单词 | 供应品 |
释义 | 〔out〕The supplies have run out.供应品已用完了〔junk〕The wordjunk is an example of the change in meaning known as generalization, and very aptly too, since the amount of junk in the world seems to be generalizing and proliferating rapidly. The Middle English wordjonk, ancestor of junk, originally had a very specific meaning restricted to nautical terminology.First recorded in 1353,the word meant "an old cable or rope.”On a sailing ship it made little sense to throw away useful materialsince considerable time might pass before one could get new supplies.Old cable was used in a variety of ways,for example, to make fenders,that is, material hung over the side of the ship to protect it from scraping other ships or wharves.Junk came to refer to this old cable as well. The big leap in meaning taken by the word seems to have occurred whenjunk was applied to discarded but useful material in general. This extension may also have taken place in a nautical context,for the earliest, more generalized use ofjunk is found in the compound junk shop, referring to a store where old materials from ships were sold.Junk has gone on to mean useless waste as well. Junk 一词是被称为词义扩大化的例子;由于世界上垃圾的数量正在迅速扩散和激增,该词词义的扩大也是很适宜的。 junk 一词源自古英语单词 jonk , 其最初的意思只限于航海术语当中。1353年首次记载下来时,该词义为“旧缆绳或旧绳子”。在帆船上,扔掉有用的东西是不明智的,因为也许要过去好长一段时间才有可能得到新的供应品。旧缆绳可用在很多不同的方面,例如用来做防撞物,即悬在船舷上保护船舷不受其它船只或码头刮擦的材料。Junk 同样也用来指旧缆绳。 当junk 普遍地被用来指丢弃了的然而有用的材料时,该词的词义发生了巨大的变化。 该词的词义延伸也可能已经出现在与航海有关的背景中,因为junk 一词最早的、更为概括性的使用是在 junk shop 这一复合词中发现的。 该词指出售船上旧材料的商店。Junk 仍继续用来指没用的废旧物品 〔resupply〕To provide with fresh supplies, as of weapons and ammunition.再供给,再供应:提供新的供应品,如武器或弹药的供应〔viand〕viands Provisions; victuals. viands 供应品;食物〔cockboat〕A small rowboat, especially one used to ferry supplies from ship to shore. Also called cockleboat 小船:一种小划艇,尤指从船到岸渡运供应品 也作 cockleboat〔wanigan〕Wanigan is apparently borrowed from Ojibwa waanikaan, "storage pit,” from the verbwaanikkee-, "to dig a hole in the ground.” Nineteenth-century citations in theOxford English Dictionary indicate that the word was then associated chiefly with the speech of Maine. It denoted a storage chest containing small supplies for a lumber camp,a boat outfitted to carry such supplies,or, as in Algonquian, the camp equipment and provisions.In Alaska, on the western edge of the vast territory inhabited by Algonquian-speaking tribes,the same word was borrowed into English to indicate a little temporary hut, usually built on a log raft to be towed to wherever men were working. According to Russell Tabbert of the University of Alaska,wanigan is still used in the northernmost regions of Alaska to mean "a small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids" to be dragged along behind a tractor train as a place for a work crew to eat and sleep. However, Tabbert notes that in southeast Alaska, where mobile homes are a common option for housing,wanigan now means an addition built onto a trailer house for extra living or storage space. Classified advertisements for trailer homes frequently mentionwanigans. Wanigan 很显然是从奥吉布瓦语 waanikdan 而来, “储物处”从动词waanikkee (意为“在地上挖洞”)而来。 牛津英语词典 里的19世纪的引文表明,该词当时主要与缅因语相连。 它指示供应木料营地用的贮物箱,载有供应品的小船,或如在阿尔贡金语中所指的宿营装备或供应品。在阿拉斯加讲阿尔贡金语部族居住的广大土地西端,该词被借入到英语中,表示一个通常是建在木筏上的临时性小屋,每当人们搬迁的时候就将其拽走。根据阿拉斯加大学的拉塞尔·泰伯特所言,wanigan 仍然用于阿拉斯加最北部地区,意为用牵引车牵引着的供一工作组食宿的“建于轮子上的小房子、工房或工棚”。 但是泰伯特指出,在阿拉斯加东南部常选择活动房作为住所,wanigan 现在的意思是供额外居住或贮存用的一个活动房屋的附加物。 关于活动房屋的分类广告经常提到wanigans 〔commissariat〕A department of an army in charge of providing food and other supplies for the troops.军粮部门:军队的一个部门,为军队提供食品和其他供应品〔provision〕Something provided.供应品:被供应的物品〔rich〕Having an abundant supply:丰富的:有丰富的供应品的:〔babble〕"In 1977[he] was thought of as crazy because he was babbling about supply side" (Newt Gingrich)"1977年[他] 被认为是疯了,因为一直在对供应品方面喋喋不休” (纽特·金里奇)〔corner〕A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.垄断:通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制〔ordnance〕variant of ordinaunce [order, military provision] * see ordinance ordinaunce的变体 [订购的货物,军队供应品] * 参见 ordinance |
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