单词 | 修辞 |
释义 | 〔clause〕from Medieval Latin clausa [close of a rhetorical period] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 clausa [一段修辞部分的结束] 〔antithesis〕A figure of speech in which sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or parallel phrase or grammatical structure, as in对偶:一种将强烈对立的想法并列于稳定、对等的短语或语法结构中的修辞方法,如在:〔catachresis〕Strained use of a word or phrase, as for rhetorical effect.牵强附会:字或短语的牵强使用,如为求修辞效果〔irony〕A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.See Synonyms at wit 1反语:一种文学风格,使用这类对比以达到幽默或修辞的效果 参见 wit1〔rhetoric〕The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.修辞:有效地或有说服力地运用语言的艺术或研究〔rhetoric〕The wordrhetoric was once primarily the name of an important branch of philosophy and an art deserving of serious study. In recent yearsthe word has come to be used chiefly in a pejorative senseto refer to inflated language and pomposity.Deprecation of the term may result from a modern linguistic puritanism,which holds that language used in legitimate persuasion should be plainand free of artifice—itself a tendentious rhetorical doctrine,though not often recognized as such.But many writers still prefer to bear in mind the traditional meanings of the word.Thus, according to the newer use of the term,the phraseempty rhetoric, as in The politicians talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric, might be construed as redundant. But in fact only 35 percent of the Usage Panel judged this example to be redundant.Presumably, it can be maintained that rhetoric can be other than empty.单词rhetoric 曾主要是哲学的一个重要分支的和一种值得严肃研究的艺术的名称。 近年来,这个词已开始主要用于贬义,指夸大的语言和虚夸。这个词的改变可能源于一种现代语言的刻板做法,认为用于正当劝说中的语言应是朴素,没有人工雕饰的——它自身便是一种宣传性的修辞教条,虽然未常常被如此认为。但许多作家仍愿意记住这个词的传统含义。这样,根据这个词较新的含义,在The politician talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric 中,短语 empty rhetoric 可能被分析为多余的。 但事实上,用法委员会成员中只有百分之三十五的人认为在这个例子中是多余的。大概该词除了空的以外还有其他的意思吧〔slang〕A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect.俚语:主要出现在非正式的、游戏性的话语中的一种语言,基本由存在时间很短的派生词和修辞构成,它们被故意地用来取代标准的词语以达到生动、幽默、无礼或其它效果〔oratory〕Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric.演说:以滥用修辞为特征的演说〔holocaust〕Just 11 percent approved the use ofholocaust to summarize the effects of the AIDS epidemic. This suggests that other figurative usagessuch asthe huge losses in the Savings and Loan holocaust may be viewed as overblown or in poor taste. 只有百分之十一的成员同意用holocaust 来表示爱滋病流行带来的灾难。 这表明其他修辞性用法,如在在存款和贷款灾难中的巨大损失 中可能会被认为夸张或没品味 〔metonymy〕A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use ofWashington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. 换喻,转喻:一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿 代替 美政府 或用 剑 代替 军事力量 〔device〕A literary contrivance, such as parallelism or personification, used to achieve a particular effect.拟人:文学上的一种修辞方法,如比拟或似人法,用以达到某种特别的效果〔hyperbaton〕A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect.倒置法:一种象倒装法或逆序法的修辞方法,使用与正常或逻辑的语序相偏离的方法,从而产生一种效果〔period〕from Latin perihodos [rhetorical period] 源自 拉丁语 perihodos [修辞部分] 〔ornate〕"ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato" (John Milton).Somethingflorid is both ornate and flowery: “浮华的修辞不符合伯拉图规则” (约翰·弥尔顿)。一些事物florid 是指夸张且华美: 〔and〕It is frequently asserted that sentences beginning withand or but express "incomplete thoughts" and are therefore incorrect. But this rule was ridiculed by grammarians like Wilson Follett (who ascribed it to "schoolmarmish rhetoric") and H.W. Fowler (who called it a "superstition"),and the stricture has been ignored by writers from Shakespeare to Virginia Woolf.Members of the Usage Panel were asked whether they paid attention to the rule in their own writing:24 percent answered "always or usually,” 36 percent answered "sometimes,” and 40 percent answered "rarely or never.”See Usage Note at both ,but ,try ,with 通常认为用and 或 but 开始的句子表达“不完整的思想”,因而是不正确的。 但这条规则被一些语法学家所嘲弄,如威尔逊·弗莱特(称之为“古板的修辞”),和H·W福勒(称之为“迷信”),从莎士比亚到弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫之间的作家都忽视了这条规定。当用法专题小组的成员被问到在他们的自己写作中是否也注意到这条规则时:24%的人回答“一直是这样或一般是这样”,36%的人回答“有时这样”,40%的人回答“很少或从来没有” 参见 both,but,try,with〔anacoluthon〕An abrupt change within a sentence to a second construction inconsistent with the first, sometimes used for rhetorical effect; for example,I warned him that if he continues to drink, what will become of him? 改变说法;错格:句子中与第一个语法结构不一致的突然出现的第二个结构,有时用于修辞效果;例如,我警告过他,如果他继续喝酒的话将会有什么下场呢? 〔period〕Perhaps more than once one may have wonderedwhy the wordperiod has the sense "punctuation mark ( . )” as well as some of its other senses having to do with time.The answer to this question lies in the senses of the Greek wordperiodos from which our word is descended. Periodos, made up of peri-, "around,” and hodos, "way,” meant such things as "going round, way round, going round in a circle, circuit,”and with regard to time "cycle or period of time.”The word also meant "the period of menstruation.”In rhetoric it referred to "a group of words organically related in grammar and sense.”The Greek word was adopted into Latin asperihodos with only its rhetorical sense and one other sense,but in Medieval Latin it reacquired senses it had in Greek,such as "cycle,” and acquired a new sense,"a punctuation mark used at the end of a rhetorical period.”Although this sense is recorded in Medieval Latin,it is not recorded in English until 1609.But the wordperiod had entered Middle English from Medieval Latin and Old French, first being recorded in a work written around 1425in the sense "a cycle of recurrence of a disease.”或许任何人都会不止一次的发出疑问,为什么period 有“标点符号(。)”的意思, 同时其它意思与时间有关。此问的答案来自我们的单词源自的希腊语单词periodos 的意思。 Periodos ,由意为“周围”的 peri- 和意为“方式”的 hodos 组成, 该词意味着“围绕…走,围绕…的路,转圈走,围绕,”同时也指时间,意为“一段时间或时间周期”。此词也意为“经期”。在修辞学中指“一组在语法和词意上有机相连的词。”这个希腊词作为perihodos 被拉丁文所采用, 仅带有修辞和一个其他的意思,但在中世纪拉丁语中它重新得到了它在希腊语中的意思,例如“周期”,后来又得到一个新的意思,即“用于修辞部分末尾的标点符号”。尽管此意在中世纪拉丁语中有记载,但直到1609年才在英语中有记载。而period 从中世纪拉丁文和古法语中进入中世纪英语, 并首次记载于约1425年所著的作品中,意为“疾病发作的周期”〔rhetoric〕from Greek rhētorikē (tekhnē) [rhetorical (art)] [feminine of] rhētorikos [rhetorical] 源自 希腊语 rhētorikē (tekhnē) [修辞(艺术)] rhētorikos的阴性词 [修饰上的,口头上的] 〔anadiplosis〕Rhetorical repetition at the beginning of a phrase of the word or words with which the previous phrase ended; for example,He is a man of loyalty—loyalty always firm. 联珠法,前词递接法:一种修辞方法,连续两个短句中,后一句句首修饰性地重复前一句句尾某个词或词组;例如,他为人忠诚-忠诚不移 〔abstain〕abstain from traditional political rhetoric.See Synonyms at refrain 1避开不用传统的政治修辞 参见 refrain1〔understate〕To express with restraint or lack of emphasis, especially ironically or for rhetorical effect.轻描淡写地陈述:带限制地或缺乏重点地表达,尤指讽刺性地或为修辞作用〔understatement〕Restraint or lack of emphasis in expression, as for rhetorical effect.轻描淡写的陈述:在表达上受限制或缺乏强调,如为了修辞作用〔climax〕A series of statements or ideas in an ascending order of rhetorical force or intensity.层进法:在不断增强的修辞力度或强度中使用的一系列陈述和方法〔rhetorical〕Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric.辞藻华丽的:以繁锁的或浮夸的修辞风格为特征的〔polysyndeton〕The repetition of conjunctions in close succession for rhetorical effect, as in the phrasehere and there and everywhere. 连词叠用:连词紧密地连续重复,以达到修辞的效果,如在here and there and everywhere(这儿和那儿和每一个地方) 这一短语中 〔diction〕from Latin dictiō dictiōn- [rhetorical delivery] 源自 拉丁语 dictiō dictiōn- [修辞,传递] 〔very〕In general usagevery is not used alone to modify a past participle. Thus we may say of a book, for example, that it has beenvery much praised, very much criticized, very much applauded, or whatever, but not that it has beenvery praised, very criticized, or very applauded. However, many past participle forms do double duty as adjectives,in which case modification by a barevery, or by analogous adverbs such as quite, is acceptable: there can be no objection to phrases such asa very creased handkerchief, a very celebrated singer, or a very polished performance. In some cases there is disagreement as to whether a particular participle can be used properly as an adjective:over the years objections have been raised as to the use ofvery by itself with delighted, interested, annoyed, pleased, disappointed, and irritated. All these words are now well established as adjectives,as indicated by the fact that they can be used attributively ( 在一般用法中very 不是仅用来修辞过去分词。 因此我们可说,例如一本书是very much praised, very much criticized, very much applauded(深受推崇的,深受批评的,深受赞扬的) 或者任意什么, 但是不说它被very praised, very criticized(很推崇的,深受批评的) 或 very applauded(深受赞扬)。 然而,许多过去分词有形容词的双重功能,只用very 或者类似的副词比如 quite 来进行格的修饰是可以接受的: 对于一些词组例如a very creased handkerchief, a very celebrated singer(特别皱的手帕,很知名的歌手) 或者 a very polished performance(优美的演出) 不会有异议。 有时对于是否能用一个特定的分词来做形容词的问题有些分歧:许多年来对于把very 与 delighted, interested, annoyed, pleased, disappointed(高兴 的,有兴趣的,生气的,高兴的,失望的) 和 irritated(发怒的) 在一起连用有些异议。 现在这些词都已被确定下来当作形容词使用,这已被它们可以当作定语的事实证明( 〔synecdoche〕A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (ashand for sailor ), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer ), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin ), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket ), or the material for the thing from which it is made (as steel for sword ). 举隅法,提喻法:一种修辞方法,以局部代表整体(如用手 代表 水手 ),以整体代表局部(如用 法律 代表 警官 ),以特殊代表一般(如用 直柄剃刀 代表 杀人者 ),以一般代表特殊(如用 贼 代表 扒手 ),或用原材料代表用该材料制造的东西(如用 钢 代表 剑 ) 〔aporia〕A figure of speech in which the speaker expresses or purports to be in doubt about a question.窘迫,困惑:修辞方法,说话者表示或表明对问题存有疑问 |
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