单词 | 倔强 |
释义 | 〔intractable〕Difficult to manage or govern; stubborn.See Synonyms at unruly 难驾驭的:难以管理或统治的;倔强的 参见 unruly〔stubborn〕Unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bullheaded.顽固的:不合情理的,常指执拗的;倔强的〔ostinato〕from Latin obstinātus [stubborn] [past participle of] obstināre [to persist] * see obstinate 源自 拉丁语 obstinātus [倔强的] obstināre的过去分词 [坚持不懈] * 参见 obstinate〔perverse〕Obstinately persisting in an error or a fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn.执拗的,刚愎的:顽固地坚持错误和过失的;错误地自以为是的或倔强的〔wayward〕short for awaiward [turned away, perverse] awaiward的简写 [被挡开的,倔强的] 〔obstinacy〕The act or an instance of being stubborn or refractory.顽固或倔强的行为或例子〔unruly〕"Fox, as the less proud and intractable of the refractory pair, was preferred" (Macaulay).“福克斯是这两个脾气倔强人中较少傲气和较为容易控制的一个,因此被看中了” (麦考利)。〔contrary〕"a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward" (Charlotte Brontë).One who isornery is marked by a mean-spirited, often defiant contrariety: “一个活泼的孩子,因为被娇宠溺爱而有时任性倔强” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。用Ornery 来形容人时具有心胸狭窄,又常常违抗不服的互相矛盾的特征: 〔contumacious〕Obstinately disobedient or rebellious; insubordinate.倔强的:拒不服从的或反抗的;桀傲不驯的〔obduracy〕The state or quality of being intractable or hardened.顽固不化:执拗,倔强的状态或品性〔unruly〕"a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward" (Charlotte Brontë).“原本是一个活泼可爱的小孩,可因为被宠惯了,所以有时也会刚愎自用,任性倔强” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)〔stickler〕One who insists on something unyieldingly:倔强的人:毫不屈服地坚持某事的人:〔hard〕Resistant to persuasion or appeal; obdurate.倔强的,冷酷无情的:对信念或呼吁进行抵抗的;冷酷无情的〔stiff〕Firm, as in purpose; resolute.倔强的:目标坚定的;坚决的〔obstinacy〕The state or quality of being stubborn or refractory.顽固,倔强:顽固、固执或倔强的状态或性质〔inscape〕"Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth. That stubborn spot has become an image of the agony of human life and death"(Madison Bell)“这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。那倔强的一面已成为人类生命与死亡痛苦的形象”(麦迪逊·贝尔)〔obstinate〕Difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory.难于控制的:难于管理、控制或压制的;顽皮的;倔强的〔glum〕Dour especially suggests grimness or humorlessnessand sometimes an obstinate nature: Dour 尤指严肃或毫无幽默感,有时指倔强呆板的性质: 〔unruly〕His headstrong daughter is destined to learn from her own mistakes. One who iswayward willfully and often perversely departs from what is desired, advised, expected, or required in order to gratify his or her own impulses or inclinations: 他任性倔强的女儿总有一天会从她自己的错误中吸取教训。 一个wayward 的人固执地并且经常是带有逆反心理地背离人们的希望、建议、期望或要求他所做的事情从而来满足他或她自己的冲动或愿望: 〔steady〕Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stubbornness.她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。 |
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