单词 | 作用 |
释义 | 〔fibrinogen〕A protein in the blood plasma that is essential for the coagulation of blood and is converted to fibrin by the action of thrombin in the presence of ionized calcium.纤维蛋白原:一种为凝血必不可少的存在于血浆中的蛋白质,而且当存在电离出的钙时能通过凝血酶作用转化为(血)纤维蛋白〔shroud〕Something that conceals, protects, or screens:隐蔽物:可起隐藏、保护或屏护作用的某物:〔baffle〕To impede the force or movement of.阻碍:阻止…的作用或运动〔elite〕"In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them"(Times Literary Supplement)“除了社会平等概念之外还强调其中精英们和英雄们所起的作用”(时代文学增刊)〔take〕a publisher who took the editors for granted.一位低估了其编辑作用的出版商〔functor〕One that performs an operation or a function.起功能或作用的东西〔straw〕Something with too little substance to provide support in a crisis:救命稻草:在危机中几乎起不到什么帮助作用的东西:〔restorative〕Tending or having the power to restore:有恢复作用的:倾向于或有恢复能力的:〔rainbow〕An arc of all seven spectral colors appearing in the sky opposite the sun as a result of the refractive dispersion of sunlight in drops of rain or mist.彩虹:由于雨滴或雾滴对阳光有折射分光作用,使空中太阳对面出现的一道有七色光谱的弧〔Atlantean〕Of, relating to, or like Atlas, especially in having a fundamental role or great strength.阿特拉斯的:阿特拉斯的,与阿特拉斯有关的,象阿特拉斯的,尤指有重要作用或巨大力量的〔credentialism〕"Neo-liberalism made useful points in its critique of vested interests, of bureaucratic follies[and] of credentialism" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)“新自由主义在其对既得权益、官僚思想 文凭主义的批判中起了有效的作用” (小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)〔reeducate〕To retrain (a person) to function effectively; rehabilitate.改造:对(某人)重新训练从而使之能发挥有效的作用;改造〔Anthony〕American feminist leader and suffragist who was instrumental in the passage of legislation that gave married women legal rights over their children, property, and wages. In 1869 she cofounded the National Woman Suffrage Association.安东尼,苏珊·布朗内尔:(1820-1906) 美国女权主义领导者和妇女参政主义者,在通过关于给予已婚妇女对子女、财产和工资的合法权益的法案中起了很大作用。1869年她参与建立了全美妇女选举权协会〔hide〕"The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them" (Oliver Goldsmith).“言语的真正的作用并非过多地表达我们的渴求以至隐藏了它们” (奥利佛·戈尔德史密斯)。〔Leloir〕French-born Argentine biochemist. He won a 1970 Nobel Prize for the discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates.勒卢瓦尔,路易斯·费德里克:(生于 1906) 法裔阿根廷籍生物化学家。因其发现了糖核苷酸及其在碳水化合物的生物合成中所起的作用而荣获1970年诺贝尔奖〔research〕researching the effects of acid rain.研究酸雨的作用〔neuropharmacology〕The study of the action of drugs on the nervous system.神经药理学:研究药物对神经系统作用的科学〔adrenergic〕Greek ergon [work] * see werg- 希腊语 ergon [作用] * 参见 werg- 〔exaggerate〕magnifying his part in their success;过度强调他在他们成功中的作用;〔burn〕 Burn, the most general, applies to the effects of exposure to a source of heator to something that can produce a similar effect: Brun 最常见的用法是用来形容接触一个热源,或其它能产生相似效果的东西作用之后的结果: 〔apoptosis〕Disintegration of cells into membrane-bound particles that are then eliminated by phagocytosis or by shedding.细胞凋亡:细胞分解成带膜的颗粒,然后在噬菌作用或脱落作用下被清除〔Baylor〕American jurist and Baptist cleric who was instrumental in obtaining a charter for the first Baptist college in Texas, which was named in his honor.贝勒,罗伯特·埃米特·布莱得索:(1793-1873) 美国的法学家和浸信会牧师,为取得在得克萨斯州的第一所浸信会大学的创办许可证起了重要作用。因此该大学就以其名字命名〔birefringence〕The resolution or splitting of a light wave into two unequally reflected waves by an optically anisotropic medium such as calcite or quartz. Also called double refraction 双折射:视觉上各向异性的中介(如方解石或石英)的作用而使光波转变或分裂为两不等反射波 也作 double refraction〔restorative〕a restorative tonic.有恢复作用的滋补品〔Steinberger〕German-born American physicist. He shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for developing the use of a beam of neutrinos in high-energy particle research.斯泰因贝格尔,杰克:(生于 1921) 德裔美国物理学家,因在高能粒子的研究中发展了中微子束的作用而与他人共获1988年诺贝尔奖〔Fromm〕German-born American psychoanalyst who emphasized the role of social conditioning in human behavior. His books includeEscape from Freedom (1941) and The Art of Loving (1956). 弗罗姆,埃利切:(1900-1980) 生于德国的美国心理分析学家,强调在人的行为当中社会条件的作用。他的著作包括《逃离自由》 (1941年)和 《爱的艺术》 (1956年) 〔hematinic〕Acting to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.血红素的:起增加血液中血红蛋白数量作用的〔biorhythm〕An innate, cyclical biological process or function.生物节律:内在的、循环性生物学过程或作用〔radiotoxic〕the radiotoxic effects of radium on bone.镭对骨骼的放射性毒性作用〔catalysis〕The action of a catalyst, especially an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction.催化作用:催化剂的作用,尤指加快化学反应速度的〔superfluid〕A fluid, such as a liquid form of helium, exhibiting a frictionless flow at temperatures close to absolute zero.超流体:一种在温度接近绝对零度时能不受摩擦力作用而流动的流体,例如氦元素的液体状态〔Norris〕American politician. A U.S. representative (1903-1913) and senator (1913-1943) from Nebraska, he was instrumental in the founding of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1933) and drafted the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which limits the President to two full terms.诺利斯,乔治·威廉:(1861-1944) 美国政治家。他曾任美国众议院议员(1903-1913年)和内布拉斯加州参议员(1913-1943年),1933年在田纳西河流域管理局的建立中起过作用,并起草了美国宪法第二十次修正案,将总统任期限制为两个任期〔tonsil〕A small oral mass of lymphoid tissue, especially either of two such masses embedded in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and the pharynx, of uncertain function, but believed to help protect the body from respiratory infections.扁桃体:圆形团状的小淋巴细胞组织,特别指连结于口与喉开口联接处后壁上的两个这样的组织,其作用尚未完全确定,但一般认为能防止上呼吸道感染〔drastic〕Taking effect violently or rapidly:作用迅速而猛烈的:〔autolysate〕An end product of autolysis.自溶产物:自溶作用的终产物〔nephron〕Any of the numerous filtering units of the vertebrate kidney that remove waste matter from the blood.肾单位:脊椎动物肾内能将废物从血液中清除的无数个能起过滤作用的单位的任何一个〔juror〕One who serves on a deliberative body analogous to a jury.评委:与陪审团类似的起审议作用的团体中的成员〔anodyne〕A source of soothing comfort.安慰物:起安慰作用的事物〔melatonin〕A hormone derived from serotonin and produced by the pineal gland that stimulates color change in the epidermis of amphibians and reptiles but whose function in mammals is not clear.降黑素:由松果体产生且来自血清素的一种激素,能刺激两栖动物和爬行动物表皮颜色的变化,但这种激素的作用对哺乳动物不明显〔psyllium〕from Greek psullion [diminutive of] psulla [flea (from the plant's use against fleas)] 源自 希腊语 psullion psulla的小后缀 [虱子(从该植物的防虱作用而来)] |
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