单词 | 但仍 |
释义 | 〔healthy〕"He is pretty well advanced in years, but hale, robust, and florid" (Tobias Smollett).“他年纪虽相当大了但仍很健壮、结实且脸色红润” (托比亚斯·斯摩莱特)。〔dormant〕"a harrowing experience which . . . lay dormant but still menacing"(Charles Jackson)“埋在心底令人痛苦但仍有威胁的经历”(查尔斯·杰克逊)〔live〕Not yet exploded but capable of being fired:尚未引爆的:未爆炸但仍可引爆的:〔force〕a retired senator who is still a force in national politics.已退休但仍在国家政治事务中举足轻重的议员〔curmudgeon〕The etymology of the wordcurmudgeon has eluded us for at least two centuries, although some lexicographers have thought the solution was at hand, one to his embarrassment.When Samuel Johnson stated in his famous dictionary of 1755 thatcurmugeon "is a vicious manner of pronouncing c÷ur méchant, Fr. an unknown correspondent,” he was giving credit to an anonymous writer for the statement thatcurmudgeon came from French c÷ur, "heart,” and méchant, "evil.” Another lexicographer, John Ash, following in Johnson's tracks though none too carefully,gave the etymology a bit differently in his dictionary of 1775:"from the Frenchc÷ur unknown, and mechant a correspondent"; thus misinterpreting Johnson's attribution as a gloss for the French.Although its origin is unknown,curmudgeon has been around for some time, being first recorded in a work published in 1577. 单词curmudgeon 的词源已经使我们困惑了至少有两个世纪, 虽然有些词典的编辑者已经认为快找到解决方式了,但仍使某些人局促不安。当塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的举世闻名的1755年词典中指出Curmugeon “是对 cour mechant 这一法语词语的错误发音方式(它意指不知名的通讯记者)”时, 他认同一位不署名作家认为curmudgeon 一词来自法语 cour “心”和 mechant “罪恶”的陈述是正确的。 另一个名叫约翰·艾什的词典编辑者承袭了约翰逊的思路,但他也并非很严格地遵循,在他的1775年词典中对该词源作了稍有差别的解释: “从法语cour (不知名的)和 mechant (一名通讯记者)而来”; 由此他误解了约翰逊对于法语的译注。虽然该词词源未知,curmudgeon 已有了一定的历史,它首次被记录于1577年出版的一部作品中 〔toxoid〕A substance that has been treated to destroy its toxic properties but retains the capacity to stimulate production of antitoxins, used in immunization.类毒素:经过处理后已消除其毒素特性的一种物质,但仍保留有激发产生抗毒素的能力,用于免疫中〔Converso〕A Spanish or Portuguese Jew who converted outwardly to Christianity in the late Middle Ages so as to avoid persecution or expulsion, though often continuing to practice Judaism in secret.康法索:西班牙或葡萄牙的犹太人,他在中世纪时外在上改信基督教来逃避迫害或驱除,但仍常常秘密地在继续奉行犹太教〔hold〕Into a state of temporary interruption without total disconnection during a telephone call:中断:打电话时短暂打断但仍接通的状态:〔pledge〕A person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar organization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated.立誓入会的人:已经被兄弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人〔albeit〕clear albeit cold weather.虽然天冷但仍很晴朗〔Gaza〕A city of southwest Asia in theGaza Strip, a narrow coastal area along the Mediterranean Sea adjoining Israel and Egypt. The territory was part of the British mandate for Palestine (1917-1948), passed to Egypt in 1949, and was occupied by Israel in 1967. Palestinian autonomy was promised in the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty but has not yet been achieved. The city of Gaza was one of the five major Philistine city-kingdoms. Population, 118,272. 加沙:西南亚一城市,位于加沙走廊, 一狭窄沿海区,沿地中海分布,靠近以色列和埃及。其领土原是英国一部分,授权巴勒斯坦人管理(1917-1948年),1949年转给埃及,1967年被以色列占领。巴勒斯坦人的独立建国在1979年两伊协定中有了许诺,但仍未实现。加沙城是5个主要非利人城邦国之一。人口118,272 〔Arkhangelsk〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the Northern Dvina River near its mouth on the White Sea. Although icebound much of the year, it is a leading port and can generally be opened to navigation by icebreakers. Population, 408,000.阿尔汉格尔斯克:苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于北德维纳河靠近该河在白海的入海处。虽然每年大部分时间为冰封期,但仍是一主要港口,一般由破冰船破冰通航。人口408,000〔nonstandard〕The termnonstandard was introduced by linguists and lexicographers to describe usages and language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar and illiterate. Nonstandardis not simply a euphemism but reflects the empirical discoverythat the varieties used by low-prestige groups have rich and systematic grammatical structuresand that their stigmatization more often reflects a judgment about their speakersrather than any inherent deficiencies in logic or expressive power.Note, however, that the use of nonstandard forms is not necessarily restricted to the communities with which they are associated in the public mind.Many educated speakers freely use forms such ascan't hardly or ain't I to set a popular or informal tone. · Some dictionaries use the termsubstandard to describe forms, such asain't, associated with uneducated speech, while reservingnonstandard for forms such as irregardless, which are common in writingbut are still regarded by many as uneducated.Butsubstandard is itself susceptible of disparaging interpretation, and most linguists and lexicographers now use onlynonstandard, the practice followed in this Dictionary.词条nonstandard 被语言学家和词典编辑人引进用来描述以前已被词条,例如 vulgar 和 illiterate归类的用法和语言种类。 Nonstandand不只是委婉的说法, 而且反映了凭经验得到的发现:被具有权威的群体所用的语种有丰富而且系统的语法结构,而且这些误解被轻蔑描绘更经常地反映了对其说话者的判断,而不是对任何天生的逻辑和表达力的缺乏。然而,要注意,非标准语形式的运用并不必要限制于在公众心目中与其所联系的团体。许多受过教育的说话者自由地用这些形式如can't hardly 或者 ain't I 说流行或非正式的句子。 有些字典用substandard 来描述此类形式, 如ain't, 并与未受教育的言语相联系, 而同时保留nonstandard 用来形容 irregardless 这一类形式, 这些形式普遍用于写作中,但仍被许多人认为是未受教育的用法。但是substandard 本身很容易引起贬低含义的翻译, 大多数语言学家和词典编辑现在只用nonstandard, 在此词典后边有练习〔emerita〕A woman who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休妇女:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的妇女〔emeritus〕One who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休者:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的人〔Mozarab〕One of a group of Spanish Christians who adopted certain aspects of Arab culture under Moslem rule but practiced a modified form of Christian worship.莫扎勒布:穆斯林统治时期的一些西班牙基督教徒,他们采用穆斯林戒律统辖的阿拉伯文化的某些方面但仍按修改过的基督教徒方式做礼拜〔process〕In recent yearsthere has been a tendency to pronounce the plural ending-es of processes as (-ēz), perhaps by analogy with words of Greek origin such asanalysis and neurosis. Butprocess is not of Greek origin, and there is no etymological justification for this pronunciation of its plural.The pronunciation may someday become so widespread as to be a standard variant,but it still strikes some listeners as a bungled affectation.近年来,有把processes 的复数词尾 -es 读成(-ez)的趋势, 这也许与源于希腊语的词analysis 和 neurosis 相似。 但是process 不是来源于希腊语, 因此从词源学的角度来说,其复数形式不应这么发音。或许有一天这种发音会被广泛采用而成为标准的变体,但仍有一些人听了这种发音后会觉得这是一种拙劣的矫揉造作〔Wilhelmina〕Queen of the Netherlands (1890-1948) who sought refuge in England during World War II but continued to encourage the Dutch resistance. In 1948 she abdicated in favor of her daughter Juliana.威廉敏娜:荷兰女王(1890—1948年),第二次世界大战时在英国避难但仍坚持鼓励荷兰人抵抗外侮。1948年让位给她的女儿朱丽安娜〔coroner〕Coroner comes from Anglo-Norman corouner, a word derived fromcoroune, "crown.” Corouner was the term used for the royal judicial officer who was called in Latin custos placitorum coronae, or "guardian of the crown's pleas.” The person holding the office of coroner, a position dating from the 12th century, was charged with keeping local records of legal proceedings in which the crown had jurisdiction.He helped raise money for the crown by funneling the property of executed criminals into the king's treasury.The coroner also investigated any suspicious deaths among the Normans,who as the ruling class wanted to be sure that their deaths were not taken lightly. At one time in England all criminal proceedings were included in the coroner's responsibilities.Over the years these responsibilities decreased markedly,but coroners have continued to display morbid curiosity.In the United States, where there is no longer the crown, a coroner's main duty is the investigation of any sudden, violent, or unexpected death that may not have had a natural cause.Coroner 一词来源于盎格鲁-诺曼底语中的 corouner , 是从coroune “王冠”变来的。 Corouner 是皇家司法官,在拉丁语叫 custos placitorum coronae 或“国王请求的保护者。” 起源于12世纪的这一职位,当时负责记录当地的国王具有裁判权的法律程序。持这一职位者通过收集死刑犯的财产入国库来为国王聚殓钱财。他也负责调查诺曼底人中任何可疑的死亡。因诺曼底人是统治阶级,他们希望确知他们的死没有被轻看。在英国曾由验尸官一度负责罪犯的全部事务。随着时间推移。这些责任明显减少,但仍继续显示对死亡的调查的兴趣。在美国,已不再有国王,验尸官的主要任务是调查任何突发的、剧烈的或预料不到的,大概无自然原因的死亡〔Zeeland〕A historical region of southwest Netherlands bordering on Belgium and the North Sea. Part of Holland after the tenth century, it later became a separate county but continued to be ruled by the counts of Holland.泽兰:荷兰西南部一历史地区,它与比利时和北海相临,10世纪后成为荷兰的一部分,后来成为独立的郡,但仍受荷兰伯爵的统治〔emerita〕Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement. Used of a woman:荣誉退休的:退休但仍在荣誉上保持有退休前所拥有的职位。用于指妇女:〔thusly〕Thusly was introduced in the 19th century as an alternative for thus in sentences such asHold it thus or He put it thus. The increasingly literary character of such uses ofthus may have facilitated coinage of the new adverbthusly, particularly by poorly educated speakers who were straining for a stylish effect.Early citations for the word indicate clear association with rustic or illiterate speech,and though the word has subsequently gained some currency in educated usage,it is still widely regarded as incorrect.In an earlier surveythe use of the word was judged unacceptable by a large majority of the Usage Panel.In formal writingthus can still be used as in the examples above; in other styles,expressions such asthis way and like this are more natural. Thusly 在19世纪时被作为 thus 的替代语使用, 如用在 Hold it thus 或 He put it thus 等句中。 thus 这些用法日益具有书面语的特点, 这可能促成了一个新的副词thusly 的产生, 这对那些受教育程度不高但又尽量追求文采的人尤其有用。这个词的早期引用清楚地表明了它与乡村或文盲语言的联系,尽管后来它在受教育的人中得以一定传播,但仍被普便认为是一种不正确的用法。早期进行的一次调查中,用法委员会小组绝大多数都认为这个词的使用是不能接受的。在正式的文字中,thus 这个词仍然能用于上面所举的例子; 在其它风格的作品中,this way 和 like this 等表达方式更为普遍 〔origin〕"Man with all his noble qualities . . . still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin" (Charles Darwin).Whenorigin refers to people, it means parentage or ancestry: “人尽管有着他所有的高贵品质…但仍在其身上有出身低微的抹不掉的烙印” (查尔斯·达尔文)。当origin 指人时,它的意思是父母双亲或出身: 〔morph〕A phoneme or sequence of phonemes that is assumed to be an allomorph though its assignment to a particular morpheme has not been established.一个音素或一列连续音素,尽管它对于某一特定词素的搭配还未确立,但仍被认为是一语素变体〔semiabstract〕Of or relating to an art form characterized by stylized but recognizable subject matter.半抽象的:一种以风格化但仍可辨认的主题为特征的艺术形式的或与之相关的〔moxie〕"His prose has moxie, though it rushes and stumbles from a pent-up surge"(Patricia Hampl)“虽然他的散文由于压抑的激情时而文思流畅时而晦涩不通,但仍充满活力”(帕特里西亚·汉普尔)〔supernormal〕Greatly exceeding the normal or average but still obeying natural laws.超常的:超出一般但仍遵循自然法则的〔emeritus〕Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement:荣誉退休的:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位:〔overdue〕Expected or required but not yet having come about.期待发生的:被期望或要求但仍未发生的〔trace〕Despite his excellent English,he still retains the faint trace of a French accent.他的英语尽管十分出色,但仍带有淡淡一丝法国口音。〔parallel〕In its mathematical usageparallel is an absolute term— two lines either do or do not intersect—and as such does not admit of qualification as to degree.Some grammarians have arguedthat this restriction should apply as well to nontechnical uses of the word.According to this logic,one may not sayThe two roads have been made more parallel, except perhaps as a loose way of saying what is rendered more precisely by expressions such asmore nearly parallel. Like the analogous objection that has been made to the comparison ofequal, the point betrays a misconception about the relation between mathematical concepts and their ordinary-language equivalents.Applied to objects in the world,parallel can only denote a rough approximation to a geometric ideal. A pair of rails or parked cars cannot be truly parallel in the mathematician's sense of the termbut only more or less so,just as a road or shelf cannot be truly straight in the geometric sensebut nonetheless may be described as very straight or relatively straight.The grammarians' compunctions make even less sense when applied to metaphorical uses ofparallel, as inThe difficulties faced by the Republicans are quite parallel to those that confronted the Democrats four years ago, in which the intended meaning has nothing to do with the possibility of intersectionbut instead suggests the structural correspondence of two distinct situations.In this sense, parallelism is clearly a matter of degreeand the wordparallel can be modified accordingly. See Usage Note at equal ,perfect ,unique 在数学用法中,parallel 是一个绝对的表达法—— 两条线要么相交,要么就不相交——它既没有限定性也没有程度差别。一些语法学家曾提出,这种限制也应该适用于该词在非科技方面的用法,按照这种逻辑,人们不能说这两条路已被修得更加平行了, 除非作为用例如更接近于平行 这样的表达方法更精确地表示的东西的不够精确的说出方法。 象对equal 的比较所做的类似反对一样, 这个观点使数学概念与普通用语中等价词之间的关系引起误解。当运用到世间的实物时,parellel 仅能指与几何理想状态大致接近的状况。 一对铁轨或停放的车辆不可能按数学家对于这个术语的理解来真正地相互并行,而不过是大致平行而已,正如公路和架子不可能是真正几何意义上的笔直,但仍可被描绘成很直的或相对而言的笔直。在用到parallel 的比喻用法时,语法学家的不安就更显得意义不大了, 例如:共和党人所面临的重重困难与四年前民主党人遇到的困难十分相似, 在这句话中,该词的引申意义与相交的可能性毫无关系,然而它暗指了两种不同情况结构上的一致。在此意义上,相似性明显是程度的问题,相应地,parallel 一词也能被其它词限定修饰了。 参见 equal,perfect,unique〔undead〕No longer living but supernaturally animated, as a zombie.不死的:已经死亡但仍拥有超自然的生命力,如僵尸 |
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