topping for ice cream,such as syrup or a chocolate or fruit sauce.In the South, on the other hand,dope means "a cola-flavored soft drink.” The term might be related to the northern usage as a reference to the sweet syrup base of a cola drink.However, folk wisdom has it thatdope recalls the inclusion of minute amounts of cocaine in the original Atlanta recipe for Coca-Cola, which was named after this exotic ingredient.Dope 是从荷兰语 doop 借入英语的,后来才用来指“麻醉剂的总称”。 整个19世纪该词的含义为“肉汁,肉卤”。在美国北部低地地区,从宾夕法尼亚州向西一直到密苏里州, dope 一词仍然指“一种调味汁”;现在用来指冰激凌的浇料,如糖浆、巧克力或果汁。另一方面,在南方dope 一词指“味道象可乐的软饮”。 这种用法可能与北方用来指糖浆做成的可乐饮料这种用法有关。然而,民间的说法是dope 令人想起原亚特兰大处方中的可口可乐包括的少量古苛硷, 可口可乐就是得名于这种产于外国的成分〔lingo〕A look at the entry in the Indo-European roots entry fordöghū- will show that the wordstongue, language, and lingo are related, all going back to the Indo-European rootdöghū-, "tongue.” The relationship betweenlanguage and lingo is not particularly surprising given their related meanings and common root, but one might be curious as to the routes by which these two words came into English.Language, as did so many of our important borrowings from Latin, passed through French into English during the Middle Ages, the forms involved being Latinlingua, "language,” its descendant, Old French langue, and its derivative, langage. Lingo, on the other hand, entered English after the end of the Middle Ages when Europe had opened itself to the larger world. We have probably borrowedlingo from lingoa, a Portuguese descendant of Latin lingua. The Portuguese were great traders before the English were,and it is not unlikely that the sense "foreign language" was strengthened as the Portuguese traveled around the world.Interestingly enough,the first recorded instance oflingo in English is in the New World (1660) in a reference to the "Dutch lingo.” The development in sense to "unintelligible language" and "specialized language" is an obvious one.当我们看到印欧语系词根条目dnghu- 时, 我们就可以看出tongue,language 和 lingo 之间的联系, 它们都拥有共同的印欧语系词根dnghu- “舌头”。 当我们知道language 和 lingo 拥有共同的词根并且在意思上有关联时,我们就不会惊异于他们之间的联系, 但我们可能会对这两个词是通过何种方式进入英语的感到很好奇。和许多重要的从拉丁语借来的词一样,language 是在中世纪时通过法语传入英语的, 变换的形式为拉丁语的lingua “语言”、它的变体,古法语中的 langue 和它的派生词 langage。 另一方面,Lingo是在欧洲向一个更广阔的世界开放自己的时候即在中世纪结束后期进入英语的。 我们可能从拉丁文lingua 的葡萄牙语变体 lingoa 借入了 lingo 。 葡萄牙人是英国人之前的大商人,当他们在周游世界的同时,很可能那种“外语”的意义得到了加强。很有趣的是,最先出现在英语中的lingo 新大陆(1660年)一书中用来指“荷兰语”。 所以变成“难懂的话”和“行话”的意思的发展过程是很明显的




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