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单词 俄语
释义 〔perestroika〕Russian perestroĭka 俄语 perestroĭka 〔Slavic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Bulgarian, Belorussian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian, and Wendish.斯拉夫语:印欧语系的一支,包括保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、捷克语、马其顿语、波兰语、俄语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、乌克兰语和文德语〔cosmonaut〕Russian kosmonaut 俄语 kosmonaut 〔Menshevik〕Russian men'shevik 俄语 men'shevik 〔starets〕Russian [elder, starets] 俄语 [年长者,长老] 〔dacha〕Russian [gift, land, country house] * see dō- 俄语 [礼物、田产、乡村房屋] * 参见 dō- 〔kolinsky〕Russian kolinskiĭ [of Kola] 俄语 亚洲鼬 [科拉半岛] 〔glasnost〕Russian glasnost' [public information, publicity] 俄语 glasnost' [公众信息,宣传材料] 〔czarevitch〕Russian tsarevich 俄语 tsarevich 〔Uniat〕Russian uniyat 俄语 uniyat 〔kvass〕Russian kvas 俄语 kvas 〔pika〕perhaps from Russian pikat' [to squeak] 可能源自 俄语 pikat' [吱吱叫,发出短而尖的喊声] 〔kopeck〕Russian kopeĭka 俄语 kopeĭka 〔gulag〕Russian Gulag 俄语 Gulag 〔collegium〕Russian kollegiya 俄语 kollegiya 〔mir〕Russian [commune, peace] 俄语 [公社,和平] 〔ruthenium〕from Russian Rusin 源自 俄语 Rusin 〔yurt〕Russian yurta 俄语 yurta 〔kumiss〕Russian kumys 俄语 kumys 〔Ukrainian〕The Slavic language of the Ukrainians, which is closely related to Russian.乌克兰语:乌克兰人的斯拉夫语,和俄语有着紧密的联系〔oblast〕Russian oblast' 俄语 oblast' 〔sack〕The wordsack may seem an odd candidate for preserving a few thousand years of history, but this word for an ordinary thing probably goes back to Middle Eastern antiquity.Sack owes its long history to the fact that it and its ancestors denoted an object that was used in trade between peoples. Thus the Greeks got their wordsakkos, "a bag made out of coarse cloth or hair,” from the Phoenicians with whom they traded. We do not know the Phoenician word,but we know words that are akin to it,such as Hebrewsaq and Akkadian saqqu. The Greeks then passed the sack, as it were, to the Latin-speaking Romans, who transmitted their wordsaccus, "a large bag or sack,” to the Germanic tribes with whom they traded, who gave it the form .sakkiz (other peoples as well have taken this word from Greek or Latin, including speakers of Welsh, Russian, Polish, and Albanian).The speakers of Old English, a Germanic language, used two forms of the word,sæc, from .sakkiz, and sacc, directly from Latin; the second Old English form is the ancestor of oursack. sack 这个词具有几百年的历史看起来可能很奇怪, 但这个词用来指一件普通的物品大概可追溯到古代中东。Sack 的长久历史归功于它和它的前身,即指用于人们之间贸易的一个物品。 因此希腊人从与他们做买卖的腓尼基人处得到sakkos 这个词,指“用粗布或毛发制成的袋子”。 我们不懂腓尼基语指什么,但知道一些与它相关的词,如希伯莱语中的Saq 和阿卡德语中的 Saqqu。 希腊人于是又把这个词传到说拉丁语的罗马人中,罗马人把他们的词saccus (“大袋子,大麻袋”)传给与他们做贸易的日耳曼人部落,他们用 Sakkiz 这种形式 (其他民族也从希腊语或拉丁语中得到这个词,其中包括说威尔士语、俄语、波兰语和阿尔巴尼亚语的人们)。讲古英语(一种日耳曼语言)的人用这个词的两种形式:源自sakkiz 的 sæc 和源自拉丁语的 sacc ; 这第二种古英语的形式是我们现在的sack 的前身 〔bistro〕According to a popular story,bistro came into existence as a French word when Russian soldiers entered Parisian restaurants and cafés after the fall of Napoleon in 1815 shouting "bystro, bystro,” Russian for "quickly, quickly.” Bistros seem to have been named not for this desire for quick servicebut possibly for a commodity to be found in at least some of them,since the French wordbistro may be related to the word bistouille, "raw spirits, rotgut.” Another possibility is that the wordbistro comes from the dialectal word bistraud, "young cowherd.” In Standard French the term may have come to mean "wine merchant's helper" and then "an establishment selling wine.”Although the French wordbistro is first recorded in 1884, evidence for the English wordbistro is not found until the early 1920's. 根据传说,bistro 原是一个法国词而产生的,当1815年拿破仑失败后俄国士兵进入巴黎饭馆和咖啡店,就叫嚷着 "bistro,bistro,” 俄语的意思为“快点,快点”。 “酒馆”似乎是因这种要求快速服务的愿望而得名,但可能是源于在酒馆中至少可以找到的一种商品,因为法国词bistro 可能与另一个意为“生酒,劣等烧酒”的词 bistouille 有关。 另一种可能是bistro 一词来自方言 bistrand, 意为“年轻的放牛娃”。 在标准法语中该词可能指“酒商的助手”,后来指“卖酒的企业。”虽然法语bistro 一词在1884年最先有记载, 但英语bistro 一词直到19世纪20年代初期才有出现的迹象 〔vodka〕Russian [diminutive of] voda [water] * see wed- 1俄语 voda的小后缀 [水] * 参见 wed- 1〔Samoyed〕Obsolete Russian samoyed samo- [self] * see samovar -ed [eater] * see ed- 已废俄语 samoyed samo- [自我] * 参见 samovar -ed [食者] * 参见 ed- 〔pogrom〕Russian [outrage, havoc] 俄语 [侮辱,惨祸] 〔pirozhki〕Russian [pl. of] pirozhok [diminutive of] pirog [pirog] * see pirog 俄语 pirozhok的复数 pirog的小后缀 [(俄式)馅饼] * 参见 pirog〔verst〕both from Russian versta * see wer- 2都源自 俄语 versta * 参见 wer- 2〔Kazakh〕Russian kazakh 俄语 kazakh 〔shashlik〕Russian shashlyk 俄语 shashlyk 〔bridge〕from Russian birich [a call] 源自 俄语 birich [叫牌] 〔czarevna〕Russian tsarevna 俄语 tsarevna 〔commissar〕Russian komissar 俄语 komissar 〔Cossack〕Russian kazak 俄语 kazak 〔Bolshevik〕Russian Bol'shevik 俄语 Bol'shevik 〔mammoth〕The mammoth was introduced to the English-speaking world after mammoth skeletons were discovered in Siberia,so it is no surprise that this creature's name is taken from Russian,even though the animal roamed over Eurasia and North America.The Russian word, nowmamant' but formerlymamot as well, was borrowed into English in variant spellings.It was first recorded in 1706in the formMammuth, but in 1763 we find the formmammon. It is said that the Russian word is a borrowing of an Ostyak word (the Ostyak people live in western Siberia),but this has not been proved.猛犸这个词是在西伯利亚发现猛犸骨骼之后才引入英语的,所以这种动物的名称起源于俄语也就不足为奇了,尽管这种动物曾在欧亚大陆和北美到处游荡。俄语中的这个词,现在是mamant' , 但以前为mamot , 被引入英文时出现了不同的拼写方法。最早的记载是1706年,其形式是Mammuth, 但在1763年,其形式就变成了mammon。 据说俄语这个词也是源于一个奥斯加克语中一个词(奥斯加克人居住于西伯利亚西部),但这种说法还没有得到证实〔czar〕Russian tsar' 俄语 tsar' 〔czar〕The wordczar can also be spelled tsar. Czar is the most common form in American usageand virtually the only one employed in the extended senses "any tyrant" or informally, "one in authority.”Buttsar is preferred by most scholars of Slavic studies as a more accurate transliteration of the Russian and is often found in scholarly writing with reference to one of the Russian emperors.单词czar 也能拼写为 tsar。 Czar 是最普遍的美国用法,并且实际上是唯一引申为“任何独裁者”或者非正式指“当权者”的词语。但是tsar 是大多数斯拉夫语研究学者更多地用作俄语的更加正确的翻译, 并且经常在学术文章中指其中的一位沙皇〔czarina〕of Russian tsaritsa 俄语 tsaritsa的变化 〔Dukhobor〕Russian Dukhobor 俄语 Dukhobor




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