单词 | 佛蒙特州 |
释义 | 〔Champlain〕A lake of northeast New York, northwest Vermont, and southern Quebec, Canada. It was the site of important battles in the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812. The region has many popular resorts.尚普兰湖:美国纽约东北部一湖泊,位于加拿大魁北克省南部佛蒙特州西北。是法国与印第安人的战争、美国革命战争、1812年战争等一系列重大战争的遗址。该地区有许多风景名胜〔Mansfield〕The highest peak, 1,339.9 m (4,393 ft), of the Green Mountains in north-central Vermont. It is a winter sports area.曼斯菲尔德峰:美国佛蒙特州中部偏北格林山脉的最高峰 ,海拔1,339.9米(4,393英尺)。该地是进行冬季运动的好去处〔Plattsburgh〕A city of extreme northeast New York on Lake Champlain northwest of Burlington, Vermont. During the War of 1812 an American fleet decisively defeated the British in a naval battle here on September 11, 1814. Population, 21,255.普拉茨堡:美国纽约州东北端一城市,位于佛蒙特州伯灵顿西北的普兰湖畔。1812年战争期间,在1814年9月11日这里发生的一场海战中,美国舰队决定性地击败了英国舰队。人口21,255〔Rutland〕A city of central Vermont south-southwest of Montpelier. There are marble quarries in the area. Population, 18,230.拉特兰:美国佛蒙特州中部一城市,位于蒙彼利埃西南偏南。此区有大理石露天矿场。人口18,230〔Montpelier〕The capital of Vermont, in the north-central part of the state. Founded in 1780, it became the state capital in 1805. Population, 8,247.蒙彼利埃:佛蒙特州首府,位于该州中北部。建于1780年,1805年成为该州首府。人口8,247〔Vermont〕A state of the northeast United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 14th state in 1791. Explored by Samuel de Champlain in 1609, the region was first permanently settled by the British in 1724. Claims to the area were relinquished by Massachusetts in 1781, New Hampshire in 1782, and New York in 1790. Montpelier is the capital and Burlington the largest city. Population, 564,964.佛蒙特州:美国东北部的一个州,与加拿大接壤。它于1791年被接受为美国的第十四个州。1609年塞缪尔·德·查普兰勘探了这个地区,1724年英国人在该地区永远定居了下来。马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和纽约州于1781年、1782年和1790年相继放弃了对这个地区的权利。该州首府为蒙彼利埃,伯林顿是最大的城市。人口564,964〔camp〕gathered branches and grasses for a makeshift camp; had a fishing camp in Vermont.收集树枝和草做一个临时小棚;在佛蒙特州有一个钓鱼的营房〔Burlington〕A city of northwest Vermont on Lake Champlain west-northwest of Montpelier. The largest city in the state, it was the site of a military and naval base during the War of 1812. Population, 39,127.伯灵顿:美国佛蒙特州西北部一城市,在蒙彼利埃西北偏西,位于的尚普兰湖边,是该州最大的城市,在1812年的战争期间曾是陆军和海军基地。人口39,127〔Stark〕American Revolutionary general who defeated the British at Bennington, Vermont (1777).斯塔克,约翰:(1728-1822) 美国独立战争将领,在佛蒙特州贝宁顿击败英军(1777年)〔Brattleboro〕A town of southeast Vermont on the Connecticut River and the New Hampshire border. It was chartered in 1753 and is now a winter resort center. Population, 11,886.布莱特尔博罗:美国佛蒙特州东南部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。人口11,886〔grant〕One of several tracts of land in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont originally granted to an individual or a group.赠予地:新罕布什尔州,缅因州和佛蒙特州几块授予个人或团体的土地中的一块〔include〕New England comprises (not includes ) Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 新英格兰包括(不是 includes ) 康涅狄格州,罗德岛州,马萨诸塞州,佛蒙特州,新罕布什尔州和缅因州。 |
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